Chapter 576: Blood and fire (middle)

As Founder said, after he saw all this in the healing church, Founder felt more nausea than how much he hated.
The reason is very simple. From the information obtained by Fang being studying the building, most of these subjects are voluntary. They are very clear about what they will be injected and how they will be treated. They are also very likely to have consequences. To understanding. In this case, they still choose this path because of their beliefs, so no matter what happens, it is the consequence of their choice.
Therefore, Founder has little sympathy for their experience except for the madmanish spirit of these people. To speak of evil and blood, these are the children in the dark world.
After hearing what Founder had said, Maria was completely stunned, and after a while, she coughed slightly.
"Well, the foreigner ... I admit that ... your words have inspired me a lot, but there are no enemies here. You can leave here and go back to your hunt ..."
"I didn't come here to waste time in the never-ending hunt, like those sad hunters, Ms. Maria."
Founder waved and interrupted her. And hearing this, Maria sighed lowly.
"So, foreigner, did you come here to explore the secrets of this nightmare?"
"To be honest, I don't care about your secrets."
Founder hummed quietly.
"And it ’s awful, if my guess is correct, yours, what the healing church is after, is worthless to me. I came here for some people. I want to leave here Back to my hometown, and at the same time, I hope to help some people get rid of their fate. "
As he said, Founder went to Maria's side, and he reached out, took out a music box from his pocket, and put it on the table beside Maria. Soon, crisp music sounded and echoed in the silent bell tower.
"this is………"
Looking at the music box on the table, Maria could not help but stunned, while the Founder was watching her.
"This was handed to me when I entered Yanan when a child commissioned me to look for her parents. Her father was a hunter and became crazy because of excessive erosion. Only when I heard the music in this music box, He was able to restore his senses. But unfortunately, when I found him and his wife, his wife was dead, and he became mad and turned into a monster, and I finally solved it by myself. "
Having said that, Founder spread his hands.
"To be honest, I don't even know how to talk to that child. And Ms. Sophie, an old man, her child also seems to be a hunter, and she never returned after going out. She can only dream now Muttering to myself, waiting for the return of my child. So do you understand? Ms. Maria? I don't care what secrets in the nightmare, I don't care if you heal the rotten things in the church, but I want to end it all Let them leave this nightmare like me and start a new life. Instead of continuing in the nightmare, they trembled and waited for the death that did not know when it came. "
As he said, the Founder pointed to the side.
"These monsters, this nightmare, may be the retribution you deserve, and you may deserve to suffer eternal suffering and torture here. But ... you should not involve those innocent people, and they owe you nothing."
Hearing Founder's words, Maria lowered her head, closed her eyes and let out a sigh of relief.
"Sorry, the foreigner ... maybe you are right, but ... this is my destiny, I must be here to guard it all ... if you want to stop me ..."
As she said, Maria picked up the double-headed sword placed in the chair, and slowly stood up.
"So, beat me."
"It's only a big fist. I understand."
Fang took a few steps back, then he clenched the sword in his right hand and pointed it forward, holding the dagger in his left hand, and put it on his right arm.
"Then let me, the watcher of the abyss, come to teach you your tricks, Ms. Maria."
"I will do my best, foreigner."
On the one hand, Maria held the middle part of the double-headed sword with both hands, and then pressed hard. With a "click" sound, the double-headed sword instantly became a long, short and two one-handed sword. She clenched the sharp blade with both hands and stared at the square in front of her.
"This is my respect for you."
When the words didn't fall, she saw her holding up her two swords and rushed towards Fang Zheng, and her long sword in her right hand swung forward strongly and chopped it towards Fang Zheng's chest.
"Don't miss it!"
In the face of Maria's attack, Fang Zheng was also holding a short sword against his left hand, and suddenly bounced when Maria's blade fell, hitting Maria's blade.
With the sound of metal clashes, Maria's body trembled suddenly, the sword in her hand suddenly slipped away, and she fell to her knees. Then Founder raised his right-handed big sword mercilessly and thrust forward against Maria's body.
The sharp blade penetrated into Maria's chest, but what Fang Zheng didn't expect was that the moment his sword penetrated into Maria's body, Fang Zheng suddenly saw the blood flowing out of Maria's chest as if Owning life generally condenses, forming a shield that prevents further invasion of the blade.
What kind of power is this?
Seeing this scene, Founder was also a moment. At the same time, the sword in Maria's hand was once again slashed towards the Founder. In the face of this attack, Founder also quickly rolled back, and distanced herself again from Maria.
"Be careful, foreigners ..."
Maria stood and pointed to the square in front of her. ..
"Cain Hirst's blood power is more dangerous than you think ..."
"So the future without the future is not the future I want? Is there such an operation? Should you not be able to transform a sword from the wound with blood?"
"I don't have this ability ..."
After hearing Founder's joking, Maria also smiled slightly, then her figure disappeared again, then suddenly appeared on the side of Founder's side, and a sword pierced again!
And Founder also quickly waved his right hand across the side of the great sword, blocking Maria's attack, then split again with a sword, and chopped at the woman in front of him.
For a time, the sword lights and swords staggered with each other.
Founder waved his big sword, as if a hurricane that had ripped everything apart, and Maria, who held the two swords, was as sharp and swift as thunder and lightning. Founder's wolf swordsmanship inherited from the Undead team with beast-like fierceness, while Maria's swordsmanship is noble and elegant like aristocracy, both sides seem to be playing a "beauty and beast" in battle.
But the battle did not end there.
With the sound of another sword attack ~ ~ Fang Zheng and Maria retreated at the same time. At this moment, Maria looked a little embarrassed, and Founder also clenched the sword, breathing slightly.
From the perspective of strength, Founder is undoubtedly much stronger than Maria, but the problem is that his current body has not been fully recovered, so Founder must release the potential powerful force through storage.
However, Maria's sword skills are extremely fast and quite coherent. Once she seizes the opportunity, it is a set of combos. In this case, Founder could not spare any time to make a force cut.
However, Maria's situation is a little more embarrassing than Founder's. The founder's great sword is far beyond Maria's double swords in terms of attack range and range. Not to mention that as one of the church's most outstanding hunters, Maria can feel that Fang is keeping his strength under attack. He is like a hungry wolf who is dealing with the enemy. He just waits for his weakness to appear immediately. He rushed forward and bit his throat.
And in order not to give the Founder the opportunity, Maria had to choose to face the Founder's attack.
But now she has reached the limit.
"How is it? Ms. Maria? Are you going to give up?"
"of course not."
Upon hearing Founder's inquiry, Maria smiled slightly.
"I must thank you, foreigner. For such a long time, I can lay down my mission for the first time, kill, and devote myself to enjoying the battle. We do not have to worry about each other becoming monsters, nor do we have to It is sad to kill my former compatriots and comrades-in-arms. This battle has nothing to do with life and death, no glory, but a battle ... a pure battle, then I will use my full strength to respond to it! "
Speaking of this, Founder saw Maria suddenly raise the sword in her hand, and then thrust hard. The next moment, Maria's swords pierced her body like this!
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