Chapter 933: Don't you know what I mean?

"What on earth do you want?"
Ang did not expect that Yawang would raise such a question. At the moment, Hei Xueji was also slightly dull and asked in a low voice. Hearing the request of Hei Xueji, the King of He smiled.
"What? It's simple, what can a woman do if she undresses in front of a man? Of course it's her, hehehe ..."
At this point, Hei Xueji and Ang were stunned. Even the other members were so stunned that they couldn't believe what they heard.
"Come here! Take off your clothes and kneel, come and beg me! Beg me on you!"
At this moment, the King of Yas waved his hands almost madly and shouted.
"As long as you are satisfied with my service, I will cancel the task and let you leave! If you don't want to, then everyone will die here together!"
"Head, let's go!"
Hearing here, the people in the Red Knights also suddenly roared.
"Let's go together and catch him. When the time comes, he won't be afraid that he will not submit. He dare to insult you like this, we must not let him go !!"
"Come! Come if you have the skills!"
However, just when everyone was going to do it, the King of Tooth also took out his own weapon and waved it vigorously.
"You are afraid of death. Lao Tzu is not afraid. One of them is worth one. It ’s worth taking one! If you dare to come, I will kill him! Come on! Come on! Everyone die!"
Looking at the mad King in front of him, the people's footsteps could not help but stop. As the King said, he was not afraid of death. But these people can't die. If he dies, no one can cancel the task, then the BOSS will not disappear, they can only be trapped in this place.
The problem is that this is not a safe area. No one is sure that they will not kill the King of Tooth. In the worst case, once the King of King is hit to the residual blood, they may not even dare to fight back or dare not go. The attack, for fear of touching a hand to kill the King of Tooth, and then everyone caught blind.
Of course, I'm not sure if this is just a bluff of the King of Tooth. Maybe he doesn't have this ability at all. Maybe he was talking about it intentionally, but ...
"And you, Your Royal Highness!"
The King of Ya set his sight on Hei Xueji again.
"Both of you, kneeled on the ground, took off your clothes, crawled over! What are you not capable of? Amazing? Let me see now, when you shake your in front of me, you still have What a great deal! Come, let your subordinates see how you look now, and let them see how you look when you are being played with me, hahahahaha! "
Hearing here, Hei Xueji and Ang's complexions are already extremely pale. For the two girls, this is already more cruel punishment than death.
At this moment, the female players of the two guilds can no longer hear them, and they rebuked loudly, but the king of the teeth was deaf, but his eyes were flushed, and Hei Xueji and Ang stared fiercely.
"What's wrong? Don't hurry up? Do you plan to stay here for a lifetime?"
Hearing the threat from the King of Tooth, Hei Xueji and Ang glanced at each other, then slowly crouched down.
"Don't, leader!"
"His Royal Highness! No!"
Seeing their movements, their men rushed forward to try to stop them.
"Don't you send a team to ask for help from Darkmoon Sword? I think Mr. Founder will come to save us, you don't need to do this kind of thing!"
"Yeah yeah! I believe Mr. Founder will come to save us!"
Having said that, the crowd once again raised hope. Yes, they can't, it doesn't mean that Founder can't. For so long, it can be said that there is almost nothing that Founder cannot do. Even if the BOSS is difficult to entangle, it must not be the founder's opponent.
"Founder ... hum ..."
Hearing this name, Yawang's complexion suddenly became gloomy again, and then he smiled wryly.
"Dream, that BOSS is the strength of the 70th-level BOSS. With the current level of the Darkmoon Sword Guild, it is impossible to destroy it! As for that ... hahaha, I also prepared a copy Great gift, after I've packed you up, I'll go to the Founder, and let that power ...! "
However, while Yawang's mouth was flying horizontally, suddenly a hand stretched out from behind him and patted Yawang's shoulder.
"who is it?"
This sudden annoyance annoyed Tooth King, and he turned his head to see who was afraid to interrupt his speech. But the only thing King Ya saw was a huge fist in front of him.
With a sorrow, the King of Kings flew out directly, hit a few rolls on the ground, and then stopped.
