Chapter 1260: Interlocking

A map appeared in front of Liu Wei'an, which was found from "Black Dragon Chamber of Commerce". After taking down the "Black Dragon Chamber of Commerce", after so many days, the items inside were finally sorted out.
Items useful to Mars, such as Warcraft Meat, Power Seeds, and Plant Seeds, are all delivered to Mars. The remaining items are sorted and processed, needed and unneeded.
Liu Wei'an's opinion is very clear. If it is useful, keep it, and sell it for money if it is not needed. No matter it is him or "Ping An Army", they are living precarious days. There is today and no tomorrow. Some materials are not necessary to be kept for ten or eight years and will not be used.
The map can be described as the most important item found by Liu Wei'an and the entire "Ping An Army".
Liu Wei'an came out of the most remote place in Dongwu, step by step, approaching the center of the world. Dongwu is the regional division of the world by the people who first discovered this world, and the meaning is no longer necessary to study it, it is just a title.
Dongwu is divided into four theaters of southeast, northwest and northwest, and "Dragon Bird City" is the center. Each theater is divided into Sihuai Road, southeast, northwest, and Liu Wei'an came out from the east theater, Donghuai Road.
"This world is really too big." Yang Yuer lay on the map, looking for the other four theaters. The mountains and ridges occupy 99% of the map, and the area developed by humans is less than 1%.
Therefore, you must search carefully to see the cities one by one. Taking Donghuai Road in the eastern theater as the coordinates, it extends in all directions, encircling the Sihuai Road in the southeast, northwest, and northwest to infer the scope of the eastern theater, which is about the area of ​​Asia on the earth.
However, the eastern theater is only one-fifth of Dongwu. There are also Southern Theater, Western Theater, Northern Theater, and Central United Front Theater.
Thinking about it this way, the area of ​​"World of Warcraft" is probably the size of a few earths. It should be noted that the area of ​​the five major war zones only counts the area developed by human beings, and the area of ​​forests is not calculated.
"The most urgent thing is to find a suitable means of transportation!" Tang Dingdong saw the map, his scalp numb. She is not afraid of fighting, not afraid of enemies, but afraid of such a large area.
The distance between the city and the city is more than 100 kilometers for the closer ones, and more than a thousand kilometers for the farther ones. At such a distance, the number of people in "Ping An Army" will be smashed, and there will be no waves.
"Any suggestions?" Liu Wei'an looked at Lu Yan.
"Second-level Monster Deer Yellow Spotted Deer." Lu Yan thought for a long time before answering.
"Yellow-spotted deer?" Liu Wei'an is very unfamiliar with this name. He has killed a lot of third-level monsters, and there is no yellow-spotted deer.
"As a second-level deer, the yellow spotted deer is easier to catch, has a docile personality, and is easy to tame. But in terms of speed, is the third-level beast of a mountain gray shale sheep more appropriate?" Tang Dingdong asked.
"The number of alpine shale sheep is small," Tang Dingdong said.
"How is the speed of the yellow spotted deer than horses?" Liu Wei'an asked.
"It is twice as fast as a green horse. The yellow spotted deer has a strong jumping ability and runs wildly in the forest. The disadvantage is that it is light and does not carry as much weight as a green horse." Lu Yan said.
"How many catties can you carry?" Liu Wei'an asked.
"Under 800 catties, 1,000 catties should be the limit." Lu Yan said.
"What about endurance?" Liu Wei'an asked again.
"Better than the young horse." Lu Yan replied.
"How about the alpine shale sheep? How does it compare to the yellow spotted deer?" Liu Wei'an looked at Tang Dingdong.
"Endurance, speed, bounce, and weight are all above the yellow spotted deer. The disadvantage is that the number of alpine shale sheep is small, and the personality is irritable, and it is not easy to tame." Tang Dingdong said.
"Catch both. Ordinary soldiers ride yellow-spotted deer, officers ride high mountain shale sheep." Liu Wei'an said.
"There is also a mount, I think I can try it." The Dahar who was sitting on the side manicure suddenly said.
Everyone looked at him.
"Nightingale!" Daha fish said.
"Bird?" Tong Xiaoxiao couldn't help asking.
"This is not an ordinary bird. The Nightingale is a three-level monster. It is more than five meters long with its wings open. It is not good at carrying weight, but it's okay to carry one or two people." Dahar fished.
"Where is it?" Liu Wei'an looked at the daha.
"I happen to know that there is a place where there is a group of nightingales. The number is not very large, there are only more than a hundred. However, it should be useful." Daha fish said.
"The nightingale matter is troubled seniors." Liu Wei'an showed a hint of joy. There were more than a hundred of them, but they could not be'something useful', they could be useful at critical moments.
There is no trivial matter in war, and intelligence is especially critical. If you get intelligence one second earlier, you can have a greater advantage and even determine the outcome of a battle.
"The lord is polite, this is what I should do." Dahar grinned, and his attitude towards Liu Wei'an had already taken a 180-degree turn.
At first, I looked down on Liu Wei'an. When he was trapped in "Zhu Tian Jedi", he was hatred. When he was trapped in "The Blue City," he was unwilling to see Liu Weian breaking the curse of the "Curse of Weeping Blood". , A trace of fear appeared in his heart when he was regaining combat effectiveness. Now, it has become awe.
In particular, there are more and more masters around Liu Wei'an. First, an invisible blind withered, and then a stone cloud moss that shocked him. He was worried that his status would not be preserved. Fortunately, Liu Wei'an still respects him as always. There are so many masters who can be regarded as senior by Liu Wei'an, but few.
The execution of "Ping An Army" is very strong. Following Liu Wei'an's order, the entire "Ping An Army" moved, and then the whole "Dragon Bird City" moved.
