Chapter 1441: , Fu? also entered the road

No one wants to be subservient, but when the choice is not inevitable, you will find that obedience is not so unbearable.
Huo Nanfeng was entrusted with an important task by his father, so he naturally wanted to make some achievements and prove his ability to his family. Although he knew that there were very few trump cards in front of Liu Wei'an, he couldn't help but feel lucky. However, after seeing Liu Wei'an's way of talisman, all his thoughts were thrown into the clouds.
Xiaomei is the most talented genius in the Huo family. Apart from a few ancestors and uncles, her talismanism is the strongest in the Huo family. Therefore, she is unruly and willful, and the family has to tolerate it.
But compared with Liu Wei'an, the younger sister was completely defeated. With cinnabar, writing brush, and yellow paper far surpassing Liu Wei'an, Liu Wei'an crushed the little sister with absolute strength.
Within ten minutes, the little girl drew 560 flame talismans, nearly one in 1 second, and 554 were successful, but only made 6 mistakes. Whether it was speed or success rate, it was an extraordinary performance for the little girl.
Within 10 minutes, Liu Wei'an drew 1,088 flame talismans, almost 2 in 1 second, and made 2 mistakes. It is not yet clear whether Liu Wei'an performed exceptionally or at a normal level. Huo Nanfeng was speechless.
"It doesn't matter if the speed is fast, the key point is the power of the talisman!" Huo Nanyi said in disbelief.
So, Huo Nanfeng conducted a power test with the talisman drawn by the two of them. The final result was that Liu Wei'an's talisman surpassed Huo Nanyi in terms of burning range, burning time, and burning temperature.
"What about stability?" Huo Nanyi insisted on her last stubbornness.
Huo Nanfeng tested again, and the final result was that the stability was almost the same. Seeing the stubborn gaze of the little girl, Huo Nanfeng tested 10 sheets in one breath. The final result was that Liu Weian was slightly better.
Huo Nanyi was like an eggplant beaten by frost, her head was downcast, she didn't even dare to think about the cost.
"Young Master Liu, look—" Huo Nanfeng glanced at the little sister, feeling a little distressed. Xiaomei has been strong since she was a child, and she also worked hard. In the way of talisman, she has never lost to others. Such a blow is undoubtedly very cruel to Xiaomei.
"Let's go to your Huo's house." Liu Wei'an understood what Huo Nanfeng meant, but did not agree immediately.
"Master Liu, please!" Huo Nanfeng didn't hesitate, Huo Nanyi followed listlessly, she couldn't figure it out, she had already done her best in drawing talismans, and even if there was room for improvement, she had to adjust it slightly. How big is Dongfang Herring? Exceeding the range? She watched from the side, but still couldn't understand.
It was only after Liu Wei'an walked into the Huo family's Fulu workshop that he understood why Master Fulu could not be seen in the major cities. It turned out that they were all in the Huo family. I don't know what ecstasy the Huo family gave them, so they stayed in the Huo family.
The Huo family's talismans are mainly flame talismans, ice talismans, sword talismans, gold and stone talismans, and a small amount of explosive talismans. The stuff is a commodity, and many talisman masters know it. However, for the double talisman and triple talisman, no one has seen it.
The Huo family's talisman arrows follow the traditional way. First, the spell is drawn on the talisman, and then printed on the arrow. The flaws of this method are not only clear to Liu Wei'an, but also to the Huo family, but they have no other However, in general, this has been done for so many years, and the craftsmanship is very mature, the problem is not big, and Liu Wei'an is inconvenient to say anything.
Cinnabar is the most consumed material in the Huo family. The Huo family has carried out a lot of reforms on cinnabar, adding various materials to enhance the power of the talisman, such as adding sulfur to increase the power of the flame talisman and bursting talisman, adding the juice of morning glory vine , in order to increase the power of the ice talisman. This approach is indeed of great help in improving the power of the talisman, but the cost is also increased correspondingly.
There are also talismans who are studying the feasibility of the blood of monsters. They add a certain proportion of the blood of monsters to the cinnabar, and the power of the talisman is improved, but the stability of the talisman cannot be guaranteed. In addition, the success rate has dropped, and the mastery of the talisman is very demanding Gao, if you are not careful, the talisman ignites or explodes, and the talus master is in danger of being injured.
In order to study the blood of demon beasts to replace cinnabar, many talisman masters have been injured, and the two grandfathers of Huo Nanyi have burned all the beards they have kept for decades.
The weapon of the Huo family is the sword talisman, which can increase the sharpness of arrows by 3-5 times. We all know that the skin of monsters is thick and fleshy, and it is difficult for ordinary weapons to break through the flesh of monsters. The arrows of the Huo family can solve this problem. With the help of swords and talismans, the Huo family can dominate the arrow market in "Miluo Ancient City". They couldn't squeeze in. The Wei family originally had a branch in "Miluo Ancient City". Later, because there was no business, they had to retreat and concentrate on "Anjiang City".
The Huo family didn't go to "Anjiang City" either.
The Huo family's talisman masters, large and small, add up to nearly a hundred people. They have their own processing lines for cinnabar, yellow paper, and arrows. Their production efficiency is extremely high. If it is not for the price of talismans and arrows, their production efficiency is still high. can be doubled.