"Sorry, I'm late."
Founder clapped his hands and greeted everyone.
"What's going on here? How come I heard that someone was bothering me?"
"Mr. Founder!"
When they saw Fang Zheng and Ying Lili appearing, everyone screamed, and a smile appeared on the rigid faces of Ang and Hei Xueji, and they hurried up and ran to Fang Zheng.
"Mr. Founder! It's great that you can come!"
"How's that boss outside? Has it been killed by you?"
In the face of everyone's expectations, Founder shook his head.
"We can't get rid of that BOSS. I came in with some other means. Then, about that BOSS ... Do you have any clues for me?"
I heard that Founder confessed that there was no way to even the sword of Darkmoon. The original excited people suddenly lowered their heads as if they were splashed with a basin of cold water. At this time, the king of teeth also stood up rubbing his face and staring viciously Founder.
"Well, you have two hits, but what can you do if you come in? As long as I don't want it, that BOSS will never disappear!"
"......... What the is going on?"
Glancing at the King of Tooth, who was mad, Fang Zheng turned his head and looked at the two. When he heard Fang Zheng's inquiries, Ang lowered his head slightly.
"It's like this ..."
Then, Ang quickly said the incident to the other side, and after she finished, Founder immediately understood.
"That is to say, after that raid, you kicked this guy out of the guild, and then he hated it, and because of the luck of shit, dropped an SSS-level guild trial golem in the copy, so you can't wait. Are you looking for a place? "
Founder concluded that in place, Aung didn't know what to say for a while, and nodded.
"Hum, now you understand."
Tooth King stumbled to his feet and stared at Fang Zheng fiercely, grinning.
"If you dare to touch me, you'll just wait and watch the other people trapped here alive! Yeah, that's fine ...... Since you're here, start with you, kneel down and learn how to bark Okay, I will let you go, ha ha ha ha ha ... "
Looking at the King of Tooth in front of him, Fang Zheng sighed helplessly, reached out and held down his forehead.
"Mentally handicapped is mentally retarded ...... I appeared here with a person, have you not responded yet?"
"......... what do you mean?"
"It's simple."
As he said, Fangzheng patted Yingli Pear's shoulder beside him, and Ying Lili snorted softly at Tooth King.
"I mean, since I can bring people in, then naturally I can also take them out. Of course, maybe it's a little bit troublesome, but ... it takes a little time to do it."
When he heard this, Yawang was suddenly stunned, but everyone else's eyes were shining. Indeed, as Founder said, he can bring in people, and naturally he can also take them out. By that time, the life and death of Tooth King ... who cares!
"I, I don't believe it!"
Looking at Ying Lili next to Fang Zheng, Yawang couldn't believe it. He stumbled backwards, his eyes staring as big as a cowbell.
"I don't believe it, you must be talking nonsense! I won't believe it ..."
However, before King Ya's words were finished, he was interrupted by the founder.
"However, you can think of using trial BOSS to harm people. It's a bit of a brain. So, to reward you, I will also tell you a little secret of the system I discovered. Moreover, I hope you cancel the mission yourself, After all, this is more convenient. "
"do you know?"
Speaking of this, Fang smiled on the front, and he slowly walked towards Tooth King.
"In ordinary combat, players are injured, but rarely feel pain. But in turn, when we attack people empty-handed, they will feel pain, but they will not be hurt ... Unless you use the fighting skills you learned ~ ~, while pointing, the Founder is pointing at the pointer above his head.
"That is to say, even if I beat you half-dead, as long as you have not lost blood, it means that you have not been harmed, and I will not be a criminal ..."
The King of Tooth also responded quickly. Hearing here, he was shocked, and instinctively wanted to pick up the weapon. But Founder's speed is much faster than Yawang. The King of Tooth just raised the sword in his hand, and saw a flash of people's shadow in front of him. Then, the next moment accompanied by a severe pain, he involuntarily released his hand and threw away the sword in his hand.
At this moment, Fang Zheng was standing in front of him, holding Yawang's wrist in one hand, fist in one hand, and smiling slightly at Yawang.
"A big casserole, have you seen it?"
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