Chapter 1262: , Suzaku Formation (Part 1)

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""Honors"? What is this?" Not to mention that the masters of "Dragon Sparrow City" are not aware of their meaning, even some members of "Ping An Army" are also at a loss.
"Honor Roll" is something that Yang Yuer created based on the membership system. In short, it is to record the players' contributions to "Dragon Sparrow City", and a dedicated person will evaluate it to determine the level and the value of the points. The higher the ranking, the greater the corresponding rights.
Status, residence, shopping, enjoy the support of "Ping An Army"... everything in the future will be linked to "Honors". People who have not contributed to "Dragon Sparrow City" will not have much sense of existence in this city.
"Ping An Army" wrote the explanation of "Honors" into big-character posters as quickly as possible, and pasted them in every corner of "Dragon Sparrow City", which attracted the attention of countless players. Soon, the players all knew what this "Honor Roll" was, and their expressions were very exciting.
For example, the famous "Dragon Bird City" master Jin Wugou sold an important piece of information to "Ping An Army". This information was evaluated and was worth 20 honor points, so Jin Wugou had 20 honor points.
What can you do with 20 honor points? Apply for one shot of "Ping An Army", and the level is a golden late master. Second, they are eligible to purchase equipment produced by "Ping An Army"; third, they are eligible to buy houses on the Fourth Ring; fourth, they can ride into the city on horseback under special circumstances; and fifth, they can dine at the inn of "Ping An Army".
"Dragon Bird City" stipulates that everyone must dismount at the gate of the city, except for special tasks.
This is only the right of 20 points of honor. The higher the point, the greater the right to enjoy. For example, you can meet the city lord Liu Wei'an, and you can get the guidance of the older generation master Daharu and so on.
For the other points, the players are not very concerned, but for the first one, the players are still very excited. A shot by a master in the late golden stage can save lives at the critical moment.
Although "Dragon Sparrow City" is a big city and masters are like clouds, most of them are golden early or mid-term masters. The middle and late stages are a watershed, and there are not many masters above the later stage. A master at this level is already part of the spire of "Dragon Sparrow City", and it is an existence that many players need to look up to.
No matter where it is, the gold content in the later stage of gold is very high.
Soon, the players discovered that they underestimated these rights in "Ping An Army". After a few days of rectification, "Ping An Army", which occupies the "Black Dragon Chamber of Commerce" shop, officially opened today. Of course, the name cannot be called "Black Dragon Chamber of Commerce". The store has only two words "Peace". As for the Chamber of Commerce, it is still a horse team. Or a grocery store, let others guess and imagine, "Ping An Army" does not explain, and does not care.
"Ping An Shop" does not sell many items, at least it is far from being compared with the original "Black Dragon Chamber of Commerce". Arrows, shields, and talisman, there are only these three, there are no more.
There are three types of arrows, ice arrows, flame arrows and corpse arrows. There are a little more types of talisman, flame talisman, ice talisman, corpse spell talisman, gold stone talisman, the first three are all attack talisman, gold stone Fulu is a defensive Fulu. There are two types of shields, one is bronze and the other is silver.
Different from ordinary shields, these shields are equipped with double gold and stone charms, which increase the defense power by 3 times, but the price is only increased by 1.5 times, which is extremely cost-effective.
Whether it is an arrow, a talisman, or a shield, they experiment in the street to show the effect in front of everyone. When Yang Yuer saw the shock on the faces of the onlookers and the enthusiasm in the eyes, she laughed.
It’s fine if the heart is moved.
"How to sell?" The first person who couldn't help it was a female player. Although she was full of freckles, she had a hot body. It should be convex and concave. From the back, it was very attractive.
The guys of "Ping An Shop" talked about the price, and the players were buzzing again, and the price was much cheaper than expected. However, when the players lined up to buy, the guys of "Ping An Shop" poured cold water on everyone.
