Chapter 288: The Cursed Harbor of Death (Middle)

There is something wrong with Fox's story. In fact, he started to doubt after Founder heard Nimf's claim that the illusion was a magic item.
He wasn't skeptical of Fox lying, but the story itself ... ... there was something wrong.
If you think about it, the most inconsistent part of this story is that someone transported a lot of treasures in Golden Bay, but instead of hiding them, they placed them directly on the dock for everyone to see. is it possible? Even the stupid young lady knows that money is not exposed. Will a group of crew members who can get so much wealth in a big sailing adventure behave like such an idiot?
And most importantly, in the end, the story didn't say where the fleet was going and who it was. Although this may be for the artistic effect of the story, leave a suspense. However, Founder always felt that things didn't seem so simple, especially after learning from Nimf that there was a magic item that could generate powerful illusions, he had a feeling that it was all designed.
Only at present, Founder has not found the magic item, and he does not know the ins and outs of the matter, but he always has a feeling that the tragedy of the Dead Soul Bay at that time must be separated from the magic item that Nimf can sense and can create illusion Can't be related.
And at this moment, suddenly Culia's voice came from the Founder's ear.
"Look, Nanali, there's a big pearl over there!"
"Just ... hey?"
Founder turned his head and saw that Culiya was excitedly pointing to a pool not far away—of course there were no ghosts in it.
"Why not? I just saw it clearly ..."
"Do you have anything now?"
Founder glanced at the confused Culiya before looking at the three young girls around him, all of them shaking their heads.
"I don't see any jewelry, my elder brother."
"There is nothing unusual on the radar, master."
"Be careful."
Hearing this, Founder has a bottom in his heart, he raised his voice and said to the others.
"A large-scale illusion is applied here. You must be careful. You must know that what you see is not necessarily true. Do you understand?"
Hearing this, Ogrand couldn't help shaking her body either. She looked around vigilantly, then accelerated her pace and followed behind Fang Zheng and others. She knows how powerful illusions are. In the upper circles, illusions are also often used as entertainment or entertainment. It can immerse people in endless happiness and make their dreams come true. Although O'Grand has always looked down on these illusions, how terrible they are. The elders of his own family have ordered them. Ogran was not a mage or a warrior, and it was most rude to take such a thing that would deceive others.
But soon, O'Grand turned his ears to the side, showing a look of doubt.
"Hey ... you guys, do you hear anything?"
Hearing Ogran's words, the crowd froze, and Founder frowned and listened. Sure enough, not far away, there seemed to be a faint sound of staggered cups and noise, and it felt as if not far away was a lively place like a tavern. But ... there should be no one here.
"Fang, Mr. Founder!"
At this moment, Culiya and Nanali also came back pale, it's no wonder, there are white bones everywhere, just looking at them is very infiltrating. Suddenly, it still appears like this ...
"Everyone should be careful not to run around.
When he heard this voice, Fang Zheng was also pale, and then he reached out and put on a protective barrier. However, Founder also knows that this kind of thing is not useful for illusion. Illusion is different from enchantment. The latter is more similar to hypnosis. As long as you wake up the subject or have been prepared, you can resist it. But the former is more similar to panoramic VR. It does not act directly on you, but creates an illusion that makes your senses feel real. This magical spell is irresistible unless you break it down completely.
Judging from the fact that this magic item can cover such a large area of ​​sea, its illusion effect may have reached the level of the Ninth Ring or even the legend, which indicates that this is likely to be an artifact or magic artifact. For Founder, this is a very rare experience. He has continued to come to the main world. The only artifact he has ever seen is the sword of the Knight of Castina. The result has not been seen clearly. It was recovered by the goddess of order.
Although Founder now has treasures such as "zero-time fans" and "forbidden whip", he does not know how much these treasures can play in the main world. At present, he has a chance to get an artifact. Naturally this opportunity will not be missed.
As the crowd approached, the loud noises became clearer.
"Hey guys, what good thing did you get today?"
"The handsome guy over there? Would you like to come in for a drink?"
"Get out of here! Don't get in the way!"
"Damn, what the are you doing !!!"
If you just close your eyes and listen to all this, it will only make you feel that you are on a downtown street. But when you open your eyes and see only the bones and ruins, then the sounds appearing in your ears are a bit chilling.
"Fang, Mr. Founder, let's go back ..."
At this moment, Cullia and Nanali had been hugging tightly together, and although Miss Ogland beside them was also pale, they did not know whether it was because of the nobility's pride or because they did not want to lose face in front of Fang She managed to hold on. Even so, she quietly approached Hekaty.
Anyway, in this environment, a priest is always reassuring.
"It seems like some sort of illusion ..."
Fang Zheng became cautious at the moment. He could clearly hear the sound of the truck trying the street in his ear, and even heard a horse snoring not far from him—as if there was a real one there. Like a horse!
Suddenly, there was a rush of footsteps from behind the crowd, which also caused Fang Zheng and others to turn their heads and looked behind them—there was nothing there, of course, but at this moment, the sound in their ears, but Suddenly something changed.
"What's going on? What do those soldiers want?"
"Wait, over the square ... no good, run away! Ahhhhh!"
"You bastards, do you know who I am? I dare to do it here!"
"Shao, there are orders on it. Anyone who tries to seize the goods will be killed!"
"Nonsense, obviously you want to swallow these treasures ........."
"Kill — !!!!"
"Run —!"
For a moment, the noisy but peaceful voice in everyone's ears suddenly turned into a heart-warming slaughter ~ ~ roaring and screaming. The sound of sword collision, the sound of magic explosion, and the sorrow and screaming before death. It makes everyone feel like they are in the battlefield. It is even more trembling to match the bones and wreckage around them.
"Mr. Founder ..."
At this moment Cullia and Nanali couldn't even walk.
"Here, there won't be any ghosts here ..."
"I didn't feel the breath of the dead, it was just a voice."
As a former "Paladin", Founder is still very familiar with this aspect. Although these sounds sound terrifying, he can feel that there is no breath of necromancy here. But even so, Culiya and Nanali were still scared.
"But, I can't move anymore ... Mr. Fang Zheng, my legs are beginning to soften ..."
Although the two little girls looked pitiful, Founder just shrugged his shoulders and walked forward. Tiriya glanced at them with a smile, followed closely, and watched the sound of the crowds leaving. Culiya and Nanali looked at each other helplessly, and could only support each other and move forward. . Otherwise, I am afraid it will be more dangerous.
There were constant killing shouts along the way. From these shouts, everyone has roughly guessed that these sounds are probably from the massacre that Captain Fox said before. Even if you can't see any pictures, these sounds alone are enough to make people feel terrified and trembling.
It ’s strange ...
Walking in front, Fang Zheng frowned while listening carefully to the shout from his ear.
Originally he came here to take an adventure just because of curiosity, but now the Founder is showing up, this place is getting weirder!
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