Chapter 490: History hidden in the scriptures

"Frankly, we don't have any clear clues about this change in Warcraft."
Back in the command room, Captain Wells began to explain the strangeness of this wave of Warcraft in detail.
As a matter of common sense, it is generally the winter Warcraft will start to move, but when the earth thawed in the spring, they will return. After all, these Warcrafts have nothing to do with each other, and even some Warcrafts are still food for each other. They may join forces to attack the fortress, but that is because of "need for survival", and after the winter passes, the hard conditions for forcing these Warcrafts will no longer exist, so these Warcrafts will return to the chaotic land again and continue them life.
Then wait until the winter of the following year before "migration".
But this year is a little different.
"Originally, because of the changes of the Warcraft in the winter, we thought that this time they would be more honest when spring came. After all, during the battle last winter, these monsters also suffered heavy losses. According to the truth, they should be more honest in spring. That's right, but ... "
Speaking of which, the Cavaliers Captain also showed an incredible expression.
"These monsters seem to have gone mad. They have no intention of leaving at all. They don't stop without breaking here."
Of course, the actions of these monsters surprised the defenders of the North Fortress, but they couldn't figure out what was going on. At first, they just thought that the monsters were only staying for a short time. After all, these chaotic monsters did not have the concept of time, and they were normal every day.
But when spring comes to summer, even the optimistic Paladin knows that the situation is wrong-Chaos monsters have never besieged the North Fortress for so long!
But at present the Holy Land does not have extra troops to reinforce, and the North Fortress itself is difficult to support. Had it not been for the Founder to lead Tiandao Palace in time to reinforce the situation, I am afraid the situation would get worse.
Repelling the monster's attack on the North Fortress is only the first step. Cardinal hopes that Founder will join the defenders of the North Fortress to go deep into the chaos and thoroughly investigate the cause of the North Monster's riot. If possible, completely eliminate it. all of these. Because of this, he asked Fang Zheng to bring the fleet to support.
"About the Warcraft riots ... do you have any clues about Captain Wells?"
"If there is a clue, it is not completely absent."
In the face of the Founder's inquiry, the Chief Knight of Wales thought for a moment, and then pulled out a document from the side.
"Every spring, we will send several scouts to go into the chaos to determine the situation of the Warcraft. This year is the same, except that most of them have not been able to return. However, there is still a scout team that sends some people. The news you care about ... "
As he said, the Captain Wells passed the document. The Founder took the file and opened it, looking at the information in it.
"...... underground ... light? Earth shaking? God's wrath is coming? What is this?"
However, no matter how Fangzheng looked, he only felt that this was like a group of madmen's slang words. There was no clue between the lines.
"This is the content of the scriptures in the temple."
The Welsh knight stretched out his hand and took out a thick textbook from the side.
"All Paladins will recite this scripture, and for the message they convey, I think it may be because at that time, they have been eroded by chaos and cannot continue to maintain their self ... ... after all, you should also know His Excellency, the deeper the people of our order in the land of chaos, the more easily they will be eroded by chaos, and they will gradually become unable to control themselves ... maybe, at that time, they had no other way except this way Way to convey information. "
Looking at the thick textbook in front of him, Founder was silent for a while.
It's great not to tell the other party that you are also a Holy Spirit Knight.
"Then these are ..."
"It's a‘ new life ’segment in the canon ...

Speaking of which, the Knight Cavalier of Welsh opened the scriptures and pointed to a paragraph with a horizontal line, while the Founder reached out and took the scriptures.
"... the shadow of chaos came again, and the goddess's voice resounded through the earth. In the place where the sun shrouded, all evil was invisible. 'This is not our last battle', the voice of the goddess echoed in everyone's heart That is a mild, but powerful phrase. 'The war between order and chaos has continued, but now, we will finally win.'
The earth began to crack, the sky began to roar, and with the words of the goddess, the holy beam of light fell from the sky, and the wrath of the gods swept through everything ... eh? "
Seeing this, Founder suddenly hesitated, then he looked up and looked at the Captain Wells.
"Lord Wells, the record inside ..."
"This is what our ancestors recorded. The goddess appeared to destroy chaos and gave this continent a new life."
Hearing the answer from Captain Wells, Founder picked up the textbook.
"Sorry, Lord Wells, don't mind me looking at this textbook."
"Of course, no problem."
After Founder left the command post, he found a place to sit down casually, and then quickly released the scripture in his hand and began to read the contents one by one.
Strictly speaking, this textbook has been found by Founder before. It was just after he crossed the world. In order to make himself a "clean" identity, Founder joined the temple and became a knight. At that time, he had read this text, but the founder at that time just read it at random and did not read it carefully. In his opinion, the religious texts in any world are actually similar, but now, when Founder reads the text carefully again, he just realized that what is said in it ... seems to have some meaning ... .
Unlike ordinary religions, who like to portray the main of their faith as the creator of heaven and earth, in the view of Founder, the goddess depicted in the temple scriptures is clearly an outsider.
The entire text is divided into three parts. The first is to record the original appearance of this continent. According to the records in the text, this continent was full of danger and there was chaos everywhere. Humans can only hide in the corners like mice. Shivering with the cave, living one day after another.
Although the scripture's description of this period is full of artistic processing, Founder can still find some clues. If everything said in the scripture is true, then the world can be said to be quite dangerous and chaotic at first. Not only are there no seasons, the temperature is also high and low. Maybe it was "warm and comfortable" yesterday, but today it was "cold and cold", the temperature was high and low, and various diseases broke out from time to time. Those infected with the disease either become monsters or die from the disease.
Humans in this world had no future at the time, as if they were just waiting to die in despair.
But one day, "the goddess came from the sky in a golden ark, and her warm light tore the darkness and dispelled the mist, as if the mother guarded her own children and gave us shelter". After that, the goddess "created the four seasons, distinguished day and night ~ ~ brought the fire of knowledge and civilization".
Under the guidance of the goddess, "People take up weapons, use the knowledge and power they have obtained from the mother of order, and bravely fight against the evil and chaotic enemies. Finally, the goddess takes the action to completely destroy the root of evil . Since then, the earth has ushered in peace. "
This is also the second part of the canonical record. As for the third part, it is about the goddess returning to the sky to watch her people, and all the people must always keep in mind that their beautiful and happy life is from the goddess. Wait a minute ... This part is no different from those religious texts in Founder's memory.
"This content is really interesting ..."
Looking at the clip of "The goddess riding her golden mount down from the sky" recorded in the current scripture, Fang Zheng looked up and looked at the angel-class battleship not far from his head ...
Hmm ... if you remove those artistic descriptions ...
Can I have a bold conjecture?
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