Chapter 1396: , Crossing the river (below)

Liu Wei'an looked back and saw that they were not on the same line as the direction they were coming from. A team no less than the Ping An motorcade roared in. The dozens of riders in front had no carriages, so the speed was very fast, giving a sense of menacing popularity. , The carriage and the motorcade are all behind, stretching hundreds of meters.
A red flag is like a flame, fluttering in the wind, an ‘ancient’ shows the foundation of the book.
"Gu's family? Is it Gu Jianbo's family?" Liu Weian asked Li Qingyang.
"The ancient family is a family of the World of Warcraft continent. The ancient family who entered the World of Warcraft continent during the pre-Qin period. Gu Jianbo didn't know how to get on the boat of the ancient family. Now he is the son of a big figure in the ancient family." Li Qingyang's voice was filled with regret. Self-deprecating. Like all people in love, he was also blind. Looking back, he realized that he was so stupid that he was not only played by Su Tian'er between applause, but he hadn't seen Gu Jianbo's wolf ambition.
With the status of the ancient family, you can’t look down on the ancient Jianbo. It was the Su family, his Li family, and the general trend of "An Jiangcheng" that made the ancient family take it seriously. Speaking of it, Gu Jianbo became a big figure His son, he also made a contribution.
"Yoshiko, it's interesting." Liu Wei'an's gaze fell on the third rider, wearing a silver armor, majestic and majestic, with red feathers on top of his head, very envious.
Liu Wei'an discovered for the first time that the combination of red and silver is so eye-catching. At the age of twenty-seven-eight, a gun was hung on the mount, and a sword was accompanied by his waist.
Judging from the attitude of other knights, this person should be the core figure of the group.
"His name is Gu Fengjue, a genius boy of the ancient family. It is said that he can speak at the age of one, can speak for a thousand words at the age of three, and is a five-year-old capable adult. He entered the Warcraft Forest at the age of eight and hunted down a horned bull." Li Qingyang said.
"So exaggerated?" Liu Wei'an was shocked.
"His heroic deeds can't be finished for three days and three nights." Li Qingyang said.
"Isn't that suppressing your limelight?" Liu Wei'an asked.
"I used to think I was good at it, but the deeper I understand the world, the more I feel like a frog at the bottom of a well. Compared with Gu Fengjue, I don't deserve to carry shoes." Li Qingyang laughed at himself.
"It's fine if you scold yourself, it won't be great to bring me in." Liu Weian said.
"..." Li Qingyang said.
"Tell the boatman, don't disturb our carriage, otherwise the consequences will be very serious." Liu Wei'an said. It turned out that the boatman had already begun to push their carriage down. The Ping An soldier did not know whether he should stop it without his order. After receiving his order, the Ping An soldiers immediately stopped the boatman's actions. At the same time, Xiang Jichu blocked the Gu family's team, because if it didn't block, the Gu family's team would crash into the Ping An motorcade.
"Go away!" The two knights in front of Gu Fengjue were clearing the way. Seeing someone blocking the way, they just drew a whip, whizzing, with terrible strength.
Bang, bang!
The whip didn't draw the body of Ji Chu, but the two knights shot backwards from the mount. Gu Fengjue slapped out his palms and pressed the backs of his two hands before he said ‘Caution’.
A dull voice sounded, a mouthful of blood spurted from the two hands, and the eyes instantly turned gray, and the despair on his face solidified. When he fell on the ground, Xiang Jichu's fist hit the two mounts, and the bones broke. The two horses flew horizontally for tens of meters and smashed heavily on the road, shocking everyone.
The cavalry of the ancient family strangled their horses together, and their eyes were uncertain. Gu Fengjue's expression was ugly. He wanted to save two of his men, but he didn't expect to kill two of his men. If he didn't take action, the two men would be injured and ugly at best. Not to die, it was his shot that caused the two forces to collide in the body of his subordinates, causing the death of his subordinates.
He and Xiang Jichu are fighting against each other in the air. He loses a move, depending on Xiang Jichu’s age, the two are of the same generation. Whether they are first or late, he has never suffered. Yes, this was the first time he stared at Xiang Jichu: "Who are you?"
Most people are not qualified to ask him for his name, Xiang Jichuyou.
"Come first, then understand?" Xiang Jichu pointed to the Ping An team and motioned for them to come first.
"I am the Gu Fengjue of the ancient family." Gu Fengjue calmly said. According to the general rules of the World of Warcraft, the ancient family travels without evasiveness and waiting. Other people let the ancient family go. The ancient family does not need to wait in line. Privileges of the ancient family.
Gu Fengjue thought that after showing his identity, Xiang Jichu should know how to do it. Who knows, Xiang Jichu looked like you love whom.
"Are you trying to block the way of the ancient family?" Gu Fengjue's voice became cold.
"Look at the shape of my mouth!" Xiang Jichu uttered two words very clearly: "Get out-egg -"
"Looking for death!" Gu Fengjue's eyes were filled with murderous intent. Just as he was about to do it, an old man with white beard and white hair leaped over from the convoy behind him lightly, and said in front of Gu Fengjue: "Do it. Things, how can the young master do it, I can do it."
