Chapter 1209: After the war

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Although it is late at night, the black and white city is brightly lit and lively.
"Who, who is holding a broken sword, is talking about you, you killed this dead wood knot insect, come and get it quickly." Jia Erlang shouted.
"Me?" The man holding the broken sword was flattered. The red eyes who killed him at the beginning had the impression that he did give the dead wood knot insect a sword, but he didn't know if he killed it, because he was scattered by the monster.
"I said yours is yours. Although the main damage was caused by others, the last blow was done by you, so it counts on you. Hurry up, don't linger, there are many people behind." Jia Erlang said impatiently.
"Thank you!" The man happily carried the dead wood knot insect's body away, and everyone around him showed envy and luck.
"The one with the gun is talking about you, and the giant pig with hyena-tooth put it down, it has no chance with you." Jia Erlang suddenly said.
"I killed the hyenatooth giant pig, and there are still my gun marks on it!" The man with two short guns stuck in his back stared, and the temperature suddenly dropped several degrees.
"You stabbed the guts of the giant hyena, causing a lot of damage to the giant hyena, but it didn’t reach the heart. If it doesn’t work, you can open your stomach and take a look. The one that died was the arrow shot from the mouth and went straight to the heart. Its owner was the little brother." Jia Erlang pointed to a young white man who was dissatisfied with his weak crown.
"I don't believe it!" The man was furious, borrowed a knife, broke open the giant pig's belly on the spot, and the people around let out a wow exclamation. Under the light, a gun pierced mark extended from the abdomen to the internal organs, just staying at the position of the heart, almost touching the heart.
From the direction of the esophagus, the arrow of a wooden shaft is deeply inserted into the heart, and the shaft has been corroded out of shape. It is clear at a glance what caused the death of the hyenatooth giant pig.
The man's face was blue and red, and he dared not say anything.
"Thank you!" The young Bai Nen was delighted from heaven.
"No thanks, fairness has always been the basic code of conduct of our peace army." Jia Erlang said indifferently. The Ping An soldier on the side introduced: "Jia Erlang is our clerk. He has a celestial eye and a super memory. Not to mention the battles of thousands of people, even the battles of tens of thousands of people, he can see clearly and remember. It’s not bad at all. Our Ping An army’s military merits have never gone wrong. If you have any doubts, you can ask, but it’s best not to pass the blunder, otherwise it will be humiliating."
Two things established Jia Erlang's majesty, and there was basically no dispute about the ownership of the monster. Generally speaking, the masters are still very happy. Many of the cheap beasts are picked up by the Ping An Army. With the performance of the Ping An Army on the battlefield and Liu Wei'an's invincible combat power, if the Ping An Army does not give them the corpses of the Warcraft, they will have nothing to say.
"Liu Wei'an is much better than Qian Lejin." A silver-level soldier said softly.
"Who knows if it is for fame or reputation? They just came here and deliberately showed their favor. Maybe they will reveal their true colors later." The companion said.
"Perhaps, at least the current approach is still very reassuring. The corpses of Warcraft are really good." The silver-level fighters are very happy. Their team is really killing.
There were only 6 monsters in China, and the Ping An Army gave them the 3 cheap ones, and their results became 9. Their income increased by 30%.
The companion didn't say anything, indeed, the corpse of the demon is a real deal, not deceiving.
Suddenly, the previous quarrel attracted everyone's attention, and they couldn't help but surround themselves.
"Don't you Ping An Army say fairness? Why don't you sell me potions?" A soldier in armor was very angry, and said with a loud voice, "What did the Ping An Army say about selling potions at a low price? It is selective. They sell those who are optimistic about it, and not buy for those who are not optimistic. It is not fair at all!"
"We are very clear. For those who were injured when going out of the city and fighting with Warcraft, we sell potions at a low price to help everyone. Did you go out of the city and fight with Warcraft?" Tong Xiaoxiao looked at him calmly.
"Who said I didn't? Didn't you see that I was covered in blood? Although I didn't kill the Warcraft, I can't say that I didn't make any effort, right?" The soldier slapped his chest.
"Who can prove it?" Tong Xiaoxiao asked.
"Isn't the monster blood on my body enough to prove it?" the soldier asked loudly.
The people around looked at Tong Xiaoxiao suspiciously, but is the Ping An Army selling potions really selective? The blood on the warrior's body is obvious. It is the blood of the black armored devil wolf. The black armored devil wolf is a third-level demon. It is already great that the soldier can fight and die. If you don’t kill the demon, you can’t say that he is not good, you can only say that he is too lucky Bad, I met a level three monster.
