Chapter 3573: Conclusion (It's been hot in the morning and cold in the afternoon recently)

"Yo, how do you feel?"
Carrying the flaming sword, the red ponytail stared at the white-haired man in front of him with a smile, while the latter stared at her with a livid face. At this moment, the white-haired man was in a state of embarrassment, and even his face was black and purple.
"It turned out to be like this... I didn't expect it to be like this..."
"So you're ready to die."
Red Ponytail didn't intend to talk nonsense with the other party. She clenched the big sword and placed it in front of her, staring at the white-haired man in front of her. Then, a sword swung out, slashing straight at the enemy in front of him.
"I won't lose ah ah ah ah!!"
However, the white-haired man obviously wouldn't just let it go. He angrily pulled out the long knife from his waist and threw it forward. In an instant, the space in front of the red ponytail became shattered and cracked like glass. Obviously, this guy's ability, as Fang Zheng expected, should be the ability to manipulate space, but...
"It's useless!"
Accompanied by the roar, the red ponytail swung down with a sword, and the flaming initial fire broke out, swept away the space debris in front of him. After all, what Fangzheng was most afraid of was that the other party could manipulate the space at will and throw himself into other worlds. But now they are in prison, you don't even have to change the cell, and naturally it is impossible to send yourself to another world!
That's right, it's like a fight between two members of society, one of which is always able to escape and the other can't catch it. then what should we do? Then the only way is to enter the detention center, and it is best to arrange it in a cell, can't escape even if you want to run away, so be ready to be beaten up for me!
That's right, this is what happened to the white-haired man at the moment. He has been locked in the cell of the detention center, and he should not be called to the ground. Only when one of them falls can he be able to leave the cell alive! However, it was obvious that the white-haired man would not give up because of this. He held a long blade and stared at the red ponytail viciously.
"Stop joking! I won't lose to a pervert like you who likes to pretend to be a woman!"
"You die for me!!"
At this moment, the red ponytail finally broke out.
The scorching flames made the whole sky red, and even the magical girls who were fighting Batik on the ground were taken aback. When they raised their heads, they saw the sky in front of them turned bright red as if burned by flames. , Under the scorching high temperature, even the sky became like a high-rise ceiling and began to shatter and split.
Even the ground shook violently at this moment.
The red ponytail clenched the flaming sword in his hand, and his red eyes stared at the opposite side fiercely, and at this moment in front of her, the white-haired man had collapsed to the ground, the flames raged on him, and large tracts of skin fell off from it. However, the first fire that was supposed to devour everything was not able to completely wipe out the opponent. On the contrary, under the skin of the white-haired man, there were countless twisted and twisted earthworms, covered in pitch black...
Blood vessel? tentacle?
At the same time... a piercing alarm sounded.
【Alert: Chaos erosion detected】
【Alert: Chaos erosion detected】
【The processing mode will be opened soon】
Hearing the alarm sound, the red horsetail looked puzzled. She naturally guessed that the other party was polluted by chaos, but... why is the order engraving activated now?
"Don't be kidding! I'm not polluted by chaos!"
At this moment, the white-haired man also stood up angrily and roared loudly, as if he was complaining to someone. Then, he stretched out his hand and pointed at the red ponytail.
"This guy, this guy is the core of being polluted by Chaos!"
"Ha...what are you talking about in your sleep?"
Hearing the words of the white-haired man, the red ponytail was stunned. Is there such a thing as a face-to-face beating?
"Do you still want to deny it?"
The white-haired man glared fiercely at the flaming sword in the red ponytail's hand.
"Your flame...that's not an ordinary flame! It's a flame that turns everything into nothingness and is classified as chaos! Therefore, you are the culprit of being polluted by chaos!"
"Uh... so what?"
Hearing the white-haired man's words, the red ponytail shrugged his shoulders. At the same time, several golden chains suddenly appeared in the air in all directions, binding the white-haired man tightly.
"Wait, wait, it's not me! It's not me!!"
The white-haired man bound by the golden chains seemed to be more and more frightened. He shook his body desperately, trying to break free, but to no avail. On the back of his left hand, the golden order engraving became more and more conspicuous.
"This guy, this guy is also a monster polluted by chaos! Why, why only punish me! It's not fair! It shouldn't be like this! We have the same power..."
