Chapter 1278: , Strike the iron itself hard (on)

As one of the top ten chambers of commerce, the "Silver Chamber of Commerce" has a much better temper. Although it is also arrogant, it can recognize the facts, the situation is wrong, and immediately change its attitude. Of course, this may not be as good as the "Silver Chamber of Commerce" tradition. It is simply that Fu Wangchuan can be a man, no matter what the situation is, it is beneficial to Liu Wei'an.
Talking to smart people can sometimes save a lot of tongue.
"That's it. The city lord still has things to do, so I won't bother." Liu Wei'an got up.
"City Lord, you are busy in advance, next time you have anything to do, you can send a letter, I will come as soon as possible." Fu Wangchuan smiled and sent the oriental herring to the door.
From Liu Wei’an’s plan, it’s not difficult to see that many actions are aimed at "Black Dragon Chamber of Commerce" and "Meihua Chamber of Commerce". No matter what the final result is, Liu Weian won or lost, "Silver Chamber of Commerce." Both can profit from it. Even if Liu Weian did nothing in the end and did not fight with the two major chambers of commerce, "Silver Chamber of Commerce" would not suffer. The prosperity of "Dragon Sparrow City" was the prosperity of "Silver Chamber of Commerce".
With the current development momentum of "Dragon Sparrow City", he is a bit worried that the year-end assessment will be taken away by the people above. Gao Sheng sometimes may not be a good thing. He can rely on "Dragon Sparrow City" to get two or even three levels in a row. , He didn't want to get the first level of credit and transferred away.
"By the way, many people under my banner are not strong enough, is there any way Mr. Fu can do it?" Liu Wei'an suddenly stopped.
When the words'power seed' were about to blur out, Fu Wangchuan noticed Liu Wei'an's smile but not a smile, a flash of light in his mind, and an instant reaction, the expression on his face became heartbroken: "I want to improve my strength. , The most reliable and long-term method is naturally the secret of martial arts, if the city lord can trust me, Fu Wangchuan, I would like to find the secret of martial arts!"
"Then trouble Mr. Fu, by then, my "Ping An Army" will be thick and thin! Goodbye!" Liu Wei'an really left this time.
Fu Wangchuan secretly admired that this was his real goal, he was really calm. A young man had a higher level of calmness than him.
There was a bit of joy again. Liu Wei'an told him all such important things, indicating that he trusted him. With this trust, his position in the "Silver Chamber of Commerce" has been stabilized again.
Although the secret is troublesome, but after all he has the advantage of "Silver Chamber of Commerce", and he can get a few copies with his old face. He is very clear that this matter is done, and the cooperation with Liu Wei'an will increase. At the level of friendship, at that time, the benefits obtained will not be replaced by money.
For some reason, when he first saw Liu Wei'an, he felt that this son was not in the pool, and was destined to be famous for nine days.

Winning one faction and suppressing one faction is not Liu Wei'an's real goal. His ultimate idea is to destroy all enemies, relying on his own strength, rather than relying on any conspiracy.
This self refers to oneself, and it is also the "Ping An Army."
"Dragon Sparrow City" is rare to be quiet, but "Ping An Army" can't be quiet. Except for the people who catch the mounts, the rest must go to the forest to hunt warcraft.
He raised the price of Warcraft meat by 50%, and the masters of "Dragon Sparrow City" couldn't help but be moved. Many people saw the "Ping An Army" carts and carts carrying the corpses of Warcraft, and successively joined the hunting. The more people there are to kill, the less pressure on "Ping An Army".
Jiuzhi's chef is resident in "Dragon Sparrow City". Liu Wei'an opened an inn for him alone-"Jiu'an Inn", the largest inn in "Dragon Sparrow City", with full seats every day.
Nine Fingers Chef can make hard-to-swallow meat of Warcraft into a rare delicacy in the world, and you can’t forget the taste once you have eaten it. , Couldn't help but slow down.
The mouth is very easy to be ridiculous, and the sense of taste is memorable. After eating it once, eating other foods next time is like a grandiose wax. People of the older generation do not lack money. They dine in "Jiu'an Inn" every day. They are powerful, even level 5 monster meat, they can eat most of them without worrying about being broken.
Experts above the gold level are basically not short of money, and eating is also the first choice of "Jiu'an Inn", not only for face, but also for strength.
In the past, the ingredients of level three monsters were exclusive to large families, and the casual masters had almost no chance to enjoy them. Occasionally, good luck could kill a monster.
For the sake of strength, no matter how unpalatable it is, you have to swallow it. After "Jiu'an Inn" is opened, everything is different. As long as you have money, you don't need to eat the ingredients of level three monsters, you can eat it at level four and five.
"Jiu'an Inn" supplies Level 3 monsters, black armored devil wolves and six-fingered monkey meat for 24 hours. You can eat them at any time. I don't know what method "Ping An Army" uses to kill so many Level 3 monsters.
Level 4 monsters, the colorful black tiger, the earth-splitting barren cow, and the red flame demon leopard, are robbed. You can eat it early if you go there, and you can only drink soup if you eat it late.
Cracked soil man beef soup, although the energy contained in it is not as good as beef, but it also has a special flavor.
Every time the two-color deer comes out, it can cause a fierce snatch. It is also a fourth-level deer. Why is the two-color deer so popular? The key is antler.
As long as a man, no matter how old or young, can't refuse this delicacy.
The food ingredients of level five monsters appear from time to time, but every time they appear, "Jiu'an Inn" can't find an empty place. Masters of "Dragon Sparrow City", large and small, gather in "Jiu'an Inn", tomb guards, Hanging ghosts, emptying monks... These famous big guys are honestly on the fifth floor of "Jiu'an Inn", eating the meat of level five monsters carefully.
Even if it was them, they had no chance to eat the meat of level five monsters often. The chance for other people to eat is even more pitiful. A bowl of meat is only about five or two in total, and the price is 50 gold coins. People who don't have mines at home, see this price, and their hearts are cold.
The daily income of "Jiu'an Inn" is more than 30,000, which is very scary.
The dishes in "Jiu'an Inn" are very expensive. In order to eat, the masters can only make money. "Dragon Sparrow City" does not have many jobs. The main way to make money is to kill Warcraft.
An endless supply of Warcraft meat was sent to "Jiu'an Inn", sold for money, and eaten at "Jiu'an Inn". Warcraft is not so easy to kill. Players watching "Ping An Army" kill warcraft as simple as eating and drinking. It is their turn, but they die forever. After research, they found that what they lack is not strength, but props.
As a result, the archer profession became popular, the business of Fuludian became popular, and the business of Shield Store became popular. The five peace warriors were all in the mid-Silver stage. They could fight a second-level monster. There were also five other masters. In the late-stage silver, they were beaten by the second-level monsters and fled. Finally, four died. Unscientific.
The difference is the shield, sharp arrow and talisman in the hands of the Ping An Warrior. Relying on these three props, the combat effectiveness of the Ping An Warrior has more than doubled.
"Bring me 10 flame talisman, one ice talisman and one corpse talisman."
"Bring me 15 ice talismans, 5 corpse-dissolving spell urns, and 10 flame talismans."
"How many flame talisman you have, take them out, I want them!"

