Chapter 1123: , A group of geniuses

The colonel represents the highest combat effectiveness of the base. After his death, the remaining fighters are basically first-class fighters and quasi-second-class fighters. Jian Twenty-Three, Li Eshui, Zheng Li, and Xue Nu made their full effort, and they were all killed in less than five minutes. Liu Wei'an walked behind, and his divine consciousness was pouring out like a tide, checking for any fish that slipped through the net.
On the sixth floor, the white lunatic and the third child from the early days were joined. They found that the eighth floor did not go. A group of people found the elevator on the eighth floor in a single row. They found an elephant in the missile library, and an unknown level, but the combat effectiveness People who are no weaker than the colonel are fighting.
It's a human, but it looks scary.
The right arm is as thick as a thigh, and the left arm is a normal human size, but it is covered with a layer of cuticle and is extremely hard. A face was completely deformed and covered with red lumps. When I applied force, the lumps broke open and thick water came out.
The back looked slightly, like the back of a fish, something bulged under the clothes, which looked like the scales on the back of a crocodile, piece by piece. The strength of this person is amazing, and he is not weak in fighting the elephant.
However, Jian Twenty-Three, Li Eshui and the others knew at a glance that this man could not last long. This kind of power, which is not evolved, can only be maintained for a while. His heart beats extremely fast and bangs loudly. It is obvious that he can see his chest drums and drums, his breathing is thundering, and it is getting louder and louder, the entire missile library It's all his breathing.
"Elephant, don't worry, he can only hold on for a minute." Liu Weian persuaded him to see the elephant wanting the red-eyed general because of their arrival. There is no need to overdraw one's energy for a dying person.
Although the ability of the elephant's red eye hasn't seen any impact on the future, but what if. If this affects the evolutionary path, it is no joke.
When others talk, the elephant cannot hear. Liu Wei'an talks, but the elephant dare not listen. He is honest and patient, punches and blasts him. Sure enough, in 59 seconds, the person's whole body is red, as if Burning charcoal.
Liu Wei'an, Jian Twenty-Three and others retreated with lightning. Almost at the same time, they heard a loud bang, and the enemy had been broken to pieces, and flesh and blood shot into the surrounding walls.
The walls of the missile depot are made of alloy and are extremely hard. A full blow may not be able to leave traces, but they are embedded in flesh and blood. In the early days of the third child, the heart felt hairy.
"How are these monsters cultivated?"
"The improvement of strength is gradual, otherwise the body can't stand it. These people are eager for quick success and quick gain." Although Jian Twenty-Three is not clear about the reason, he has a sophisticated vision and can see the essence through phenomena.
"The Marshal's Mansion has been trying to transform the Super Soldiers. The Sixth Army, as the legion closest to the Marshal's Mansion, has always been the first experimental subject. It should have produced some results. If it is not the end, they will be considered successful." The white madman does not resist this power. The profession of warrior originally represents a high risk, death by the hands of the enemy and death by one's own hands are death. If you can gain a powerful force, even if you have a sequelae, many fighters will dedicate themselves willingly.
"This man was also a genius originally!" Jian Twenty-Three shook his head. He came from the hermit sect and couldn't understand the military concept of the White Crazy.
There are 6 missiles in the missile library, all of which are still there. From this point of view, this base is much better than the third base. The third base bombed them several times.
There is also a tenth floor below the ninth floor, which is much smaller and simpler. It is used as a prison. It houses about 300 prisoners, including children, women, business people, politicians, calligraphers, and college students. There are soldiers and criminals, the composition is very complicated.
Li Eshui went back and notified the Ping An army to take over the base. Soon, the general situation of the base was clarified.
This base is the fourth base and ranked last. The strength is also the weakest among the four bases. The weakest, but the most complicated, undertaking the task of arresting experimental subjects. Some researchers feel that this is very inhumane, and think that they should first experiment with white mice, and then use people to experiment after success. However, the above pressure was too great and time was too late. The colonel strictly ordered human experiments, resulting in a large number of deaths.
The data shows that the high-power cremator burns an average of 38 corpses every day. One day there was a problem with the experiment, and 236 people died suddenly. It took several hours for the soldiers to move the corpses. Because of the experiment, more than 20,000 people died before and after.
Because too many people died, some of the scientific researchers had a conscience and quit the strike. They were arrested by the colonel, but they were not killed. They were all imprisoned with the criminals and the experiment.
When the Ping An army rescued them, they were skinny and their beards were almost reaching their chests. There are 12 scientific researchers, all of whom are talents, and several of them are registered with the Chinese Academy of Sciences.
Liu Weian immediately decided that these people must be included in the bag. At first, these scientific researchers were silent, but after the Ping An army sent them out for a walk, 12 scientific researchers were dumbfounded.
