Chapter 38: Son of Chaos

"Oh !!!"
The sarcophagus started to tremble again. This time, those undead seemed to be aware of some danger. They even gave up and continued to entangle with Fangzheng and others, and turned to stare at the sarcophagus. If the Lich Lord was here, perhaps these undead would still obey its orders, but now the Lich Lord somehow "disappears", so these undead also begin to act instinctively. Obviously, in their view, the contents of that sarcophagus were obviously more "threatening" than Malt and his party.
"What to do? Tutor?"
Taking this opportunity, Founder quickly merged with several other Templar knights and two great knights, but their expressions were still very dignified, and there was no sign of relaxation because the Lich Lord quietly left. Upon hearing Founder's inquiries, Stone also frowned. He stared at the sarcophagus, silently.
"Oh !!!"
At this time, the sarcophagus in the magic circle suddenly jumped up. This time the chain that was tied to the sarcophagus was finally overwhelmed. It broke off and then saw the thick coffin. "Boom" flew into the sky, and then fell heavily to the ground. At the same time, Founder felt a very strange breath that emerged from the inside. Feeling this breath, Malt and Stone looked together.
"not good!"
"Son of Chaos, go!"
But the words of the two have not yet fallen, the sarcophagus trembled again, and then the founder felt a faint wave passing by himself and spread rapidly. And before he could react to what happened, he saw Shi Dong "knock" beside him half-knelt on the ground, sweating his head and biting his teeth. Grasp the huge sword in his hands with both hands. At this moment, the paladin, who was still so brave, seemed to become a weak old man, even struggling.
Malter and several other Templars were not much better. There were even two more injured Templars who fell to the ground without a word and went into a coma. The undead creatures who besieged them before seemed to be more miserable. The Necromancer fell directly to the ground without any movement, and the death messenger and the flesh and blood that made Founder a headache were directly disintegrated. , Changed back to broken bones and flesh.
呃 "Uh ... what is ...?"
Holding the broken sword, Fang Zheng looked at everything in front of him in amazement. He had no idea what was going on? Why did everyone fall suddenly? Do you also want to perform a wave?
"Little, be careful, boy ...... yes, the son of chaos ..."
When Founder was thinking about whether he would also come to a wave of "I should try my best to perform with you," Stone next to him spoke and looked at him. He was originally a very strong warrior, but now he felt His face seemed to be struggling. He clutched his great sword with both hands, trying hard to stand up, but his legs were as heavy as lead.
"It's dusk ... the most terrible existence of the border, the enemy of order ...... it can create a region and isolate all the power of order ..."
Is this why you instantly became like this?
Hearing Stone ’s words, Founder suddenly realized that he also knew that the people in this world are basically using the power of order. If we want to say, for example, all the skills in this world are to consume MP Yes, but this son of chaos is equivalent to bringing a thing similar to the magic field, and will block your MP directly ... wait, no!
Thinking of this, Founder suddenly changed his face, he glanced quickly at the status bar in front of him. Then Founder was surprised to find that all of his skills had become unusable gray! Even the activation ability of the soul stone is the same!
Come on! No wonder that the Lich Lord has run away!
At this moment, Founder finally understood why the Duke of the Bone ran away without saying a word. According to what he learned from the temple, whether it was magic or other powers, they belonged to the force of order, and these immortalities created by the Duke of the Bone Creature also acts on the undead magic formed by the power of order. Compared to living people, these undead creatures are more vulnerable to the Son of Chaos, because they can be said to rely on the power of order to continue to exist in this world. Once the power of order is wiped out or sealed, then they are finished Already.
And the Duke of Bone Bone is probably the same. Although the other party is one of the most powerful members of the perish council, it is still an undead creature. It is likely that the Chaos Son ’s "Forbidden Magic Realm" has the same effect, so ... That old guy just ran so fast!
It's really POI!
He held the broken sword, and Fang Zheng was numb with scalp at the moment. He stared at the sarcophagus with a sigh of breath. Under Founder's gaze, a tall black shadow slowly stood up from the sarcophagus.
That's a knight.
From the appearance, it does not seem to be different from ordinary humans. To be honest, this "human" is two or three meters high. It wears rusty armor around and around it. It can still stand in the gap of the helmet. Little red lights. With a huge sharp blade in his hand, the whole man stood up slowly, staring silently around.
导师 "Tutor, what's so special about this stuff?"
握 Holding the broken sword tightly, Fang Zheng asked without asking.
"For example, what skills will it have, what ability ..."
"Hah? What does it mean?"
I heard Founder's answer, Founder was aggressive, isn't this BOSS? I haven't heard that BOSS will not make a big move yet.
混 "Mixed, the sons of chaos are monsters born in chaos ..."
