Chapter 319: This is the power of the guardian of the earth!

Almost just in a blink of an eye, those humans were in trouble.
The fire dragon's attack came so suddenly that they didn't even have time to respond, and they were directly surrounded by the blazing flames in the field. After the fire dragon intercepted the retreat of the prey, the fire dragon began to circle at low altitudes, trying to hunt.
But Founder certainly won't let it succeed.
A thunder that fell from the sky hit the fire dragon's body almost instantly. With everyone's surprised attention, I saw that fire dragon was directly hit by the thunder and lightning, followed by countless lightnings like spears. It flew over, nailing the fire dragon to the ground, and the fire dragon that was hit hard was barely struggling, and then slowly fell to the ground softly, without movement.
Seeing this scene, everyone was stunned, and then the headed man rushed to the side and opened a roulette with a strong spin. Then he saw the squeaking with the current, and soon, the original field The burning flame was extinguished. At the same time, Founder slowly fell down, watching them curiously.
"Ah ......... I didn't expect to meet a group of mortals here. It seems that your vitality is as tough as a mouse ..."
Looking at the Founder who appeared in front of them, those humans all showed their fear expressions, and even a few people passed out without a word. The headed man also clenched a weapon that looked like a crossbow in his hand and stared at Fangzheng deadly. After a moment, he asked with a quivering voice.
"You, you are the 'Guardian of the Earth' Nesario?"
"Yes, it's me."
Founder was not surprised that the other party recognized himself. In fact, on the way here, he has saved many humans attacked by fire dragons, but when fighting with fire dragons in front of humans, Founder will basically not pounce and bite, but will use plastic energy magic Carry out an attack.
As a human, of course, Founder certainly knows how to make humans awe. If you pounce like a beast, it may be scary, but it will not make humans respect and fear you. After all, it is not a day or two for humans to face beasts that are stronger than them. From ancient times, those primitive people dared to kill mammoths with spears. Even in this era, these people will not succumb to the fire dragon. under. Therefore, if you only show super power, in the eyes of human beings, the so-called "Guardian of the Earth" is just a beast stronger than a fire dragon.
However, dragons capable of manipulating elemental powers are different.
The ability to manipulate lightning, flames, storms, and currents at will is just like the real dragon in human cognition. It's not waste that just spits fire.
Therefore, every time Founder attacks the dragon group in front of humans, he will cast a variety of plasticizing spells to let them see their own power. Because of this, these humans will not doubt their identities or think about things that they should not consider.
It is thought that these rumors have already spread among human settlements, so these people will recognize their identities.
"Oh my ... I thought it was just a rumor ..."
Looking at the Founder in front of him, one of the men trembled and murmured to himself. Then he rushed out of the crowd and fell to his knees in front of the Founder.
"Master Nesario, are you here to save us?"
"I'm just here to destroy the pests that endanger this land."
Fang Zheng tapped the little fire dragon on his back, narrowing his eyes and glancing at the people in front of him.
"By the way, I have something to ask you mortals."
"......... what do you command?"
Hearing here, the headed man swallowed saliva, he glanced at the crossbow in his hand, and lowered it.
"According to my investigation, there should be a leader among these humble reptiles."
Founder once again showed the momentum of Nesario.
"In the futuristic hunch of the future, I saw its existence, and it should be here, this place of cursed beginning. So, mortals, do you have any clues? About this place of origin, Regarding those reptiles, where did they come from? "
"I, I know !!!"
Hearing Fang Zheng's inquiry, the headed man hesitated, then hurriedly looked up at Fang Zheng.
"I know ... in London, there is a very powerful fire dragon ... it is very powerful, more powerful than other fire dragons I have ever seen! And, I can guarantee, that's where these fire dragons first appeared!"
After hearing the man's answer, Founder nodded with satisfaction.
"Which direction?"
"over there………"
The man reached out and pointed southwest, then hesitated, but still said nothing.
"Your soul is funny, mortal."
Fang Zheng glanced at him, and then withdrew his gaze. As a dragon of time, he could feel that this man had some inseparable connection with the timeline of the world, more precisely, the beginning of all these destruction. However, Founder was too lazy to care about these issues. Now that he has got the answers, the next thing he needs to do is very clear.
Thinking of this, Founder spread his wings, flickered twice, and then flew into the air.
"Since you have given me what I want to know, then I won't give you a reward ..."
Everyone was stunned when they heard Fang Zheng's words, but they hadn't waited for them to say anything. The scene before them made everyone stunned.
I saw the fields that had been burnt and burned by the flames of the fire dragon and turned into ashes around them. At this moment, there is another scene. The turquoise that had been burnt and disappeared reappeared, and the buds engulfed in the flames regained their vitality. Everything is reversed, resurrected before them.
"Oh, God…………!!!"
Looking at the scene in front of them, the crowd widened their eyes in surprise, and some even wept with joy, and couldn't stop crossing their chests.
The scene in front of me is already beyond the imagination of everyone, this is simply a miracle!
Could this be the power of the Earth Guardian?
However, when everyone came back from excitement and excitement, they were surprised to find that in front of them ~ ~ the huge black dragon had long disappeared.
After determining the direction, Founder took the little fire dragon and flew in the direction of London without hesitation. His hunch had told him that this was the right choice, and the "staple food" he needed was there!
The wind screamed, and Founder flew out of the clouds. What greeted him was a huge city that had already been ruined, with countless fire dragons inhabiting it. This once dazzling city has now become the lair of the beast.
Perceiving the arrival of the Founder, countless fire dragons raised their heads and looked into the sky, watching the dark shadow falling from the sky, and made an angry roar.
In the face of these fire dragons, Founder just smiled coldly.
"So, let's start the last meal now!"
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