Chapter 3549: Set sail (Ben Meow and Tail can't move)

For the girls, the experience of the dimensional passage was not very friendly. When they rolled out of the dimensional passage, everyone was disgraced and fell to the ground in embarrassment. In the end, Shayue and Julie, who came out, were covered in blood and unconscious.
"Shayue! Julie!"
Seeing the appearance of the two, Imari Nagura and Kirin Kato also hurried over and helped them up.
"where is this place?"
Kato Kirin helped Julie up and looked around anxiously. I saw that they seemed to be in a plain. Looking around, there seemed to be nothing but the barren wilderness.
"Anyway, we have to find a place to stop the bleeding and bandage their wounds.
Imari Yongkura glanced around, then quickly locked onto a cave.
"go there!"
Soon, the girls came to the cave, and Imari Nagakura and Kirin Kato also took out the first aid kits they were carrying, and dealt with the injuries of Iruka Sayuki and Julie.
It was not until the situation between the two of them gradually stabilized that Kirin Kato and Imari Nagura breathed a sigh of relief.
"Miss Shayue just lost too much blood. Miss Julie's situation is a little troublesome. Fortunately, the bullet penetrated her body. As long as there is no infection, there should be no problem."
After carefully examining the wounds of the two, Imari Nagura also gave his own judgment. If the bullet stayed in the body under such circumstances, the threat to Julie would be much greater. But fortunately, Julie is only a penetrating injury, as long as it can be repaired, it will be fine.
"What shall we do now? Imari?"
"Ugh... The top priority is to find a place for the two of them to rest... After all, what I'm most worried about now is food and water... After all, this place doesn't look like anyone..."
However, Imari's voice just fell, when suddenly, a dull sound came from not far away, and even the ground began to tremble. This also shocked the two girls. They shrank their bodies subconsciously, and then cautiously stuck their heads out to look out of the cave—and then, a dark, huge shadow appeared in front of them.
It was a huge metal monster.
It is six or seven meters high, and looks similar to dinosaurs in appearance... Or, it is simply like a dinosaur-like monster made of metal.
"This, what is this..."
Looking at the metal monsters that strode past them not far from them, Kirin Kato's frightening words were not accurate, and Imari Nagakura's expression was not much better. Heaven and earth conscience, where have they seen such... strange things?
More importantly, there is more than one!
Behind that monster, dozens or even more metal monsters walked slowly from the other side of the wilderness. They seemed to have some purpose, striding across the wilderness and walking forward. On the other hand, Imari Nagura and Kirin Toto held their breath, staring at the scene in front of them uneasily. It was not until these metal monsters left that they breathed a sigh of relief, looked at each other, and quietly returned to the depths of the cave.
"The situation here doesn't seem right... Er, is this where my brother came from?"
"I don't know...but now there is a very troublesome problem."
Speaking of this, Imari Nagura glanced at Julie and Ikaruga Sayue, who were still unconscious.
"...That is, how to deal with food and water sources?"
No matter what, those metal monsters outside definitely couldn't be baked and eaten.
The two looked at each other and saw each other's solemn expressions.
For them who are new to the world and are unfamiliar with life, this can be regarded as the most difficult problem to solve.
Just as the girls were struggling to survive in the wilderness, Fang Zheng also drove the airship to start the journey to the Dark Continent.
After all, once the power problem is solved, the remaining problems will not be difficult to solve. As for material reserves, of course, it is not the problem. This airship was originally used for travel. It was originally planned to carry thirty or forty people, and the supplies were more than enough to supply two people.
When Fangzheng set off, V5 also sent fighter jets to give a false warning, asking Fangzheng to stop immediately or take drastic measures - Fangzheng naturally sneered at this, who wouldn't speak ruthlessly, Are you capable of fighting?
It turned out that V5 was really cowardly, seeing Fang Zhengli and ignoring them, these fighter planes also circled the airship two or three times, and finally turned around and got out of the way.
Then Fang Zheng drove the airship all the way to the east.
In order to excavate Fangzheng, the king of Wading also stated his plan in the letter, and Fangzheng also learned from this that if he went east to the Dark Continent, there was an island in the middle that could be used as a supply base. At that time, the king's plan was to occupy this island as the center of the rear base, and then continue to move forward into the dark continent.
Of course, Fangzheng accepted his plan unceremoniously. Anyway, they can't go now, right?
If the king knew that Fangzheng ate and wiped himself and kicked himself, he might have a heart attack.
