Chapter 3157: Tracking (this cat’s coat color is black and white)

For the memories of the past happy land, this is indeed a fresh impact, and for Qiyana and others, they have also been well exercised. After all, the fight with Fang Zheng was too unchallenging. Basically, they had to wait for death as soon as Fang Zheng shot. The difference was who could support it for a while.
To put it bluntly, when fighting with Fang Zheng, the only thing they inspire is the desire to survive, not the desire to win...
Of course this is not possible.
This is also one of the reasons why Founder chose the Paradise of the Past. Although it is said that the desire to survive can indeed increase the strength, it will not work if you can't always win. Players are not masochists. What is the long loss?
Let's adjust the difficulty level for them.
On the other side, Fang Zheng also had a meeting with Einstein and others, gathering Cang Xuan, Dan Zhu, Einstein, Tesla and other research scholars from the previous era and this era, as well as from the sky. The information obtained from the people gave a deep understanding and discussion of the entire collapse and the nature of the world.
After this time of discussion, the two sides have gradually reached a consensus.
"So, the current keywords are the sea of ​​quantum, the tree of imaginary numbers, and collapse."
Fang Zheng stared at the meeting minutes before him, then looked at the four people in front of him.
According to the conclusion that everyone has reached after discussing it is this-this world was originally the world of the quantum sea, and then a tree sprouted, it thrived in the quantum sea, and absorbed the power of the quantum sea, and these forces allowed The tree grew slowly, and then it blossomed and bear fruit.
This is the tree of imaginary numbers, or just call it the world tree.
And what blossoms and bears fruit is a civilized world.
However, this has its limits.
As we all know, there is a phenomenon in horticulture, that is, most fruit trees bloom far more flowers than the final fruit. If there are too many flowers and fruits, the supply of nutrients will be in short supply, and the normal development of the fruit will be affected, which will result in unsatisfactory ripeness of the fruit, and even weaken the fruit tree itself, making the tree vulnerable to diseases and insect pests.
Therefore, fruit farmers will artificially remove some excessive flowers and young fruits to ensure that the fruit trees can produce high-quality fruits and sustained high yields.
If understood from this perspective, then the collapse consciousness is equivalent to a "fruit grower" who is responsible for removing excess flowers and fruits from the imaginary tree to ensure that the imaginary tree can grow healthily and continue to produce high yields.
Then the next question is, how to judge a "fruit" is worth keeping?
This is obviously not a sufficient standard, but the record of the heavenly man gave Fang Zheng and others to look at this matter from another angle-that is, to take nutrients from other worlds and strengthen themselves.
According to the records of the heavenly man, when a certain fruit is sufficiently mature, it will fall off the tree of imaginary numbers and become an independent and complete world. It can even fall into the quantum sea and become the second world tree. This is also one of the reasons why the heavenly people will attack and plunder the collapse of other civilizations. They hope to use this method to grow their own world, and eventually let it "rip down" one day, and then form a new world in the quantum sea. .
However, this theory also has a problem, that is...
"If you follow this theory, then your world should also be attacked by collapse."
Einstein raised this question. After all, if this theory holds true, then the world where Founder and them live should also be the fruit of a world tree. But the world that Founder was in before was not like this world, and it had encountered disasters such as collapse.
"This is just theory. If we practice it, then we still have to go to the quantum sea again to observe the tree of imaginary numbers."
Founder spread his hands.
"It's not difficult for me. After all, it's just a dimensional improvement, but for you... I'm afraid it's a bit difficult."
"It's just..."
Hearing this, the corner of Tesla's eyes twitched, so Xuan didn't complain.
It is impossible for low-dimensional organisms to observe the high-dimensional world. This is the iron law. It is impossible to observe the three-dimensional world in the two-dimensional world, and it is impossible to observe the four-dimensional world in the three-dimensional world. It may be possible to "guess" through calculations and certain formulas, but you will never be able to observe it with the naked eye.
Of course, it is not impossible.
For example... the last ancient BUFF or something.
Assuming that the tree of imaginary numbers really exists, then using normal methods, I am afraid that humans will not be able to really see it for a lifetime. Because a tree that can nurture countless worlds must be located in a high-dimensional world. What humans can find is the projection of the imaginary tree on this plane, not itself.
