Chapter 371: Its name is ———— Adjuster (middle)

Time passes by every minute.
Although the entire adjustment process was long, the other children did not leave, but looked around in the worm eggs with anxiety, anxiety and curiosity, and looked at Xia Shi inside. I have to say that the children's worries are not unreasonable. After all, the Zerg is a complete biological civilization. Apart from that, it depends on the peristaltic blood vessels and various veins on the worm eggs, and the epidermal shell twitching from time to time , It gives people a feeling of the ultimate boss of the big devil ... ... Founder said what he can do about this, he is also very desperate!
Although Founder has drawn a wave of Zerg value through the combination of the Fire Dragon Empire and the Shadow Dragon gene combination of the main world, most of the bugs are still long ... how to say?
It's impossible to say yes.
I don't know how long, finally, with the "slap", the worm eggs in everyone's eyes burst like a ball instantly, and the nutrient solution with a strange smell dispersed, and I saw curled up in it, as if falling into a deep sleep Xia Shi opened his eyes slowly, then sat up.
"Xia Shi!"
"How are you? Is there any discomfort in your body?"
"Are you okay? How do you feel?"
When Xia Shi opened his eyes, others quickly surrounded him, looking at her curiously, and asking. However, on the surface, Xia Shi ’s body does not seem to have changed in the past. When hearing the crowd ’s inquiries, the girl closed her eyes and felt her body carefully, then shook her head.
"No, I don't feel anything uncomfortable."
After hearing Xia Shi's answer, others were relieved. Although they all trust Founder, who makes this thing look too ... insecure?
"how are you feeling?"
At this time, Fangzheng also came over with his clothes, and when he noticed Fangzheng's eyes, Xia Shi's face was slightly red, then he lowered his head and took the clothes.
"I ... feel good, nothing strange. Founder Brother."
"Yeah, but ... there are still some experiments to do ..."
Although Xia Shi himself said that there is no problem, and from the genetic map, the gastroenteric viruses in Xia Shi's body have also been swallowed and fused by the Zerg gene, but in case of any accident, various adjustments and adjustments must be made. Experiments can determine the final result.
After Xia Shi put on his clothes, Founder took him to the square not far from the incubation pond. The other "cursed sons" were also curiously surrounded by Fang Zheng, watching Xia Shi not far away.
"Well, Xia Shi, don't be nervous, we need to test your ability ... ... you should know how to liberate your power."
"Yes, Brother Founder."
Although Xia Shi's expression was still a little nervous, she nodded.
"I already know what to do."
After speaking, Xia Shi clenched her fists and stared at the front—then, her eyes changed from the original gray to the bright red, which was the characteristic of the liberation of the power of the "cursed son".
At this moment, looking at Xia Shi who was liberated by the power, Fang Zheng and Mi Luen both screamed in surprise, then they looked at each other in surprise.
"Master, I feel a psionic response in the target creature ..."
"I feel it too ..."
Looking at the Xia Shi in front of him, Founder was incredible.
"Miron, according to the psychic rating, how many levels does the current Xia Shi belong to?"
"The amount of psychic power in her body has almost reached level 9!"
"This is really ...... surprising."
Although psychologically prepared, the discovery still surprised Fang Zheng. You know this is phantom, phantom! Level 9 Phantom! Nova is also at level 10! According to the level of StarCraft, the level 9 phantom has reached the level of the Templar in Star Spirit!
"Liberation of power ... 50% ... 70% ... 100%!"
"How do you feel? Xia Shi?"
Looking at Xia Shi, who is completely liberating her power, Founder is also vigilantly searching and watching her genetic level and spiritual level. Now, Founder can see that at the genetic level, the human and Zerg genes in Xia Shi ’s body are shaking fast, as if it were full strength. The moving machine runs at the same speed.
"I feel ... the world in front of me seems to be slowing down, and ..."
