Chapter 3496: Enter the bureau (nucleic acid will be done at 7 o'clock tomorrow!)

Under the night, the cold wind whistled, and the pure white high-rise towering into the sky in front of him was as majestic as the Tower of Babel in Babylon.
"Money, full of magic."
Fang Zheng stood on the edge of the building, looking at the brightly lit city below.
"It seems to be able to buy everything, food, houses, land, women, dignity, even power and glory."
As he spoke, Fang Zheng raised his right hand and slowly stretched it towards the sky.
"It gives those people the illusion that they can rule the world, rule everything, forever. It seems that as long as they have the magic of money, then they are omnipotent - unfortunately, this is just an illusion."
Saying this, Fang Zheng grinned, revealing a ferocious smile.
"They will soon understand that in the face of absolute power, everything they rely on is worthless, let alone meaningless. The so-called wealth is just a series of useless numbers... And we will use our actions to tell They, who are the real rulers of this world."
Fang Zheng turned his head and looked behind him.
"Then, let's get started. Early tomorrow morning, we will hang all the corpses of the top executives of the chaebol in the integrated enterprise on the street lamps. Throwing a nuclear bomb in a building is so lucrative that only an idiot with an IQ of less than fifty would do it. To do it, we will use simpler and more effective means to inform the world that the times have changed.

A dim light flashed by.
When Claudia fell to the ground again, she could feel the blood in her mouth. In front of her, an indistinct figure was standing there.
"It's really stupid. Do you think that by this means, you can eliminate the chaebol of the integrated enterprise?"
Although her eyes could not see clearly, Claudia laughed softly.
"Sure enough, as Kasugano-kun said, you still don't understand... But unfortunately, my mission has also been completed."
"What did you say………?!"
However, as soon as Claudia's voice fell, the urgent alarm sounded, and the shadow hurriedly turned his head to look at the screen, and then he screamed loudly as if he had seen an unbelievable scene.
"No! You can't do this!! Who gave you the power to do this!"
"Because we have such power, of course we can do this..."
Leaning against the wall, Claudia couldn't help laughing when she saw the person in front of her showing the ugliness, panic and despair she had never thought of before.
"This is the end! Consolidate the corporate chaebol! It ends here!"
"Shut up ah ah ah ah ah ah!!!"
"Bang bang bang bang!!"
With the sound of gunshots, the next moment, the shadow of death completely enveloped Claudia.
"It's the first time I've felt this way."
Standing in front of Fang Zheng, Claudia stared at Fang Zheng and said.
"All along, no matter what kind of death I encountered, it brought me pain, despair, full of hatred, helplessness and grief. But only that one death felt completely different, that A passion like a flame, full of excitement and joy that I've never experienced before, the echo of death. So Kasunino-kun, I hope you'll let me join your plan, so that I can taste To that wonderful, smell of death..."
"'re talking like I'm doing some kind of murderous hunt..."
Hearing Claudia's words, Fang Zheng twitched the corners of his mouth speechlessly. If he didn't talk about the cause and effect, he would have thought that Claudia had some kind of abnormal interest.
In short, to sum up, Claudia dreamed that she joined Fangzheng's plan, and then was killed by someone in the final implementation stage, and the excitement and passion of facing death at that time made a deep impression on her, So I came here to find myself...
That being said, it's okay...
"Speaking of which, you don't know what I'm doing, you just ran over when you knew there was such a thing, right?"
"That's right!"
Seeing Claudia's confident appearance, Fang Zheng was also speechless.
"Alright then, I'll have a good talk with you after it's over. Before that, let's just do it..."
What else can Fangzheng say? That's all he could say.
Before that, he still had one boring thing to do, which was the final of the Griffin Star Martial Arts Festival.
"...Is there any need for a comparison?"
Looking at Enister on the opposite side, Fang Zheng yawned boredly.
"It's natural to have a test, otherwise, how can the winner be determined?"
In the face of Fang Zheng's provocative words, San Galedovas' student council president, Enister, seemed very calm. Holding the White Filter Demon Sword in his hand, he stared at Fang Zheng. As a four-color magic sword, the white filter magic sword has the characteristics of being able to cut off what it wants to cut off at will, and it can be regarded as a very powerful brilliance-style weapon.
However, this kind of characteristic is relatively rare in Huang-style weapons, and the soul weapons on Fangzheng's side are basically like this - so no matter what it is, it is worthless once it is bad.
Like the blooming bow...although not every hunter can get it.
"—Griffin Star Martial Arts Finals, the game begins!"
