Chapter 3180: The collapsed universe

For the girls, this is just a small episode in the journey, and on the other side, Founder also parsed the coordinates and decoded it, and then jumped through the astral world again-to the core area of ​​the imaginary tree.
When the brilliance flashed by, what appeared in front of everyone was the endless universe.
"This is the edge of the central area."
Fang Zheng looked at the screen in front of him with a solemn expression. When he got the coordinates before, Fang Zheng investigated it.
The result is really... quite not optimistic.
This world bubble is almost like the cancerous organs of patients with advanced cancer, almost completely corroded by collapse.
So they only need to jump in from the edge, and then first observe the collapse of the world, and then decide how to advance.
"Release the beacon immediately and search the surroundings."
Following Fang Zheng's order, the Blue Fleet immediately released the beacons to scan the surrounding area. It didn't take long before Fang Zheng and others received the news.
"Report, the collapse energy response is found in D3 area! It has been locked!"
"Pass the image."
Before long, the picture flashed in front of everyone, and then, a huge...I don't know what it was, appeared on the picture.
"Wow, what is this?"
Seeing this, Dan Zhu suddenly screamed, and Tesla was also dumbfounded.
"This is Benghui Beast?"
What I saw on the screen was a huge cocoon-like object. Its exterior color looked like a fleshy ball. It was moving forward in space. Apart from that, it was a huge monster with a body length of nearly 1KM. The Blue Fleet could be considered to be in the ranks.
"Can the collapse beasts of this world survive in the universe?"
Einst frowned, his expression serious.
"Speaking of which, what is that?"
Akane Xinjo pointed curiously to the small blue light spot beside the giant collapsed beast. Soon, the lens zoomed in closer, and several things that looked like robots appeared in it.
"This is the way this world fights against collapse?"
Looking at the robot in front of him, there was no fluctuation in Fang Zheng's heart. This thing was not like Gundam, sharp-headed, but it was still a humanoid robot...Forget it, he didn't bother to complain. The question now is, how does this sharp-pointed robot fight such a huge collapse beast?
"The robot..."
Xin Tiao Qian blinked her eyes curiously and looked at Fang Zheng.
"Speaking of it, I don't seem to have seen a robot here."
"Tiandao Palace never takes such a flashy technological route."
Fang Zheng curled his mouth, and Tesla immediately became displeased.
"What, why is the humanoid mecha so flashy?"
"The center of gravity is not stable enough, the range of the enemy is not large enough, the speed is not fast enough, the weakness is obvious, and it is fragile..."
Founder's one, two, three, and four counts are flawed in the humanoid mecha, but it is obvious that Tesla will not accept this statement. After all, she likes mecha the most, and even put a refrigerator in her mecha. Now you say mecha is not good, then she won't shake the sky?
"No, the humanoid mecha is also good!"
"For example, is it handsome? Is there anything besides handsome? Is it easier to be dismantled?"
Fang Zheng sneered at this. The VF series was his last compromise. To be honest, Fang Zheng really didn't look at it at all. What's more, it's in the universe now. Do you make a two-legged mech to learn from Mike Jackson and make a spacewalk?
Just as the two argued, the robots over there also started to move. They quickly approached the huge collapsed beast and attacked it. Then one of the mechas raised something similar to a spear in his hand. Stabbed at the collapsed beast. Soon, under their attack, the surface part of the collapsed beast's body suddenly decomposed and dissipated like bubbles.
"what is that?"
Cang Xuan stared at the screen curiously, and at the same time, the warship investigating in front also responded.
"At the tip of the fighter's weapon, a small amount of restraint power response was found."
"It turns out that the power of restraint can invalidate the collapse energy, and if it accurately hits the collapse beast, it can indeed weaken it."
"But at this point, the damage is too little, right? When does this have to go?"
Tesla hugged his arms and stared at the screen with his mouth uncomfortably, but what she said was not wrong. Although the spears in the hands of these mechas can cause damage to the huge Bengali beast in front of them, relative to the size of the Bengali beast, the damage is similar to being bitten by a mosquito.
Not to mention that the opponent is not just being beaten and unable to fight back. Everyone soon saw countless tentacles popping up on the surface of the collapsed beast, and quickly launched an attack on the mecha. The hit exploded. To be honest, no matter how you look at it, these mechas alone don't seem to have the ability to fight the collapsed beast.