In the end of the world, this word that often appears in science fiction movies appears alive. All kinds of zombies, huge monsters of the abyss, let them pinch their thighs with little flesh. When they saw the bullets shot on the zombies, but they were instantly flew away, every eyeball almost fell out. .
They were detained in jail and had not communicated with the outside world for several years, and many of their thinking remained before the end. The repeated attacks in reality forced them to make changes. After confirming that the world had changed, 12 people agreed to join the Ping An army, but they also made a request. They made scientific research work, and it was just research, and did not participate in other things.
Liu Weian agreed.
The remaining prisoners, who are talented and capable, can join the Ping An army. Those who don’t have the power to hold a chicken, or a star lady who doesn’t touch Yang Chunshui, are not needed.
The last part is the criminals. This is the original experiment subject, who were originally convicts on death row. Later, because of insufficient numbers, other people were arrested. Liu Wei'an was still wondering why they hadn't used up all of them. After a glance, he realized that these are talents. There are hackers, martial arts experts, mathematics geniuses, physics geniuses... every one of them is one of the best in their own field. Even if they are death row prisoners, even if the number of experimental targets is insufficient, the fourth base would rather arrest other innocent people. Raising them well shows that their abilities are strong.
The hacker master, with two mobile phones, hacked the missile system of a military base, and 11 missiles occurred at sea, just to show his girlfriend fireworks. It happened that a passenger ship full of tourists passed by, and then more than 7,000 tourists and more than 400 crew members
, And the cruise ship disappeared into the sea as fragments.
The hacker was still puzzled when he was caught. I just set off 11 fireworks, and the big deal is to lose money. The hacker’s family is a billionaire. If it were just 11 fireworks, it would really pay off.
It's a pity that almost 8,000 lives can't be made up by money.
The martial arts master is even more difficult. Before the end, he already had the strength of the late silver rank, and there was no inheritance from the division. It was completely cultivated by Ye Luzi himself. In order to catch him, he lost more than 20 soldiers. In the end, tanks and cannons were used to catch this man.
Liu Weian didn't care too much about how many equations and conjectures the mathematical genius solved, but he used mathematical formulas to calculate the time of the end and where the Eye of Hell appeared, but Liu Weian was surprised. When the doomsday did not come, when the Eye of Hell did not appear, everyone regarded the mathematics genius as a lunatic. When everything happened, they thought that he was executed, and no one expected him to be alive.
The name of this genius is Zu Quzhi.
These criminals are all people whose names and identities have been erased. No one knows their identities if they don’t speak themselves. Only the colonel and the colonel of the Sixth Army know about it. It’s just recorded in the brain and there is no trace on the computer. of.
The reason why Zu Quzhi exposed himself so easily is also very simple. Liu Weian pointed out: "The Ping An army does not raise waste, and there is no one who can impress me. All waste is waste, and waste is not qualified to waste food. U U Reading"
He asked three people before, and they didn't know if they thought they were high-minded or pretending to be reserved. The first was dismissive, the second smiled without saying a word, and the third was nonsense. Liu Weian shot and shot one, and all got headshots.
The rest are honest and cooperate obediently.
Outsiders don’t know the identity of these geniuses. These geniuses have been imprisoned for so long, and they are somewhat familiar with each other. Among the three people who died, the first one was a business genius. It took 10 years to build the company. To the wealth of 5.9% of the country's total GDP. The second is painting and calligraphy. Mr. Fengyan, who is known as the first person in modern times, is 26 years younger than Mr. Long Ju, but is as famous as Mr. Long Ju. The third person is even more awesome. After practicing qigong, he can get things in the air.
In order to imprison him, the Sixth Army deliberately built a prison of pure tempered glass with special treatment.
A genius who is alive is a genius, and a genius who is dead is worthless. It was confirmed that Liu Wei'an did not regard these geniuses as geniuses, and the geniuses cast their noble heads to reality.
The Sixth Army treated them as prisoners, but inwardly regarded them as geniuses. Liu Wei'an is different. He treats them as death row prisoners in his heart and in fact.
When these geniuses learned about the great changes in the world, they were all dumbfounded, behaving like scientists, and finally discovered that the world is so big that there is no place for them to stay, only the Ping An Army can go. Maybe I was forced to join before, but after recognizing the reality, I felt a bit less resentful and unwilling, and a bit more dazed and helpless.
After getting a group of geniuses, the army of Ping An didn't feel much. What I felt was the warehouse found on the ninth floor with hundreds of thousands of tons of food. This is the most celebrated event. After the quantity of food was counted, Liu Wei'an also laughed.
This time, the harvest was great.
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