Chapter 1357: , Guarding Dragon Bird City II

"Come on—" Xiang Jichu laughed. He twisted his neck and made a crisp sound, his feet slammed, the ground exploded, and a large pit more than three meters deep appeared, and the soil flew up and down. In the middle, Xiang Jichu shot out like a cannonball. In mid-air, the mace was raised high and fell heavily, and the sound of wind and thunder was faintly heard. The distance of several tens of meters came in a flash, and when the power of the mace exploded, it just hit the head of the earthcracker, and the time was just right.
A shock wave that shook half of the battlefield erupted, and all the monsters within a radius of tens of meters were blasted away by the air wave, and a vacuum zone of about 20 meters appeared, and the ground was shoveled away.
The blood was shining, and the cracked soil appeared on the head of the savage bull, but it was not dead, a pair of lacking red eyes shot out crazy light, and slammed into Xiang Jichu with a terrifying aura.
"Xiao Niu'er, obediently die!" Xiang Ji Chu Yi was not afraid, and attacked the second blow with lightning speed. The people behind could only see a silvery white phantom. , And then I heard a pop.
The savage bull fell to the ground, its head hit the ground, but its body continued to move forward under the action of inertia. Finally, there was a roll, four hoofs up to the sky, shaking for a few times, and gradually quiet, only a pool of red slowly underneath it. Slowly expand.
"It's still a bull!" Xiang Jichu glanced at the long, large strip, in its hanging state, soft and soft, it was already comparable to his arm. If it swelled, I don’t know how exaggerated it is. I feel inferior. Look away.
Xiang Jichu was really fierce and fearless in the face of level four monsters. He swung his mace and smashed the monsters one by one to the ground. He was invincible, and the logistics team that collected the corpses could not keep up with him.
The strength of the logistics team is limited, interspersed in the third-level beasts, and still barely able to do it, facing the fourth-level beasts, it is not enough. Level 4 monsters are too terrible. Just a slap can kill them. The logistics team can only collect the corpses carefully, looking for opportunities.
After all, such fierce people as Xiang Jichu are a minority, and most of the masters are relatively normal. Facing more and more Level 4 monsters, they are quickly unable to do what they want. Some people have begun to retreat, and the number of deaths has begun to increase.
"No, it's the Red Flame Demon Leopard—" Before a master's words were finished, he was flooded by a red light. The Red Flame Demon Leopard flashed past, and a scorched corpse fell to the ground, and the person was already dead.
The speed of the red flame demon leopard is like electricity, accompanied by the terrible high temperature, wherever they go, the players are killed. The archers want to sniper, but they can't aim at all. Every time the arrow shot out falls on the red flame demon. Behind the leopard.
Several masters who thought they were not weak wanted to block the path of the Red Flame Demon Leopard, but they did not expect to meet and shoot back. After landing, they lost their breath and their bodies were burnt black.
The Red Flame Demon Leopard does not stay in one place at all. Lightning shuttles among the players. The player is not an opponent at all. A team of safe soldiers tried to block the Red Flame Demon Leopard with a shield, but the Red Flame Demon Leopard is too terrible. The Red Flame Demon Leopard has a paw. The shield was smashed, and with one breath, five peace soldiers had died.
"Run, it's a two-color deer—" The master saw the two-color deer lasing in this direction, and immediately turned and ran, but he was still a step behind, his body trembled, and he didn't even know which part was hit. , The consciousness disappeared in an instant, and he was awake again. The person has been kicked out of "World of Warcraft". He has a splitting headache and regrets it. If he knew he would die, he would not run away. With a desperate blow, there may be a ray of life. Even if it doesn't, it can give the two-color deer all at once. It is better than such a useless death. Unfortunately, there is no regret in the world.
