Chapter 782: We are just a group of children ...

Soon, Founder knew what the umbrella wanted to do.
Not long after their yacht entered the inland sea, soon they received a radio signal.
"Hey, have you heard?" Apocalypse ", we need rescue, we have arrived at the dock, and are currently in warehouse 23! Help us! There are dangerous mutant zombies here! We have smoke, if you If you see it, please save us !! "
I have to say, this sounds really like that.
Listening to the cry for help from the radio, Founder calmly exchanged a glance with Xiao Hei, who gave him a mischievous wink. Obviously, both of them knew what was going on, but they knew that it did not mean that Li Mi also knew that they had not seen any survivors for so many days in the sea, and suddenly heard someone respond, and they It is also extremely exciting.
"Mr. Founder! Let's go and rescue them !!"
"Of course, I came for this."
Taking a meaningful look at Li Mi, they found that Founder did not choose to pour cold water at this time. There are many things. Instead of letting him explain, it is better to let these children who are not deeply involved in the world experience it for themselves. Having said that, although they have all experienced a lot before, zombies are simply pure enemies after all, and human beings ... are often not so simple.
"So Xiao Hei, Li Mi, Walnut, please prepare and go with me to 'rescue'."
Speaking of this, Founder paused, and then he looked at Xia Shi.
"Xia Shi, you are responsible for taking others to stay on the yacht ...... if you have any trouble ...... you know what to do."
"Of course, Brother Founder."
Hearing Fang Zheng's words, Xia Shi nodded his head. Unlike Li Mi and Walnut, the most obstructed children born in the dark world are most familiar with human malice. Perhaps for them, the gastro-intestinal animal is only a visible threat, and the real invisible devil is beside them.
Once these children could do nothing, but now ... the situation is different.
When the yacht was moored on the dock, Founder immediately took the three girls away from the yacht and hurried towards the smoky warehouse area in the distance.
I have to admit that the place chosen by the umbrella company is quite good. It looks like it used to be a container loading dock, but now it is clearly abandoned. You can see the containers left behind aside, not only that, Founder can also acutely feel the breath of life hidden in the containers ...
What do umbrellas want to do? Arrests?
Why would they do this?
Unlike the joyful Li Mi and the walnut, Founder followed quickly behind them, thinking about this issue in his head. He has also been exposed to the Resident Evil series of movies and games, but there are many things in it that are okay to play based on the background of the game. If you consider it in reality, you will feel stupid.
For example, why did the umbrella choose to arrest ordinary people who escaped during the disaster? Just to get them to play virtual life in a virtual city? If so, why not clone directly? After all, the cloning technology of the umbrella is extremely mature. Alice and them can clone hundreds or thousands without blinking. So as long as these ordinary people quantify clone production, what virtual world do you want to play? Want to waste so much effort to catch those living people?
The reason why the umbrella company releases the T virus is also very silent, giving the impression that it is an entire cult. And what good is the complete collapse of social order for the umbrella? Do you have this technology, instead of conquering the sea of ​​stars, but care about some biochemical weapons? Does this make sense?
Although in the last film of the series, the umbrella company also gave their reasons, but for Founder, this is not so much a reason as a summary of the story, in short, it is a sentence-regardless of you Believe it or not, I believe it anyway.
Founder still remembers an evaluation given by some people when watching the movie-judging from the failure record of the umbrella company on biochemical weapons, they are more promising than civil and chemical weapons in civil engineering ... and you are so busy, why not Going for nuclear fusion? Or conquer space? The universe is so big, why are you on a bar with a broken virus?
What kind of spirit is this?
Of course, this is not a problem in the game, after all, people are playing zombies, and the umbrella is to take out a pot to make a sequel. But in reality, if the umbrella really does this ...... Fang is feeling that he must talk to the company's senior management and understand their journey.
"Here it is, here is the twenty-third warehouse!"
At this time, the crowd also came to the gate of the twenty-third warehouse. Not far outside the gate, the Founder saw a pile of fertilizer burning with black smoke. The warehouse door not far away was open, and there was even a faint cry for help.
"Help ... Help ..."
"Mr. Founder, let's rescue them soon!"
After being transformed into zombies, Li Mi and Walnut's senses were also greatly improved compared to ordinary people, so at this moment when they heard the call for help, they also hurriedly clenched the weapons in their hands and rushed into the warehouse.
But what didn't make them realize that the moment they entered the warehouse, a large net fell from the sky and enveloped them. Immediately afterwards, they were surprised to see dozens of armed soldiers wearing gas masks, appearing magically from all directions, raising their guns to surround the group of four! !!
"Oh? What's going on?"
Looking at the soldiers who suddenly appeared in front of him, Li Mi and Walnut were dull, and didn't know how to react. After all, at the last moment they were still trying to rescue the survivors trapped here, but did not expect that in the blink of an eye, they were caught by someone else?
"Do it !!"
With the order of the headed soldier, when he saw the others, he pulled the trigger at the target in front of him.
"Bang bang!"
"Yeah --- !!!!"
In the face of this sudden attack, Walnut and Li Mi were completely frightened. At this moment, their disadvantages finally became clear. Although Walnut and Li Mi fought the zombies during this period, they never thought that they would be attacked by humans with guns. The scene, so at this moment, both of them reacted very well to their identity ~ ~ that is throwing down their arms and squatting against their heads.
"Bang Bang !!!!"
The sound of gunfire rang in their ears, and the two scared shivered. Both Li Mi and Walnut grew up in a country where guns are strictly controlled in Japan. They have seen gun battles on movies and television at most. But I never thought that I would experience this situation in person.
I don't know how long it took before the gunfire stopped. At this moment, Li Mi and Walnut also noticed that something was wrong ... They were both ready to take the shots, but they didn't seem to be defeated at all?
Are they just scaring them?
Thinking of this, the two looked up tremblingly, looking forward, and then their eyes widened in surprise.
I saw a row of bullets floating in the air less than ten centimeters from the front of the two, as if frozen and frozen. They were densely arranged and shaped, looking like movie special effects props.
This, what is going on here?
Not only did Li Mi and Walnut make no turns, even the soldiers sent by the umbrellas across the opposite side apparently had not seen this. They stepped back in unison, staring in horror, looking at the front They couldn't understand the scene.
Is this some kind of electromagnetic barrier? Or a new shield from another organization?
"It seems that you have only this ability."
With the sound of Founder's words, those bullets originally suspended in the air ticked down and fell to the ground. Everyone looked around and saw Founder raise his right hand, flashing with the light, and the next moment, a dark sword Appeared in his hands.
"Little Black, do it."
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