Chapter 710: So what exactly is going on here?

After hearing Kuangsan's answer, Fiore stunned for a moment, but before she said anything, she felt a flower in front of her, and then she was taken away from the battlefield by Kuangsan.
"Si Yanai, it's over to you!"
"Okay, Mad Sister !!"
Upon hearing this voice, Fioré was surprised to find that a girl looking like a French doll, wearing a green coat, came over, she raised her right hand, and then fell down forcefully.
"Ice scum!"
With the girl's call, a huge rabbit emerged from the ground, and Fiore saw the girl jumping like a rabbit three or two times behind the rabbit, and then she reached out and merged her hands with the huge rabbit Were together. Then I saw the rabbit and rushed towards the distant puppet.
The piercing cold turned into a pure white beam, which burst from the rabbit's mouth and blasted towards the puppet. Where it was engulfed by the white beam, everything turned into ice. Even the "Paradise" at the feet of the puppet is the same. The original plant paradise was completely frozen in the blink of an eye, and the movement of the puppet began to slow down. Hard ice crystals quickly surfaced, spread, and expanded on its body.
Began to stop its action as if in chains.
"I didn't expect you to have such power."
The CASTER standing on the shoulder of the puppet was obviously a little surprised, but soon, he began to sing in a low voice, one by one, forming a circle next to CASTER. With his movements, I saw the original frozen puppet body Dazzling lights emerged one by one, and it became clear what CASTER was activating ...
But the next moment, CASTER suddenly raised his hands, and a round protective circle quickly formed, but it was too late.
Black Iron's arrows flashed through, easily penetrating CASTER's yet-to-be-formed protective array, and piercing his chest. And CASTER lowered his head, looked at the arrows piercing his chest, and chuckled.
"Did you stop here? But my dream ... has also been fulfilled, so let's all together ...... turn this world into a paradise!"
As CASTER spoke like a curse, his body gradually turned into particles of light, dissipating in the air.
"It's a pity, who called you CASTER? I'm ARCHER."
In the distance, Xiao He proudly lowered the long bow in his hand and stared at the vital CASTER.—From a certain point of view, Xiao He is indeed very similar to Founder. In the face of the enemy, they belong to the blood that will not be overheated Rushing to death, but will seize the opportunity to take a cold shot and give the opponent a fatal blow.
More importantly, Xiao Hei was not only ashamed of it, but ...
"This is wisdom, wisdom, see? Ilya?"
Turning proudly, Xiao Hei smiled at Yilia with a smile.
"So I said, don't meet your enemies and rush up to die, just because of this, the big brother will treat you as a child."
"Aren't you a kid, too, Black?"
Hearing Xiao Hei's boast, Ilya replied indifferently, and Xiao Hei raised a finger with a smile.
"I'm different? If I want, I can let my elder brother turn me into an adult immediately, unlike Eliya who only looks at Little Red Riding Hood."
"What's the matter with Little Red Riding Hood, Sister Nagano also likes watching it! Besides, Xiao Hei, what kind of indecent thoughts are you ...?"
Hearing here, Xiao Hei grinned and reached in front of Ilya.
"Then you say, what indecent thoughts do I have?"
"Oh? This ..."
I did not expect Xiao Hei to fight against the generals, and Ilya blushed suddenly.
"Just, that's ..."
"Which one? Why can't I understand what Eliya is talking about? Why don't you tell me, what kind of indecent thoughts?"
Ilya waved her wand vigorously.
"Don't say these boring things at this time. It's not certain whether the enemy has been destroyed!"
"Don't worry, the arrow I just made was accurate ...... hey?"
While talking, Xiao Hei proudly looked at the battlefield again, but then she couldn't help but look at it.
Xiao Hei's arrows did penetrate CASTER's chest, and they completely destroyed it. According to the truth, since CASTER himself is dead, his treasure should also disappear with it, but contrary to Xiao Hei's imagination, CASTER's treasure demon has not disappeared, it is still standing in place , And then ......... Its eyes suddenly burst into a bright light.
"— !!!!"
With the amazing roar, the ice layer that originally bound the huge puppet burst instantly, and then saw the puppet stretched out its right hand and grabbed to the side of the void, and saw that the stones and dirt on the ground were mixed together to form A great sword. Then the puppet took up the great sword, and slashed at Shiyanao, who was facing forward!
"Yeah !!"
In the face of the sudden action of the puppet, Siji Nai was startled, and hurried away from the puppet. At the same time, Eliya and Xiao Hei were astonished.
"Xiaohei, you stupid, don't you say it's gone?"
"I did destroy CASTER, who knows what happened ?!"
The two complained to each other, and then hurried towards the battlefield. Xiao He raised the black bow in his hand, aimed at the enemy in front of him and pulled the bowstring. Soon, a sharp arrow screamed and hit the body of the puppet. But these bows and arrows, which are enough to cause fatal damage to the follower, hit the puppet's body without pain and itch, and did not cause any slight damage to it.
"Ice scum!"
At the same time, Shizuna who escaped the puppet's raid also made a circle in the air, and then faced the enemy in front of her again. With her shouting, a rapid emergence in the air around the ice froze. The sharp ice edges shot again at the enemy in front of them. But this time, the demon seems to have learned a lot more cleverly. He roared and waved the huge blade in his hand, and shattered the icy ice that came on the face into pieces.
"This is really a tough guy. It seems I have to take it seriously."
On the one hand, Kuang San flew into the air, and then behind her, a huge clock appeared.
"Come out, carved Emperor!"
Who are they?
Watching the battle of the girls in front of him, Fiore was standing still, completely wondering what to say. Although she was not in doubt from the girls around her at the beginning, as a magician, she had her own assistant, and her students and even relatives were normal. And this is the holy grail war, it will be common to bring people you trust to fight, but ... these girls are too powerful!
What just made Fiore wonder is the identity of these girls.
That girl like ARCHER who couldn't stop shooting arrows to restrain the puppet, and the girl dressed lightly and wielding a magic wand should clearly be a follower. Because in them Fiore felt a breath similar to her own ARCHER ~ ~ But Ms. Shizaki and Ms. Shizunai made her a little bit puzzled. They were not followers, nor It looks like a hero, but it also doesn't feel like a human. After all, in Fiore's memory, she didn't remember what kind of magician had the power to fly soaring freely and turn everything into ice or stagnation.
And what is the power they are manipulating ...
"It seems I'm not too late."
Just then, Fang Zheng's voice came from the side, and Fiore turned around in surprise, only to find Fang Zheng standing beside his side, watching the demon. Not only that, beside him, Fiore also saw the red ARCHER and RULER ... how could they be here?
"For some reason, I am now the master of ARCHER."
When he noticed Fiore's doubtful look, Founder explained.
"As for RULER, when we left the forest before, we saw her running towards this side, so we took her along."
"So ..."
Although Founder said it was simple and easy, Fiore's keen intuition as a woman was aware that the complexion of the red ARCHER and RULER behind Founder at this moment was a bit subtle. The expression of Red Archer looked helpless and obedient, and RULER looked at Fang Zheng very vigilantly, and faintly kept a distance from him.
"Although I have heard about it from Kuangsan, but ..."
As he said, Founder looked at the raging demon in front of him.
"What the is this?"
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