马尔 At this moment, Malt also calmed down and whispered.
"And all skills and magic come from the gift of order. They ca n’t learn to use this power at all, but even so, they are still enemies who cannot be overlooked. Even if these chaotic monsters only rely on their bodies, It ’s enough to pose a terrible threat to the enemy. Be careful, these monsters are said to be powerful and very fast ... "
"That's it ... eh?"
Hearing here, Founder nodded, and then he gave a sudden nod.
How do you feel so familiar with this scene?
Enemies are huge monsters, unable to use soul stones or skills ... Isn't this meow the dark soul?
So let me see which one of you and Teacher Gu Da is better.
Thinking of this, the corner of Fang Zheng's mouth slightly tilted, and then he reached out his hand and pulled out a dagger from his waist.
Then, Fang Zheng took a few steps forward and came to the monster. He held the broken sword tightly in his right hand and held it straight forward, pointing to the son of chaos in front of him. Then the Founder raised his left hand holding the dagger and laid his chest horizontally, then nodded to the chaotic son in front of him.
Seeing Founder's move, everyone was surprised, and Malt turned his head in surprise and looked at Stone.
"Stone, what is he doing? And ... why is he not affected by the chaotic force field?"
For the people of the order world, the children of chaos are terrible, because the chaotic field of force will isolate their power of order. This is also true for Paladins such as Malt and Stone. Do not look at their great power on weekdays. It looks like Superman, but this is all due to the power of the Protoss. It's like some people in the martial arts novels are dry and thin, but a slap can fly a strong man for dozens of meters, naturally not because he is strong, but because he has superb internal strength.
The Templar knights in the chaos force field are like the martial arts masters who have lost their internal strength, which is basically useless.
"This kid is something special ...... well, but this posture, isn't it ..."
In the face of Malt's inquiry, Stone also vaguely answered that the body of the Holy Spirit is a top secret. Although he and Malt are close friends, such things cannot naturally be said randomly. However, after seeing Fang Zheng's pose, Stone was in front of his eyes. He had n’t talked much with Founder before about the world in his
, so naturally he also learned from Founder ’s mouth that there is a group of soldiers called the French Undead in that world. They are a group of darkness in order to annihilate the abyss. Fighting fighters, but in the end, these fighters were gradually eroded by the abyss and became enemies they hated.
At that time, Stone was still very impressed by the French undead team, which reminded him of the Order Army stationed at the twilight border. They were also like the French undead team. From time to time, some people will become monsters because of being eroded by chaos. Stone was also one of them, so when he heard about the French Undead from the Founder, he immediately thought of the Order Army.
And now ...
"This posture ......... Can it be said ..."
显然 The son of Chaos obviously doesn't know what Fang is doing. He who is chaotic in nature doesn't care about it. When the son of Chaos roars, he raises the big sword in his hand and jumps up.
And just as the Great Sword of the Chaos split, Fang Zheng suddenly rolled towards the side, passing by the whistling sword, and he swept forward with the broken sword in his hand. UUBooks He was heavily chopped in the waist of the Son of Chaos. Mars was splashing with the sound of a metal clash of "Clang". The body of the Son of Chaos shook slightly, and then the big sword in his hand quickly turned a semicircle on the ground and attacked the Founder again. However, this time facing the attack of the Son of Chaos, the Founder did not retreat, he rolled and narrowed the distance between himself and the Son of Chaos, and then raised his sword to the Son of Chaos and swept away. The Son of Chaos quickly took a step back, and at the same time the sword in his hand was suddenly recovered, chopped directly to the Founder's neck!
But Founder seemed to have eyes behind his head. At the same time as the Son of Chaos retracted his sword, he also bent down as if tied to an invisible silk thread, and left the Chaos Son ’s great sword over his head, and then Founder Moving forward again, the broken sword in his hand also burst out a bright and dazzling light at this moment!
Founder raised his right hand, and the long sword in his hand swept forward with an arc from bottom to top, leaving a shocking scar on the chest of the Son of Chaos, and the Son of Chaos was suddenly stiff, but he did not wait for it. If there was any action, Founder's originally raised sword blade was swung down again, and the body of the chaotic child who was hitting was tilted back. Then he jumped up suddenly, and even took a sword to make a circle in the air, and then the blade of the broken sword crossed the moon in the void, and fell directly from the sky onto the son of Chaos!
Under the attack of the Founder's set of three consecutive cuts, the Son of Chaos finally couldn't hold it, and flew away like a stone popped out of the trebuchet, and crashed into the stone wall not far behind with a boom. in.
Dust scattered.
Fang Fang lowered the sword in his hand and exhaled long.
Behind him at the moment, Stone and Malt are almost staring out.
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