At this moment, along with cheers, the finals of the Griffin Star Martial Art Festival began.
"Drink ah ah ah ah!!"
There was no change on Fangzheng's side and before, Sui Gaoya charged at the front with a knight spear in his hand, Julie and Irene followed closely behind, Fangzheng and Pricia still stood at the back and entered the theater mode— -Obviously, with Fangzheng's style, if Lancelot can't beat the first three, he won't shoot.
"let me!"
On the other side of the Lancelot team, Anister, who was the captain, charged at the forefront, and saw that he held the sword in both hands and swung it down at Suikoya. According to the characteristics of the white filter magic sword, it is obvious that Anister hopes to use the white filter magic sword to "pass through" the huge knight's spear in the hands of Sui Gaoya, and then directly cut off the school badge on her chest, forcing her to withdraw from the competition.
But what Anister did not expect was that the white filter magic sword that was swung down did not pass through the knight's spear as if it were no one. On the contrary, accompanied by a crisp impact, the pure white magic sword Suddenly, it slid away on the edge of the knight's gun.
"Oops? The white filter magic sword can't pass through the soul weapon, this is a big news!"
Seeing this scene, the narrator couldn't help screaming. Everyone has always been aware of the characteristics of the white filter magic sword, but this is the first time facing the soul weapon made by the dawn star pattern. The weapon will also be penetrated by the white filter magic sword like other weapons, but I didn't expect it to be blocked!
"Catch it!"
At the same time when Anister revealed the gap, Irene also roared and jumped up abruptly. With a wave of the scythe in her hand, it slashed directly at the school badge on Anister's chest. However, at the same time, another knight holding a black shield and a sharp sword suddenly rushed out from the slanting ground, blocking the front of Anister and resisting Irene's attack.
However, it's not over yet!
At the moment when Irene missed the attack, Julie quietly appeared in the blind spot of Anister. She clenched the sharp blade in both hands and turned into a ray of lightning, charging directly towards Anister. Go, but soon, a long spear shot out of the flat land came first, and stabbed Julie suddenly. In the face of the sudden shooting, Julie had to give up the sneak attack and evacuated back.
Of course, the Lancelot team would not miss this opportunity. At the same time that Irene and Julie failed to attack, the girl in the back raised the "horn of redemption" in her hand, and a golden beam burst out, directly towards Three shot. At the same time, the three knights in front were also scattered, trying to surround Hoya, Julie, and Irene. At the same time, another girl flew into the sky, the wings of the feather of light behind her spread out, and the flying feathers blasted towards the three of them like miniature missiles.
In any case, the disadvantage of the number of people is inevitable. Since Fangzheng and Pricia chose to watch the play in the rear, the Tianjian team that fights more with less will naturally encounter the concentrated attack of the opponent's superior forces.
However, at this moment, Pricia finally moved.
She clenched the staff in her hand tightly and pointed to the front—the next moment, an oval-shaped transparent barrier appeared out of thin air on Sui Gaoya and the others.
Then, an even more incredible scene appeared.
The Lancelot team's attack hit the three girls impartially. However, after their attack hit the transparent oval barrier, it was like a mud cow entering the sea. There was no response. The golden flash of holy light was still the sharp blade in the hands of the three knights. After hitting that barrier, disappeared without a trace.
This scene directly caused everyone in the audience to be completely stunned.
"Simply unbelievable!"
The narrator also widened his eyes and screamed.
"The attack of the Lancelot team has been completely resolved! Is that the power of the Priscilla players?!"
At this moment, not only the narrator, but others have also reacted. The girl who co-authored was really not just here to play soy sauce on stage, but she never had a chance to make a move before!
"Defeat her first!"
Anister was also secretly shocked at the moment. Of course, he would not think that Priscilla was here to make soy sauce like the ordinary audience, but he also did not expect that this girl's power was so terrifying!
If I don't let her go first, I'm afraid my side will really be finished!
However... Beside her is Fang Zheng...
Looking at Fang Zheng standing there with a bored face, Anister gritted his teeth. They only now understand why the Tianjian team will use this formation to attack. If Pricia's strength has no weakness, then as long as she is always on the court, then the front three forwards can get a strong shield defense, it is completely possible Fight for your life with your opponent.
Even if someone wants to let Pricia go, they have to face Fang Zheng—of course, there must be some kind of weakness in this ability, but now that it is the final, there is no chance for them to study each other's ability!
Thinking of this, Anister also made up his mind and gave an order.
Priscilla must be defeated first and forced to withdraw, otherwise...they have no choice but to die!
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