Chapter 393: The beginning of conquering the world

"Woohoo, brother, you haven't seen it, the expressions of those stupid humans at that time were even more disgusting than locusts."
While turning the umbrella in her hand, Tiriya looked at the Founder beside her with a smile. When she revealed the message that "Tiandao Palace can transform the cursed sons and give them powerful power", those stupid mortals have the same eyes as pigs, except for the fluttering light, the rest What is down is just greedy and ugly.
"Good job, not to mention my lovely Tiriya."
Upon hearing Tiriya's words, Founder reached out and touched Tiriya's small head lightly. Tiriya narrowed her eyes, as if a kitten enjoyed the Founder's touch. Subsequently, the girl slowly approached, leaning on Fang Zheng's side.
"Master's touch is still as comfortable as ever ... but Tiriya wants to be more comfortable."
"it's here?"
Feeling that the girl's soft fingers were stroking herself gently, Founder immediately understood what Tiriya wanted. But ... at the moment they are "unexplored area", that is, outside the monument, although the scenery is beautiful and the scenery is good, but ...
"it's here?"
"What does it matter?"
Upon hearing Founder's inquiry, Tiriya smiled slightly.
"Isn't it right here? Without those cute kids, there won't be the little girl who plays with the stars to do things ... Tiriya has been working hard these days, so in return for the hard work ..."
On one side, Tiriya flew into Fangzheng's arms and raised her head. The big blue eyes stared at the Fangzheng in front of them with a touch of moisture.
"......... I want a little reward from my elder brother ..."
"What a little serval."
Feeling the girl's soft body, Fang Zheng lowered her head and blocked Tiriya's lips.
With the sound of kisses, Tiriya slowly closed her eyes and allowed Founder's hands to stroke and walk around her body. From the collarbone to the shoulders, from the chest to the waist, as if a snake was slowly moving its body, the breathing of the two became more and more intense, and after a while, they gradually separated.
"Brother, it seems that has changed."
With her tongue sticking out, she gently licked her lips, and Tiriya looked squarely. When hearing Tiriya's emotion, Founder frowned.
"That's right, my elder brother ... always seems to have become a lot tougher? What determination seems to have been made?"
Men and women sometimes learn about changes even if they don't need language to communicate. It is not uncommon for the Founder. Her relationship with Tiriya has been so long. Tiriya is not a natural stupid person. Of course, she will not be aware of any changes.
"Indeed, there are some things that cannot be done without them."
As he stroked Tiriya's hair, Founder nodded. He has figured it out since he was promoted to legend. In his current situation, if he wants to be the same as before, it will be unrealistic to take Nimf and Tiriya in any event. Since this is the case, then he should give up his previous escape strategy and make a change. .
"Tiriya, if I were to conquer the world, would you help me?"
"Of course, brother."
Upon hearing Founder's inquiry, Tiriya smiled.
"No matter what the elder brother wants to do, whether it is protecting the world, destroying or conquering the world, as long as the elder brother's hope, then I will always follow the elder brother."
On one side, Tiriya lifted her toes, stuck out her tongue, and licked her cheeks. Then, I saw the girl turned around, lifted her skirt with a seductive smile, and exposed the dazzling white in front of Fang Zheng.
"But before conquering the world, my elder brother must conquer here first?"
"Yes, can men not do it ..."
In the face of Tiriya's invitation, of course, Founder could not refuse, he hugged the petite body in his arms, and then pushed forward vigorously.
Feeling the hot touch, Tiriya could not help screaming, but soon, her mouth was blocked by Founder's tongue again.
"唔 ...... 唔 ..."
Soon, a high-intensity war, so silently launched in the ruins.
right here.
Lurking in the grass, the teenager calmly looked at the building not far away, which looked like it had been completely abandoned. He got the news from his adoptive father. Tiandao Palace brought all the a- and s-class criminals here, but no one returned. In fact, no one knows where they went ... and according to some rumors, Tiandao Palace seems to be here, using ordinary people to do biochemical experiments ...
Thinking of this, the teenager clenched his hands. Those people may have broken the law, but they should also be sanctioned by the law. If Tiandao Palace really does something illegal here, then he must not turn a blind eye. That's why he appeared here. If Tiandao Palace really used the victim to do human tests here, then he would have to record all of this and take it back for exposure.
Looking at the ruins in front of him, the young man remembered the words of his guardian, Zi Hengxian.
"Heavenly Palace is gathering the cursed children on the surface, but we suspect that they have carried out a cruel and inhuman transformation on those cursed children. This is an intolerable act. But now, there is no way for the Holy Son to act, only I beg you. If Tiandao Palace is really such an evil organization, then we must do everything in our power to organize their atrocities. "
At that time, the other party also showed himself photos. Indeed, the performance of those cursed sons far exceeded their imagination. Since this time, the news has only talked about the death of Taurus and its subsequent effects, and hardly talked about the entire fighting process. If there is no problem at all, it is absolutely impossible.
So, let me see what kind of organization Tiandao Palace is!
Thinking of this, the teenager clenched his fists, lowered his body, and slowly advanced towards the building in front of him. It was an abandoned factory. From the outside, there was nothing unusual, and no one was even guarded nearby. However, young people will not lose their vigilance because of this. Things like this world monitor are not uncommon. If they are disguised, they may be hidden in a corner. So he hides his body as much as possible, moving forward along the shadow of the ruins.
right here!
After confirming that there were no hidden cameras or automatic machine guns nearby, the boy suddenly took a leap, jumping from the flat ground instantly, and then jumped up to the third floor ~ ~ He grabbed the platform next to him and watched with caution . But still nothing happens.
It is really strange. According to the information, the prisoners were sent here before. According to the reason, there should be someone responsible for guarding the prisoners, but why can't there be any signs of people here? Are they not afraid of the prisoners running away? Or is it just a guise, after the prisoners were taken here and sent to other places?
Thinking about it, the teenager turned into the factory and went into the factory. There was dust everywhere, and there was no sign of anyone at all. However, he still held the pistol in his hand and looked around with vigilance. Soon, the boy found his footprints on the next step.
Is it here?
Following the footprints, the teenager slowly walked down the steps, and there was still no one underneath. From these footprints, the other person seemed to have been taken to the basement ... The situation seemed a little bad.
The teenager seemed a little nervous, but he still picked up the camera and pinned it on his chest. Then he shook his gun and walked into the dark basement.
After entering the basement, a weird stench suddenly rushed head-on, which made the teenager instinctively cover his mouth and nose. And just then, his ears keenly caught the sound coming from the dark basement.
"Ah ......... Ah ..."
It sounded like a sorrow of despair, and a groan of some unconscious beast. When he heard this voice, the young man was tense all over. He hesitated a moment, still turned on the flashlight, and shot at the place where the voice was made.
Then, after seeing the scene in front of him, the teenager was shocked! !!
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