"In the range of honor value 0-5, you can only buy gold stone curse talisman, honor value 6-10, you can buy gold stone curse talisman, bronze shield, honor value greater than 20, you can buy all equipment!"
As soon as these words came out, everyone said that the moment was quiet, and the needle drop was audible, and in the next second, everyone started to boil.
"Damn, how can anyone do this business? Still rejecting customers?"
"Isn't "Ping An Store" playing us? I spent a long time watching here, how much time was wasted? Finally told me not to buy it?"
"One-handed payment and one-handed delivery. It is a standard way of doing business. Why do you need any honor points? You didn't do it like this!"

The players were very angry. They saw good things but couldn't get them. An anger arose in everyone's heart. When the anger was about to burn, they were forced to press down.
Silently, Shi Yuntai appeared at the gate of "Ping An Shop". He was not afraid of getting dirty, and sat leaning against the corner of the wall, with his eyes closed slightly. He didn't know that he was dozing off, or he was used to it. Did not deliberately exude a breath, but that kind of heart-palpiting power still quietly shrouded this long street.
The noisy and angry crowd quickly calmed down, everyone's eyes calmed down, and the hands on the weapon were also retracted. Only then did I remember that I was facing "Ping An Shop", not other shops.
"Ping An Army" can put "Dragon
"Bird City" sorted out the things that did not cause any major troubles, and suppressed them in minutes.
"How do I get the honor?" It's the female player. Instead of getting angry, it's better to solve it.
"It's all posted on the wall, let's see for yourself." The guy from "Ping An Shop" pointed to the opposite wall. When everyone turned around, they discovered that the wall was densely written in block letters with how to obtain honor points.
The first thing that catches the eye is capturing mounts, repairing cities, and plant seeds. I don’t know how many people have the disgusting feeling of swallowing a fly. They do everything they can to avoid getting involved with "Ping An Army" and avoid becoming "Ping An Army." His helper thought that "Ping An Army" had nothing to do with them. Unexpectedly, they had to be sent to the door obediently in the end.
After turning a circle, the treatment has been completely different. Before, the "Ping An Army" invited them with a respectful attitude, but now, they send it to the door, and the identity between the host and the guest has changed.
The players of "Dragon Sparrow City" finally moved, except that the major families and several major chambers of commerce were unwilling to surrender their status and exchange money for honor. The rest were capture mounts to capture mounts, and city repairs to repair the city.
It's not impossible to exchange gold coins for honor, but the price is not low.
The players moved, and "Ping An Army" also breathed a sigh of relief. Hidden invisible is the most terrifying. It is visible and easy to spot even if there is a conspiracy.
These masters are in the management state, and there is no time to think about other conspiracies.
Only the top players look down on talisman, arrows, and shields, so they will not sell their labor for honor. These people either stay at home or go to the secret realm.
No matter how dangerous the secret realm is and how many people die, it will not dispel the player's psychology of exploration. Even if you can't enter, stay at the entrance and observe the movement.

The biggest difference between masters and ordinary people is strength and endurance. Ordinary people are already struggling to carry more than 100 kilograms of stones. Masters carry 1,000 kilograms of stones, just like playing. Ten kilometers, three to five minutes to reach, the rugged mountain road, you can walk as fast as you can. Eighty to ninety thousand masters work together to build the foundation in one day.
The previous city wall did not move, and the new city wall extended 500 meters toward the periphery. This action expanded the area of ​​"Dragon Sparrow City" several times.
The masters of "Dragon Sparrow City" don't understand the purpose of "Ping An Army". The city is definitely not the bigger the better. Today's city has enough area to live in, even if the population doubles, it is enough. When "Dragon Bird City" was built, it was designed according to a city of 2 million.
The larger the city, the longer the city wall, the more points the monster can attack, and the more manpower is needed to defend it. With the power of "Dragon Sparrow City" today, it does not have the ability to defend against such a giant city. After many people's suggestions were invalid, no one mentioned it again.
