Chapter 3498: Going abroad (waking up so early every day really sucks)

For Fangzheng, it was not the first time for him to do such a thing, and he was naturally familiar with it. Whether it is in Britannia or in the world of Qin Qin, the first thing Fangzheng has to do is to let his subordinates recognize the essence of their struggle.
It's not illusory justice, freedom and other nutritious slogans. This stuff is like smoking marijuana. It's not HIGH when you shout, and it's empty when you're done. Such characters are often seen in Japanese animation, shouting self-righteous justice, and then discovering that the reality is different from what they expected, so they begin to doubt themselves, and finally choose to betray... the villain is all this routine.
But the protagonist is not much better, shouting for peace, for the people, in the final analysis, it is only a temporary solution, not the root cause, even if the boss is finished, he will retire, and the internal structural contradictions are not considered at all.
Of course, it is not ruled out that this is in preparation for the second season.
So, if you don't have a deep understanding and analysis of the reasons for all this, then everything you do will be meaningless and purposeless.
It's like splitting the land between local tyrants.
Of course, most of the landlords are the exploiting classes who oppress the peasants, but are there any good landlords? There must be. But isn't it because there are good landlords that the landlord class is not attacked?
In the eyes of the protagonists of Japanese or European and American game animations, it must not be a blow.
Because the bad is only a part of it, and there are also good ones. We should fight the bad and keep the good. This is justice.
But it's a ghost.
In the final analysis, the reason for hitting the landlords is that the landlords, as an exploiting class, have seized a lot of assets, making it impossible for others to live a prosperous life. The gap between the rich and the poor continues to widen, and the resulting social conflicts are becoming increasingly acute. The landlord class hindered the progress of society and the stagnation of productive forces, which led to social unrest, and eventually led to an increasingly sharp contradiction between the rich and the poor.
Therefore, the landlord class must be eliminated, because only in this way can the productive forces of the whole people be liberated and the society will develop and improve day by day.
Therefore, the landlords, as a class, must be eliminated. Specific to individuals, there may be good landlords who can protect them. But this cannot avoid the fate of the landlord class being eliminated as a class.
The same goes for capitalists.
Such as the conglomerate chaebols, they belong to the international bourgeoisie and are big capitalists who must be overthrown. Of course, because of the development of productive forces and the advancement of science and technology, people at the bottom have been exploited to the point where they do not even have the right to life, as before, but this does not mean that there is no possibility of intensifying conflicts.
In fact, the unified enterprise chaebol, in the previous words, is the feudal monopoly capitalism formed by the close integration of monopoly capitalism with imperialism, the landlord class of the country, and the old-style rich peasants.
For example, this time, the reason why Fangzheng didn't choose Tianwu Lingdou and Kuro Tie Ikki was because of their backgrounds. They all came from a family of genres. To put it mildly, they belonged to the old-fashioned rich peasant class. It is the stuff that is in complicity with big capitalists and monopoly capitalism. Tianwu Lingdou may be a little better, but Kuro Tetsui Ikki Fang is really not confident, just looking at his expression of "My family abused me thousands of times, I treat my family like my first love", Fang Zheng knew who this person was. Not expected.
The so-called revolution, the first thing to do is to determine who is my friend and who is my enemy. Whose class position do you want to stand on? When you recognize this clearly, you will not feel confused about your next actions, and you will not be confused like those stupid protagonists and villains. What the do you want to do, you can even call it deep thinking, thinking about life—what a ghost, watch the Marxist-Leninist-Mao election three or five times, and all your problems will be solved.
So when the protagonists groaned about why the choice was so painful, the answer was that they didn't read... If you read more books, there would be no such mental retardation problem.
So, which class position does Fang Zheng stand on at the moment?
Of course, Star Vein Generation.
In the current world, the Star Vein Generation belongs to the most exploited and oppressed class. Whether it is a big capitalist or an ordinary person, they can't see the Star Vein Generation. And Star Vein Generation can only work for them in the hands of big capitalists, exploited and oppressed by them, in order to ensure their right to exist.
On the surface, the Star Pulse generation seems to be doing pretty well, but from a racial point of view, the Star Pulse generation's status is no higher than that of the blacks in the United States.
It’s like there are black elites and even black presidents in the United States now, but it’s a truth that black discrimination is still inevitable.
Those comprador classes that are attached to capitalism are only a very small number in the final analysis, and most black people still belong to the oppressed and exploited. And those elite black people obviously won't pay attention to this. When they enter the upper class and taste the taste of money and power, they will turn to the white side and accuse their compatriots of not working hard and not struggling, but instead spend all day Beating, smashing, looting and burning deserve to be discriminated against.