However, the engraving of order turned a deaf ear to the words of the white-haired man. From the engraving on the back of his hand, cracks gradually emerged from the back of the man's hand, and then spread all the way up, quickly spreading to the man's entire body. Immediately afterwards, the brilliance in the crack became more and more dazzling, so that the man's body seemed to burst open because of it. But the man at the moment turned a blind eye to it, he just stared at the red ponytail, his eyes were full of doubt and anger.
"Why? Why? Why are you okay? Why am I the only one to be punished? Obviously you are..."
Red Ponytail shrugged her shoulders silently, of course she wouldn't be stupid to talk now. Although the red ponytail already has an answer to this, but... she won't tell this guy now!
If this guy listens to his answer, and then realizes something between life and death, and suddenly upgrades, isn't that causing trouble for himself? Similar situations have happened in the game animation and in the game. Several times, if the protagonist didn't talk nonsense, the BOSS could only die in despair. As a result, they just wanted to let the BOSS die and understand it, and then kindly gave him pointers. Then the boss had an epiphany before he died, and then instantly upgraded to the second stage...
So as long as you don't talk nonsense, you'll be fine?
Who wants to play the second stage when they are idle and bored!
"Shit... Damn it! I don't want... I'm not reconciled!!"
Looking at the red ponytail who said nothing, the white-haired man's face became more and more distorted, but the next moment, his entire body suddenly burst apart like a porcelain doll, shattered into large pieces, and then disappeared in the air.
At the same time, in front of the red ponytail, line after line of system prompts appeared.
【End of death mode】
[User "Fangzheng" wins]
[Obtaining the priesthood @##&…(@) (cannot be repaired)]
[Obtaining the priesthood @#W@Q&^(@ (unrepairable)]
[Acquired the vocation "God of Space" (85% completeness)]
【Change of ownership of the world】
At the moment of seeing this line of prompts, the red ponytail sighed, and then sat down on the ground. Although it seems that the whole process is not too long, to be honest, Fang Zheng was also frightened during the whole process. This is the same as you play Yu-Gi-Oh, when the opponent hasn't really admitted defeat, even if you summon the three-headed blue-eyed white dragon fusion ultimate dragon, you can't take it lightly, otherwise the ghost knows if the opponent will attack when you launch an attack. Out of a [Holy Shield] or [Black Hole]... At that time, I was directly in cardiac arrest.
Fortunately, this guy's main ability seems to be in space manipulation. After blocking this power, his own combat power is not worth mentioning.
However... After seeing this, Red Ponytail almost understands how the orderly clan was destroyed.
"...That is to say, they were all invaded by Chaos, and then the order was engraved and exploded, right?"
Returning to the familiar space, looking at the goddess of order with only one head left in front of him, Fang Zheng raised his own question, and the latter nodded.
"Yes, the engraving of order is not just the engraving of the order clan. Since you have already noticed it, then I think you should also understand that the order engraving has the functions of 'judgment' and 'judgment'. When the order clan itself is subject to chaos Pollution, when it is judged that it is unable to perform its duties by the seal of order, it will decisively start the self-destruction process to avoid the further spread of chaos."
"Then, if the seal of order is removed in advance..."
"The Mark of Order is the heart of the Order Clan? Doing so is no different from suicide. UU Reading"
"makes sense."
Fangzheng nodded silently. In fact, he had almost guessed why he had the first fire, but he was not treated by the order engraving as the reason for the chaos pollution. Because in Fang Zheng's view, chaos is part of a larger order, which is determined by his own perspective on chaos. And obviously, for most order clans, chaos is chaos, and order is order. This is a bit similar to heart disease, so even if they have similar powers, the fate of Fang Zheng and the white-haired man is definitely different. However, he wouldn't tell the white-haired man about this. If the opponent really had an epiphany before he died, then... maybe it would take dozens of chapters to decide the winner.
For everyone's sake, just die obediently.
"By the way, are you alright?"
The goddess of order looked at Fang Zheng on the other side of the screen curiously.
"You look haggard, you have dark circles under your eyes, and you are thin and thin... It's been a few days since you had eaten?"
"...It's nothing, it's just that I've been a little over-consumed recently."
While speaking, Fang Zheng silently touched his waist.
"Then, our plan can almost be implemented."
"Well, it happened that I took over the world controlled by this guy, and many of them have been polluted by Chaos, so I can just use them as a test field, but before that, I have one more thing to do."
"Oh? What's the matter?"
"... Hang some people from the street lamps."
This was Fang Zheng's murderous answer when confronted by the Goddess of Order's inquiry.
(End of this chapter)
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