Chapter 3481: Way of reasoning (Ben meow broke another chair)

Latest website: When Fangzheng reunited with Sylvia again, the latter's face could be said to be quite ugly.
"What did you gain?"
In contrast, Fangzheng looked refreshed, um... From a certain point of view, this is also a matter of course.
Although Fangzheng looked awkward, Sylvia gritted her teeth and explained to the other party what she saw from beginning to end.
"So, this place is really the place where the Qianli Sect uses to win over those high-ranking government officials and wealthy businessmen. It's not surprising. After all, when the cult grows, it likes to make these famous halls."
"What information did you collect over there?"
"The harvest is not small, at least I know what happened to the Black Lady."
This is what Fangzheng learned from the girl. As for how he knew... Just kidding, as the of lust, after falling into Fangzheng's hands, he didn't want her to say anything. How big is it?
To put it simply, the Black Madonna is a signal of their internal communication. In fact, according to the girl, each of them had a black egg decoration on their schoolbag. This is actually a kind of sign. Simply put, when you walk on the road, as long as you see the students with black eggs hanging on their schoolbags, they are their internal members.
Of course, in order to prevent their affairs from leaking out, a rumor called the Black Mother appeared. In short, the Black Egg can bring them good luck, but once it is broken, the Black Mother will appear. take their lives.
In fact, it is a strange talk, which is actually a kind of secret warning. The meaning of this strange talk is to warn those female students not to go out and talk nonsense. Once someone breaks the rules and wants to tell their parents or call the police, they will be dealt with.
Therefore, from the girl's point of view, the girls who died before were probably disposed of because they broke the rules.
As for why they didn't call the police?
Just kidding, let's see what kind of people come here, if there is a TV, they are all big people who can make news every day. What can these girls do? Even if they wanted to escape, they couldn't escape. Even if they go to the police station and say these things, but if there is no evidence, who will believe what they say?
DNA testing was not even available in this day and age.
"What are we going to do now? Go directly to the police?"
Sylvia couldn't hold back a little. If it wasn't for her star power being ineffective against the people of this world, I'm afraid she would have overturned that damned place together with Qianlijiao. Although as the student council president of Kwai Enwei Children's Academy, Sylvia also knew that the world was not so pure, but it was the first time she had seen such a vile and ugly act...
"It's useless to call the police directly, and you have seen it. This Qianli teacher has made great efforts to buy off those high-ranking officials, and he must have caught a lot of them. If you call the police, maybe the above will directly suppress the matter. ."
"Then what are we going to do?"
"Anyway, find an insertion point first..."
While speaking, Fang Zheng touched his chin.
"You said earlier that there is a nun there, right?"
"very good."
Fang Zheng nodded.
"follow me."
"where to?"
"go to school."
Although she didn't know what Fangzheng wanted to do, Sylvia followed Fangzheng back to Yingyu Women's Academy. It was already late at night, and the whole academy was already dark. But for Fangzheng, this was not a problem, he and Sylvia climbed over the wall and entered the academy, and then Fangzheng took Sylvia directly towards the depths of the academy.
"Did you find anything?"
Following behind Fang Zheng, Sylvia looked around vigilantly and asked while Fang Zheng nodded.
"Almost, in fact, there are many suspicious points in these cases, one of which is the transportation of corpses."
"That's right, no matter how curious the so-called murder cases are, in the final analysis, judging from the traces on the scene, they were deliberately placed here after being disposed of. That is to say, the found corpse scene is not the first murder. At the scene, those girls should have been killed and dismembered elsewhere and sent there on purpose. Then the problem comes."
Having said this, Fang Zheng snapped his fingers.
"How did the corpses get to the dumping site?"
"It should be a car."
"The answer is correct, but you have overlooked one point. This era itself is very backward. I think you have also seen that there are not many cars on the street, and most of the cars have obvious characteristics. If there is a sneaky appearance of a vehicle If it is near the scene of the crime, then the people nearby will definitely be aware of it.

Hearing Fang Zheng's words, Sylvia also frowned and thought.
"Then you mean..."
"Obviously, if it is a vehicle that is often seen, then it will not attract the attention of others."
