Chapter 76: The first main world mission started

After receiving the information from Charles, Founder immediately took Fina and John to start a discussion. At this moment, the faces of the two are also extremely irony, but this is no wonder. It is as if a group of police captured the terrorists. They thought they were going to carry a nuclear bomb from abroad to engage in terrorist activities. Make one ...
"This is impossible ...... this is impossible ...... that mage must be lying!"
John was also panicked at the moment. The dark days were a nightmare for the inhabitants of this continent. The thought of these cultists actually intended to reproduce all this, John could not calm down at this moment. Thinking about it.
Looking at the sacred temple soldier's unconscious spirit, Founder didn't bother him any more, but pulled over Fina by himself and began to ask.
"Miss Fina, what do you think?"
"I, I think?"
"Is that bald thing possible? I mean, even if it is theoretically possible, as long as it can be realized."
Founder does not understand magic. Nimfu only understands technology, and he is only able to ask the only caster here for the magic knowledge of this world.
这 "This, this ...... let me think about it ..."
菲 Fina was also a little nervous at the moment, she frowned while muttering while playing with the scepter in her hand.
"... the entire fallen capital is covered by the goddess' enchantment, and there can be no problem in theory. The surrounding space is also stable, and the designed seal is complete. And the seal is located in the space between time and space, even if the cultists It is useless to destroy the seal structure from this side ... "
那么 "So, how did the people of Summer make it possible to open the gates of hell?"
Hearing Founder's inquiry, Fina gave her a moment's answer before giving her the answer.
"They offered sacrifices to their own people, and then attracted Babu at the cost of this. After reaching an agreement with them, he opened the door to ..."
"and many more."
Hearing here, Founder suddenly hesitated, and then he couldn't wait to interrupt Fina's narration.
"Do you mean, because Summer has sacrificed so many souls that they were able to open the channel?"
"Yes, Mr. Founder."
"The seal of the goddess only seals the passageway? What if the cultists are in contact with the demon king alone? Will the communication between the two parties be blocked?"
This time, Fina was speechless.
"This ...... I don't know ......... but in general, places polluted by demons are indeed more likely to attract the devil's attention ..."
"So it is."
Hearing here, Founder has roughly understood how the world summons the devil. In his opinion, what the people of Summer did is to build a communication tower in the place where there is no signal, so that it can "cover" the signal to hell, and then strengthen the signal by "sacrifice". Fluctuations to communicate with the devil of hell. According to Fina, the seal of the goddess only sealed the passage of Hell's Gate, but did not smash the communication tower, at most, it cut off the energy of the communication tower and discarded it. So if someone takes a diesel generator to repair the communication tower, can it be used again?
那么 "So, if the cults contacted the demon king in Summer and opened the channel beyond the goddess' seal, do you think it is possible?"
"This, this is impossible!"
When I heard this, Fina's body was shaking.
"Opening the gates of requires a lot of souls, not I said, Mr. Fang Zheng, there are definitely not so many people around here to offer sacrifices!"
But Founder's brain circuit is obviously different from Fina's thought.
"Just a lot of souls? Is it necessary for us? The souls in Hell ca n’t do it? If we just set a coordinate here, and then let the hells sacrifice the soul, can we reopen a new one? Door of hell?"
"Over Hell ..."
Fina now looked at Founder's eyes, and she seemed to look at a devil.
"The essence of Hell's Gate is only a channel connecting the two worlds. In theory, it seems that there is nothing wrong with sacrificing the soul from us or from there. The seal of the goddess only restrains the power of hell. They have already been eroded by the power of hell, and it is indeed easier to connect to that world ... but, but why do the devil do this? Why do they kill their fellows to sacrifice? "
"Isn't this the devil?"
The Founder did not get so entangled. The devil written in the temple's book is almost the same as himself. If that is the case, then what is it to kill his fellow citizens and offer sacrifices?
In the face of Founder's answer, Fina was stunned, and I was speechless when you were right.
所以 "So, is it really theoretically possible to reopen the gates of hell?"
In the face of Founder's re-inquiry, Fina couldn't even speak now, but just nodded. After receiving Fina's answer, Founder thought for a moment and then made a decision.
那么 "So, we ..."
But Founder's words have not been finished, as if to prevent his decision, Fang Zheng's ear quickly sounded a system prompt, and a line of system information appeared in front of Founder's eyes.