Catching a mount is different from killing it. Skills are required. In this regard, professionals are required. The cities "Black and White City", "Volcano City", and "Swamp City" under Liu Wei'an's control... are all moving, trappers, animal trainers, trap masters, hypnotists... As long as they are professional, they are all moving. It's moving.
Not to mention, there are so many people, they add up to more than 2,000.
The masters in other cities are all very talkative. I heard that they are working for "Ping An Army", and they are very active. The situation in "Dragon Sparrow City" is a bit special. Everyone is pushing three and blocking four. It needs "Ping An Army" to beg and coax only to reluctantly. promise. At least a small part of what was promised, more people did not promise.
"Don't go!"
The attitude is very resolute, because it is asking for help, "Ping An Army" cannot use means. For such people, there is no way but to give up.
"Too irritating, these bastards." The black-faced who passed by almost drew his sword, but he didn't dare. Unless Liu Wei'an gives an order, "Ping An Army" can't casually act on non-enemies.
"Ping An Army" is here to occupy "Dragon Sparrow City", not to rob. If it is just a robbery, it doesn't matter how many people are killed. Anyway, it's a deal. Occupation is for long-term development, so you can't break the rules yourself.
"What are you doing so angry? Have you raised a donkey at home?" A cold light flashed across Yang Yuer's eyes, but there was a smile on her face.
"No!" Black Face God glanced at Liu Wei'an and shook his head.
"There are generally two ways to get the donkey to grind, using a whip, and putting food in front of the mouth. In order to get the food, the donkey runs." Yang Yuer said.
"We don't seem to have what they need." The black face was not stupid, and he immediately reacted. Players need nothing more than three things, equipment, skill books and power seeds. These three things are also needed in "Ping An Army".
"Dragon Sparrow City is in our hands, we have a lot of resources." Yang Yuer laughed, Black Face God is still too simple.
After Liu Weian occupied "Dragon Bird City", the first order of the city lord came out, the census.
Hearing the four words ‘Census’, I don’t know how many people almost spit it out. They did a census in "World of Warcraft", but they didn’t say whether it worked or not, but it worked. What’s the point?
The players were confused, but didn't dare to resist. They all cooperated. There is no need to anger "Ping An Army" for such a trivial matter. The ‘Census’ is simple, but it’s actually a complicated, time-consuming and energy-intensive project. I don’t know how many people are waiting to see the jokes of "Ping An Army".
The population of "Dragon Bird City" cannot be said to be more than the actual city, but there are still three to five million people. Without modern computers and high technology, "Ping An Army" wants to census everyone, not ten days. Half a month is not realistic at all.
The time of "World of Warcraft" is very precious, the secret has been opened, can "Ping An Army" spend so long on such a useless thing?
However, the development of things went beyond everyone's expectations. It took "Ping An Army" one day and one night to find out the entire population of "Dragon Sparrow City".
A total of 623,587 people, women accounted for 18.3%.
"How did they do it?" I don't know how many people were dumbfounded at this result, some believed it, and some sneered.哽噺繓赽奇奇 Novels
"What is the purpose of "Ping An Army" for this data?" The people who eat melon are confused. The big families are also inexplicable, but ordinary players just watch the excitement, but the big family feels a little uneasy.
"Ping An Army" has nothing to do if there is no food, and it must have a purpose to mobilize the people to do this. When everyone was guessing, "Ping An Army" announced the answer.
Build a city, build a road!
The reason given in "Ping An Army" is because of the emergence of the secret realm. There are a large number of monsters gathering. The purpose of the gathering of the monsters may be for the secret realm, or it may be for the "Dragon Sparrow City". No matter what the reason is, repair the city. It cannot be refused.
The wall of "Dragon Sparrow City" has been repaired. I don’t know how many times it has been. Every time after Warcraft attacked the city, Guchenglou said that the wall would be pushed to rebuild, but every time it couldn’t go on, it was thunder and rain. small. The reason is that the major families do not cooperate. U U Reading
You need money to repair the city. If you don’t have money, who will help repair the city?
The wealth of a single person in the lone castle tower is not enough to build the wall. This thing has been dragging on. Every time Warcraft sieges the city, the players of "Dragon Sparrow City" are frightened, but as long as the Warcraft is defeated, everyone is not afraid of being a dangerous wall. It's one thing.
The situation is different when "Ping An Army" is headed. After Liu Wei’an’s order was issued, the Li family, Zhao family, Liu family, and Hu family took the initiative to pay the money. In addition to paying the money that should be paid, the shopkeeper of the "Silver Chamber of Commerce" also donated an additional 1,000 gold coins. Other small families and small families The forces followed suit. The fastest update of Qiqi novel https://m.qq717^m.q^q717.c^om/
"Are these people brain sick?" The player who was observing secretly was dumbfounded, and did not understand what had happened. These big families are all Pai Yao, they are so generous, this time they are so generous, and they take the initiative to give money to others, and those who want to watch the excitement are very irritable.
Everyone didn't take Liu Wei'an's order seriously. The people behind them naturally followed suit, but now that the big tree in front has fallen, their situation is very dangerous.
Paying money is naturally unwilling. If you don’t pay, the challenge of "Ping An Army" is not easy. If there are not so many masters in the Secret Realm, if the "Black Dragon Chamber of Commerce" is still there, together, they may be able to block the edge of "Ping An Army", but now, they have no confidence.
People keep coming out of their homes, and many of them are people who vowed to be at odds with the "Ping An Army". These people came to the temporary urban construction bureau set up by "Ping An Army" and paid with a smiley face. The amount was based on the population. The more people, the greater the amount paid. They are unwilling to pay, or they can, then contribute. pick one of two.
"It's all mothers!" I don't know how many people cursed in a low voice, and their faces were blue.
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