Chapter 3437: Holiday (I learned the skin tumbling technique)

For Fangzheng, the following days will give him some headaches.
Specifically - the confrontation between Julie and Kirin Kato.
Although Kato Teng Kirin lost to Julie in the duel before, she was not convinced, and Fang Zheng was not incomprehensible. Because the last trick Julie used was the super-speedy skill that Fangzheng taught her—shrinking the ground.
This trick is the same as Yatu, the prototype is the Tianjian Zongjirou from the heart of Rurouni, but Fangzheng did not do it according to the prototype. Just like Saitoichi's Fangzheng has also been improved, Fangzheng just borrowed the name of this trick.
Anyway, it is impossible for Saito Ichi and Sojiro to ask for copyright fees from themselves across the dimensional wall, right?
And this trick, like Tooth Protrusion, was practiced by Fang Zheng since he was a child. At that time, Kirin Kato also wanted to learn, but she was too young at that time and her body had not grown enough to withstand the recoil of Shudi, so Fang Zheng also said at the time that she would wait until she was older to teach.
As a result, I didn't expect to go in to eat after that.
After he came out, Fang Zheng didn't go back to Dao Teng's house. Naturally, this matter didn't matter. As a result, Julie learned this trick.
Kato Kirin is naturally unhappy about this.
How do you say that?
I was the one who took the lead, no matter if it was an agreement or a training session... but I was actually preempted by a woman I didn't know?
Why are you so skilled! How many times has your brother taught you?
What can Fangzheng do about this?
For the sake of his aching waist, he also had to teach it.
And Julie also developed a sense of confrontation with Kato Kirin, so that she now follows Fangzheng almost all day long, and even plans to follow up when she goes to the toilet. It seems that she uses this to show Kato Kirin that she is the best Fangzheng's partner... Of course, the toilet will definitely not let her follow it.
As for why this happened, Fang Zheng also had some understanding of it.
After all, although Julie looks about the same age as Kato Kirin on the surface, she is actually two or three years older than Kato Kirin.
But in terms of physical development... well, that's another story.
Some things can be compensated for by training, some are innate.
Unfortunately, it's a sad fact that no matter how hard Julie tries, the gap cannot be bridged.
And Toto Kirin, facing Julie, did not flinch uncharacteristically. You must know that her usual character is very docile, and she rarely argues with others, but when she meets Julie, Kato Fuji Kirin is rarely proactive and full of aggression.
Just like now.
"It's obvious that I invited my brother to go shopping together, why do you want to come with me?"
"Because I'm a double-edged sword."
"Uu...don't, don't think you'll win like this! Sooner or later, I'll get my brother back!
Looking at the two people walking in front, who were constantly arguing, Fang Zheng also sighed helplessly.
"Huhuhu, the relationship between the two of them is really good."
At this time, another girl walking beside Fangzheng said with a chuckle, she wore a single ponytail, had a beautiful face and a pretty good figure. In fact, this girl is no stranger to Fangzheng. Her name is Imari Yongcang. She is Fangzheng's classmate and one of several upgraders who have the Ritual of Ascension.
Of course, Imari Nagura's upgrade is a bit complicated. Before in the new blade battle, she and her partner were attacked by Rabbit Girl and were seriously injured. When Fangzheng and Julie arrived, they were all they saw. After that, although the school gave two people the qualifications to obtain the Ritual of Sublimation for the sake of reputation, the partner of Imari Nagura may be afraid because he was almost killed before. In the end, he rejected the ritual of sublimation and chose to drop out of school. After that, Imari Nagura also had no partner and was alone for the time being.
Until Kato Kirin turned around, as the first person in Star Guide Academy, Kato Kato Kirin could not find a double-edged sword in the middle department, but Imari Nagura still had a certain strength, plus She also improved her strength through the sublimation instrument. Although there is still some gap between Kato and Kirin, considering her personality, the school finally designated the two to match each other across the ages.
So Nagakura Imari became Kato Kirin's double-edged sword.
Fang Zheng has also had some dealings with her. In his opinion, this girl has a strong personality, and is warm and lively, so she is a good partner. So he didn't say anything. This time Kato Kirin wanted to go out shopping with Fang Zheng, but Julie also came with him, and Kato Kirin invited Imari Nagura to come with him in a fit of anger.
"Let them make trouble, there's nothing wrong with making trouble anyway."
Fang Zheng yawned boredly while admiring the surrounding street scene.
"But then again, Kasugano-kun, you are already famous now, and many people are staring at you."
"Probably because I'm handsome."
