Chapter 930: 1 Someone must be a ghost!

? It didn't take long for Yingli to come back again, but compared to before, Yingli's expression became more serious this time.
"How's it going?"
Hearing Fang Zheng's inquiry, Ying Lili nodded, and then took out a piece of paper—just as Founder acquired the [Drawing] skill through drawing, Ying Lili also acquired a similar skill [Exploration].
This skill is incredible. As long as Yinglili can draw it on paper according to the appearance of the other boss, then there will be a certain chance to know various information such as the attributes, race, weakness, and rank of the boss. For Founder, this skill is quite important.
Founder took the drawing paper in Yinglili's hand, glanced at the BOSS sketch above, and immediately raised his brows. Because the level of BOSS is clearly written on it.
This is definitely not the BOSS that should appear on the 25th floor!
There is no need to look at other conditions. Founder can be sure that this is definitely a problem. According to his calculations, the bosses on the 25th to 30th floors will not exceed 50 levels. And this field boss is actually higher than the limit level, then there are only two possibilities. Either the designer drinks too much when designing the boss, or this is not an ordinary field boss.
"something wrong."
Founder gave a decisive decision, and Argo and others were shocked to hear his words.
"what happened?"
"The level of this BOSS is wrong. It has a level of 60, which is completely beyond the limits that existing players can afford. This is not for us. Even the Raiders group, it is impossible to get such a BOSS. It does not Should appear here. "
"how come………"
Hearing Fangzheng's answer, Xi Ji couldn't help but panic. He originally thought that the Dark Moon Sword would be able to grab it, but he didn't expect that they couldn't even do it?
But Argo was more concerned about another aspect of what Founder was referring to.
"Isn't this for us? So who is it for?"
Facing Argo's inquiry, Founder thought for a moment, then looked at her.
"You should know that plot bosses and specific bosses often appear in games."
"I understand the plot boss, the specific boss is ..."
"A specific BOSS is a BOSS that requires you to use a certain means to be able to kill it, which cannot be done by ordinary means."
The Founder also explained to Argo.
"This kind of BOSS is generally used to test whether the player has mastered a certain skill, whether they are already familiar with a certain process, or whether they already know some game features. If you follow the skilled steps, this BOSS is better than a It's not much stronger. But if you have to recklessly go up, even if you are level 100 locked blood, you may not be able to beat. "
"Do you mean ... this BOSS belongs to this particular BOSS?"
"Should stay close to ten."
Founder took another look at the BOSS attribute map drawn by Yinglili in his hand.
"The BOSS level is too high and the amount of blood is too much. This is a signal in itself. If a designer sets the player that BOSS deliberately set is not high, the underlying meaning is generally 'fool, see if there is any around Prompt '. So this creates a problem ...'
"what is the problem."
"This BOSS was not randomly picked out in the wild."
Founder patted the property map in his hands.
"Like I said, if this is a specific trial boss, then it must be released after the player is ready. And the level of this boss is so high, I suspect that someone deliberately chose to challenge the boss. Difficult boss. "
"Will anyone do this?"
Hearing here, Argo was incredible.
"But he did not tantamount to trapping himself in it?"
"That's right, but he wants to get out of danger. It's as easy as giving up the mission ..."
"Give up the task ...... ah!"
As an intelligence trader, Argo is naturally very familiar with the routines in various games, but she is only a player no matter how familiar she is, and she has not learned to look at problems from the perspective of a designer. At this moment, as Founder reminded him, Algor responded immediately.
Indeed, this BOSS is not something that ordinary people can win. If it fails, as long as you give up the task, the BOSS will naturally disappear. This kind of thing is also very common in other online games, but because this BOSS has not disappeared, so Argo also subconsciously ignored this.
Then the problem came.
"Why didn't he give up the task ......... wait, so you mean ..."
Founder nodded.
"I suspect that the other party was deliberately directed at the Dark Nebula and the Red Knights, and I have to admit that this method is really smart."
Thinking of this, Founder could not help but express a sigh.
Ever since he started to kill "Smiling Coffin", few people have dared to attack other players, and the atmosphere of the entire game world has improved a lot. But now it seems that some people still think of a new way-after all, BOSS kills people, and they don't need their own names!
In fact, enticing BOSS to kill players is also quite common in many online games, but dare to do it in this game ... Well, Founder has to admit that someone is not afraid of death.
"What can I do ?!"
At this moment, after Ji Jie and Zhen An really listened to Founder's analysis, they immediately became nervous. But they couldn't reach Hei Xueji, they could only stare.
"For now, I have to go in and see the situation, but ..."
Founder glanced again at the drawing in his hand.
"Ying Lili, is there a way to go in?"
Yinglili shook her head decisively.
"I have seen the terrain. There is only one way to enter the city of steel, which is behind the square, and that BOSS occupies most of the square. Unless we find a way to lead it away, it is impossible to enter the city of steel."
After listening to Ying Lili's answer, Founder thought for a moment, then seemed to think of something.
"What if you use that?"
"That one?"
Ying Lili froze for a moment, then she thought about it.
"Woo ...... it's hard to say ~ ~ but I'm not very proficient ......... if something goes wrong, it won't be easy ..."
"It doesn't matter, let me do the same."
Founder made a decisive decision.
"Let's find a way to get the BOSS away, and then you go in with me to see the situation!"
Founder can be sure that no matter who the other party is, he must be in it now. After all, from the reaction of the BOSS right now, it is completely playing the role of door god. Obviously, it was here to block the door. And this also means that if Founder's guess is correct, then the initiator of this attack should be negotiating with the Dark Nebula and the Red Knights ...
As for their purpose ...
I'll know when I go.
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