Chapter 1286: , 7th base

Between studying others and being studied by others, Zhou Zhiqiang wisely chose the former. The higher the position, the more afraid of death. After all, to reach such a high position, he has paid unimaginable efforts and costs. If he dies, he will be gone. All dreams and expectations have nothing to do with him.
He is the altar master of the fifth altar and the highest person in charge of this base. He is immortal. According to his current life span, he can live for at least 80 years.
A colorful world is more important than face.
"Underground Royal Court" has three most powerful methods to deal with the enemy. The people under it are hypnotized for a long time, and they are almost not afraid of death, and they are fearless when they encounter the enemy. The muscles and bones have been strengthened, and the nerves are chopped off, and they are not afraid of pain. The third is the chip on the back of the head. This is also the most terrifying place. When it can't beat the enemy, it will explode. At close range, almost no one can avoid it.
But unfortunately, the chip is remotely controlled. After the dark matter of Mars is small, a huge phone call occurs on Mars, and all the radios fail, and "Underground King's Court" cannot remotely explode.
If it weren't for this, "The Peace Corps" would definitely not be able to win such an easy victory, and it would not be a very favorable condition to overcome its inadequacies.
"Underground King Court" still occupies a favorable location.
In addition, "Underground King" failed so quickly, there is another factor, the speed of scientific research has not kept up with the evolution of the evolutionary. On Mars, the aura is becoming stronger and stronger, and all people and things on Mars have benefited, and the evolutionary has benefited more than ordinary people.
The strengths of masters such as Xue Ye, Li Heishui, Vine Man, and Boar Man are improving every day. It can't be said that the progress is rapid, but this kind of progress is unimaginable before the end.
The current month is equal to the previous three to five years.
The progress of "Underground King" only relies on genetic potion. Before the potion is upgraded, the strength stops. Of course, it’s not that the genes are not good for the time being, they are all from the junior level to the peak of the golden level. Such fighters are elite no matter where they are placed, but they are even perfect against a group of golden peaks. Already stepping into the teleportation, then the difference is a bit big.
Almost a complete base was obtained, a base focused on scientific research, which instantly doubled the scientific research strength of the "Ping An Army".
The base of "Underground King's Court" was built with a lot of money. Many of the equipment in it was purchased from the earth. The advanced level is decades ahead of Mars. "Underground King's Court" does not lack equipment and machinery, but talents. After all, it is an illegal organization. Talents can only be looted. The number is small. There are many sequelae of the looted talents. Many people are not working sincerely. The core things are hidden.
Originally, there were not many talents, maybe not the top level, and half of them were hidden. It's strange to be able to develop powerful potions in this way. This is the biggest problem facing "Underground King Court". They want to refine the world's most powerful genetic warrior and create Superman. The final result is only to create a group of fighters that are more powerful than the King of Soldiers.
Strong is strong, but it is still in an acceptable category. The kind of flying to escape, like a superhuman existence, has never been able to be developed, making "Underground King's Court" only stay in the dark and dare not show up.
Zhou Zhiqiang tried to save his life and confessed everything he knew. Everything else is trivial, but a director of the Ministry of Communications turned out to be a liaison for "Underground King Court", which annoyed Ouyang Xiurui a lot. He used to manage one city, two cities, three cities...excellent abilities, and was finally promoted by Liu Wei'an to minister of national transportation, in charge of a series of transportation-related tasks such as high-speed rail, landfall, highways, and highways.
Director, the position is already very high, and it is at least the position of the director of the city bureau. Once such a person does evil, he will suffer serious losses.
"It's a person to be able to pretend to be so good!" Liu Wei'an glanced at Ouyang Xiurui and said with a smile: "Don't be annoyed. There are many things, good and bad, just between the front line. Things may not be as bad as you think. ."
"Yes, the human heart is separated by the belly, no one can tell." Huang Yueyue said, she was studying the formation recently. Liu Wei'an didn't even notice that Huang Yueyue's talent in the formation was surprisingly high.
His own Array Dao technique was groped out by accident and collision. It was not a system, there were no rules, and there was no way to teach people, so he commissioned the popular Tibetan leader.
"Jiu Gong Pavilion" accepts disciples strictly, and Feng Xing Zang dare not accept disciples without the consent of the master. Can't endure Liu Wei'an's face, and plan to teach something superficial and basic. Of course, this ‘superficiality’ is also relative, for ordinary people, it’s very profound.
Feng Xingzang felt that Huang Yueyue would retreat after two days of studying. Such a golden lady couldn't bear this kind of suffering. However, what Feng Xingzang didn't expect was that Huang Yueyue didn't have any pressure on what he was teaching, and he could easily learn it as soon as he learned it.
Feng Xing Zang is more frightened as he teaches. Huang Yueyue only finds it fun, and she struggles with the following content, but she can keep up with it. Feng Xingzang was speechless in the end. He was in "Jiu Gong Pavilion". It can even be said that the entire formation world is also a famous genius. Just an ordinary person, there is nothing to be proud of.
Feng Xing Zang out of the mountain is not for fun, it is with a teacher’s mission. After the mission is completed, it was necessary to go back as soon as possible, but after taking Huang Yueyue, the named disciple, he was happy to see the hunt and forgot to go back for a while. this matter. Liu Wei'an was so happy that he would naturally not remind him: Hey, it's time for you to go home!
Arrays look at talents, talents are rare, and can't be forced. Huang Yueyue has this talent, and Fengxingzang is willing to teach. This is a very rare opportunity. If Fengxingzang stays for a day, it will help Huang Yueyue in the future.