Suddenly a local tyrant emerged from the crowded players, which immediately caused dissatisfaction among others. You bought all Fuluo. What do we use? However, the players have not yet scolded.
The folks at the Fulu shop first rejected the local tyrant's request: "Sorry, sir, our shop has a rule that each person can only buy at most 100 Fulus, not more than this number."
"I increase the price!" the local tyrant said loudly.
"Sorry, there are rules in our shop." The shop assistant was unmoved.
"If you have money, you don't make any money, stupid?" the local tyrant said angrily.
"Sorry, this is the rule in our shop." The shop assistant glanced at the guards on both sides, and he was judging whether the local tyrants were here to make trouble.
"Damn, what kind of rule, give me 100 of each kind of talisman." The local tyrant noticed the look in the shop assistant's eyes, and his voice became a little lower.
"Excuse me, sir, the rule of our shop is that each person can only buy 100 talismans a day, 100 is the total, not a single type of talisman." The shop assistant said.
"I'm rubbing, isn't this playing with me? After waiting in line for half an hour, just buy this for me?" The local tyrant was very angry.
"I'm sorry, sir, the rules in our shop are like this." The shop clerk had a calm tone, neither fear nor guilt.
"Okay, 100 cards are 100 cards, and 33 cards are not planted." The local tyrant finally compromised, not because he was afraid of the shop assistants, nor was he afraid of Fuludian, but worried about "Ping An Army."
He has been in "Dragon Sparrow City" for two days. Although he has not seen the law enforcement of "Ping An Army", he has heard a lot of rumors. None of the troubles in "Dragon Sparrow City" can be good. Death, he was dubious about this, but for two days, UU reading www.uukanshu. The experts from all walks of life that com saw were indeed very honest. People of the older generation didn't see any trouble, and hesitated again and again, but he still held back his anger.
The local tyrants left, and subsequent purchases returned to normal.
The masters of "Dragon Sparrow City" are not clear. The Fulu shop is also for "Ping An Army". The purpose of Fulu shop is not to collect money, but to improve the player's strength. "Dragon Sparrow City" had hundreds of thousands of people in its heyday. Only when everyone was mobilized to kill Warcraft, the future safety of "Dragon Sparrow City" would be guaranteed.
In "World of Warcraft", every period of time, there will be Warcraft riots. Every time you don't know how many cities are destroyed, kill one more Warcraft now, and you will be easier in the future.
The second purpose is for Warcraft Meat. "Ping An Army" is now cooperating with "Silver Chamber of Commerce." Warcraft meat can be transported back to Mars in large quantities. During the honeymoon period, store more food. One day the "Silver Chamber of Commerce" will turn its face on Mars. Don't starve to death right away.
Therefore, the Fulu store will limit the number of purchases. Otherwise, Fulu has been bought by the Chamber of Commerce or a large family. What should other people do?
The big family is not short of money, and they will not kill Warcraft. This is the case at Fuluo, and the same is true for Arrows and Shields...
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