Chapter 844: Adventures in the Master World (II)

It was not others who appeared in front of Founder's eyes, but it was the priest Fina. Her outfit was no different than before, and when she saw Fang Zheng, she also smiled.
"I didn't expect to meet you here, it was an adventure ..."
"Ah, um ......... it's really unexpected, what are you doing here?"
Upon hearing Founder's inquiries, Fina's expression became a little weird, but just when she was about to say something, she only heard a series of footsteps sounded, and then the man who beat the orc stepped forward, and he was smiling He looked at Fina, then said.
"Sorry to shock you, Miss Fina, are you okay?"
"Ah, I'm fine ...... that ...... you don't have to worry about it."
Facing the man's inquiries, Fina hurried back a few steps like a bird frightened, hiding behind Fang Zheng, and then bowed her head respectfully. Seeing Fina's move, the man's brows frowned slightly, then he looked at Fangzheng and his party.
"they are………"
"They are my friends. We have fought side by side."
Before this time the Founder was talking, Fina hurriedly answered.
"So, sorry, Mr. Corris, I, I have decided to ask them for help!"
"That's it ..."
After hearing Fina's answer, the man looked at Fang Zheng and others, then nodded with a smile.
"That being the case, then we will have a period later."
After saying this, the man turned around and left, leaving Fang Zheng waiting to stand there in fog.
What is happening again?
"... Can you explain it? Miss Fina?"
Although Founder had basically guessed it, he turned his head to look at Fina next to him and asked, Fina nodded a little embarrassed.
"Of course ... Mr. Founder, please come with me ..."
Now that the excitement was over, everyone outside the pub had dispersed, and Fina took Fang Zheng and his party to a compartment on the second floor of the pub, and then told the story originally.
"It's like this. A few days ago, I passed by a nearby village during my cruise and found that there were strange diseases and plagues ..."
Hearing this, Founder frowned suddenly.
"What kind of plague?"
"Patients will have a fever at first, then their limbs will be weak, then they will not be able to eat, and then die ... more importantly, after death, they will turn into undead. In fact, when I went to that town, The town is already frightened. I tried to treat this plague, but it didn't work. "
"Doesn't the local managers care? The church?"
"The strange place is here."
Facing Fang's inquiry, Fina frowned.
"I wanted to talk to the head of the village and the administrator of the church to see if there was anything I could help. But ... they were all gone."
"... disappeared?"
Fina nodded.
"There is no one in the church, and there is no one in the village head's house. According to the villagers, it seems that they disappeared shortly after the plague. No one knows where they went. I want to investigate and the results are nearby Traces of cults have been found in the mountains of ......... It is unknown which organization they belong to, but it is certain that there are a lot of them, and I alone can't stand against them. "
"So you plan to come here for help?"
"Yes, the city of Twilight is nearest to that village, and now almost all people in that village are infected with this disease and can't even get out of bed. I have stabilized their condition temporarily with divine magic, but if the situation is not handled as soon as possible It will be even worse. I do n’t have time to go to other temple churches for help right now. I wanted to ask the Lord of the Twilight City for help, but ... he did n’t even want to see me.

Having said that, Fina sighed helplessly.
"So I planned to hire a group of mercenaries to help me. The Mr. Corris just now ... he was going to invite me to join his mercenary group, but I rejected him because I had to deal with it, although Corris It seems that sir is also going to help me, but ... "
"It's okay to be diligent, you can steal it if you don't commit it."
In the face of Founder's words, Fina didn't say much, but nodded embarrassedly. This is also normal. After all, although Fina is not the kind of country that is all over the country, walking on the street will cause onlookers, but it is also a very beautiful girl. This kind of thing is probably seen on her cruise. too much.
If Founder does not come, maybe Fina will think about it a bit, but now that Fang is here, then Fina naturally doesn't need to think about it. Compared to unfamiliar mercenaries with unknown motive and suspicious motives, those who know themselves and have fought side by side are more relieved.
"......... So, could you please help me? Mr. Founder?"
"Of course there is no problem."
In the face of Fina's request, Founder did not consider it at all, and agreed in one fell swoop. The reason is very simple. The City of Twilight is the
quest trigger location
that Founder senses through the prophetic spell. However, here, Founder met Fina not long after entering the city ... So all these are the gates of Fate Stone, No, it is the guide of the prophecy spell!
But before that ...
"How did you recognize me?"
Founder believes that although his camouflage is not particularly professional, it is not so bad that it can be seen by others at a glance.
After hearing Founder's inquiries, Fina's face turned red this time. I saw her lower her head and hold it for a long time before she could easily come out with a sentence: "My nose is more ..."
"ok, I get it."
Founder stopped the topic decisively. He didn't want to ask Fina the geometry of the zodiac, is it a dog ...
Now that the goal has been determined, naturally the Founder and his party need not do any more, just go out of the city into the mountain under the leadership of Fina, and head towards that village. In the meantime, Founder also introduced Fenya and Walnut to Fina. For these two girls, Fena was obviously a little curious. The two were similar in age, the walnut was outgoing, and Fina was not the kind of person who was difficult to get close to, so Soon, the two got together and started talking and laughing.
"This Miss Fina is really interesting."
Walking on the mountain road, looking at the walnut and Fina who were chatting, Kuangsan came to Fang Zheng's side and smiled softly and said to him.
"Should she also be Mr. Founder's target?"
"I don't have this idea ~ ~ Facing the ridicule of Kuang San, Founder waved his hand. According to the truth, if there is a pure friendship between men and women, Founder is also unbelievable, but maybe Because the two sides met on several occasions because of fighting, so that the other side, rather than Fina being the object of his fancy, it is better to say that the two sides are more suitable combat partners. After all, Fina is smart and flattering. And there is absolutely no pig teammate's stinking problem. Fighting with her will not make people feel pulled back, and it is quite comfortable.
But then again, they are really destined ...
Just as Founder was talking with Kuangsan, the four had entered the old forest of the mountains, and at the same time, a thick mist appeared in front of them. Seeing this thick layer of fog, Fina immediately stopped joking and became serious.
"This is it, Mr. Founder."
As she spoke, Fina clenched her scepter.
"Through this thick layer of fog, you are in that village."
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