Chapter 1220: Yunmeng City

A piece of wood-structured buildings are continuous, with prosperous green trees dotted among them, cobblestone paths, each house has a front yard and a backyard, the front yard is a coffee table, and the back yard is planted with colorful flowers, and the air is filled with light fragrance. People who came to Yunmeng City for the first time all mistakenly thought they had come to Taohuayuan.
So beautiful, so dreamy!
Towards the south, an old man bathed in moonlight, holding a long fishing rod in his hand. A fishing line hung from the end of the fishing rod, and the fishing line hung down, and stopped abruptly at a distance from the surface of the water by a fist. .
The line doesn't enter the water, and I don't know how this person is fishing.
The old man was wearing a Geyi with his hat aside. It seemed that he had been fishing for a day. The hat should be used to block the sun during the day. There is a wooden coffee table in the left hand, with a pot of old tea and a cup on it. The tea is just right, one drop will overflow, and one drop will be dissatisfied.
Suddenly the fishing line moved, and the calm surface of the lake suddenly rippled with ripples, spreading in circles, becoming lighter and lighter, and gradually dissipating. The sound of footsteps sounded.
"Old gentleman, good Yaxing, fishing at night, I envy the juniors." Liu Wei'an walked over with a smile, stopped at a distance of three meters, and stared at the old man carefully.
The old man should be over a hundred years old, but he has black hair, better maintained than young people, and his face is ruddy. If it weren't for the wrinkles at the corners of his eyes and a trace of twilight, he would think he was a man in his forties. .
"Is the young man new here? I haven't seen you before!" the old man said, his voice soft, without the smell of fireworks.
"The old gentleman didn't open his eyes, he knew I was new here?" Liu Wei'an asked with a smile.
"What you see with your eyes is fake, and what you see with your heart is real." The old man still closed his eyes, "Drink tea!" The tea in the cup suddenly flared up, the heat rose, and Liu Wei'an fragrant.
"Thank you old sir!" Liu Wei'an drew a symbol in the void with his gaze, and the rune was completed in an instant, the heat cooled into tea, and the tea was suspended in the air. Liu Wei'an stretched out his hand, and the tea turned into lightning and shot into the lake.
"Is it a pity to have tea without fish?"
The calm lake suddenly shook, as if a thousand catties of boulders fell, but all the movement was wrapped in invisible power, only rippling in a small area, the strange feeling made people uncomfortable. The lake broke open, and a red fish floated up, with its belly facing up, dead.
"The young man is too murderous, not good!" The old man finally opened his eyes. They were full of wind and frost. After seeing the worldly changes, there was nothing to move him.
Suddenly, his expression was astonished, and he burst into unbelievable light. The fishing line was rolled towards the red fish, but it was completely empty. The red fish wobbled its tail and dived into the lake and disappeared. It was not dead!
"Sometimes, the heart is also deceived." Liu Wei'an said indifferently.
"You are Liu Wei'an, you are young, and everyone has such accomplishments in your skill." The old man sighed, and the whole person seemed to be ten years old for a moment. He looked at Liu Wei'an, "Can you let me go? Go back and spend more than a few years?"
"The road is at the feet of the old man!" Liu Wei'an made a request.
"So, thank you!" The old man nodded and thanked him, and got up slowly. The moment he stood upright, the world turned green. The fishing line turned into a giant crocodile and rushed over, the ground cracked, revealing a dark abyss, and a white bone claw protruded from the abyss. An eyeball appeared in the sky, an eyeball that was incredibly large, white but not black. Just one glance made people's mind go blank...
"Soul Talisman!"
"Dark Emperor Sutra!"
"Big Judgment Fist!"
The ancient and magical power passed by, and the giant crocodile, bone claws, and eyeballs stopped for an instant. The green world turned black in an instant, as black as ink, lightning pierced the night, illuminating the world, and roaring. Through every inch of space.
The giant crocodile, bone claws, and eyeballs shattered and turned into dust. The heaven and the earth returned to normal in an instant. It was still lake water, but the old man was no longer the old man. A jet-black hair turned into snow white, his face turned red into chicken skin, and his old man was awkward, his back bent, as if he might fall down at any time. The fishing rod broke every inch, and red blood flowed out.
"You should look at the world with your eyes. You can't understand the appearance. You still want to see your heart?" Liu Wei'an's tone was lightly disdainful.
"You..." The old man spouted a mouthful of blood with a wow, and fell slowly.
The bamboo chair he was sitting on and the coffee table with the teapot were torn apart and broken to the ground.
"I don't know what to do, I'll give you a way to survive, but choose a dead end." Liu Wei'an cut off the person's head and hung it around his waist, and walked toward the city. Donglei bow appeared in his hand for some time.
The old man is called Dian Cangzi. He is the number one master of Yunmeng City and the vice-lord of Yunmeng City. He usually protects the safety of Yunmeng City. As long as he is here, Yunmeng City is safe.
In the streets and alleys, there were people lying all over the place. These people did not die, they were just in a coma. This is caused by Ecstasy, and the poison is prepared by Sun Lingzhi.
Yunmeng City is protected by the natural formation of Yunmeng City, and its vigilance is the worst, so Yang Yuer formulated a poisoning plan, and the effect was unexpectedly good. The players in Yunmeng City fell by two-thirds. The remaining third is resisting.
Among them, the first master Dianzi was dealt with by Liu Wei'an himself, and the other masters were dealt with by the masters of the Ping An army.
The sword master suddenly felt a cold heart. When he lowered his head, he saw a blood-stained arrow, and the pain spread all over his body in an instant, the strength of his body faded like a tide, and his consciousness dissipated.
The silver light flowed through the void, and only a faint shadow could be seen. The master who used the double axe was sensitive, and the axe cut down. With a crisp sound, the arrow cluster was cut into two. The master didn't exhale in a single breath, and suddenly felt something wrong. As soon as he lowered his head, there was an extra hole in his heart, and blood sprayed out of the hole.
"How could it—" the master fell down before finishing a word.
He had never seen the serial arrow, and he had also heard it.
The arrow shot in from the temple on the left of the assassin and out from the temple on the right. The assassin killed it immediately, and there was no time to regret it. Hearing the movement, a Ping An soldier turned his head and was startled in a cold sweat.
"Everyone insist, Master Dangzi will come to save us!" A player who looked like a leader shouted. He had just finished speaking. A human head appeared on the central flagpole, the flag was lit, and the fire light shone on the head. on.
The masters of Yunmeng City took a subconsciously glance, UU read and instantly the whole body was cold.
Point it!
How can it be?
Why is this happening?
Morale is a very important thing. Once the morale is gone, the desperate heart is gone. The Yunmeng City masters, who are less than one-third of the Ping'an army, lost their fighting spirit and were killed by Ping'an soldiers in less than half an hour. Kill all.
Those who didn't die all put down their weapons and surrendered one step ahead of time, and occasionally the sound of weapons clashing was heard in the corner. It was a few masters who were still resisting, but it could no longer affect the overall situation.
Liu Wei'an's not high-pitched voice resounded through every corner of Yunmeng City.
"Those who lay down their weapons and surrender live, and those who rebel, kill them!"
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