Just like no matter how hard the people on paper work hard, it is impossible to interfere with the existence in the real world.
And the only person who can do this is Fang Zheng himself. After all, strictly speaking, his current appearance can be regarded as a shadow projected from a high-dimensional world, which is of the same origin as the tree of imaginary numbers. Therefore, only Founder can freely shuttle between high and low dimensions, and no one else has this ability.
But there is no way to say that there is no way, that is, to create a similar hyperspace tunnel, and upgrade it to a high-latitude space in a short time, so as to observe the low-latitude space.
It's just that... Founder doubted that if they were asked to do this, the end of the game would be to clear the value of SAN directly.
After all, the essence of ancient gods’ blessing is to grant the ability to observe high-dimensional space.
And basically those who have this ability... are crazy.
If this hypothesis is true, then they have a way to solve the problem of collapse currently facing mankind.
That is-transplantation and planting.
If each world is really a fruit, then the best way is to pick it, then take it away, and throw it somewhere in the Quantum Sea to let it grow.
In this way, the world itself will grow from a seed to a world tree, as the main absorber of nutrients, naturally there is no need to worry about collapse.
The premise is that Benghuai only stares at this world tree, otherwise Fang Zheng will only be able to smash the fruit farmer's home.
If these assumptions are true, then everyone will have to face another problem.
That is-how to deal with the world of other fruits on the same branch.
Nourishment is something you have and I don't have, otherwise the people in the sky will not deliberately seize the power and collapse of the civilized world. Einstein and Tesla didn't want to follow the old path of the heavenly man, and maintain their own world by destroying other civilized worlds and seizing energy, but the ideals are beautiful, and the reality is cruel. Everyone also had differences on how to do this.
Cang Xuan believes that we should hurry up and grow this world, and then wait until this world matures before letting Fang Zheng take it away and plant it elsewhere in the Quantum Sea.
But Danzhu thinks this method is too slow. She thinks that she should take the initiative to find an "evil civilization" like the man in the sky, and then eradicate it. After all, since there is a man in the sky, it means that there will be a man in the sky. Second, by absorbing these aggressive civilizational energies, on the one hand, you can expand your own world, and on the other hand, you can also weaken the dangers faced by other weaker worlds.
Einstein considered a comprehensive transformation of the entire world. In her view, the safety of the world is the most important. If the disintegration consciousness cannot be eliminated, then no matter what they do, it will be a waste of effort, so Einstein believed that he should first strengthen himself, even if he sacrificed one or two world fragments for this.
Her reason is also very simple. Those world fragments are just fragments and do not have the ability to grow into fruits.
Tesla felt that the culprit was the collapse of consciousness. She insisted that the collapse of consciousness should be killed first, and then discuss how to preserve the continuation of the world. Instead of thinking about growing yourself in the current crisis-ridden situation-after all, the collapse of consciousness is that the gardener is just a speculation. What if someone is not a gardener, but a thief hiding in the orchard waiting to steal the fruit?
Everyone insists on their own words, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com couldn't convince anyone. In the end, they still looked towards Fang Zheng.
"Yucheng, it's up to you to decide, what are you going to do?"
Tesla asked angrily, while Fang Zheng stroked his chin and thought about it.
"I think... we can first separate the main goals and the secondary goals, and then complete them one by one... In this regard, I agree with Tesla. We don't know whether the collapse of consciousness itself is a fruit grower or a thief, but we can To be sure, it poses a threat to the world. Therefore, eliminating the collapse of consciousness is still the top priority at present. As for other aspects, we can slowly study in this process."
Having said this, Fang Zheng stood up.
"In fact, I have the best of both worlds."
Looking at the four girls in front of him, Fang Zheng said.
"The best of both worlds?"
"Yes, during this period of time, the collapse of consciousness should not dare to attack this world again, at least until it is sure that it will not be invaded by me again, and we can take this opportunity to open the channel to the quantum sea. , And then follow our branch to find the root of the imaginary tree. If I guess it’s correct, the collapse consciousness should be hidden in the imaginary tree. And in this process, we should be able to encounter several The world bubble, we can determine our final course by observing their development."
Said this, Fang Zheng also spread his hands.
"And I can just find a way to return to our world in this process, how about? I think this is a good proposal."
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