Chapter 95: After the fight

"Ahem ..."
The strong atmosphere spread, making Founder and Nimfu look a bit ugly, but fortunately, with the complete destruction of the bright ruby ​​covered by the Holy Light, the unfortunate six-armed snake snake lord seemed to have no With the response, she has completely turned into a pool of blood and water scattered everywhere. At present, apart from the stench, there seems to be no other changes.
"This is finally over."
Looking at the wreckage and ruins in front of him, Fang Zheng was relieved. He had previously felt that this task was definitely difficult, but it was unexpectedly simple. Except for the six-armed snake demon, which was a little more troublesome, there were almost no problems. Of course, it's all because ...
"Thank you, Nimfu."
As he said, Founder touched Nimfu's head beside him. Feeling the Founder's touch, Nimfu smiled at ease.
"Nothing, master, this is what I should do."
"But then again ..."
I said here, Founder seems to have thought of something.
"Where did you get that ruby?"
"I used to take it from the debris when I was investigating. I originally wanted to give it to the owner, but because they ..."
As he said, Nimfu stared at the old bishop.
"... I accidentally forgot, I'm really sorry, Master."
不用 "No need to apologize, you're the biggest hero this time."
What Fang Zheng was talking about was sincere. He never thought that this weak-looking and vulnerable angel could play such a crucial role in such a seemingly dangerous task. She not only interrupted the resurrection ceremony of the six-armed snake snake lord in advance, but also destroyed the altar, and even Bella's so-called "third eye" was taken away by her in advance ... Fang Zhengzhen Want to open up her character information and see if the angel's luck is EX grade ...
Without Nimfu, Founder estimates that this mission may be more difficult. If the six-armed snake demon returns to life, or if she opens the gate of with this altar ... then Founder will have to face the choice of running or running or running.
"You're right, Your Founder."
At this time, the old man has come to Fang Zheng and Nimfu again. Hearing Fang Zheng's words, the old man nodded.
"I have explored that the magic circle hidden under this altar is actually the core of the gate of hell. Once Bella is launched, the consequences are unthinkable."
I said here, the old bishop's complexion became extremely serious instantly.
"Not to mention, those people actually got the keys, this time it was too serious! Although there were no serious consequences, but in the event of an accident, the entire Northland will face a crisis!"
所以 "So you are planning to find the White Tower of Heaven?"
As soon as Fang Zhengzheng heard the old bishop's tone, he knew that this matter could not be good. Although this time Fang Zheng and others prevented the bad behavior in a timely manner, it was impossible for the other party to blame the enemy because it did not cause much damage. Not to mention that the guy from Charles actually gave these cultists the keys to open the seal .... Then, what about the keys?
"it's here."
Maybe I guessed what Fang was thinking. The old man raised his right hand expressionlessly, and lay a purple gemstone ring in the center of his palm, but this ring seemed to be just dug out of the mud, and it looked quite dirty. It's ugly.
"It has been polluted by the breath of the abyss. This will be the best evidence. This time, Baita will never escape punishment again!"
"This time?"
Hearing here, Fang Zheng could not help but stunned, then his expression became weird.
How did you listen to the meaning of the old bishop ... Is Baita not only a former criminal but also a recidivist?
"Hello! Lord Bishop Carl! Founder! Are you all right!"
At this moment, Stone also finally rushed over with the members of the Pegasus Knights. After the altar collapsed, the frightened little demons ran quickly, but the cultists were about to die. What it looks like in the end. So Stone had to help the mercenaries to solve the cultists who were desperately resisting, and then came to the altar to check the situation.
As for the scattered little demon, in the eyes of Stone, these guys have no climate. After the master dies, he basically loses the ability to stay in this world. It is only a matter of time to return to his own world.
下来 After this battle, as the core, Founder and others are fine, but the casualties are heavy. Only about half of the twenty-some Pegasus knights survived those little demons. This is because Stone is in the town. Otherwise, I am afraid it will only be completely destroyed.
佣 The mercenaries also suffered heavy losses. Only the mercenary commander, the two archers, and the mage survived. The others were basically killed, and Fina was slightly injured. Fortunately, the injury was not serious, just because she was in a coma because of the impact of the explosion, so it was not a big deal.
不管 But anyway, they finally successfully prevented the damned plot of these cultists. After the confirmation of the old bishop, the core of the law circle hidden in the altar was indeed completely destroyed by Nimfu and completely lost its effect.