"Lauro is getting old!" Gu Fengjue's eyes flickered, but he finally held back and said slowly. As soon as the expert made a move, he knew whether there was any. Through the fight just now, he knew that Xiang Jichu was a strong opponent, and he was not sure of winning. Luo Lao obviously also saw this, so he appeared.
"Young people have to deal with the affairs of young people, a lot of years old, can smell the smell of loess, is there anything else you can't let go of?" Li Youli appeared next to Xiang Jichu, Luo Lao lifted up Can't let go of his hand.
"Who is it?" Luo Lao squinted his eyes, murderous, but he didn't dare to act rashly. The threat Li Youli brought to him was too great.
"I'm from Alcatraz Island." Li Youli said indifferently, clutching his paw with his right hand, Ruoyoruowu breath flowing.
Luo Lao's eyes shrank, and his breath froze for an instant. If there is a place that is not afraid of the ancients, Alcatraz Island is one. This island is full of wicked and wicked people who have put life and death out of control, and live a day to earn money. One day's thoughts, fearless, not afraid of heaven and earth.
In addition to being brave, the people on Alcatraz are cruel. Orthodox people like Luo Lao don't like people on Alcatraz the most, because the people on Alcatraz don't follow the rules.
"Unexpectedly, after more than ten years, I saw people from Alcatraz Island again. This time I came out and walked right." A light flashed, and a figure slowly emerged, faint to clear, and finally appeared in the crowd. In front of him was an old man with dark eyes. He was not ugly in length, but when he laughed, he gave people a sense of laughter, and a vicious air radiated from him.
"What? Are you happy to meet people on Alcatraz Island?" Li Youli asked.
"To kill is to kill the wicked, otherwise, how to temper the killing?" The old man smiled gloomily, "I killed a person who came out of Alcatraz Island more than ten years ago. It was a woman who was tortured by me for three days and three nights. The killing realm of Alcatraz has grown a lot, more than I killed thousands of ordinary people. For so many years, I have been looking for people on Alcatraz Island. Unfortunately, the people on Alcatraz Island are greedy for life and fear of death, and they refuse to come out from the island. , You are fine."
"It's an honor, my Alcatraz people, the most entangled thing is how to die without being wronged in this world. Your Excellency mentioned that I made a choice, and I am very grateful to your Excellency." Li Youli said.
"You guys are really struggling to talk. You can hit it if you want to. It's squeaky and crooked. It's so unhappy." Hunjiang Niu walked to Li Youli's side and stared at the old man fiercely, "Hey, old guy, we two are two to one. Hit you, are you okay?"
The old man's momentum stagnated, a small ferry, where so many good people came from, all of a sudden, three legendary masters appeared. For the most part, he was knowledgeable and shocked. Hunjiang Niu was going to fight twice. One, don't you want to point your face? Legendary masters have to join hands with others, don't you lose face?
"You three, we are three too, how come two to one?" Luo Lao said.
"Seeing that the one holding the water tank, he has nowhere to do it, he is seizure, and was punished by my master to hold the water tank. You are here at the right time. He must be very happy at the moment." Hunjiang Niu pointed At the kind of heavy rock, the nearby players listened with a weird expression, Dading, and was said to be a water tank, which was too nonsense.
Luo Lao can't calm down. Although Zhong Zhongyan joined the Ping An team, a couple of people were crowded together a few steps away. It is not easy to judge which team he belongs to. Zhong Zhongyan's attention is on the big tripod. , It is harmless to other people, Luo Lao naturally noticed him, but he did not regard him as a member of the Ping An team, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com is not hostile because of Zhongyan.
However, since Hunjiang Niu had said so, and Zhong Zhongyan had no objection, Mr. Luo knew he was wrong.
"Who is your master?" Gu Fengjue's heart was the most horrified. His subordinates brought four legendary masters. He, the favorite of the ancient family, didn't have this kind of treatment. When did such characters appear in the World of Warcraft Continent? His eyes moved on Li Qingyang and Liu Wei'an, and finally fell on Liu Wei'an.
Li Qingyang saw him, but he hadn’t noticed Li Qingyang. He was vaguely impressed, but he didn’t know him. From Li Qingyang, he didn’t feel any unusual aura, but Liu Wei’an was different, giving him the feeling that he was like a wild land. Beast.
"Who is my host? You don’t have to worry about it. My host is not interested in getting to know you. He just tells you one thing. We are going to cross the river. Don’t be troublesome. Honestly, line up. If you want to jump in line, don’t blame us for beating you. "Hunjiang Niu said.
These words are very controversial, Gu Fengjue's face twitched, the son of the dignified ancient family, Hecheng was so threatened by others, if it were not for the situation to be uncontrollable, he would directly stab him through. Everyone looked at him and saw what he did. Gu Fengjue looked at Luo Lao, and then at the old man with dark eyes. After hesitating for a long time, he shook his head slightly. The team knew what to do. Luo and the old man stepped back. , Checked out.
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