Chapter 1234: Cheng 1fan

"Swamp City."
Seeing the outline of "Swamp City" from a distance, Cheng Yifan became excited. Hurrying for hundreds of kilometers, just paused for a cup of tea in the middle, and the sense of fatigue was wiped out at this moment. Not surprisingly, "Swamp City" will be where he rises. Uncle can be an inspector, why can't he? He wants to prove to everyone that his success depends on himself, not his uncle.
Uncle is now in the jail, it is impossible to help him.
Suddenly, his speed slowed down. Looking at the road on the ground, Zou frowned, and a trace of haze flashed. In front of me is a broad road that leads directly to "Swamp City". From the gate of "Swamp City" under his feet, about 15 kilometers, all were covered with an unseen rock slab, flat and wide. Cheng Yifan and his group galloped through the dirt road for seven or eight hours. When they saw such a road in vain, they were all bright, and they felt like they had come from a remote country to a prosperous and advanced city.
The construction of such a road in the swamp, although only 15 kilometers, is enough to shock people.
The horseshoes step on the road, ticking, and the crisp sound makes people fascinated. For the team that has struggled for so long in the mud pit, this sound is natural, so that it is because of the mud marks and mud blocks left on the road. , One by one became unreasonably uneasy, as if blaspheming beautiful things.
Especially Zou Mei, who did not advise the pedestrians on the road, made them more uneasy and produced a sense of guilt.
Cheng Yifan's heart sank slightly. He thought "Swamp City" at this moment is not chaotic, but it is a rough, secretly confrontational situation. It takes a long period of running-in to stabilize an area after a new owner is replaced by force. This is an inevitable process. But he couldn't see such confrontation and dissatisfaction from the faces of pedestrians.
"Swamp City" is a peaceful city, as if it was like this hundreds of years ago until now. The city and people are in harmony.
The caravan ahead was an unknown caravan. It should be the first time I came here. When I arrived at the city gate, I stopped. When the charging situation was clarified, the leader of the caravan paid the tax happily. The warriors guarding the city gates did not make any further embarrassment and let them go directly. The caravan of more than twenty carriages slowly started and entered "Swamp City". When the caravan stopped, the pedestrians who followed were consciously queuing up. The order had become a habit and there was no chaos. This made Cheng Yifan, who was about to enter, forgot to give the order and stopped.
When this stopped, the murderous spirit vented.
"Forget it, go inside and see the situation!" Cheng Yifan comforted himself like this, when he wanted to kill someone? Investigate clearly before killing, it is too late. The peace battle flag on the top of the city is very conspicuous, and everyone who passes by can't help but look at it. Cheng Yifan squinted his eyes, the battle flag is the soul of an army, and the Ping An army can do no crimes against the pedestrians in the past. The quality of this army is very high.
As Cheng Yifan was thinking, the caravan and pedestrians in front all entered, and it was their turn. All of them are riding war horses, with a strong momentum. Pedestrians in the past have to pull a little distance away, and they feel jealous. But the soldiers guarding the city gates did not have the slightest fear or anxiety in their eyes, and treated them as ordinary people.
Being able to do this shows that these fighters are extremely self-confident. Where does the self-confidence come from? Ping An Army!
"Dismount!" Cheng Yifan ordered. If he had just arrived, he would definitely have rushed in and killed all the soldiers who dared to stop him with a single blow, but his mentality had changed.
More than two hundred people were dismissed. The "Black Dragon Chamber of Commerce" has a strong hierarchical concept. Cheng Yifan is the leader of this team. If someone does not obey the order, the consequences will be very serious.
The cost of entering the door is surprisingly low. If you carry goods, the tax is between 5-10. For people, it is based on the head, regardless of level, strength, strength, a strand of 10 copper plates per person. You know, the entry cost of "Suzaku City" is almost as high as 1 silver coin. No wonder the caravan in front paid so readily and with such a low rate, it was the merchant's luck.
The business of "Black Dragon Chamber of Commerce" spreads across the three empires and is very sensitive to taxation. One percent less tax can save hundreds of thousands or even millions of gold coins in the huge "Black Dragon Chamber of Commerce".
Walking into the city gate, Cheng Yifan was stunned for a moment, causing a little chaos to the horse behind, but Cheng Yifan didn't care about it, his eyes swept across the straight and spacious long street, his face was extremely surprised.
There are no obstructions on the streets of 5 kilometers long, and you have a clear view. There are carriages and horses in the middle, and sidewalks on both sides. This kind of design is commonplace in reality, and it suddenly appeared in "World of Warcraft", making people shine.
The transplanted trees are very short and the traces are obvious, but the plants in "World of Warcraft" have strong vitality. Although it has only been a few days, they have adapted and are full of vitality.
The ground is covered with polished stone slabs that are smooth and flat. For caravans, such a road is a highway. There is no on the road, no fallen leaves, and it is incredibly clean.
