Chapter 725: My Massaier is going to blow your head today!

There was a dead silence in the dark sea.
Few people know ... No, or no one knows at all, in fact, Founder himself has a little deep sea phobia. Strange to say, obviously he didn't respond to space. But in the face of the ocean, especially this deep ocean, Founder always feels instinctively afraid.
After all, no one knows that in the depths of the sea, what will suddenly appear in front of himself ...... Well, for this reason, Founder decisively activated Massaier directly when he left the warship, and turned into Death angel form. Of course, this may be wasteful, but in this way, Founder can also get the characteristics that Masai will not be attacked.
Well, although playing a horror game to be invincible doesn't reduce the sense of horror, at least ... it can help you feel at ease.
After transforming into a death angel, the vision in front of Founder's eyes has also changed. At least he doesn't have to worry about swimming and swimming and suddenly something comes out of himself ...
This is it.
Looking down, Fang Zheng soon saw the crack with a diameter of 30 meters under his feet. Although he is considered invincible by reason, Fang Zheng still hesitated for a while, and then moved towards that one. The crack swam past.
After all, Invincible will not reduce the tension when playing horror games!
"I feel more and more about what kind of horror game I am in. Now I only expect that I am not playing Cthulhu or the extreme cold."
Through the wall of the cave, Founder easily entered the cave. He whispered, watching carefully all around. There are countless forks here. If you change any diver, you will probably lose the oxygen in it and find the exit. Fortunately, this is not a problem for the Founder who has opened the invincible through-wall mode. He just needs to keep going down ...
Because of this, it didn't take much time, or it took less than half of the time to visit the Ji, Fangzheng saw the magical light shining on the other side of the cave and the brilliant Lingjing.
"...... hey, this kind of horror game you know will definitely touch the event in front of you and don't want to go but feel like having to go is really bad."
Looking at the entrance to the cave in front, Fang Zheng couldn't help hesitating. Although he is now invincible God mode, but ... forget it, we have come here, just go ahead and continue.
While mumbling to himself, Founder went into the cave in front of him.
Like the previous video played by Tang Ji, here is a very large open-air lingjing ore vein. Looking from the ground, almost from the floor to the top of the cave, it is densely grown into various lingjing ore. The soft radiance from the crystal ore is almost united. Because of this, if you don't look closely, you can't see the dark cave hidden behind the light ... ... this is why the previous detective was attacked.
So far, Founder has not felt any signs of life here, which makes him quite puzzled. According to the pictures in the previous video, isn't that monster hiding in these channels, and waits for the enemy to distract and attack? Why can't he feel the slightest breath of life now? This is unscientific. Massaier is the angel of death, most sensitive to the breath of life and death.
If there is a breath of life here, I can't feel it at all.
Anyway, try it first.
Thinking of this, Fang Zheng looked again at the Lingjing in front of him.
If you remember right, Tan Ji was attacked by that monster when she touched Lingjing, so try it yourself.
Thinking of this, Fang Zheng reached out and touched the Lingjing Mine in front of him.
When Founder put his finger on the Lingjing Mine, he felt a weak magic wave emerged from it. It is not surprising to the Founder that the characteristic of the Lingjing Mine is that it will disperse when touched by living matter. Special magic wave. This is why the Lingjing Mine will be used as a catalyst for many magic weapons and equipment. Those rough and simple magic items can be activated by individuals holding them in their hands. When not in use, they are not afraid to activate them by accident. . It is naturally impossible for the formed magic legion to give you all the legendary equipment. This kind of magic catalyst that can be used to make standard weapons is of course the best to use.
But soon, the founder's situation was not so normal.
I do n’t know if it ’s too sensitive due to the high quality of Lingjing, or any other reason. In short, Fang Zhengming just touched that Lingjing ore, and the next moment, it resonated, and the magic wave began to spread rapidly around him. In the blink of an eye, the founder felt that all the Lingjing mines in the cave had begun to burst into a strong magic wave!
It's like a room full of wind chimes. I just touched a wind chime. As a result, all the chimes started to shake, and there was a huge sound like a copper bell!
"I'm going!"
Seeing this scene, Fang Zheng was also frightened, but what surprised him even more was that at the same time when the magic wave exploded, he suddenly felt a strong vitality suddenly emerged from all directions, and the next moment Founder saw several tentacles rushing out of the crevice cave covered by the Lingjing mineral veins, and rushed towards himself! Instantly penetrated his body!
