Chapter 954: The limits of AI

Yinglili remembered watching a Hollywood blockbuster, where the protagonist of the hacker crackled the keyboard, and various information jumped on the screen. With bgm, although I could n’t understand it, there was always a very high-tech Fan's feeling.
Now she saw the reality version here.
Fang Zheng stood in front of the black stone pillar, constantly pounding on the keyboard, echoing with alarming sounds everywhere, one by one with the "error" and "waing" marks appearing out of thin air from time to time. Staring blankly at the Founder's operation, he muttered with emotion.
"Daddy ...... awesome ..."
"Yueyi? What is Mr. Founder doing?"
After hearing Yui's sigh, Asuna couldn't help but ask, there was no such thing as a programmer in the life goals that her mother planned for her. If Asuna wanted to talk about piano classical music, she might not I can still say one, two, three, four, but in the face of these jumping characters, Asuna only felt like she was reading a heavenly book.
"Dad is hacking into Cardinal's main system, and he is about to succeed !!!"
Jieyi clenched his hands excitedly and stared at this scene in front of her eyes. As a subprogram, Jieyi knows cardinal better than anyone else, that is, the emperor of all procedures, the supreme master, can determine the existence of life and death. . However, what Founder is doing right now, in Jie Yi, is no different from mortal slaughtering God!
Wu Asuna still didn't quite understand, but Yinglili understood it a little, and her eyes lighted up.
等等 "Wait, that means ... Mr. Fang Zheng can control this system? Can you send us directly?"
I heard Ying Lili's inquiries, and the founder who was typing on the keyboard responded without a reply.
"Gm has permission to force all players to log out, I have confirmed this just now."
"So what are we waiting for?"
英 Ying Lili can't wait any longer.
"Let's log out now!"
"you sure?"
However, Founder turned around and glanced at Yinglili. His indifferent response made Ying Lili stunned.
怎么 "Why ...? Is there a problem?"
当然 "Of course, are you sure that after forcibly logging out, we will not die? Instead we will return to the real world?"
In the face of Founder's inquiry, Ying Lili was also stunned, and for a while she didn't know what to say.
"Then find someone to try it ..."
"Find someone we don't know, but fortunately, if you're dead, you're sure the other person will come back? Find someone we know to do this test ... Are you serious?"
In the face of Founder's question, Ying Lili couldn't say a word at the moment. Indeed, as Founder said, the probability of death and safe escape is half and half, but who do you want to experiment with? Find someone you do n’t know. As Founder said, how can you make sure that the other party will come back and tell them that the experiment is successful if they get out safely? But if you find someone they know and are familiar with, in case of death ... doesn't it mean that they killed their friends and companions themselves?
"Woo ...... is there really no way?"
Fang Zhengzheng answered very neatly.
"If it's in the real world, or if I get the development permission of Kakuba Jingyan, then I can try it, but it won't work here."
I said here, and Fang Zheng also sighed. If in the real world, he would directly take his personal terminal and live the skepticism of Maochang Jingyankeng. However, in the game world, he is the hardest woman to cook without rice. The management device of gm may look very large for ordinary players, but Founder knows that this is not enough.
Don't look at gm in front of ordinary players. One-two-three-five seems to be prestigious. However, what they do is senior customer service and system maintenance and debugging.
This is the same reason that you cannot expect a repairman to design the latest nuclear submarine for you.
I ca n’t even repair a submarine.
gm only has system debugging and maintenance permissions, but they also do not have development permissions. Founder wants to figure out how to log out to be able to return safely instead of having to find the underlying code on the spot. However, gm permissions must not see the underlying code- —Even if you look at it, you can't modify it.
那么 "So what are you doing, Mr. Founder?"
After thinking about it, Yinglili gave up. Since Founder cannot send them out safely through this gm authority, what is he doing now?
"One is the problem of Yui, and I want to check the information about this system as much as possible ..."
Fang Zhengzheng answered a few words lightly, then tapped his finger on the keyboard like a wind blow again.
He didn't give Ying Lili a detailed explanation. In fact, what Founder is doing right now is to try to gain cardinal management authority.
Of course, just try.
This is the same as Yang Weili playing Reinhardt. Yang Weili is only a fleet commander, but in the end he forced the imperial emperor Reinhardt to a dead end, which almost changed the history of the universe. This naturally does not depend on Yang Weili's large number of soldiers, but on the correct choice of tactics.
Therefore, Founder is now learning Yang Weili's set. He does nothing else. After blocking his authority and building a city wall that resists cardinal, Founder waves his troops northward, driving straight in, and pounding. Huanglong.
As long as he incorporates Reinhardt's flagship into his own attack range, the opponent will be able to surrender and surrender.
Cardinal naturally will not give up on this, just like a good girl who was forced to go to the corner by a gangster at night. She was first snatched her wallet and then asked to take off her clothes. However, Cardinal naturally couldn't resist the death. She desperately resisted, and was slaped by a slap, then pressed directly to the ground.
Then Cardinal screamed, she stretched out her hand to struggle and resist, but Founder pressed it to the ground unreasonably at the moment, and stretched out her hand to tear off the coat she was wearing, revealing Inside underwear. Cardinal was embarrassed at this moment, but Founder was raising his slender legs, and then ...
Sundering attack!
Rage gesture!
Thunder strike!
We have broken the enemy's armor!
Hit the enemy tank!
The target was hit, and we gave the enemy a hard blow!
We hit the target!
Eventually, with a wailing, cardinal collapsed to the ground, crying silently.
He is both for his own suffering and for his honest body.
Hyun even made her feel humiliated, after Fang was playing with her body violently, he also reached out to hold her chin, forcing her to raise her head, and stared at her with an inexplicable smile.
既然 "Since you have been played by me, then it will be my person, you will do whatever I ask you to do, understand?"
In the face of such a rogue rogue, what can cardinal do?
I just nodded and agreed ...
"Titer --- !!!!"
With a light beep, Asuna and Yinglili saw the red warning sign that had filled the entire room instantly disappeared, and the screen in front of Founder's eyes also restored to a state that looked somewhat quiet.
怎么 样 "How is it? Mr. Founder?"
Seeing this scene ~ ~ Yinglili also couldn't wait to ask, but when facing Yinglili's inquiry, Founder frowned, then shrugged his shoulders.
"Half and half ...... not too good, but not too bad."
In the end, cardinal and Founder also reached a compromise, and Founder was not completely unharmed. At least through the invasion of cardinal, he still found the internal rules of the entire system-in short, Kababa Jingyan was in the entire game system. Put an a command, and this a command is the culprit that caused the player to die.
That is to say, under the design of Kakuba Jingyan, the player's various logout methods will eventually be fed back to this a command, and then the a command will be activated, and then the fully stealth device will destroy the player's brain and cause it to die.
If you want to log out securely, you need to bypass the a command and log out from the b command. However, there is only one log out condition for the b command-that is, to defeat a hundred-layer boss.
Now Founder also understands why no one dares to act rashly in reality. If you want to modify this rule, you must modify it from the bottom, and the game cannot be stopped for maintenance during the period. This is even more headache than lifting the bomb threat. Considering the political capital and public opinion risks that will be assumed after failure, people in reality will certainly not act rashly.
But what puzzled Founder is that Kababa Jingyan ’s account login showed that he had unexpectedly interrupted the connection to the server some time ago ... What the is this?
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