But this has nothing to do with Fang Zheng.
However, he found an interesting thing.
That's Katima... She's afraid of heights.
Katima, who was lying on the chair at the moment, had a pale face, and slumped on the sofa with her eyes blank. She looked like a miserable girl who had been drugged and was unable to turn, and her expression was full of pain. with despair.
"Sir, my lord... I can't take it anymore..."
"As for it, it's good to get used to it."
Fang Zheng sat on a chair and looked at the scenery in front of him leisurely—to ensure comfort, the front of the entire airship was made of pure glass. That is to say, people sitting here can not only see the scenery in front of them, but also can see the ocean below when they bow their heads.
It turned out that Katima was still very excited when she first came up, just like a child taking a plane for the first time, but as the airship flew higher and higher, her expression changed accordingly. So much so that after the airship reached the cruising altitude, Katima didn't even dare to look down, but just tightly clutched the armrest of the sofa and closed her eyes, looking like she was too weak to live.
At this time, it is estimated that Fangzheng put her hands in a position like V, rolling her eyes and sticking out her tongue, and she was not in the mood to resist.
"Yes, but..."
Katima was holding the armrest tightly at the moment, only feeling her legs were weak.
To be honest, at first, when the airship reached a height of tens of meters, she could still calm down, and when it reached a height of several hundred meters, she could still accept it. But after reaching the altitude of 10,000 meters, the feeling is completely different. Katima didn't expect that she still has a fear of heights. Especially now that she looks at the glass floor under her feet, and when she sees the sea below, there is always an illusion that the sofa she is sitting on will disappear in an instant, and then she will fall directly from the sky and fall into the sea...
Thinking of this, Katima also hurriedly retracted her gaze and looked up at the ceiling again.
Although there is nothing bare there, and it doesn't look good, but... it will never make your legs go weak.
Ashamed to say, Katima is a battle-hardened fighter, but she didn't expect that she would experience the feeling of weakness in her legs one day.
And not on the battlefield...
"I, I'd better go back to the room to rest for a while, it's really unbearable here."
Katima also knew that with Fangzheng's ability, she would definitely not let the airship fall, but she knew it, but the glass floor was too scary. Just looking at her feet, she immediately collapsed and slumped weakly. On the ground, even if dozens of burly men were and thin in front of her at this time, Katima probably wouldn't have the strength to resist.
After saying this, Katima also fled back to her cabin to rest as if flying. After all, there was nothing in it, so she could clean it up a bit, right?
"Ha ha."
Seeing Katima's disappearance, Fang Zheng laughed, and then he looked forward again. I saw that in front of the water and sky, the dark clouds were already faintly visible. At this moment, Fang Zheng's expression became somewhat serious.
The reason why he chose to use the airship to travel is due to his habit on the one hand, and on the other hand, Fang Zheng also hopes to take this opportunity to secretly investigate what this Order clan is good at.
Every Order family has its own areas of expertise. For example, the Goddess of Order is good at life transformation and biological categories, so you can see that the worlds she creates are basically like inhumane biological laboratories, with all kinds of messy biological products. Like zombies, T virus, apostles... or something.
And the goddess of the sky... uh, UU reading should not be too demanding of college graduates.
Fangzheng didn't know what this Order Clan was good at, but he was certain that he would not have graduated from high school or college at least.
But this can be seen from the technology he uses.
Although the Hunter Association also has records left over from hundreds of years ago, in Fangzheng's opinion, this is meaningless. If he travels back to ancient times now and pulls a high-voltage power grid around the tribe, people can also make up the idea of ​​"the gods cast it." The power of thunder stopped us from crossing the moat" and such nonsense. Although according to the records, the closer to the Dark Continent, the stronger the thunderstorm, but obviously, they do not know whether it is the influence of some kind of magic enchantment, or the result of some kind of technology.
So what Fangzheng wants to investigate is this.
And the most direct way, of course, is to face it directly.
like now.
"Boom rumble!!"
As the airship approached, the dark and dense clouds and thunder and lightning became more and more dazzling. Fang Zheng was sitting on a chair, watching the scene in front of him unmoved. At the same time, he carefully felt the breath from the depths of the clouds. So far, he had not felt the breath of magic or spiritual power. So these thunderstorm black clouds are either naturally generated or some kind of technological means.
Hmm... I'll find out soon.
Thinking of this, Fang Zheng stretched out his finger and tapped a few times on the armrest of the chair. Soon, the airship accelerated and rushed directly into the clouds in front of him.
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