Chapter 1112: , Another missile

The undead cat fell heavily to the ground like a sandbag, half of its bones were broken, and only half of its moaning sounded. Its complexion changed and it rolled over a meter with all its strength.
Fu Jiang smashed his face down at his original position. If he reacted a little slower, he would be a human mat. Fu Jiang worked hard several times before reluctantly turning over, and his scary face was almost flattened and he almost couldn't recognize it.
"Where are you hurt?" When the undead cat said, the blood bleeds from her mouth and can't stop it.
"Chest, what about you!" Fu Jiang's situation was almost the same, with pieces of hard objects in his blood, suspected to be internal organs.
"Same!" The undead cat said with a bitter face, "Fortunately, there are artificial organs now, otherwise we will see our ancestors."
"How is Master Xue?" Fu Jiang asked.
"Can't die!" Master Xue still closed his eyes and silently adjusted his breath. His injury was a little lighter than the two, at least his mouth was not bleeding. The undead cat wanted to say something, but as soon as he opened his mouth, a mouthful of blood came out and he had to shut his mouth severely.
"Sword Twenty-Three is not an opponent." Fu Jiang didn't care about himself, his eyes were fixed on the colonel and Sword Twenty-three who had become a group. Sword Twenty-Three is like a ball of lightning, moving up and down, left and right around the colonel, every sword appeared in unexpected places, as fast as a shock.
The colonel does not move like a mountain, responding to all changes with the same, calm like a meditating monk, and like a tortoise, impenetrable. A little light burst out from his body, and Jian Twenty-Three couldn't break his body.
"Abnormal, is this titanium alloy?" At the beginning, the third baby fell, and he didn't dare to block the twenty-three swords. The colonel had blocked more than fifty swords.
"Here!" Sword Twenty-Three's sword light suddenly merged into one, unpretentious, and slowly pierced out.
For the first time, the colonel's eyes appeared solemn, his muscles bulged, and his fist blasted out as fast as lightning.
Fast and slow form a sharp contrast, meeting in mid-air, time seems to stop at this moment, and the next second, a thunderous noise spreads, full of energy, Fu Jiang and Undead Cat lying on the ground are tight in their chests, almost Hold your breath. Looking at the two fighting, the colonel did not move, but the sword twenty-three stepped back three steps in a row, leaving deep footprints on the ground.
In the early days, the third child stretched out his hand to relieve the pressure of Fu Jiang and the undead cat, and walked towards the colonel step by step. He was slow, but fast as a horse. The third step fell, and he was in front of the colonel. Sun lifted into the air and enveloped him and the colonel, his fist had already hit the colonel's fist.
The two separated instantly, as if struck by lightning. The colonel retreated and moved in. There was almost no time to stop. His fists blasted towards the head of the third child in the early days. At this moment, the casualties in the early days had not come back in one breath. He watched his fists expand infinitely, his eyes were horrified .
Take a breath and take a breath, this is the law of nature, no one can change it, and the breathing is the same, so that it can conform to the way of Yin and Yang. The colonel was different. It seemed that he used DC power instead of AC power. There was no need to breathe back, so the pause time at this moment became the key to life and death. At the moment of the daughter's hair, a ray of sword light hit the colonel's fist.
The colonel shook his whole body and retreated three meters. In the early days, the third child followed him like a shadow. The purple sunset in mid-air merged with his fist. A purple beam hit the colonel and passed by. The colonel's heart was gone, replaced by a fist-sized black hole, transparent front and back. This blow exhausted all the strength of the third child in the early days, his breath suddenly weakened, and he was too late to be happy, with horror on his face.
Heart crushed
The colonel did not die, not only did he not die, he did not even show his weakness, as if he had lost not his heart but a piece of nails.
The colonel's expression was still rocky, without sadness, no joy, and no pain. Approaching the third child of Taichu, a punch came out.
In the early days, the third baby let out a beast-like howl, fluttered for tens of meters, and landed beside Fu Jiang. The four of them lay side by side, very neatly. Sword Twenty-Three unfolded his sword light and stopped the colonel again, but the colonel was extremely fierce. Even without the heart, he defeated the twenty-three swords.
"Frozen!" The Snow Girl descended from the sky, in a white dress and veil, like a fairy.
The terrifying low temperature spread in this space with her arrival, but the core of low temperature hit the colonel, but a terrible thing happened. The colonel's skin was not affected by the low temperature, it was dissolved instantly when the low temperature touched, and the ground was covered with thick frost, but his skin remained the same without any change.
"Frozen!" Xue Nu screamed, her eyes turned into ice crystal white, and the temperature dropped again. A faint mist appeared on the surface of the colonel's body, faint ice crystals began to condense, and the colonel's movements slowed down.
But it just became slow, not completely rigid.
"Let me come!" Zheng Li, who had solved the opponent, also appeared. The material in the world is either yin or yang. If the low temperature is not good, the high temperature will come. The two women take action. There is almost no one who can't deal with it.
The sky flames came from the void and enveloped the colonel in an instant. The high temperature spreads much faster than the low temperature. The frost on the ground melted and evaporated in an instant, and the earth quickly dried up and turned black and carbonized. The colonel was covered in flames, as if the of fire descended. Walking towards Zheng Li, she was still alive. Jian Twenty-Three retreated more than ten meters away because of fear of high temperatures.