Rare is the most expensive thing. In this regard, the Huo family and the Wei family have the same choice. The Wei family also sacrificed production to increase profits. Doing so is naturally beneficial to the Wei family and Huo family, but it is not beneficial to the entire human race. Humans are at a disadvantage on the World of Warcraft, and the growth rate of Warcraft is faster than that of human beings. If this continues, human beings will have no place to stand. Items are a good way to improve their strength. If you use them well, you can overtake in a corner. In this regard, both the Huo family and the Wei family are selfish.
After visiting the Huo family's production workshop, Liu Wei'an did not speak. He held two talismans in his hands, both of which were made by Huo Nanyi.
"How's it going?" Huo Nanyi was very nervous, pinching the corners of her clothes with her fingers, and she hadn't experienced this kind of anxiety for a long time.
"I can teach you, and you are also qualified to let me teach, but you have to exchange things." Liu Weian said.
"What?" Huo Nanfeng asked.
"You know!" Liu Wei'an put down the talisman, and said to the two brothers and sisters, "You two have a discussion. Once you have discussed it, come to me." After speaking, he went back.
"What does he mean?" Huo Nanfeng looked at Liu Wei'an's back.
"There is no free lunch in the world." Huo Nanyi said.
"What does he want?" Huo Nanfeng raised his brows. There are many treasures in the Huo family, but he doesn't know which one suits Liu Wei'an's thoughts.
"I see, second brother, you don't have to worry about it, I'll find him." Huo Nanyi said.
"Do you really know?" Huo Nanfeng was very worried.
"I don't know, but I know there is one thing he can't refuse." Huo Nanyi said.
"Don't you want to take that animal skin?" Huo Nanfeng suddenly thought of something, and his face changed greatly.
"I got things, and I have the right to deal with them." Huo Nanyi said.
"But—" Huo Nanfeng's expression was full of disapproval.
"Do you want to exchange things from the Huo family?" Huo Nanyi asked.
"This thing is so precious that my grandfather can't see it through." Huo Nanfeng said.
"It's because I can't see it through. If I can see it through, I won't give it." Huo Nanyi said.
"Liu Wei'an is not a fool." Huo Nanfeng stretched out.
"The smarter the person, the more confident they are, but they can't refuse." Huo Nanyi looked firm.
"I can't tell you, it's just too risky." Huo Nanfeng said.
"Second brother, next, you are busy with some things, leave other things to me." Huo Nanyi put the two talismans in her arms, ran back to the room to get something, and hurriedly followed Liu Wei'an walk away.
The small yard was quiet and everyone was busy, except for the occasional sound of leaves falling. In the room, Liu Wei'an was surprised and excited when he looked at the half of the animal skin.
The symbol on the animal skin Huo Nanyi exchanged for it is very similar to the symbol he saw on the remnant, and the two should be written in the same era.
Huo Nanyi obviously didn't realize the value of this animal skin. Similarly, the Huo family also despised it. Otherwise, it would never have been taken out. It could be regarded as a family heirloom, but he only recognized it. These kinds of words, what they mean and what they are used for, have no clue.
It's like reading a book from the sky, but he's not in a hurry, he can crack it with his trump card. There are a lot more symbols on animal skins, but he can definitely crack it, it's just a matter of time.
"Okay, I'll take the things." Liu Wei'an said to Huo Nanyi, "My teaching may be a little different from others, you have to adapt."
"My learning ability is very strong." Huo Nanyi breathed a sigh of relief. Although she was confident that Liu Wei'an could not refuse, she was afraid that the animal skin would be too mysterious and obscure. Liu Wei'an hesitated because he couldn't understand it. It was a hassle, UU read because she didn't know what to bring out in exchange.
Liu Wei'an summoned Yan'er to prepare the talismans. After washing his hands, he grabbed the brush and said to Huo Nanyi, "I draw, you see, how much you can comprehend is up to you."
Huo Nanyi nodded vigorously, staring at her with big eyes.
After Liu Wei'an's breathing became stable, the whole person's momentum suddenly reappeared. In an instant, Huo Nanyi seemed to see a lofty mountain. A fierce tiger leaped out of the mountain stream, roaring in the forest, with a mighty aura.
A whistling sound from Suizhou resounded through the forest, and the mountains responded. In an instant, countless tigers with hanging foreheads appeared in the forest, and each head exuded a terrifying aura, but these auras would not cause any damage to the trees. Little by little, it was absorbed by trees, flowers and plants. After these plants absorbed the breath of the tiger, they slowly changed. They grew stronger and stronger, and the fragile flowers had an aura of sharpness that people dared not look directly at.
The tiger sometimes leaps in the mountain stream, sometimes it flies up the mountain peak, every time it roars, it can alarm the wind and clouds, the wind howls, and the dark clouds weigh down. Suddenly, Huo Nanyi feels that he has become a little ant between heaven and earth, so insignificant. and helpless.
It seemed like a long time had passed, and it seemed like it was just a moment. When Huo Nanyi suddenly woke up, she was the only one left in the room. Liu Wei'an was no longer in the room. The writing brush was hanging on the pen holder mountain, and a large bucket of monster blood had bottomed out. , On the table and the ground are piles of painted talismans, all of which are flame talismans.
Huo Nanyi stared blankly at the blank spot, which was where Liu Wei'an stood before. He hadn't moved for a long time, and the four words that his great grandfather and her said echoed in his mind: Fu Lu entered the road.
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