On the one hand, Xia Shi took a step forward, and the next moment everyone felt only a series of afterimages flashing, and then saw Xia Shi's petite figure appeared hundreds of meters away. Then Xia Shi raised her hands. Between her hands, the emerald green power gradually appeared. Then she saw Xia Shi raised her hands and waved forward.
The next moment, the mad storm of psionic energy erupted at this instant, completely turning everything within a few dozen meters in front of the eyes into ashes. Seeing this scene, Xia Shi herself was startled. She hurriedly canceled the liberation of force, and then her body softened and collapsed to the ground.
"Xia Shi !!!"
Seeing this scene, everyone hurried to Xia Shi's side, watching her uneasily. Xia Shi looked up and shook his head.
"I'm fine, I just feel ...... a bit tired ..."
"... just fine."
Upon hearing Xia Shi's answer, Fang Zheng was relieved, and then he looked forward again.
"You can reach level 10 with full liberation. It seems that ... this time, I really picked up treasure."
It's no wonder Fang is so emotional. He originally adopted these "cursed sons" just because he couldn't bear to see them suffer. But what Founder did not expect is that after combining the power of the "Cursed Son" with the Zerg gene, it can actually generate a psionic response ... Of course, whether it is for the Founder or the "Cursed Son", it can only be regarded as Good things, not bad things.
"But ... Big Brother, how does it feel like Xia Shi hasn't changed?"
Looking at the girl in front of her, the other "cursed sons" were a little confused. Previously, Founder also said that after adjusting the treatment, their bodies will change, but Xia Shi seems to have little change. There are no long horns or long tails, so it looks like a normal human.
"Xia Shi's virus mainly promoted her brain and did not have much effect on her appearance."
After this "adjustment", Founder finally understood the direction of the entire fusion process, but if you think about it, the extraordinary power shown by the "cursed children" is the enhanced part of their infection. Therefore, if erosion and fusion, this aspect is also strengthened first. According to Milun's previous measurement, Xia Shi's IQ has been increased to 320, which can be described as a genius among geniuses. Perhaps it is because the gut virus enhances her brain, so it can produce psionic energy.
After that, Founder also carried out a comprehensive inspection of Xia Shi, and found that in addition to the significant improvement in intelligence and physical properties, Xia Shi's regeneration level has also improved a lot.
After getting the "gut enterovirus", Founder did a lot of experiments in combination with the zerg. He also had some clear understanding of the regenerative ability of the "gut enterovirus".
The general gastroenteric animals and "cursed sons" belong to the level one regeneration ability. In this level, they are difficult to be injured or defeated by ordinary weapons. Of course, the weakness of the "cursed sons" is still the heart and brain. Piercing the heart and brain with a weapon will die.
And the regeneration ability in the second stage can resist ordinary counterfeit weapons, unless it is beheaded, or it is completely burned to death, or it is possible to cause a fatal blow to it by using a special concentrated counterfeit ammunition ~ www.mtlnovel .com ~ Reaching the third-stage regeneration ability, it is almost invincible, even if you cut off the limb and lose the internal organs, you can quickly recover. To destroy the "cursed son" at this stage, it must be bombarded to the point where no residue is left. As a matter of fact, Thunder Monsters under Founder's hands have already obtained the regenerative ability of Stage III through "gut enterovirus".
Not only that, according to Milun's calculations, the "gut virus" also has the regenerative ability of grades four and five, of which grade four can adapt to all extreme climates, and grade five can even survive in vacuum and the core of the sun. It's just that, so far, the Zerg haven't found the power to excite this stage.
According to Founder's experiments, Xia Shi usually has a Level 2 regeneration ability. If she is completely liberated, her regeneration ability can even reach Level 3!
It can be said that this "adjustment" was very smooth!
Then ...... thinking here, Founder once again set his sights on other girls. At this moment, these girls have been unable to restrain their inner excitement and want to try it out.
So, start readjusting for the second time.
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