Chapter 3543: Zerg (One of my swoops hit the wall)

"Ha ah... ah ah...!"
In the dense forest, a young girl was running fast. She was covered in blood and gasping for breath.
I really didn't expect that there would be such a terrifying monster, I have to... I have to convey this matter!
The girl bit her finger as she ran, and then quickly wrote a note, which she then gave to the bee beside her.
"Please, try to find those hunters with strong qi!"
After giving the order, the swarm left quickly, while the girl continued to run forward.
You must return to the border immediately, as long as you leave here, then...
However, at this moment, suddenly, a huge black shadow blocked her way, and immediately, the girl saw the black muzzle appear in front of her eyes.
This is………
Before the girl could react, gunshots rang out, and immediately, the girl's eyes darkened.
When the girl opened her eyes again, she found that a hand was in front of her, grabbing the spinning bullet. On the opposite side of her, a human-shaped monster was covered in blood and lay on the ground.
"Really, it's not worth recommending to actually attack a cute girl... Besides, what kind of monster is this thing?"
Fang Zheng threw away the bullet in his hand, then looked at the humanoid bug in front of him curiously, then turned his head to look at the girl.
"Yo, this lady, are you alright... Well, it doesn't look like it's alright."
Seeing Fang Zheng, the girl was stunned for a moment, then hurriedly raised her hand to point at him.
"It's you!"
"do we know each other?"
Fang Zhengke never thought that he would meet a girl who knew him in the deep mountains and forests. Speaking of which, why didn't he remember how cute this girl was?
"Ah, hello, my name is Peng Si."
Looking at Fang Zheng, the girl hurriedly bowed to him.
"I participated in the hunter test with you, that..."
"Oh I got it."
Hearing this, Fangzheng finally understood. After all, he beat up that pesky examiner in front of all the candidates in the hunter test, and almost killed him. It must have left a deep impression on the candidates. After all, a man like Fangzheng is like a firefly in the dark night, so vivid and outstanding.
It's just that Fangzheng doesn't know much about these candidates, so he doesn't care much.
"Look at how you look... you passed the hunter test? Congratulations."
"Thank you...Wait a minute, now is not the time to say this, we must leave here immediately...or...!"
"Hey hey hey!!"
However, before Peng Si's words were finished, there were a few strange laughter all around, and then, several strange-looking monsters that looked like a mixture of humans and insects appeared from all directions, swarming the three of them. surrounded.
When she noticed the other party's eyes, Pensi's complexion turned pale. She could feel that the other party was unconcealed and treated herself as food.
"Hey, hey, three food, Her Lady Queen will be happy! Catch him...!!"
A cold light flashed.
The next moment, the surrounding monsters and the trees were cut by the waist. Fang Zheng held the pitch-black sword and stared coldly at the monster that was cut in two.
"You dare to be presumptuous in front of me just because of people like you?"
Sure enough... he's still amazing.
Seeing that the monsters around her were instantly destroyed by Fang Zheng, Peng Si was also secretly shocked. Of course she knew that Fangzheng was very powerful. After all, she had seen with her own eyes how Fangzheng pressed and rubbed the authentic hunter who was an examiner on the ground. But now it seems that the power of the other party is still higher than what I imagined...
"Alright, Miss Pensi."
Fang Zheng glanced at the corpses around him, then turned his head to look at Peng Si.
"Idle is also idle, it's better to..."
However, before Fang Zheng's words were finished, suddenly, the ground behind him suddenly protruded, and then another monster emerged from the ground, screaming and smashing his fist into Fang Zheng's head!
But at the same time, Katima next to him swung down with a sword, directly splitting it in half from the middle.
"...let's talk about what happened to you."
Fang Zheng didn't even look at the unlucky idiot and continued talking.
"Ah, okay..."
Looking at the two people who were nothing at all, Peng Si swallowed and nodded.
"But it can't be done here, let's go somewhere else."
Soon, the three moved to the side of a nearby mountain. At this time, Peng Si also calmed down and began to explain to Fang Zheng and Katima.
"We came to NGL to conduct biological surveys..."