"Maybe you don’t know, our clerks’ celestial eyes ability and powerful memory, but because they belong to our Ping An Army, his words are not enough to prove, but—" Tong Xiaoxiao lost a torch on the soldier Under his feet, loudly said: "A man who was fighting with the black armor demon wolf on the battlefield, how do you keep your shoes so clean? Don't tell me that you are so easy, and don't tell me that you will change your shoes when you come back. "
The eyes of the onlookers focused on the soldier's feet. The shoes didn't feel, they were muddy and stained with blood, but the blood stains were dry and dark brown. This is by no means something you can have just finished on the battlefield. This person has fought Warcraft before, but definitely not this evening. Everyone looked at the boots on their feet again. The smell of blood was strong, and the mud was bright red because of too much blood.
The soldier lied.
The soldier's face turned pale suddenly, and he dared not look at the eyes of those around him.
"Let's talk, you made you come here to make trouble? The medicinal materials are rare, and the potion is rare. It is the same in our Ping An Army, and the number is not large. Therefore, only people who are on the battlefield and injured can buy restrictions. You have not been injured and have never been on the battlefield, so you cannot sell it to you. You should know that if you buy one more, it means that the injured will lose one. You are not hurting our Ping An Army, but everyone. "Tong Xiaoxiao's voice is very soft, but he is swearing his heart every word, like a knife piercing a soldier's heart.
Sure enough, strong anger appeared on the faces of the people around.
The Ping An army was doing great good, but when this person did this, good things changed, and this person was too hateful.
"I...I'm here to buy medicine for my friend. He is too injured to come in person..." the soldier stammered.
"Wen Jiazhong, you lied. You joined the Sky Chamber of Commerce half a month ago. I can see it very clearly. Tonight, no one from the Sky Chamber of Commerce played in the battle. Why did I not know where your friend was injured?" A voice sounded from the crowd. .
The soldier's face flushed suddenly, and the lie was continuously exposed. He couldn't wait for a crack in the ground to get in, and he couldn't stay any longer. He wanted to leave, but he heard that he was from the Sky Chamber of Commerce, but Tong Xiaoxiao didn't. Willing to let him go.
"Come here, take down this unruly person!"
"Dare you, I am a member of the Sky Chamber of Commerce, your Ping An Army dare to move me, the Sky Chamber of Commerce will not let you go!" Wen Jiazhong shouted, frightened and angry. He drew out the knife and stared at the Ping An soldier fiercely.
Suddenly, a dark shadow in front of his eyes flickered, and he felt bad, and was about to take out the knife. He found that the knife had been clamped by two fingers, and he didn't move. He roared, and with all his strength, the veins appeared, and he still couldn't pull out the knife. At this moment, Tong Xiaoxiao suddenly let go. The recovered power rolled backwards, and it was too late to let it go. Wen Jiazhong's breath suddenly became confused, his heart pulse was damaged, bang! Sitting on the ground, spouting a mouthful of blood, his breath languid.
"Grab it and try again tomorrow. If you dare to resist, shoot it directly!" Tong Xiaoxiao was murderous.
"Yes!" The Ping An soldier mentioned Wen Jiazhong and left. Wen Jiazhong's face was ashamed and he did not dare to resist at all, and he had no power to resist.
This is something that is good for everyone, but no one cheered, but worried. Wen Jiazhong is nothing, but the Sky Chamber of Commerce behind him is a huge monster.
Liu Wei'an has already picked a black dragon to hurt. It is the best way to hit one and pull one, and one picks two. This is something everyone dare not think about.
"Go, and find out if the price of the Ping An Army's acquisition of Warcraft is really the same as they advertised, increasing by 30%." The female archer had stopped walking to the residence. A female soldier behind immediately ran to inquire, and about three minutes later, she ran back.
"Eldest sister, it has improved by 30%, and the Ping An Army has not deceived."
"Everyone, work hard. UU Reading disassembled the corpse of the Warcraft, sold it for the money and then offline." The female archer ordered.
"Sister, why are you so anxious all of a sudden?" The petite girl was puzzled.
"Liu Wei'an arrested the people of the Sky Chamber of Commerce. With the domineering style of the Sky Chamber of Commerce, he will certainly not forget it. Qian Lejin is not a person who is devastated after a failure. Tomorrow, it is estimated that there will be a wave of counterattacks against Liu Weian. With the addition of the Black Dragon Chamber of Commerce, the Wang Family, and the Sun Family, it is difficult to say whether Liu Wei'an can handle it. I don't want to go online tomorrow, and the Monster Meat will return to the previous price." The female archer thought very far.
"Big sister wise!" Thirty female fighters showed admiration. They are the rare female team in Black and White City. They only have a place thanks to the strong combat power of the big sister.
Usually, they are led by the eldest sister. Whatever the eldest sister says, they do what they do. So far, there has been no mistake.
"Sister, when I came back, I saw a lot of people asking if the Ping An Army was recruiting, and I heard a person in charge said to report this to Liu Wei'an. It is estimated that there will be results soon." The female soldier suddenly remembered something. .
"Ping An Army recruits people?" The female archer looked at her.
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