Two-color deer is one of the most favorite monsters for men, not only because the meat is smooth and tender, but also because the two-color deer has functions that other monsters do not have. Deer antler, this is a great tonic, what ginseng, fleece-flower root, polygonatum,
Cordyceps is incomparable. There is an old man over a hundred years old, half of his foot is buried in the loess. After eating the antler of the two-color deer, he can experience it seven times a night. In a nightclub, the three ladies experience it in person. For those who had passed, the next day, the three young ladies couldn't get up, and when they got up in the afternoon, they were still limping on foot.
The old man was not a master, but just a retired official at the division level. Because he still had some connections, he helped someone out. The man gave him a antler. Unexpectedly, after the old man ate it, he couldn't help it that night. After the incident was reported, the two-color deer became popular. I don't know how many high-ranking officials and wealthy people are asking for antler.
The two-color flower deer has become the most popular beast in "World of Warcraft", but popularity does not mean that it is easy to deal with. On the contrary, the two-color flower deer is one of the most terrifying existences in the fourth-level beasts, and its fighting power is catching up with the fifth-level beasts. The pair of antlers of the two-color flower deer will emit a two-color light, like scissors building flowers and plants, with a click, no matter what the master is, it has to become two petals.
When a golden pinnacle master was cut into two pieces by the two-color flower deer, the lucky masters rushed away. The two-color flower deer was like a broken bamboo and was about to break into the formation of "Ping An Army". The Ping An Army suddenly separated from left and right. The cart rushed up, and on the cart, sat a person, a very fat person, like a meat mountain.
"Hey, what did that person do for being withdrawn? Will the two-color deer eat this set? Is it so fat, isn't it a bit greasy?" A new player to "Dragon Sparrow City" asked curiously.
"Bullshit!" The master at the side was dumbfounded. Are young people now so rich in imagination? Are you still paying homage? Do you think it is a sea monster?
Fat dragon, one of the freaks of the Ping An army, a person with unparalleled strength but extremely slow movement speed, as long as he is close, killing him is easy, but as long as he is not dead, it is easy to kill other people. Needless to say, it is a big killer of the Ping An Army.
Usually, he is a provider of delicious food and drink, and he will be invited out only when there is a major danger.
The two-color flower deer who rushed over are probably still wondering what the big mass of meat on the cart is. Such a fat human is comparable to the shape of a monster. It is the first time I have seen it, and the fat dragon slapped its palms.
A wave of air roared out, the ground cracked, and a gap extended from the feet of the fat dragon to the feet of the bicolor deer. The width of the gap was close to one meter and the depth was more than three meters. If the bicolor deer was struck by lightning, it could not help flying out. , That terrifying force destroyed its bones and internal organs in an instant, and after landing, there was no movement. There were a few second-level and first-level monsters, just in the direction of the chasm. They encountered the same fate as the two-color deer. They flew horizontally for more than ten meters and smashed into the ground. After that, there was no movement.
Fat Dragon changed direction and slapped again.
The earth cracked, and the hard-paved slate showed up a chasm. At the end of the chasm was the Scarlet Flame Demon Leopard. The Scarlet Flame Demon Leopard never dreamed that after more than 30 meters, there will be disaster, and the power of terror will destroy it in an instant. With its bones and internal organs, it didn't even have a chance to fight back. It clearly felt that its vitality was extinct. When the body flew over, its eyes were already dimmed.
The body of the Red Flame Demon Leopard flew more than ten meters, and hit the ground heavily, smashing the ground out of a pit.
"Damn, pervert!" Xiang Jichu, who had rushed to the depths of the monster, heard the movement and glanced back, his expression was speechless. He has natural supernatural power. After practicing martial arts, his strength has increased again and again, almost endless. I think I am so powerful that no one can compare. In fact, it was the same. In more than 20 years, he had never encountered an opponent in terms of strength until he encountered a fat dragon, which allowed him to deeply experience for a while what it means to be outsiders, and there are mountains outside the mountains.