"Good job!"
Founder is certainly not afraid of the attack by the opponent. He drove Massaier to prevent this, so in the face of these tentacle attacks, Founder didn't dodge, and saw him raise the death sickle with both hands and wave it down!
"— !!!!"
The storm of death burst instantly with the Founder as the center, engulfing these tentacles. Soon the Founder saw those dark and thick tentacles start to become thin and wither, then quickly turned into gray and disappeared into the sea.
"Get it!"
Looking at the scene in front of him, Founder smacked his fingers proudly.
Let me just say that the monster under the sea is just a living creature, and it is a sickle before death. I do n’t believe there is nothing that ca n’t be solved by a sickle ... I ’ll go!
But he hasn't waited for the Founder to show it. He was surprised to see that the same strong breath of life emerged from the caves around him, and then dozens of tentacles again emerged from the gaps and caves, toward Founder rushed up!
It's not dead, do you tease me? Is the soul stone of death angel I used false?
Founder's body was penetrated by these tentacles again, but he still did not change his face. He raised the sickle of death and yanked at the tentacle inserted into his body, and soon saw that the hands accompanied by Founder were raised and accompanied him. With the action of the tentacles, the ghosts of the tentacles also emerged—that is, the soul evoked by the sickle of death.
Then the Founder pulled hard, and the next moment the souls rolled into the cape of Massai and disappeared. At the same time, these tentacles were shattered and scattered again and turned into useless wrecks.
"Well, it should be ..."
Looking at the peaceful cave again, Fang Zheng was relieved, but this time he hadn't waited for him to finish his words, and the feeling appeared again!
Hey, what the is this? !!
Looking at the tentacles coming out of the cave again, Fang was completely outraged. Lao Tzu can't kill you with an angel of death? Then taste the power of flames!
Thinking of this, Founder did not hesitate to put away the sickle of death, then summoned the black sword and silver and white short sword, and then stabbed strongly towards the tentacles in front of him!
The dark sword suddenly pierced several tentacles in front of it, and then nailed it to the ground, followed by a bright red flame bursting and burning, spreading around!
Of course, the strength of the initial fire of the soul can not be resisted by ordinary seawater. The founder's initial fire of the soul has just exploded not long, and the seawater in the cave has been completely boiled down, and even a gurgling sound has been heard. Had it not been for the Founder who was still driving Massai's Soul Stone at this moment, I was afraid it would be cooked directly! And those soul flames are spreading around with tentacles, and the whole cave seems to be a boiling volcano inside and outside for a while. Even the Founder can feel that the ground under his feet is shaking, and a soul force is flowing. The initial fire entered his body-but it was a little strange to Founder that these powers that were converted into "firewood salaries" were not as much as he thought, and even a small number. Calculated according to Founder's current "appetite", this is the level of a chocolate bean ~ ~ Is this stuff a parallel import?
After there was no firewood salary that could be "burned", Founder once again recovered his initial fire in his soul.
"Shouldn't ask ... this time ... is he meowing ?!"
Before the words are finished, Founder once again feels that powerful life force is resurrected again!
"It's impossible to play!"
The death angel could n’t be done, and the initial fire of the soul could n’t be helped. At the bottom, he finally realized that this thing was more troublesome than he imagined, so he gave up the attack again, and left directly through the wall. Cave. Behind him, those tentacles were still chasing after him, and they didn't stop pulling the Founder back to swallow it.
"It's not easy this time! This guy really bites and won't let up!"
Freed from the big crack again, Fang Zhengxun returned to the battleship, then released the soul stone form, and quickly ordered Iona.
"Iona, evacuate!"
"Yes, Captain."
After hearing Founder's request, Iona nodded, and then saw the warship rise at the fastest speed, and then broke away from the sea and flew to the altitude of tens of thousands of meters-until this time, the monster seemed to notice It may be chasing up again, so it didn't take long for the Founder to see the light spot representing the monster on the radar quickly disappear, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.
"So troublesome ..."
Leaning back on the chair, the Founder exhaled.
The angel of death is uncertain, but even the soul's initial fire can't be helped?
I thought that this matter could be solved simply. Now it seems that ... the situation seems more serious than I thought.
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