Chapter 746: Same choice as before

what is this?
Looking at the horrible monster that appeared in front of the nightmare, the sheriff did not know what to do. His right hand was holding the sword handle tightly, but there was no way to pull out his own weapon.
"— !!!!"
The Hydra snake yelled at the sheriff in front of him, and the sheriff stepped back, then he was surprised to find that on the purple land, a large group looked Grim and horrible monsters are gathering and approaching themselves and others.
Damn it! Are these guys Chaos Warcraft? No, it doesn't look like Chaos Warcraft?
Just as the sheriff was in doubt, the Hydralisk once again issued a warning roar to the humans in front of it, while waving its sharp claws. In this way, as long as it is not a fool, you can see what it means-it is obvious that this land belongs to these terrible monsters, and they are expelling these rushing invaders ...
"Let's get out of here now!"
The sheriff is obviously not a fool, let alone a blind man. Looking at the hundreds of thousands of Zerg on the opposite land, he knows that even if he rushes up, he will only end up in an entire army. So he gave the order decisively, and then quickly withdrew. The Zerg stared coldly at these unsolicited guests. After they disappeared on the other side of the hillside, they returned to the Zerg territory.
"Huh ... what the is that damn?"
Only after exiting the "unexplored land" far away, the sheriff extended his hand and wiped the cold sweat on his forehead. He didn't even think that he would meet such terrible monsters ...... their looks are no different from the devil in hell! Damn, why is it occupied by a group of Warcraft? What is going on with these bastards?
Thinking of the last monster's warning to himself, the sheriff frowned and wondered.
Although the monsters looked like chaotic monsters, the sheriff was very clear that they had no sense of reason at all. If they were changed to chaotic monsters at that time, I am afraid they would swallow them directly. However, the other party is more like threats and warnings ...… are those monsters not chaotic monsters?
"grown ups!"
Just as the sheriff was thinking hard, a voice sounded. Hearing this voice, the sheriff refreshed. He turned his head and looked at the place where the sound came out. Soon a thief appeared in front of him in a vacuum. .
"You're back? How's it? Are there any gains?"
"That's the only thing I get."
Hearing the question from the sheriff, the thief shook his head, then held up a thick, purple thing that looked like something of a gelatinous substance. When she saw this stuff, the sheriff couldn't help it.
"what is this?"
"This is something that covers the undeveloped land. I don't know what it is, but this thing covers almost the entire undeveloped land ..."
After taking over the strange piece of glia in the thief's hand, the sheriff inspected it for a moment, but of course he could not observe any results.
"Go, let's go back and report this to Lord Lord!"
It is impossible to destroy those strange monsters by yourself, so the sheriff also quickly made a decision to return home. As for what to do next ... then wait for the Lord Lord to take it.
When several families, including the Sword and Iron Shield family, returned without success in an unexplored land, Founder also obtained information about the country of fire from the Zerg under his control.
"I didn't expect them to move fast ..."
According to the information that Founder obtained from the Zerg, a total of six or seven families attempted to rush into the Zerg territory, and were all stopped. And these people are obviously very self-aware, after Zerg showed the meaning of eviction, they turned around and left without saying a word.
Hmm ... Although these guys seem to be very entertaining, Founder doesn't really think they will give up. The reason is simple, because before they left, these families sent invariably to take a few pieces from the fungus blanket while the Zerg were not paying attention.
Of course, it is impossible for the swarm to know nothing about these human actions, but they haven't done anything because of this. After all, the bait is used to make the fish bite the hook.
And then ......... Just wait slowly.
Founder believes that those guys won't let themselves down.
And it turns out that Founder's guess is also correct.
A few days later, when the sheriff returned to this "undeveloped land" again, he was not following the hundreds of people before him. Instead, he set off together this time and followed him to the "undeveloped land". There are thousands of soldiers! There are even mages and knights!
Not only that, if you look closely, you can see that in this team, in addition to the flag of the sword, there are also the flags of the eagle and the iron shield!
The three families joined together to conquer the "Unexplored Land"!
Such behavior is unprecedented!
Looking at the soldiers behind him, the sheriff was also extremely nervous and excited. He held the reins tightly and remembered again what happened in his mind.
At first, when he returned with his subordinates without power, the Lord Lord sweared him. If it was not the sheriff who finally brought back the "special product" from the "undeveloped land", I am afraid he was in the position of sheriff It's about to be replaced.
Just a few days after getting the strange material, the sheriff found that his lord began to mobilize the army and sent special envoys to contact other surrounding families. Eventually, they reached an alliance with the Iron Shield family and the Eagle family. , Decided to jointly develop this land. It was not until this time that sheriffs finally learned the truth from other people.
It turns out that the core of all this lies in that strange substance!
According to the investigation of the strange substance by the alchemist under the lord, they were surprised to find that the strange substance has considerable nutritional value after being ground, which can not only stimulate crop growth, but also reduce their growth period! Not only that, after the experiment, the alchemists also found that this substance can actually make the barren wilderness sandy land into a fertile wilderness again! !!
And after knowing all this, even if the sheriff is just a little man at the bottom, he understands what it means!
rich soil! !! food! Everything else!
The western continent is sparsely populated, but because most of the land is desert and sandy, it is difficult to grow crops. This also caused the country of fire to often have to buy food through other countries ~ ~ even in some famine years, they must implement food rationing! And once they can get this kind of material that can turn desert killers into fertile fields, then ... the whole country of flames will have earth-shaking changes!
And they will also get endless prosperity and wealth! !!
Because of this, the lord will give up the original care and even pull the other two families in order to win the land in one fell swoop-of course, the most important thing is to eliminate those who inhabit their own land. Warcraft!
That's right, in their opinion, this land clearly belongs to human beings.
Soon, the army of three territories and thousands of soldiers once again came to the edge of the "undeveloped land". It's just different from before, this time the ugly monsters seem to have realized their existence, watching the returning, unwelcome guests on the edge of the territory.
It's just that the sheriff has never been intimidated anymore. He is kidding. He is a human being, and there are thousands of heavily armed soldiers behind him. Is he afraid that these monsters will not be successful? The last time was scared by you, but this time, let you taste the power of humans! !!
"Wh ...... wow ........."
At the same time, the sound of the trumpets sounded from the military formation. Upon hearing the sound of the trumpets, the sheriff pulled out the sword from his waist, pointed forward, and shouted.
"For the Lord Lord-rush!"
With the shouts, the soldiers swarmed forward and rushed into the land unknown to them with their weapons. (https :)
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