Chapter 566: Guidance in the Dark

Access to Byronvis College requires going through a forest of taboos, which is not a good way to go.
When Founder and Irene left the cathedral again, the original dusk had unwittingly turned into night, and the entire Yanan was enveloped in the silent darkness. And the forbidden forest is extremely dark, except for the light from the torches along the road, it is almost black and nothing can be seen.
And in the dark, danger is also hidden.
A group of snakes snarled together, rushed out of the grass, stretched out their heads, and bite into the square, but its body was still in the middle of the air, and it was split in half by a sword shadow. The snake corpses were scattered all over the place, still twirling, looking like a large earthworm that made people sicken.
"Why are you coming to Yanan?"
Watching Fang Zheng carrying his big sword, he kept walking forward, and Irene, who was behind him, asked.
"Since you said you were not for blood therapy, what did you come to Yanan? How did you get involved in this nightmare?"
"If I say I'm just unlucky, do you believe it?"
Founder looked away, glanced at Irene, shrugged her shoulders, and Irene hummed.
"If that's the case, then your luck is too bad ...... what exactly are you? You can't be an ordinary traveler, I can see that you have a very good skill, this skill I have never even seen it among hunters, and your fighting style is strange ... "
On the one hand, Irene carefully looked at the right weapon. At this moment, the Founder was carrying a large sword in his right hand, while his other short sword was hung on the left waist. She is not a warrior who has never used a double sword. Maria, the most prestigious member of the Healing Church, is one of them, and Erin herself will also fight with two short swords.
However, Founder's fighting methods were different from them. His swordplay gave Irene a natural, full of indescribable momentum. Whenever he waved his sword, Irene felt as if she had been brought into a time that can hardly be described by words. A heavy feeling rushed on her face, and she was almost out of breath.
In the face of this momentum, ordinary people cannot keep calm at all. Erin suspects that most people may lose their sense of fighting at the moment when this foreigner holds a sword.
Of course, this is talking about ordinary people, as for the other ...
"it's here!!"
A villager holding a torch and holding an axe shouted towards the Founder. Fang faced the enemy in front of him, and he directly slashed at the villager without hesitation. But this time, the villager did not fall. Instead, his body shook slightly, and then the Founder saw the villager's head suddenly open, and then several snakes ran from the villager's open head like a petal. Out, opened his mouth and bit the past towards Fangzheng.
I have to admit that this change did come as a surprise, but Founder is obviously very accustomed to this sudden attack. Facing the bites of these poisonous snakes, he leaped away side by side, and at the same time, the Founder held up his short sword in the left hand, counting the lights of the sword emerging in the air, staggering to form a barrier, and the heads of the poisonous snakes that rushed All cut down. Then the Founder stabbed with a sword in his right hand, directly penetrating the opponent's chest.
The villager screamed and fell to the ground. At the same time, the snake heads that had originally escaped were quickly collected.
"I have seen a lot of monsters, but I have to say that these guys' mutations are really disgusting."
Looking at the dead body on the ground, Founder could not help commenting. In all fairness, for the worlds Founder traversed, the dark and dark worlds are among the best in the and cruel words, but in terms of disgusting people, this world is really unique.
"Have you seen a lot of monsters?"
After seeing Founder's strength, Irene is now basically a salted fish shouting 666 behind him. Perhaps because she had relaxed a lot, she even started to gossip.
After all, the hunters that Irene met before were either for blood therapy or for some purpose ... but this foreigner was different. Irene felt that his attitude was more like those of the hunters. I came here to travel. This makes Irene a little more curious about this foreigner. Who is he? From where? What experience have you had?
Erin has been in Yanan for too long and too long, so long she almost forgot about the world outside of Yanan, and it was not until the arrival of Founder that Erin recalled-this world is not just Yanan .
"Almost all kinds of things, some are powerful, some are terrible, and some are disgusting ... but relatively disgusting here."
Founder didn't tell a lie, but to talk about nausea, the primitive intestinal animals in the dark world are also disgusting enough. But the gastroenterology is strictly a bit disgusting. This is like a fly or tapeworm. Of course, you will find it very disgusting and uncomfortable. This is a human instinct reaction.
But the monsters in this world are not the same. They are not weird and unacceptable. On the contrary, they are mutations based on the familiar cognition of human beings. This feeling is more convincing than simple mutants. Difficult to accept.
For example ...
"Om !!"
Just as Founder and Irene turned around the corner, suddenly a black shadow jumped out from the bushes next to them, and a buzzing sound like a fly flew towards Founder. It looks like a large humanoid fly, with a thin body and slender limbs.
But the most unacceptable thing is its head!
On this "person" 's head, all the parts above his mouth were occupied by eyeballs. And these eyeballs are not ordinary size. On the contrary, they are all as big as water balloons. These countless eyeballs are crowded together, and they look like compound eyes from a distance!
Not only that, the mouth of this "human" also looks like a mouthpiece of a mosquito, showing a sharp shape. Founder can almost imagine how he attacked the enemy ... well, this is not good for appetite.
Although this monster was very disgusting, it did not have any defense power. When it came out, Founder had split it with a sword, and then went straight up and cut off his head.
"It's disgusting. I'll have a nightmare if I see too much of this stuff."
"We are in a nightmare now, outsiders."
Irene, who was behind the Founder, whispered, and the Founder shrugged.
"Well, that can only be said that this is indeed a nightmare ... eh? Have you heard?"
At this moment, Founder suddenly heard a faint "Kazkaz" voice not far away, as if some kind of beast was eating something. When he heard this voice, Founder and Irene glanced at each other, then pulled out their weapons and walked carefully towards the place where the voice came out.
As Fang Zheng and Irene walked around the woods, there was a mill in front of them, and in the yard in front of the mill, a man was lowering his head and kneeling on the ground as if eating something.
Hmm ... why is this scene so familiar?
If it is not impossible, Founder really wants to cut it out and see if he has been transferred to the script of the biochemical crisis ... ... thinking about the zombie zombies who looked back at that year with a smile, but it was a sign of the biochemical crisis ...
And just then, the man seemed to hear the movement behind him ~ ~ he turned around, looked at Founder and Irene, and then stood up in a hurry.
"Oh ... sorry, I didn't expect someone here ..."
"I didn't expect it."
Looking at the man in front of him, Fang Zheng narrowed his eyes. The man looked shabby. Except for a coat, he was covered with bandages all over his body.
"I, I am a survivor ..."
Facing the eyes of the Founder, the man seemed a little nervous.
"In fact, I'm looking for a safe haven. I don't know if you can help me. I don't want to continue to stay in this terrible place ... ... I will be afraid to live any longer. how long………"
However, as soon as the man's voice fell, Founder raised his weapon and aimed at him.
"You really can't live long!"
The words didn't fall, and I saw Fang Zheng slamming up like a whirlwind. The big sword in his hand cut through the air and slashed directly at the man's neck. At the same time, Erin also rolled back behind the man like a ghost, and the double-edged blade in her hand instantly sheathed and pierced the man's heart.
In the face of Fang Zheng and Irene's sudden attack, the man was obviously a bit panicked. He hurriedly raised his hand and blocked Fang Zheng's sword. With a dull sound, the great sword clasped by Fang Zheng's right hand was so deeply cut into the arm of the right hand raised by the man, leaving a bone scar on it.
At the same time, the man opened his mouth and roared like a thunder, his body swelled quickly, and in the blink of an eye, he turned into a black giant surrounded by thunder and lightning! ()
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