Chapter 1326: Array

The funeral was not carried out much. This is what Wang Caozhi said, and it is also what the old principal meant. The old principal said a long time ago that people die like a lamp, don’t engage in those fancy things. They are meaningless. I really want to commemorate them. , Just read more books, cultivate your temperament, live a good life yourself, and be a good person to society is better than anything else.
Liu Wei'an meant to keep the body of the old principal. Wang Caozhi refused. Like other warriors and heroes, he was cremated, only a single independent monument.
In order to alleviate everyone's grief, after the funeral, Liu Wei'an immediately ordered construction, not economic construction, nor civil construction, but the construction method, the Suzaku formation.
The construction of an array says that the materials needed are massive. For a super large array, the types and quantities of materials are astronomical.
Therefore, the entire "Governor's Mansion" needs to be mobilized. Of course, for the sake of confidentiality, the publicity is to build spaceships.
"...Sir, my meteorite was picked up during a cleaning. It is different from any element on Mars. It should be a good thing, so I will bring it for you to see." Black Iron in his fifties The evolutionary level said that his age is the middle stage of the black iron, and his life is basically the end of the later stage of the black iron. There is no possibility of improvement. He also sees it.
"Yes, this meteorite meets our requirements. Here, here is your reward, 10 gold coins." The Ping An soldier sent the meteorite to the testing agency as quickly as possible. After the result was obtained, he told the uncle as soon as possible.
"Can it be replaced with food?" The uncle has not pursued much, and gold coins are of no use to him, but food is real.
"Of course!" The Ping An soldier converted it into rice for the uncle according to the price.
"These 3 bones, help me see, are they useful?" Behind the uncle is a middle-aged man, in his forties, of medium build, unable to see the level of strength, but it feels simple and honest.
"What bone are you? Where did it come from?" the soldier asked.
"This is my bone." The middle-aged man whispered.
"What?" The soldier looked at the middle-aged man in confusion.
"My ability to evolve is quite special. Like snakes, I shed skin, but what I shed is not skin, but bones. After each molting, one more bone will come out. I have shed bones three times, so I have three bones. "The middle-aged man whispered.
"Can you ask what level you are?" the soldier asked.
"Silver Peak!" The middle-aged humanity.
"What was your realm when you first shed your bones?" the soldier asked.
"Black Iron." The middle-aged humanity.
"What about the second time?" the soldier asked.
"Bronze!" the middle-aged man replied.
"What about the third time?" There was no surprise in the soldier's eyes.
"Silver!" The middle-aged humanity.
"Wait a minute, I don't know if the bones are useful. You have to take it for testing first. You first fill in your basic information." The soldier said.
"Why... I have to fill in the information?" The middle-aged man was a little uneasy, because no one else had filled in the information.
"Don't worry, it's a good thing. I have already notified the sir. If you are lucky, you may be recruited and enter the "Peace Legion"." The soldier said.
"Really?" The middle-aged man flicked his finger and almost couldn't grasp the pen firmly.
"Don't get excited, it's just possible. It depends on the chief.
. "The soldier comforted.
"Okay, okay, okay, I'll fill in right away." The middle-aged man's face flushed with excitement. If you can really join the "Peace Legion", your family will be able to live without worry.
The person who came was Wang Caozhi. In order to alleviate the grief in his heart, he deliberately handed over the most important personnel to him. He was in charge of education before, but to be honest, in the apocalyptic environment, education has almost stagnated, and there is nothing left. The next point is ideological education. It is better to say that it is education than enlightenment.
The birth rate of the doomsday is pitifully low. From the doomsday to the present, in a few years, the children born before the school age, Wang Caozhi spends more time out to fight.
Handing over the personnel office to him is also a resource utilization.
The middle-aged man is named Cui Yanjian. Before the end, he was engaged in research on human epidermal dirt. In Northeast dialect, he was a bath worker. After the end, he was lucky to have the ability to evolve and survived, but depressing things were born again. People who have evolved in the same group as him can improve their strength through exercise and eating. He is the only one who, no matter how hard he tries, his realm remains unchanged, and he is almost desperate. He thinks that when he is like this for a lifetime, he suddenly has a metamorphosis. Bone, his strength jumped directly from black iron to bronze, a big jump, and he was shocked.
Then there was a long period of silence, the realm stopped, until the second molting, jumping from bronze to the early stage of silver, and the third molting, jumping from the early stage of silver to the peak of silver. He feels that the next time he loses his bones will be almost in the past few days, but he is not sure which day it will be.
"Received!" Wang Caozhi nodded. Although such a talent is not too strong in combat effectiveness, it is the best guinea pig for the scientific research department.
It was the first time that "Governor's Mansion" discovered this situation through shed bones. Suddenly, he realized the flaws in the work of the Ministry of Public Security. The census was still not thorough enough. The personal abilities of the evolvers were such important information in the system. It didn't.
He felt that this incident should be reacted with Liu Wei'an.
Cui Yanjian's three bones were detected. The first two failed to meet the requirements, but they could be sent to the scientific research department, and the third one met the requirements.

