Chapter 441: What kind of person is he?

Although Ogrand did think about why Founder did not come, she did not expect that this man would appear in front of herself in this way at this time!
Looking at Ogrand in the distance, Founder smiled slightly, then he stepped down the steps, and behind him were Nimfu and Hekati, followed by the curses from the three colleges of Tiandao Palace. Sons.
I have to admit that Fang Zheng's appearance made a lot of attention, and everyone in the audience watched him in surprise, and at the same time they couldn't help but whisper.
"Who is he?"
"I've never heard of someone like this ... wait, do you remember the previous rumors?"
"You mean ..."
Having said that, many people have responded. They came here to participate in the ceremony, naturally to investigate the situation of Golden Bay, and this is not worthy of confidential information, so almost everyone knows that in the ownership division of Golden Bay, except the platinum family and the temple , There is another person-that is Founder.
The nobles in the Holy State are obviously no strangers to this name. After all, when Fang was going through Conna, his name was spit on the screen in the high level of the Holy State. Almost no one knows, and the top of other countries are also quite concerned about this person. After all, the other party is the legendary holy knight, and also conflicts with the temple. Such an important person is impossible for other countries. Not concerned.
It's just that Founder is not a fool, because after that he basically walked around in the copy world incognito, which also made those who are interested and powers have no way to start. Although they spent a lot of effort to find the Founder at the time, it was naturally impossible for these people to find a target that was completely out of this world, so after the initial upsurge, both the forces of other countries and the cultists also took this one. Let things go and look at it as a long-term goal.
Not to mention that after that, Founder has remained incognito until he bought the island in the city of Keha, and he did not reveal his whereabouts. When the incident was reported to the temple, Fang Zheng had already gone freely on the sea, and he disappeared. Others know that Founder once went to Golden Bay from the Platinum family. He has no clue about his whereabouts afterwards.
It can be said that it was not until this time that the Founder appeared to be in front of the representatives of various forces for the first time.
In a way that no one had thought of.
"It seems I'm here on time."
When he walked to Oglean, Founder nodded at her, then asked.
"What's happening now? How's the ceremony going?"
"You, you still ask me this?"
In the face of the Founder's inquiries that were just fine, Ogrand only felt that he was going to be carried away. You took off on such an exaggerated battleship and brought such a large group of people. Shouldn't you just say something Is it a bold scene?
What a ghost you look like, "I'm sorry you're not late for traffic jams"!
"... No, Your Founder is here at the right time."
Although in all fairness, now Ogrand Chao wants to grab the Founder's collar and yell, but on the surface she still forces herself to calm down, take a deep breath, and then answer with a smile.
"Welcome to Golden Bay ...... and Miss Hekty and Miss Nimf, it's been a long time."
In the face of Ogrand's greetings, Nimfu and Hekati nodded in response, while Founder looked around in a circle, and then looked at Ogran again.
"I said, it's just a pick-up. There is no need for such a big battle ...... Oh, did you arrange a place for us?"
"Of course, we have arranged a place for you, please follow me."
Ogland was not a fool. When he heard the words of Founder, he knew that he didn't want to stay in a place where such people talked a lot. Just because she didn't want to stay here to face those troubles, so she He grabbed a deputy directly and ordered him to take charge of the next airport affairs, and then Ogrand took the Founder and others to the airport.
With the departure of Ogrand and Founder, the representatives of other forces also smashed away. What happened today is too exciting. They originally only watched the excitement. I didn't expect to have just witnessed the war between the four countries. I even saw a powerful force they had never imagined!
Who is this man? Where does he come from? What power is behind him?
No one knows the answer, but looking at these sky-covered warships in the sky, everyone knows that from today, a force that can compete with the country of the Holy Church, the country of the magic guide, the country of the fire, and the country of wealth Has appeared.
And for such important things, they must report to their masters. Should they wait and see for this emerging powerful force? Still showing promise? These all need their boss to make a decision, not to mention ... if you stay here again, it depends on the wolf of the country of wealth. Everyone in the scene where the Qianjin was treated as a fly was seen directly. The representative of the country of wealth is now as ugly as swallowing the flies, so they should not go up to get rid of the mold.
"Lieutenant General John, it looks like your forward number is really great."
However, not everyone is afraid of touching the mold. On the contrary, the knight of Astor leaned over with a smile, stood next to Lieutenant General John, leaned his head out, looked at the forward number on the sea below, and shook his head with emotion. .
"It was able to withstand such an impact without falling apart, and now I believe that this warship is truly extraordinary."
After hearing this, Lieutenant General John could no longer keep the smile on his face. He snorted coldly, then gave Aster a stern glance, then turned and left without saying a word. Looking at the back of Lieutenant General John, Astor also slowly smiled, then he looked up and looked at the battleship in front of him again, showing a look of shock and longing.
"Sure enough ... as expected from the temple ..."
Founder did not know that since Conna's incident, the temple has been investigating his origins, and many of the priests believe that the return of the Holy Knight is likely to represent the goddess The will is reborn, showing the power of the gods. In particular, the scene where the Founder summoned the Supreme Heaven at that time excited these priests.
In their opinion, that was the symbol of Founder being ordered by the great goddess!
Originally, Astor was only dubious about this conclusion ~ ~ But now, after seeing the huge ship in front of him, he finally believes it.
This huge warship, whether in size or strength, far exceeds the limit that humans can imagine. Only almighty gods can build such a brilliant miracle!
Sure enough, the old men weren't dreaming ... the gods finally reappeared in this way ...
The metal giant covering the sky is hovering above the sky, releasing infinite anger from the gods towards the chaos and darkness that rages on the ground, and the holy flame sufficient to destroy all things erupts on the ground, completely destroying the chaos that erodes the world. The darkness is gone and the light of order once again shines on this world ...
Recalling what he saw in the scriptures, Astor was shaking with excitement. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, which forced him to calm down, then turned around and looked at himself. Attendant.
"Contact the temple immediately and report everything that happened here to the Pope! The goddess' army has reappeared in this world !!"
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