If the difference is a little bit, he still has the confidence to practice hard
Catch up, but the gap with Fat Dragon is like being alone on the street and at the end of the street, so he doesn't even have the idea of ​​catching up. After competing with Fat Dragon twice and losing twice, he couldn't think of the third challenge anymore, because he didn't even know where Fat Dragon's limit was in the two competitions.
Xiang Jichu killed the beasts with one stick, simply, and occasionally bursts of power, killing a group of first-level or second-level beasts, fat dragons are not the same, basically a group of killings, like a cannon, with two palms. , A wave of air rushed out, and the monsters along the way, whether it was a first-level, second-level, third-level, or fourth-level, there was only one result, death!
Compared with when he first entered World of Warcraft, Fatty Dragon's power has almost doubled. In the past, on Mars, there was insufficient food, malnutrition, and slow growth of strength. After meeting Liu Wei'an, he was full of food, but the food was also ordinary food and lacked energy until he entered "World of Warcraft", Fat Dragon It's like a whale returning to the sea, and all kinds of monster meat are open to eat, first-level monsters, second-level monsters, and third-level monsters. Now, his food is basically fourth-level monsters, and occasionally eats fifth-level monster meat.
People of the same realm, not to mention the fifth-level monster meat, even eating the fourth-level monster meat will cause indigestion. Fat dragon does not have such a problem. Liu Wei'an sometimes suspects that if he gets the sixth-level monster meat, the fat dragon is afraid that he can eat it. of.
The physique is abnormal, and it belongs to the same level as the elephant.
The fourth-level warcraft copper-scaled rhinoceros flew five or six meters horizontally, and the huge body of more than ten meters long hit the ground. The ground trembled for a while, and a second-level warcraft three-tailed fox was pressed underground, which was directly squashed.
"Grandpa, this big man is amazing!" Under the city wall, there are still many people who haven't done anything and are still watching. For these people, the Ping An Army doesn't care, as long as they don't stabbing a knife in the back, they want to see, let them see. Among them, there is a pair of grandparents.
There were two young people walking on the cloud, one big and one small. The young people on the cloud already had a good IQ and seemed to understand what the little master meant. The four big bull's eyes looked at the fat dragon curiously, as if they were strange, this Why are human beings so perverted and stronger than Warcraft?
The result of the evolution of the laws of nature is that the power of monsters is greater than that of humans, and the wisdom of humans is greater than that of monsters. This human being does not take an ordinary path.
"It's just a handful of brute force!" Grandpa's old eyes were muddy, as if he hadn't woken up, his back was a little arched, and he shook the gourd, revealing a look of disappointment. He has tried his best to control the monkey wine as much as possible, but for so many days, Still finished. "Dragon Sparrow City" also has a lot of good wines, but compared with the monkey wine, it is far worse, drinking in the mouth, the taste is the same as chewing wax. The old man didn't care about the battlefield in front of him, but occasionally passed the distance, in the forest tens of kilometers away, a trace of worry flashed through. The real crisis is there!
"When I grow up, can UU read have such great strength?" The boy asked, his eyes full of expectation. In response to him, his brain collapsed. Grandpa cursed: "You are a worthless little thing, brute force can only be used for a while, look at this big guy, it is inconvenient to move, and when he encounters agility beasts, he can be demanded in one click. At that time, what's the use of being empty and powerful? How many times have I told you, all-round development, all-round development, I am mad at me!"
"Didn't you tell me to drop ten times in one effort?" The boy clutched his head, very unconvinced.
"There are also prerequisites, enough to withstand the strength of the body, such as the sky ants and real dragons. If you don't have this life, don't think about this kind of thing." Grandpa said.
"Isn't his body OK?" The boy asked in a low voice.
"Do you think a physical body is a normal form?" Grandpa glanced at the boy. "Or do you want to be like this too?"
"No!" The boy thought that he would become like this in the future, and Ji Lingling fought a cold war, with a look of fear in his eyes.
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