In the workshop, the workers are in full swing, each bone is cut into different shapes, one piece of the metal is processed into the required specifications, and different materials need to be made different. Because of the special environment of Mars and the difficulty of array formation, Liu Wei'an thought for a long time, and finally came up with an unbelievable idea, using the ancient formation method combined with modern technology and technology to arrange a unique formation method.
The popularity of "Nine Palaces" was blinded when he first heard his thoughts, but after thinking about it, he found that it was wonderful. The more he thought about it, the more wonderful he seemed to have discovered a new world. In the end, he was even crazier than Liu Wei'an. He rushed into the room and began to draw the formation structure.
"Tianfeng Province", "Xiangshui Province", "Black Moon Province", "Jiangdong Province", this is the territory of "Governor's Mansion". Judging from the map of the entire Han Dynasty, "Black Moon Province" is the center. In terms of economic development, "Jiangdong Province" is the leader. Considering the living environment, "Xiangshui Province" is the most suitable, but Liu Wei'an thought about it for a long time and finally chose "Tianfeng Province".
The formation of the formation in "Tianfeng Province" is definitely not because he made his fortune from "Tianfeng Province", nor is it because the current headquarters is in "Tianfeng Province". The headquarters can be relocated at any time, which is not so meaningful. , His most important consideration is hell
The eye.
The formation is mainly attacking. The formation he wants to set up will not only protect his own people, but also cause serious damage to the "Eye of Hell" at a critical moment. No one knows what will happen in the future. Leave a little more to protect yourself. The means are always right.
The formation revolves around the entire "Xinfeng City". This is definitely a big project. Even in today's highly technologically advanced world, it is also a vast project. However, the situation of the end is a bit special. The joint efforts of machinery and manpower Next, some seemingly difficult steps are easily completed.
Digging, the evolving person with the ability of the soil system, the place where the mechanical energy is operated, is handed over to the machine, and the place where the machine can't be operated is all handed over to the manpower, and the speed is not slower than that of the machine.
For high-altitude operations of tens of meters, according to the normal period, it takes one or two days to set up a rack. Now, when a few people with flying ability come, it can be done in a few seconds, and the safety ropes are all omitted.
For the laying of some underground pipelines, if it were before, it would either be dug from above or use a shield machine to make holes. Now, it's just a pangolin with a few evolutionaries, and it can be done.

The evolutionary played a huge role in it, allowing the steps that would have taken days or even weeks to be completed in a few hours.
An endless supply of materials are sent from the arsenal, processing workshops, scientific research department..., except for a small part of these things, which can be handed over to others, 80% of the materials can only be installed by Liu Wei'an and Feng Xingzang, in depth, dry and wet, and location. These things, to say, can be easily done by using modern technology. The rare thing is the compatibility of materials and materials, and the time of orientation and placement, which cannot be calculated by modern technology.
Feng Xing Zang is the genius of "Nine Palace Pavilion". The formation is not high. However, watching Liu Wei'an set up the formation, there is still a feeling of shock. The special feature is to watch him put a few wires together. When the battery is on, sweat is about to come out.
The formation method wants to be powerful and lasts for a long time. Energy is very important. The large formations in ancient times used the power of nature, wind, rain, thunder, and sun, moon and stars, but they all have limitations. Wind, rain, thunder and lightning are not always During the period, there were some, even if they were there, they were still strong or weak. Therefore, the ancients improved the formation, adding the flesh and blood, bones of beasts, and the gods of heaven and earth to increase the stability of the formation.
Liu Wei'an could not find so many heaven and earth gods, and the bones and flesh of the beasts were not enough. He used all the bones of the zombies, but it was still not enough. Com, he came directly and turned on the power. That is to say, the technology is not at home, otherwise, he wants to get a nuclear reactor.
In less than three hours, Feng Xing Zang couldn't hold it anymore, he had to stop and rest, and the time to adjust his breath for a half of the incense sticks did not continue. At this time, he was no longer able to raise a little bit of comparison to Liu Wei'an, and completely surrendered. NS.
Liu Wei’an’s eyes are gleaming, as if he’s not tired at all. Also in the formation, Liu Wei’an has shared 80% of the task. Feng Xingzang only took on 20%, but he still can’t hold it. The gap is too big to compare. .
In the evening, Liu Wei'an did not rest. He only ate something halfway through. He worked until 8 o'clock the next day before going to rest for two hours. He woke up and ate and continued to dare. This work lasted a week.
In a week, I just laid out the backbone of the formation, as well as the details. In terms of details, Huang Yueyue joined in, which made the progress a lot faster. Liu Wei'an concentrated on the formation, and there was only the formation in his mind, nothing else. I don't know how time has passed, a month has passed...
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