Huang Yueyue is not due to martial arts, if there is a way to defend himself, Liu Wei'an can rest assured in the future.
The method of formation is broad and profound. Feng Xingzang remembers that when he learned it, his master would force him to take a holiday every time he passed, so he could relax his nerves so as not to explode his head. But in Huang Yueyue's body, he didn't notice such a situation. Huang Yueyue's head is like the sea, and no amount of water is full.
This made him terrified. He was both happy with Huang Yueyue’s evildoers and worried that Huang Yueyue had an accident, and suddenly reached the zero point. These days, he was trembling, more nervous than Huang Yueyue, and finally Liu Weian was offline. , He felt that Huang Yueyue was on holiday. Huang Yueyue usually refuses to take holidays. Liu Wei'an got off the line and she immediately agreed.
Ouyang Xiurui grinned reluctantly, and asked the secret technique to inform the director Lai Yanxian of the meeting. Lai Yanxian did not notice that there was a problem and came soon. When he stepped into the meeting room, his steps stopped for a short time. If Ouyang Xiurui hadn't deliberately observed it, he couldn't find it. He secretly sighed that Lai Yanxian has profound skill and calm mind.
This kind of person is most suitable for the most undercover and has a strong psychological quality.
"I have seen the Governor, I have seen Girl Huang, I have seen the Minister." Lai Yanxian respectfully saluted, and then stood silently.
"Calling you to come is not a matter of work." Liu Wei'an stared at Zhou Zhiqiang. This man was too calm. If his heart beat the moment he walked in, he was almost a robot.
"Governor, please make it clear!" Lai Yanxian's eyes drooped, and he dared not look at Liu Wei'an.
"It's not a big deal, just let you stand in line, are you going to stay in "Peace Legion" or are you going to go to the dark with "Underground King Court"?" Liu Wei'an asked.
Both Ouyang Xiurui and Huang Yueyue were dumbfounded, how could they interrogate people like this? In the corner, Li Heishui's fingers were next to the hilt, ready to shoot at any time.
The expressions on Lai Yanxian’s face changed from shock, puzzlement, doubt, and innocence to calmness. The breath of a volcanic eruption also sank completely, and his tone was a bit self-defeating: "How did the Governor find me?"
"Now the governor is asking you!" Ouyang Xiurui shouted, somewhat irritated into anger, Lai Yanxian's breath broke out for only a moment, and quickly dissipated. Huang Yueyue didn't even notice it, but he did, and didn't dare to notice it. Now, and the feeling is obvious. Sadly discovered that if one-on-one, he is not Lai Yanxian's opponent.
There was a person better than himself, and Ouyang Xiurui couldn't be happy. Although this person has been dug out, he has no surprises, only fear.
Before recalling, I don't know how many times I passed by the Ghost Gate.
"Calmness is a good thing, but if you are too calm, don't you think it's unusual?" Liu Wei'an asked.
"What the Governor said!" Lai Yanxian was silent for a while, showing a wry smile.
"It's up to you to answer my question now." Liu Weian said. For an instant, Huang Yueyue obviously felt that the atmosphere in the conference room had become tense.
"I like "Peace Legion"." Lai Yanxian knelt on one knee, and with his kneel, the tension dissipated.
"I won't ask the reason. Next, you should know what to do?" Liu Wei'an asked.
"Subordinates understand!" Lai Yanxian's voice was determined.
Lai Yanxian is one of the four ambassadors of "Underground Royal Court", and mainly contacts the fifth and seventh bases. Lai Yanxian knew about the Fifth Base being taken over. The reason why he committed himself to the Ministry of Communications is because the Ministry of Communications is well-developed information. Any action, as long as it is a big one, can't be concealed from the Ministry of Communications.
But he was not afraid. No one at the Fifth Base knew him. Every time he contacted Zhou Zhiqiang, he changed his identity. Zhou Zhiqiang did not know his identity.
One more point, UU reading "Ping An Army" declared that Zhou Zhiqiang was dead, so Lai Yanxian did not run. Another point is that Lai Yanxian has a formal identity in "Ping An Army". The date of birth is well documented. From the end of the day, he has worked in the Transportation Bureau and has a legitimate career. All the procedures for applying for "Peace Legion" are legal. Even if he suspects him, it is impossible to find evidence. Knowing that the moment he saw Liu Wei'an, he understood one thing. In many cases, it is not necessary to convict a person. Evidence.
An hour later, fierce fighting broke out in Xinfeng City, Tianfeng Province. The battle lasted 20 minutes and ended, and "Underground King's Court" lost another base. The host of the altar is an old man who is loyal to "Underground Court" and refuses to surrender. Fortunately, the goddess of ice and snow followed, and a trick of'ice and snow' slowed the old man's movements for an instant. Otherwise, he would detonate the base's bomb. The consequences will be serious.
According to the information provided by Lai Yanxian, the bombs below the base are enough to destroy half of Xinfeng City, but fortunately there is no danger.
This base is in the core area of ​​"Peace Legion". Without this base, it is equivalent to digging out the eyes of "Underground Royal Court". It is not so easy for "Underground Royal Court" to monitor "Peace Legion", at least Tianfeng Province It’s hard to know about "Underground King Court".
The fly in the ointment is that according to the information provided by Lai Yanxian, no other messengers were caught, and he was very alert. He left immediately, and the Ping An soldiers went one step late.
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