Having said that, Fang Zheng stopped and pointed forward. Looking in the direction of his finger, Sylvia saw a church not far away, and outside the gate of the church, there was a... carriage.
This is really beyond the cognitive scope of attending Ervia.
Heaven and earth conscience, the horse carriage has been extinct for decades.
"I did some research out of curiosity, and found out that this school still has the habit of using horse-drawn carriages to pick up students to and from school, and it's very 'coincidence' that the previous places where the bodies were thrown are on the route of the horse-drawn carriage to pick up the students."
Fang Zheng laughed and walked straight to the door of the church. Then he took out a piece of iron wire, opened the door of the church, and sneaked in quietly. The proficiency of his technique made Sylvia, who was about to sing to open the door, stunned for a moment, staring at him suspiciously.
"...You can even do this?"
"Of course, did you know that I was not in prison for two years?"
Fang Zheng got into the church, looked around, and replied in a low voice.
"You don't know, all of them are talented, and they speak nicely. I like it very much, and I can learn everything."
Facing Fang Zheng's answer, Sylvia was completely speechless.
"So, you came to the church to..."
"Didn't you say nuns? It just so happens that Yingyu is a girls' school, and there are nuns here too? If this guy is really related to the murder, then we should be able to find some clues in the church."
"But what if you are found out?"
"Knock her out."
Fang Zheng answered without hesitation.
"If there is evidence to prove that she is a prisoner, it is just right to arrest her directly. If it is not a prisoner, just treat it as a robber robbery and fool the past."
I have to say, it's really simple and rude.
The whole church is not too big, and soon, Fangzheng and Sylvia found a sealed rusty iron door behind the church. Of course, a lock of this level is naturally difficult for Fang Zheng, the iron wire in his hand was lightly pried and opened directly, and then the two entered the underground passage behind the iron door.
It was extremely cold in the dark underground passage, and at the end of the corridor there was a heavy door. Fang Zheng stretched out his hand to open the door, and then under the dim light, everything inside was displayed in front of the two of them.
Seeing the scene in front of her, Sylvia covered her mouth the next moment and turned her head away. This is not just because of the strong smell coming from the room. It's more because of what's going on inside - I saw that in this closed room, there were all kinds of utensils stained with blood and flesh, not only that, but on a table inside, I could see a girl corpse. This corpse only has the head, body and left hand, and what is even more unimaginable is that at this moment a man in a suit and leather shoes is lying on the corpse, sticking out his tongue and licking the meat that has begun to rot.
"Sure enough, it's you, Teacher Rixia."
Looking at the man in front of him, Fang Zheng was not surprised at all. After all, this is obvious. Isn't this an iron rule that handsome guys other than himself are murderers?
Hearing Fang Zheng's voice, the man suddenly turned his head and stared at Fang Zheng with wide eyes.
"Ah, it's you... Kasugano-sensei... I didn't expect you to come here..."
"I was just wandering around, I just didn't expect you to have such a disgusting hobby..."
Fang Zheng spread his hands helplessly, shrugged his shoulders, and then looked at the corpse again...
"You are not allowed to look at her!"
However, at this moment, along with a scream, Rixia Dayan picked up an iron rod, jumped up, and smashed it down towards Fangzheng.
"She's mine! She's mine! Don't let you filthy fellows defile her!"
Looking at Datsuhiko Hixia, who seemed to pounce like a beast, Fang Zheng narrowed his eyes, and a cold light flashed. The speed of the other party is obviously beyond the scope of human beings, and it can even be compared with the age of stars. This is obviously abnormal. After all, according to history, the disaster of falling stars has not happened yet, and there are not so many stars in the age of stars.
However, the man in front of him could indeed faintly feel a little star power. Although it was very weak, it was enough to raise his physique to a level beyond that of ordinary people. Obviously, this guy is obviously not normal. I don't know if it is because of the effect of drugs or the influence of Qianlijiao.
So what is this...
Thinking of this, Fang Zheng stretched out his hand and summoned his own dawn star pattern.
No matter what, just knock him down first!
(End of this chapter)
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