Fang Zheng answered shamelessly. In fact, Imari Nagura was right. After defeating Todo Tohwa and Toto Kirin in a row, Fang Zheng was already a man of the Academy City. Naturally, he has also received a lot of attention, and there are even a lot of news about him, and he has also dug up everything about Fangzheng in the past. Of course, it also includes the fact that Fang Zheng was imprisoned after the murder.
As for this matter, the students in Academy City were divided into two factions. One faction believed that Fang Zheng had done too much and should not kill anyone anyway. The other faction felt sorry for Fangzheng. After all, the fact was that the other party was a gangster who took hostages. It was not unreasonable for Fangzheng to kill the gangster when he was going to save people. It is only because he is a Star Vein generation that he is treated so unfairly.
The students in Academy City are all from the Star Vein generation, and many of them have encountered similar unfair treatment in the outside world, so there are not a few people who support Fangzheng's actions. Even the two sides had a scolding war on the Internet because of this, and the quarrel was overwhelming.
But even so, in reality, no one dared to talk to Fang Zheng. After all, no matter what happened, Fang Zheng had lives on his hands, even though the students in Academy City fought a lot to participate in the Xingwu Festival. But murder...that's another story.
In addition, the momentum displayed by Fang Fang when he was fighting with Dongtang Daohua and Datou Qirin was too scary, so no matter whether it was people who hated him or people who supported him, they dared not talk to him.
Of course Fangzheng didn't care about it. For him, he wanted less of those annoying flies.
But it's not the way to be so noisy.
"Okay, where are we going? Are we going to hang out on the street all the time?"
Seeing that the two people in front were getting more and more arguing, Fang Zheng also interrupted their conversation in time.
Hearing Fang Zheng's words, Kato Teng Qi Rin was stunned for a moment, and then she finally reacted, and then her face flushed slightly.
"Actually, I have something I want to ask my brother for help..."
Soon, Fangzheng knew what Kato Teng Qirin wanted to do when he came out today.
"Then, that... I also ask my brother for more advice!"
Fang Zheng was completely speechless when he looked at Kato Kirin, who was wearing a bikini and holding a hoverboard in his hand.
"Teach you to swim?"
"Yes, yes, because I never learned to swim..."
"...Well, it's not a problem..."
Fangzheng knew that Kato Teng Qirin really couldn't swim, but at this moment, Julie also reached out and grabbed Fangzheng's hand.
"I do not know either."
"...It sounds like that's right."
Seeing Julie, Fang Zheng was stunned for a moment, and then nodded. He remembered that in the gym class, when the woman was 200 meters long, Julie plunged into the water with a dash, and never floated up again. Brilliant deeds.
If Fang Zheng hadn't fished her out at that time, I'm afraid she would have sunk to the bottom.
"Wait, wait a minute!"
Hearing this, Kato Teng Kirin suddenly screamed.
"Obviously I asked my brother to teach me first!"
"You can let your stumbling edge teach you."
Hearing that the firepower from both sides suddenly pointed at him, Imari Nagura was stunned for a moment, and then...
"Ah, I suddenly remembered that the ice cream here tastes very good. I will buy it and invite everyone to try it!"
Slip away straight away.
...Sometimes, having too much emotional intelligence isn't necessarily a good thing. UU reading www.uukanshu. com
Looking at the two people who looked at each other silently, Fang Zheng sighed silently.
"Stop arguing, just teach together."
So far, this is the only way.
So in the end, Fang Zheng had to take on the responsibility of teaching two people to swim at the same time.
"Okay, that's it, take your time, don't rush..."
He held a floating board in one hand, looked at the two girls in front of him, and said slowly. In front of him, Kirin Kato and Julie each held a floating board and practiced breathing and slapping the water.
"Julie, your frequency is a little too high, hold your breath for a while. Qilin, pay attention to the rhythm and don't mess with your breathing."
"Okay, brother!"
For Fangzheng, teaching others to swim is a trivial matter of course. At the beginning, the two girls were indeed practicing swimming obediently. But when Fangzheng let go and let them try swimming by themselves, trouble happened.
Kato Teng Qirin, who lost control, suddenly bumped into Fang Zheng's arms, and was pulled up by Fang Zheng.
"Are you all right?"
"No, it's fine, thank you brother..."
Being held in Fang Zheng's arms, Kato Teng Qi Rin blushed and replied in a low voice. And at this time...
Another petite body slammed into Fang Zheng's back and hugged him.
"Sorry, yes, I didn't see the front."
The flat touch on the back should be a floating board, right?
Well, it must be so.
What else could Fang Zheng say about this, so they had to continue their training.
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