Although the mission is over, for the sake of caution, everyone decided to search nearby to avoid any evil things left by the cultists. Of course, before that, Stone also sent a Pegasus knight to pass the news of the mission to the temple. Lest they still have insomnia all night ... this can be bad for the body.
Although the battle is over, for the Founder ... it doesn't stop there.
I watched the corpses disappearing in the blazing flames, and Founder shook his head. To be honest, he doesn't like fighting with others side by side, no matter in the dark world or the world on the edge of tomorrow, Founder basically just acts alone or with his summons.
As for the reason ...
"Mr. Founder?"
Hearing the voice of the priestess girl around, Fang Zheng turned his head and looked at her, then sighed softly.
"I'm really sorry to put you in danger."
"this is nothing."
I heard Founder's apology, but the priestess girl shook her head instead. She was also very embarrassed at the moment. Not only was the robe of the priest on her body tattered, but also a bandage was wrapped around her head. There was still blood on her cheeks, and she was very tired at the moment, but she was still standing here.
"Aren't you going to take a break?"
"I'll wait a while, but Mr. Founder, you ... seem to be in a bad mood?"
"It's really not good."
As He said, Founder looked at the bonfire in front of him again.
"To be honest, I don't like this feeling very much."
"This feeling?"
Hearing Fina's inquiry, Founder nodded.
"Look at that big man, do you know? I had a conflict with him before, he thought I was not worthy of being their leader, and then I kicked him for a meal, and then the two of us drank together ... ... then he acknowledged me. "
"Is this happening?"
When I heard this, Fina's eyes widened in surprise.
"Why didn't I see it?"
"Oh, that's because I thought this should happen."
"just kidding."
Looking at Fina's complex expression, Fang Zheng smiled slightly, but soon the smile on his face disappeared.
但 "But to be honest, this feeling is really bad."
What Fang Zheng said was also in his heart. He was born in a peaceful world, and he was also facing heavy work in weekdays, having endless meetings and staying up late to work overtime. Maybe someone will leave, maybe someone will join, or maybe someone will be fired. But these are not life-threatening. He has also made many decisions, but those decisions are not fatal.
He is not the same here. Every decision he makes will endanger the lives of others, even let them die.
Of course, these mercenaries and Founder have always lived their lives, and those before were also Founder's "brain supplements." But Fina was different. She followed Founder to the Dark Swamp. Although they were not able to fight side by side after that, Fina also helped him a lot. If it were n’t for this mercenary who was buffing mercenaries, I'm afraid those mercenaries would not be able to hold on for long.
But even this young girl almost died.
If the death of the mercenaries just made Founder feel a little emotional, then Fina's death almost made him a little scared. This is not a game. The NPC is dead and can be refreshed. At that time, Founder was full of his own tasks and how to deal with that six-armed snake demon. Now he calmed down, and suddenly he felt a little scared. If he heard Fina's death after he had done all this, then The Founder will regret it.
After all, he could have taken the adventure without Fina, which is his own business, but because of this, he has involved irrelevant people. As a modern man, he is accustomed to the "being alone" lifestyle, which means that others should not come to trouble themselves, but they will not trouble others. When you see someone in trouble, you can go up and help, but you must protect yourself when you are in danger. Founder has never tried a decision to send someone to death ... Of course, in his own world ~ ~ those people can't listen to his orders to die.
After all, Founder is not a soldier.
Not only that………
Fang Fangzheng reached out and opened the system in front of him, looking at the information prompt above.
[Master World Quest "Gate of Hell" completed, master world time to replica time ratio will be adjusted to 1:10]
表面 On the surface, this task seems to have no problems, as Fang is doing in the replica world. But Founder always has a peculiar hunch.
Because he also clearly remembers that in Xingyue City, the laws that he triggered when he first entered the temple resonated, and the system prompts himself at that time.
[Order parallel port detected]
[Port starts to activate]
As the designer and creator of the "Dimensional Code", Founder certainly knew what this hint meant, but since the "Dimensional Code" didn't say anything, he didn't care. But this time, the system suddenly issued the main world mission to itself, but it reminded the founder of the incident.
He always has a feeling that this mission is actually a transaction between the system and the world. He helped the world prevent the gate of from re-opening. The other party allowed the Dimension Code to make appropriate adjustments and changes to the time flow.
This is like the game ontology and DLC. If you compare the "Dimensional Code" to the game ontology, then the world is DLC. You can only accept and complete DLC's exclusive tasks if you install and connect to this DLC map.
Then the problem came.
谁 Who is the "NPC" who posted this task?
Thinking of this, Founder glanced at the badge on his chest.
He already had a vague answer.
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