The same is true for many people in the Xingmai generation. When they join the chaebol of the unified enterprise, they will wholeheartedly safeguard the interests of the chaebol of the unified enterprise, and even go so far as to kill their compatriots who are also of the Xingmei generation. ...the so-called mixed-blood is more racist than pure-blood, and that's it.
It's like the bananas, who have to be more racist than white people, hate their birthplace more, as if to prove that they have no other mind and are "their people" who are on the side of white people wholeheartedly.
Of course, the ancestors always have something to say about this.
Non-my family, its heart must be different.
No matter how vicious and loyal these banana people are, when the white people build concentration camps, they won't take special care of them, and they will be merciful.
But it must be their master who was locked in the bathroom and killed by poison gas, which is also their expectation.
And if the Xingmai generation wants to stand up, they must have an independent, their own homeland.
Because the Star Vein Generation is not the same as the magician in the magic high school world, the magician in the magic high school world is born randomly. The number of people has increased, but they are still in the minority, and there is no problem in building an isolation area or a protected area for them to play by themselves.
But the Star Vessel generation is different. As a part of evolution, the Star Vein generation will eventually completely replace ordinary humans and become the rulers of this world as new humans.
In this case, if there is no Star Vein generation country to stand up as a protective umbrella, then when ordinary people perceive their survival crisis in the later stage, the oppression and exploitation of the Star Vein Generation will become more and more serious. Maybe even more stringent laws than now will be introduced, and Star Vein Generation is not a good old man like the cursed son who can't fight back and scold him. By then, the conflict between the two sides will further intensify. With the power of Star Vein Generation. , it might cause some trouble.
In the final analysis, this world belongs to Fangzheng, and Fangzheng is not willing to wait for him to kill the order clan, and then come back and deal with the mess here.
And he came here this time for the same thing.
"It's still somewhat useful to consolidate corporate chaebols."
Sitting on the sofa, looking at the sky outside the window, Fangzheng's mouth was slightly raised, revealing a smug smile. After the previous Rulong World, Fangzheng fell in love with the airship as a means of transportation. Therefore, when the operating committee asked Fang Zheng what wish he wanted to achieve this time, he gave his own answer.
"I want a luxurious, comfortable, best airship that can reach low-Earth orbit and can travel anywhere in the world for my travel."
It has to be said that the chaebol of the unified enterprise, facing Fangzheng's request to make things difficult for people, actually achieved it through gritted teeth. Fangzheng was riding in front of him, the high-altitude airship "Jiuyuan" provided by the Consolidated Enterprise Consortium. This is a high-altitude airship transformed from a sightseeing airship. It has three floors, upper, middle and lower. Not only are there luxurious rooms, but also a swimming pool and an entertainment city... I have to say, this thing is better than the original one. The level of the dragon world is much higher.
This is also normal. After all, Fangzheng requires that this thing can fly in low-Earth orbit. If the technology in this world is not developed enough, it is impossible for the airship to generate enough thrust to reach low-Earth orbit, right?
From a certain point of view, UU reading www.uukanshu. com This is much more difficult than rockets and planes.
Right now, Fangzheng is taking this airship to Julis' hometown, the Kingdom of Lazetania. There he will have a meeting with Julis' brother, the king of the Kingdom of Lazetania, to discuss changes in the world situation - although this is a bit funny for Fang Zheng to say as a student at the moment, but Fang Zheng believes that , he will give the other party a condition that cannot be refused.
The entire airship was empty. Originally, the conglomerate chaebol had planned to provide Fang Zheng with some maids, and even hinted that they were high-quality products from Kui Enwei Children's Academy, but Fang Zheng refused. He didn't even want a driver. The control system of the airship was re-connected and modified, which enabled the airship to automatically move towards the target location without anyone manipulating it.
Of course, if this technology is known to the conglomerate chaebols, they will definitely find ways to buy it at a high price.
Unfortunately, Fangzheng is not short of money.
And...he's not alone.
The sound of water sounded, Fang Zheng looked up and saw Julie leaning out of the pool in a pure white bikini. The airship's swimming pool is located on the bottom layer, and the whole is made of glass. Now Julie looks like she is swimming above the earth, which is full of a rather wonderful picture.
"Aren't you coming down?"
Julie shook the water droplets, then looked at Fangzheng, who shook his head.
"No, I prefer to sit here and enjoy the view, and..."
Looking at the slowly descending scenery outside the window, Fang Zheng also smiled slightly.
"Our destination is coming soon."
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