Anyway, the loss is for "Ping An Army", and "Ping An Army" takes care of food and housing, they will be sold for more than ten days of coolies.
I didn't rest at night, lit a torch, and rushed to work overnight. The Warcraft was very cooperative and did not appear. By the next day, the city wall had exposed more than three meters from the ground. According to this schedule, the city wall could be built up in three days or five days.
There is a large-scale construction outside the city, and there is no idleness in the city. Some unreasonable buildings have been pushed, the roads have been leveled, at least the drainage ditches on both sides have to be built, not to prevent rain, the domestic sewage is always discharged Go? How many public toilets are important to build? The environment where no one wants to live is smelly, so everyone is very cooperative on this point.
The road is divided into two parts, one part is inside the city, and the other part is outside the city. The requirements outside the city are not as high as those inside the city, but the distances are long and long.
One is leading to the secret realm, and the other is leading to "Tongzhou City". In addition, the roads leading to the southern theater, northern theater, and central united theater are also under construction at the same time. The three roads are the largest project, and where can they be repaired? , No one is sure.
The towering tree fell, and amid the crackling sound, I don't know how many branches broke, and the leaves fell to the ground. A man who was less than 1.6 meters tall came forward, picked up the big tree easily, and threw it tens of meters away.
The power of a master is not measured by height.
The master of the soil system shoveled the whole land away, exposing the hard layer underneath. The evolutionists behind spread the cut rocks on the ground piece by piece, and the gaps were sealed with a special glue oil. Glue oil is refined with the fat of Warcraft and vegetable oil, and the effect is several times that of cement.
After the cement is hardened, there is no elasticity. The glue has elasticity and tension, and it has the advantages of both cement and asphalt.
They are all masters with quick hands and feet, and the speed of building roads is still very fast. In one morning, almost 20 miles were laid, and the speed does not need to be full.
"It's time for dinner!" The soldiers of "Ping An Army" brought the food over, and a burst of scent wafted out. The masters were all strange, their stomachs were instantly awakened, and they began to growl.
"What is it? It smells so fragrant?" When the Ping An soldiers opened the lid, the masters were dumbfounded in shock, "How is it possible? Monster meat!"
Can Warcraft meat be so fragrant? The masters have eaten without knowing how much of the beast meat, the only feeling is that it is difficult to swallow, every meal is a challenge.
"I don't know how it tastes?" The masters started
Bowl, hesitate to click on the chopsticks. The Ping An soldier watched from the side, smiled without saying a word, the food cooked by the nine-fingered chef himself, can it be worse? If it weren't for "Dragon Sparrow City" and for the future development, how could these people enjoy such delicacies? This is the treatment that "Ping An Army" only has.
When the masters ate the first piece of meat, they could no longer stop their mouths.
"good to eat!"
"too delicious!"
"This is simply delicious!"

In order to eat, they didn't care about it being hot, and they didn't care about their red faces, and they kept stuffing the meat of Warcraft into their mouths. In fact, "Dragon Sparrow City" also has a chef, who can also make the meat of Warcraft very delicious. However, the chefs of "Dragon Sparrow City" are all serving nobles and top masters, and ordinary masters and players are not eligible to enjoy it.
Those who can come here to build roads, naturally, there will be no nobles and top masters. Basically, they are middle and lower-level masters, and none of them have tasted the craftsmanship of masters.
The masters work voluntarily, and there is a sense of being persecuted. They say that there is no resentment in their hearts. It is false. After eating such a large bowl of delicious Monster Meat, their resentment is gone, and they feel that everything is worth it.
There is a saying that is often said on the earth, there is nothing that cannot be solved by a barbecue. If there is, then a few or two barbecues, this sentence also applies here.
"Ping An Army" prepares ample meat of beasts. They are all the meat of level 3 beasts. Even gold level players can't eat as much as they can. They can't eat any more, otherwise they will suffer from indigestion.