[Master World Quest Trigger: Hell's Gate]
[Darkness of Hell is spreading, disaster is about to come back to this world, you have noticed the conspiracy hidden in this shadow, and you are determined to stop all of this (stop the gate of Hell from opening and destroy the altar. The master world and its copy after the mission is successful The world time ratio will be extended to 1:10, and the dimension code system will be closed if the mission fails)]
Looking at the prompt in front of him, Founder was completely speechless.
I do n’t know if he should talk properly!
MMP! Did you hear that? MMP! !!
To be honest, Fang Zheng didn't intend to visit this muddy water. The psychological shadow left by the Lich Lord before was so deep that when he heard the words cultist and ritual, he planned to Stay away. Not to mention this time the content is more thrilling, these cultists actually intend to reopen the gates of hell! ?
You don't have to think about the Founder to guess that this thing is definitely more difficult than the ceremony of the Lich Lord's lifting the seal of the chaotic son. So after confirming his inference, he already intends to provoke a wave. Anyway, the gate of is definitely not so easy to open. There are only more than 20 temple warriors on his side, plus one. The apprentice priest during the parade, at this point, it is estimated that the next 60 books will be destroyed. What does it mean for me to open a nightmare mode?
Afraid to die fast enough?
To be honest, the reward of the mission is not going to be required, nothing is important for his own life, the sky is down and there is a tall man to support him, he is just a trainee knight, why mix in such things? He is not from this world! But to the founder's depression, this punishment is terrible!
Dimensional Codex system closed?
System, do you know that I do not want to die, and deliberately forced me to go? I'm your father! Daddy! MD, I knew that it was no coincidence that Arthas was drawn for the first time, and this is what you meow! Your daddy ’s two or five!
"Mr. Founder?"
Watching Fang Zheng stayed still and didn't speak, Fina asked inquisitively, and heard Fina's voice, and Fang Zheng's heart was depressed.
"... So, Mr. John, please take the others with this bald head and immediately return to the temple to ask for support. At the fortress of order, I don't think there is enough power to help. But I think the temple If Bian is aware of the situation, he will definitely send additional staff to support it. "
那么 "Where are you, Mr. Founder?"
In the face of Fina's inquiry, Founder showed a helpless smile. I can't run away, so let me pretend to be 13 ...
"I will go to the dark swamp to track down the cultists. At least I have to find out whether these guys are dreaming in the day or have made progress. At the same time waiting for reinforcements ... Rest assured, I will not be stupid enough to die alone."
I don't want to die, but I can't hold the system to death.
Of course, there is no need to say this sentence to the Founder.
"I will go with you too!"
At this moment, Fina stood up.
"I'm a priest, I think I will be able to help you, Mr. Fang Zheng."
当然 "Of course, Miss Fina, I'm glad you were able to go together."
In fact, Founder did not intend to let Fina down. After all, she is the only caster here ~ ~, and she only has the seal spells and other knowledge of the temple that she understands. It is estimated that the head is too big to see the problem. Originally, the Founder was still thinking about how to invite each other, but now that Fina took the initiative to speak, then he naturally agreed to push the boat.
As for John and other temple fighters, Founder did not stay, and Fina was okay to say that she could take her to run if necessary. But these Templar warriors are different. They are not strong enough and there are too many people. Bringing it over is cumbersome, so it's better to have them go back to the temple with that bald mage. Anyway, that bald mage has been banned by Nimf. At this moment, he can't release magic, and he doesn't worry about any threat.
As for the bald mage, although the other party was very "enthusiastic" and offered to lead the founder, Fang Zheng didn't believe he would be so kind. Considering that the protagonists in the various web game animations are not a few, plus the In front of him, this bald mage was an uncle and not a sister, and he had nothing to do with it, so Founder decisively rejected Charles' "request" and ordered those templar soldiers to take him back for questioning and treatment. Anyway, the dark swamp is so large, even if you don't know the road, you can get it with Nimf's humanoid radar search.
Due to time constraints, the crowd didn't say much. Soon John left with the temple soldiers, and at the same time stunned Charles again to take him away. It didn't take long before the camp left with only Founder, Ni. Mu Fu and Fina are three.
"Are we going on the road immediately? Mr. Founder?"
"No, wait a minute."
I looked at the priest girl in front of me, and Founder suddenly moved inside.
"Miss Fina, I want to ask you something."
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