Gu </span> "Mr Yuki, shall we help?"
Furukawa Yui watched another mecha being hit by the tentacles and exploded, and suddenly looked towards Fang Zheng, who nodded.
"Of course, anyway, the collapse beast is our enemy... Rodney, order Bisman, war exhaustion, and Hood locks the target, turns on the fortress mode, and prepares to attack. The mackerel continues to remain invisible, Close to the battlefield and wait for orders, the javelin throws, the queen is responsible for support, and the others are on standby."
At the same time that Fang Zheng gave the order, the mechas also started their actions. Soon everyone saw the four mechas approaching the tail of the collapsed beast, and then inserted a missile-like weapon into the body of the collapsed beast. .
"So that's it, blast from the body in this way..."
Seeing this, Tesla's expression finally improved. She really thought that the other party was going to deal with such a huge Collapsing Beast in that way... This was just a dream.
It seems that people in this era still have some brains.
Soon, the mecha that had set up the explosives quickly left, and immediately after... a flame of fire broke out in an instant.
"Wait, what the is this?!"
Seeing this scene, Tesla suddenly screamed, and Qiyana next to her looked at her suspiciously.
"What's wrong? Dr. Tesla, is there any problem?"
"Of course, this kind of time should be detonated together to achieve the best effect! But you can see that there is only one explosion here, and there is no movement at all in other places. Not only that, because of the explosion, other explosions placed nearby. The device was also bounced off, so even if it exploded, it would be of no use! These idiots! Don’t even understand this? If I had such a subordinate in inverse entropy, I would kill him alive!"
As Tesla said, the explosion blasted all the other detonating devices inserted nearby, and this also attracted the attention of the collapsed beast. Soon, tentacles appeared again from the surface of its body. , Shoot towards the mechas. At this moment, those mechas also dodged in a hurry, trying to escape the attack.
Obviously, their plan failed.
"What a waste!"
Watching this scene, Tesla shook his head helplessly, while Fang Zheng shrugged his shoulders.
"Yes, the target has been locked and can be attacked at any time."
"Very good, fire!"
Seeing those mechas had fled from the giant collapse beast, Fang Zheng also immediately issued the order.
The next moment, the hot, bright red, and dazzling light beams burst out instantly, passed through the dark universe, and shot towards the huge collapsing beast in the distance.
Although the current Blue Fleet does not mean that it is unbeatable in terms of combat effectiveness, it is still unstoppable. The laser crystals they use have all been replaced with crystals shaped by Fangzheng's initial fire. Therefore, the high-intensity beam is emitted again, but the compressed initial fire energy.
Nothing can resist this kind of energy.
The dazzling red light beam was like an arrow, and instantly penetrated the entire body of the collapsed beast. The next moment, accompanied by a hot and dazzling explosion, the entire universe seemed to have produced a gorgeous flame nebula at this moment. And seeing this scene, those mechas were obviously shocked. They retreated quickly, and then held hands to form a circle, and then the thrusters on their backs started at the same time, and they instantly accelerated and disappeared into the distance.
"Oh? This design is very interesting."
Seeing this scene, Einstein's eyes lit up.
"Through group acceleration to increase thrust? So it can facilitate and flexibly realize single-machine long-distance raids..."
"But the requirements for the body materials are also very high."
Tesla shook his head.
"The materials of these mechas must be very unusual, otherwise how could it be possible to withstand such changes in thrust..."
"Pick up some debris and come back and study it."
Fang Zheng didn't care, although the giant collapse beast itself had been burned by the initial fire beam and there was no ashes left, but there were still some wreckage of mecha during the previous battle. Founder originally planned to get some wreckage back to see if he could extract some information from it and figure out who or force these mechas came from. So he also ordered the fleet to continue investigating the surrounding area, and at the same time sent two warships to the battlefield to pick up rubbish.
But what Fang Zheng didn't expect was that he actually got an unexpected report.
"What are you talking about? Found a survivor?"
"Yes, Commander, we found a survivor on the edge of the battlefield. Judging from the opponent's situation, it seems that the mecha was destroyed. This caused me to break away from the mecha."
"now what?"
"Being in a coma, it should have been caused by the shock wave of the previous explosion and needs immediate treatment."
"Then bring people back."
Founder was also curious, and quickly issued the order.
"I also want to see what people in this world are like."
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