With the motivation of food, the progress of road construction has been significantly accelerated in the afternoon. Of course, it may be more proficient. When it gets dark, it has built 25 li, which is 5 li more than in the morning.
At night, the thieves are on guard, and others light torches and continue to build the road...
"...Tianxiao stone, red flame stone, flame wood, big Luo silver, golden silk bone, nine sun mud..." Every time Liu Weian said a name, Yaner quickly found the material and handed it to Liu Weian's hand, behind Also followed by a large number of Ping An soldiers to assist.
Liu Wei'an has also arranged a lot of formations, but they are all small formations. This is the first time for a big formation like "Suzaku Formation". It is a challenge for him to come. However, after all, with the experience of "Zhu Tian Jedi" first, he is relatively confident, focused and methodical.
The orientation, depth, and spacing of each piece of material must be exactly the same, otherwise, the entire formation will not work, each piece of material is a part, except for the problem, the engine will fail.
Be very careful, so he can only do it himself, and no one else can do it. Dahayu was shocked when he heard it behind. What kind of formation is this? It also needs god-level materials such as'Large Silver' and'Golden Silk Bones'. This kind of magical material, even for an old guy like him, There were not a few of them, and I was so lucky to scrape "Black Dragon Chamber of Commerce" upright, and wipe out a few families and forces, otherwise, the materials must be incomplete.
What Dahayu did not know was that even so, the materials were not collected. Some materials were drawn from cities such as "Black Dragon City", "Black and White City", and "Blue City", and some were from cities such as "Black Dragon City", "Black and White City", and "Blue City". The "Silver Chamber of Commerce" purchased it, using all the power that could be used, and only collected the materials for eight or ninety-nine years. There are still materials that can not be found, but substitutes can be used.
Using alternatives, the power of the formation will decrease, but there is no alternative.
Arrange the formation method must concentrate, Liu Wei's heart is not distracted, knowing the passage of time, day passes, night passes, the second day, the third day, until the third day late at night, all the formation foundation is buried, the rest is connected in series .
The formation base is the most test of the formation skills, the formation base is completed, the formation is equal to half completed. The base of the formation is all buried deep in the ground, and various coordinates appear on it, such as pavilions, arrow towers, giant trees, rockery, city walls...To cover the entire "Dragon Sparrow City", there are many things to consider, all aspects, It cannot be left behind, otherwise there will be flaws.
The participants in the formation are all elites of "Ping An Army", ordinary members are not yet qualified, let alone outsiders. The formation is related to Liu Wei'an's final strength in "Dragon Sparrow City", and confidentiality is a must.
The city wall has not been completed yet, and the height has reached 33 meters. The higher the construction, the more difficult it is to build. Transportation is on the one hand, and on the other hand, the original quarry at UU看书 has no rocks. You must go to the quarry. Rocks can be collected from farther places, so you will have to walk 13 more miles, and it will be 26 miles from time to time, which is invisibly delayed and delays the progress.
In the end, the formation was to be integrated with the city wall. Before the city wall was completed, Liu Wei'an could not do much of his work, so he stopped and took a rest for less than an hour before Lu Yan appeared.
Two words contain everything. She was ordered to supervise the "Black Dragon Chamber of Commerce", and Cheng Yifan went on and off. I don’t know whether to say "Black Dragon Chamber of Commerce" is cautious, or to say "Black Dragon Chamber of Commerce" is too slow. Now I have gathered all the people and horses. I am smarter. I didn't take the big road. I took a small path and went straight to "Dragon Sparrow City". I wanted to fight the "Black Dragon Chamber of Commerce". The three inches of "Ping An Army", but I don't know that, starting from the gathering of people, their every move is already in the eyes of "Ping An Army".
"Let's go, move your muscles and bones!" Liu Wei'an stood up, surging in his fighting spirit. He felt his bones are stiff after three days and three nights, and there was indeed an urge to vent at this moment.
He left the city quietly with his spirit, he didn't know, his eyes were staring at all this closely.
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