It’s easy to understand that you can’t see the leaves. Both sides are transplanted with evergreen trees. It is rare to drop a few leaves a year, but it is not easy to see the trash. Cheng Yifan stayed in "World of Warcraft" all year round and knew the virtues of these players. In reality, because of the strict laws, this is not allowed, and that cannot be done. In World of Warcraft, it is like a wild dog out of the cage, tossing hard.
In "Suzaku City", which is known as a civilized city, people often urinate in the corners, spitting and spitting is a bad habit that cannot be changed. But "Swamp City" did it. There was no saliva on the street. When the bulls and horses of the cart entered the city gate, they would put a pocket on their buttocks to catch all the and urine, and they would not drop a bit.
"Swamp City" is a commercial city focused on by the Wang family. Cheng Yifan comes here at least once a year. He is familiar with "Swamp City" as much as his own home. It's because of familiarity that I'm so gloomy when I see such a big change.
"It's not easy!" Cheng Yifan was awe-inspiring. Although he had a bad relationship with his uncle Cheng Wei in "Black Dragon Chamber of Commerce", he was still taken care of. At a young age, he was already in the middle management, and he knew one thing very well. How difficult it is to change the original rules of conduct, and being able to accomplish such a thing can only show one thing, the prestige of the leader is very strong.
Cheng Yifan knew that the way he dealt with "Swamp City" had to be changed, and brutal suppression was not feasible. It can be seen from the health situation that the control of "Swamp City" by the Ping An Army has reached a heinous level. Suppress
The Ping An army is likely to arouse resistance from the whole city. He put away his contempt and went to the largest inn in "Swamp City", "Ziyun Mansion".
The original owner of "Ziyun Mansion" was Tian Baijia, and the boss behind the scenes was "Blood Clothes Cult". Of course, the current owner has become Liu Wei'an, but on the surface, the boss is still Tian Baijia.
More than two hundred people, changing to other cities, can not be received, they must be diverted, but "Ziyun Mansion" can. "Swamp City" was originally a commercial city, and caravans often appeared, not to mention more than 200 people, more than 500 people, "Ziyun Mansion" also received.
In the most noble box of "Ziyun Mansion", Cheng Yifan sat in a chair and waited. As for why not go directly to the "Black Dragon Chamber of Commerce", it is to avoid being scared. The various plans on the way here, after entering "Swamp City", he knew that it was not applicable. At this time, the consideration was to clarify the situation of "Swamp City" first. Don't let things go wrong, but put yourself into it. .
That would be ashamed.
I used to come to "Swamp City" and found a lot of people in "Swamp City", but it was mainly merchants, with servants, servants, workers, etc., a merchant was the center, and various service personnel could reach 100 people. This time in "Swamp City", there are more people than before, and the number of masters has doubled. From the gate of the city to "Ziyun Mansion", he has seen more than 50 gold-level masters. This density is already on the same level as "Suzaku City".
"Suzaku City" is the main city.
There was a knock on the door, it was the waiter who brought the dishes. Seven or eight beautiful waiters arranged the dishes. When they left, a man with an ordinary face quietly entered the room without disturbing anyone.
When the lovely waiter left and closed the door, the man knelt down towards Cheng Yifan, "Subordinate Cheng Gong pays homage to the master!"
"Sit down!" Cheng Yifan looked at Cheng Gong for a few seconds before letting him get up. Cheng Gong was a play chess he had accidentally played before, and he didn't intend to use it, because he never thought that the Chamber of Commerce in "Swamp City" would be overwhelmed.
"Black Dragon Chamber of Commerce" is one of the top ten chambers of commerce. This reputation is not urged, it is achieved through decades of real punches and kicks. Don’t be wild individuals, even the major families and the three empires. Dare to offend the tiger power of the top ten chambers of commerce easily. Liu Wei'an is an alternative. For "Black Dragon Chamber of Commerce", this kind of incident is an accident in the eyes, but what Cheng Yifan sees is an opportunity.
Do not break or stand, UU reading www.uukanshu. If com works in a step-by-step manner, how can there be opportunities for young people like them.
It doesn't matter what Cheng Gong's original name was. From the moment he was rescued by Cheng Yifan, he was called Cheng Gong, and he would remember Cheng Yifan's merits for the rest of his life. He sits on the stool properly, he is a person with few words, and he doesn't ask anything that shouldn't be asked.
"Introduce the current situation of "Swamp City"!" Cheng Yifan signaled that Cheng Gong could eat while saying that he wouldn't be so uninterested if he didn't do it. He thanked him, but didn't follow his chopsticks.
"Swamp City is now completely under the control of the Ping An Army. The owner's identity should have been mastered by the Ping An Army, and the information that his subordinates appeared in front of the owner should have been sent to the Ping An Army's Intelligence Division!"
Cheng Yifan's chopsticks paused, the fish caught in it slipped and fell on the table, but Cheng Yifan didn't pay attention. He looked up at Chen Gong with scary eyes.
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