"It's here... They call it a nature reserve, where all man-made objects are not allowed, people here advocate natural harmony, so only naturally occurring existences are allowed inside NGL. Any man-made objects will be prohibited from being brought into the country... ……Uh………"
Looking at the big sword in Fangzheng's hand, or Katima's dark armor, Peng Si was speechless. According to reason, shouldn't this kind of weapon be banned when entering the country?
"Oh, we just wandered around, and went here."
Aware of Peng Si's gaze, Fang Zheng shrugged his shoulders and said casually, of course he wouldn't tell the other party that he and Katima were sent here after being kicked out of the game of Greed Island.
And Peng Si didn't care, and continued talking.
"Then, we found a very terrifying creature here that feeds on humans and is quite strong. The five groups of hunters who joined us to investigate did not respond and have probably been eliminated. And we also When I was about to retreat, I was targeted by those monsters, everyone was killed, only I managed to escape, if you hadn't rescued me, I'm afraid I too..."
Recalling those scenes of monsters eating people, Peng Si couldn't help trembling all over.
"Most of the people inside NGL have been caught and eaten by those monsters. This country has no ability to fight against that kind of monsters. We must report this matter immediately. If we continue to delay, the situation will become more serious!"
"Well, so it is."
After listening to Peng Si's report, Fang Zheng nodded.
"I see, then let's go to each other's lair."
"Didn't you say that? If you continue to delay, the situation will get worse?"
Fang Zheng looked at Peng Si and said.
"It's not always done in movies like this. Even if there is a rush of 100,000 people, the idiots above will still fight for some boring things. As a result, when they finally settle the incident and gather together, the boss on the opposite side has already started to explode. Now... the idiots at the top of the Hunter Association can't count on them, so it's better for me to make a move faster."
"...Huh? This..."
"Didn't you already send the swarm to find other hunters to report? Isn't that enough? Or maybe you tell me the place and I'll go see it myself? Katima will send you back to the border first?"
"This this………"
Facing Fangzheng's invitation, Peng Si couldn't help but fall into anxious thinking. After a while, she looked up and looked at Fangzheng as if she had made up her mind.
"Okay, I see, I'll take you with me. I also hope... to avenge my partner!"
"Very good, that's the decision."
Hearing Peng Si's answer, Fang Zheng smiled and snapped his fingers.
"Then, let's demolish their home."
The nests of these monsters are actually not difficult to find. The reason is very simple, that is... They did not choose to dig a hole in the ground, but built a huge ant nest deep in the forest.
"Wow, it looks like something like that... that's weird."
Looking at the huge earth pillar hundreds of meters high, like some kind of post-modern artwork, Fang Zheng whistled.
"In the final analysis, bugs are bugs, and the things they build are still so ugly..."
"Then... Mr. Kasugano, what is our plan?"
Hearing Peng Si's question, Fang Zheng raised his eyebrows.
"The plan is very simple, we are going to wipe out these man-eating monsters."
"But... how to do it?"
"First of all, UU Reading has to gather them, um, I'm familiar with this, and then... I remember you can manipulate bees?"
"Then the work of investigation is left to you. Do you have a way to determine where there are living people in these places? I don't think this group of monsters will eat up the entire country at one time. They must be kept in captivity. "
Having said this, Fang Zheng snapped his fingers again.
"So the plan is very simple, I will attract their attention, Peng Si, you are responsible for taking the opportunity to search, if you find a place to keep those people in captivity, Katima and you will go to catch them out and take them away. Then I will take these people out. Kill all the bastards, you see, a simple and easy-to-understand strategy."
Is this also called strategy?
However, before Peng Si had time to complain, Fang Zheng jumped up, jumped down, and disappeared into the forest in three or two strokes.
"...Miss Katima, is this really all right?"
Seeing Fang Zheng's retreating back, Peng Si helplessly looked at Katima beside her and asked, but the latter just nodded.
"Please trust Kasuga-sama, Miss Pensi, he... there will be no problem."
As if to verify Katima's words, in the next instant, a huge explosion and roar resounded throughout the jungle.
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