Chapter 581: The fire is gone and the deep sea is coming

Watching everything gradually disappear into the mist, Maria raised her head and looked at the world in front of her. She was trapped in this nightmare, not knowing how long, but now, everything is over.
"Outlander, who are you exactly?"
Maria looked towards the Founder, and she had faintly realized that the identity of the foreigner was not simple. You know, even if the church is healed, the origin of the ancient gods is not very clear, but this foreigner seems to know everything here, even the true identity of those ancient gods.
"I'm an abyss watcher, Frank's undead."
Founder withdrew the big sword and looked around. The big chin before did not know when it disappeared, maybe he is also the phantom of the hunter in this dream.
"To be honest, I also want to know, what exactly happened in this world, and why did it become this way?"
"Let me answer this question, Lord Ash."
At this moment, suddenly, a voice sounded, and then Fang Zheng and Maria were surprised to see another figure appear in front of them.
"Sister Fire?"
Looking at the fire-prevention woman in front of her, Fang Zheng froze for a moment.
"How did you appear here?"
"Because this is also a dream, Lord Ash."
The fire prevention woman smiled slightly at Fang Zheng, and then she raised her hand.
"I have been here waiting for your return, Lord Ash, I have witnessed the changes of this world, and now it is time to tell you all about it."
With the action of the fire-prevention woman, the world in front of Founder's eyes also changed, and the coast disappeared. The next moment, what appeared to him was a burning battlefield.
"this is………?"
Looking at the battlefield in front of her, Maria could not help but be surprised, she could feel that this was not anywhere she had seen. There are burnt ashes everywhere, the weapons inserted on the ground have been worn out, and in the sky, it is not the sun that Maria is familiar with, but a round of black with bright red edges. Shining ring of darkness.
"This is really familiar."
Looking at the broken sword in front of him and the burning bonfire, Founder sighed. The fire-prevention woman came quietly to Fang Zheng's side, all of which seemed like a repeat of that day.
"Master Ash, do you remember? That day, you chose to extinguish the rest of the world's fire ..."
The fire girl reached out and a small flame appeared in the fire girl's hand. Then, the fire-proof woman folded her hands and put out the small flame. With the action of the fire-resistant woman, the entire world began to dim gradually, as if the sunset was down.
"Yu fire is out, the age of fire is over ..."
"Wow ..."
Founder heard the sound of water. In front of him, Founder saw the raging flood that swept everything, covering the whole world in a sea.
"The age of the deep sea is here."
As soon as the words of the fire-proof woman had fallen, Founder and Maria saw the sea suddenly explode in front of them, and then huge monsters appeared from them, as if they were out of prison, dancing their bodies wildly. , Release their excitement and joy to the fullest. Seeing this scene, Founder hummed.
"With the disappearance of the gods, the power of the abyss has gradually increased. They used to think that the world would become their possession ..."
The flood began to recede, and a variety of powerful abyssal creatures emerged from the flood. Most of them looked weird, bulky, strong and evil. They excitedly rushed into the place where the afterglow was gone, no longer sheltered by the gods, and enjoying everything here wantonly.
But no one noticed that on the rolling coast, small figures slowly crawled out of them. They looked at the world with a confused expression and didn't seem to know what to do.
"With the extinguishment of the afterglow and the disappearance of the gods, the curse of the undead also disappeared, but, for this world, they are still too weak."
Next, the world in front of Founder began to spin fast, showing him the subsequent history of the world.
Yu Hu disappeared, but human beings were not freed by it. The monsters of the abyss began to imitate the once King of Salary, enslaving these humans, forcing them to serve, to build gorgeous buildings, cities, civilizations and everything. They are like prisoners who have been released from prison enjoying their fun and greedily enjoying everything in front of them.
Unfortunately, the good times don't last long.
Even the abyss didn't realize that the disappearance of the afterfire did not just allow them to gain the world.
Temperatures began to drop, and cold winds blew across the ground, gradually freezing everything. Although those abyss monsters are extremely powerful, this does not mean that they can face the cold erosion freely. The arrival of the long glacial period has made the abyss creatures feel fear, but it is too late at this time, and most of the abyss creatures are frozen and frozen to death in the endless frost. The other part returned to the endless dark abyss, while others had no time to escape and chose a long sleep.
"But ... not all creatures can survive this long winter ..."
In front of Founder's eyes, when the first rays of the sun passed through the thick clouds, illuminating the endless darkness, one by one, the dressed humans came out of the cave. They looked up and looked at the sun in the sky. , Kneeling and raised his hands, as if praising, as if praising.
"After that, the cycle of time ..."
The world fast-forwarded again in front of Fang, and Fang Zheng saw what happened to the land of Yanan after that-the ancient gods who once enslaved the Sumerian civilization fell asleep during the long ice age, Su Mei The Aur people began to expand their ambitions. They tried to seize the blood of the ancient gods to make themselves a strong and advanced existence, but the Sumerians failed.
Because it has taken so long, most humans have long forgotten where they came from and what they have experienced, the abyss, the soul of darkness, the ring of darkness, the first fire, everything has been with time Disappeared in the memory of everyone, those heroes who once were magnificent, those once glorious deeds, and all that happened in this country called Losrick, have been buried in the sea forever.
This also caused the Sumerians to have no idea what it meant to withdraw blood from what they called "the ancient gods" and then inject it into themselves.
The abyss is the sediment of human nature, and the creatures of the abyss are its incarnation. As a result, the Sumerians were polluted by the abyss and transformed into monsters in the abyss.
This also led to the demise of Sumerian civilization.
Until the river of time flows again, Yanan appears ......... When Byron Weiss College found the remains of Sumer, it meant the beginning of another cycle.
"It's ridiculous."
Looking at this scene, Fang Zheng shook his head. So many people have fought for the seal abyss, and even the gods have invested in themselves to protect the world. And now, this group of stupid and ignorant mortals have taken the initiative to put themselves in the embrace of the abyss ... Ironically, as the fire prevention woman said, this is like a reincarnation. Humans come from the abyss. They became humans because of the desire and the power of the first fire, but now they actually want to take the initiative to return to the abyss again ...
The Sumerians don't know ~ ~ The Yanan people also don't know, they have been desperately eager to get, seek, and expect the end, in fact, their ancestors, and their ancestors, finally got out local.
"This this………"
Looking at everything in front of her, Maria was stunned. She looked at Founder and the fire-prevention girl, and she didn't know what to say.
"This is really a satire."
Founder watched the last picture disappear, and now he was restored to the coast before, and he could not help commenting.
"Humans are always making the same mistakes and trying to make up for them ... well, fortunately, these lunatics of Yanan are finished, and they have not spread things like blood therapy to other places. I've had enough of those abyss hybrids, but I don't want any more moths made by these lunatics. "
"Foreigners ..."
Hearing this, Maria could not help but take a deep breath and looked towards the Founder.
"Are you ... God?"
"I'm not a god."
Facing Maria's inquiry, Founder waved his hand.
"As you can see, the gods who once ruled this world are dead, and the monsters of the abyss are basically gone. The next world is the world of humans. You are free ... well, maybe you should think Just now, don't give up this hard-won freedom. You must know that I chose to turn off the fire and made a lot of determination. "
"......... So, what should I do next?"
"It's up to you."
As he said, Founder held out his hand to Maria.
"But for now, let's leave here first." (Https :)
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