He was in the center of the flame, and there was nothing at all, everyone was shocked. A three-inch nail with a head popped out of the ground and was originally planning to attack. Upon seeing this, he quietly retracted his head and didn't intend to come out.
The last shot was fired, and the Eastern Herring stopped sniping, and all the soldiers of the Sixth Army died, leaving only three men, three colonels. Two others were eyeing the elephant and the white lunatic.
The scattered people came back one after another, and they were shocked to see the colonel's greatness. The tank quickly gave the third baby, the swordsman, Fujiang, the undead cat, and the master Xue the spirit pill that healed the injuries, and then put them on a strong tank. Rumble first left. Among the five, the swordsman The three of Fu Jiang and Undead Cat need to change their internal organs. The other two have lost their combat power in a short time, so it is safer to go back to heal their injuries.
Facing the siege, the colonel did not have the slightest fear. His rocky face did not change from head to tail. Without hurting a person, there was an extra wound on his body. The deepest bone could be seen, but none of these had any effect on him. He didn't even shed a drop of blood, and he didn't know how his body had been transformed, it was terribly powerful.
A shocking sword light tore through the night, and slashed on the colonel's head with the momentum of shattering everything, blood suddenly appeared, and a sword mark with a depth of one centimeter appeared on the colonel's head, and he was still alive.
Li Eshui retreated violently, but the colonel did not dare to pass him.
The colonel's feet exploded, and a huge crater of several tens of meters appeared. The colonel caught up with Li Eshui like an out-of-the-box cannonball, and blasted out with one punch, surpassing the speed of sound, producing a terrifying sonic boom. The breath of death surged, and for a moment, Li Eshui thought that he was bound to die, and Liu Wei'an shot at the critical moment.
"Sword of Annihilation!"
The invisible sword, breaking through the distance of time and space, instantly shattered the colonel’s spirit
The fist stopped one millimeter in front of Li Eshui's nose, and it was stiff, and the colonel's body fell straight to the ground, his body stiff, like steel. Li Eshui touched his nose with blood in one hand. Although his fist did not hit him, the fist wind had already damaged his blood vessels.
"Stop playing!" Liu Wei'an raised his voice, and the voice passed out. He heard a dull collision in the distance. It was the sound of fists and flesh and blood. The next second, the white lunatic and the elephant returned.
In the darkness, two teams appeared, wearing military uniforms, with uniform steps. Twenty people, however, stepped out of the mighty force. The gaze is like electricity, not an adjective, but a real shot of electric light. In the dark, you can see it without lighting.
"This is the eye modified with high technology. It is stronger than infrared." The bat stood behind Liu Wei'an. He was ashamed. As the chief spy of the Ping An army and also Liu Wei'an's eyes, he did not find these soldiers. How it appeared.
The ranks of the two leaders are colonel, followed by the major, and the rest are captains. Both colonels are stronger than those killed by Liu Wei'an. They seem to be third-level fighters, and they are also different.
Everyone looked solemn, and the two teams totaled only 20 people, and the pressure on them was even greater than tens of thousands of zombies. The faces of the two teams were grim, without any expression.
"Quick battle and quick decision!" Liu Wei'an suddenly changed his face, and he sensed a change in the army. When his words fell, the white madman and the elephant had been shot out like two cannonballs, blinking and fighting with the two colonels.
Peng, Peng, UU reading www. Peng...
The dull impact made people's hair stand upright, and it was hard to imagine how such a heavy punch could be blocked by the flesh and blood. You know, the heavy tanks can't stop the big punches of the elephant and the white lunatic.
"Sword of Annihilation!"
"Sword of Annihilation!"
The others killed the remaining soldiers before rushing halfway through. The two most powerful people, the two majors, fell to the ground head-on, and the breath of life was gone. Everyone was surprised at first, then overjoyed.
call out--
A blue arc hit a captain, and the captain flew out, his body ruptured, and the left half of his body was much less fleshy and bones were exposed, but he was not dead. He climbed up without feeling pain and continued to face the enemy.
The captain is a second-level soldier, and can withstand the laser gun.
Liu Wei'an's eyes were cold, and he retreated the cancer bombs, replaced them with the double bursting talisman bullets he had personally portrayed, and aimed a shot at one of the captains.
The captain headshot and fell straight.
Bang, bang, bang...
In the blink of an eye, the soldier was half dead, and the rest became clever, using Jian Twenty-Three, Xue Nu, Zheng Li and others as shelters to avoid Liu Wei'an's bullets. At this moment, the elephant decided the victory and lost the colonel's red envelope with a fist. The elephant's eyes lacked a faint red light and his breath was heavy. He used his potential.
The situation on the court suddenly fell to Liu Wei'an's side. At this moment, Liu Wei'an yelled, regardless of keeping it, the "Sword of Annihilation" and the sniper rifle were sacrificed at the same time.
The remaining nine captains and the colonel were killed instantly.
"Hurry up—" he yelled, his face distorted because of his anxiety. Everyone had never seen him in such anxious state. They were inexplicably uneasy and did not dare to ask more. They ran after him and used the strength of feeding. Thousands of meters away, a missile dragged its long tail across the sky. The target was this area.
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