Chapter 1482: , Maoshen (Part 1)

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The thick and tall city walls are like continuous mountains, blocking the zombies from outside. The outer wall of the city wall is full of pits and pits, covered with all kinds of claw marks. At first glance, the city wall was originally gray, but now it is completely dark brown. This is the color formed after the monster's blood has been drenched many times and dried up many times. After that, I could smell a rancid smell.
There is no doubt about the sturdiness of the city wall. It uses high-polymer cement, which is 4.2 times stronger than steel. It is only used when building city walls. Usually, when building roads, it is reluctant to use. It was poured with high-polymer cement. After a long battle, it was still seriously damaged. There were scary cracks on many walls, and some traces could be inserted into a fist.
When the zombie attack is relatively slow, the Ping An Army will organize craftsmen to repair it, but most of the time, the attack of the zombies is very fierce, and the Ping An Army can take advantage of not many opportunities.
"Governor!" Zeng Huaicai was very excited and surprised to see Liu Wei'an appear. Liu Wei'an didn't notify the front line of this trip, and even Bai Ling didn't know about it. Without the secretary to follow, few people knew about Liu Wei'an's whereabouts, and many of his actions were decided on the fly.
"It's been a long time." Liu Wei'an said.
"I'm used to it." Zeng Huaicai's resolute face was full of wind and frost. He couldn't remember how many days and nights he stood on the top of the city to face the waves of zombie attacks. The day is fine, the night is cold and the wind is fierce, and people with lower strength, let alone dealing with zombies, can't stand it just by standing on the city wall.
"Breaking through in the battle, congratulations!" Liu Wei'an was sincerely happy for Zeng Huaicai. The strength of the several major legions was respected, but only Zeng Huaicai was less powerful. His military command ability can cover up the lack of strength, but in the doomsday environment, if the strength is not good, he will eventually be criticized. This matter has always been Zeng Huaicai's heart disease. Strength is not something that can be improved in a hurry. In addition to chance, there is also talent.
Zeng Huaicai knows very well that there is no shortage of opportunities. Liu Wei'an has always been inclined towards him in terms of resources, and there is no shortage of hard work. He is more diligent than anyone else, but talent is the only thing that can't come.
Not long ago, he suddenly had a flash of inspiration in the battle, and he was promoted in place. The vision was 30 miles away, and the entire legion cheered for it.
The same is the promotion. There is a difference between the retreat and the promotion in the battle. The promotion in the battle is stronger than the retreat, which is very rare. Therefore, Zeng Huaicai's strength has greatly increased, and his strength is not his shortcoming.
"It's all thanks to the Governor's love on weekdays." A smile overflowed from the corner of Zeng Huaicai's mouth, his strength improved, and he was happier than anyone else. At the same time, he is also very clear that his promotion is inseparable from Liu Wei'an's help. If it wasn't for Liu Wei'an's long-term preference for his resources, he might not have the opportunity to be promoted. Epiphany is very important, but the foundation is also Can not be ignored, both are indispensable.
The epiphany depended on himself, and the foundation depended on Liu Wei'an.
"It seems that today will be more lively." Liu Wei'an raised his head and looked outside the city, where a wave of black zombies was extremely scary.
"Yes, these few days, zombies are more active." Zeng Huaicai's mouth overflowed with a sneer, zombies have no feelings, but people do. Although the Ping An Army now has a slight advantage over zombies, many members of the Ping An Army still die in every battle. There is a feud between the Ping An Army and the zombies.
"It's business as usual!" After Liu Wei'an finished speaking, he came out of a sniper, and Thor-3s appeared in his hand. Since he carried forward the sniper, the Ping An Army has the sniper branch, and the sniper has become an indispensable occupation of the Ping An Army.
When the city wall was designed, sniping points were specially prepared for snipers.
Liu Wei'an concentrated on the battlefield. The vast square was artificially divided into pieces, and various obstacles were used to force the zombies to move forward according to the characteristic route. Zombies are relatively stupid. If there is a way, they will follow the route without hitting obstacles. This is what the Ping An Army needs.
The deafening gunshots sounded, and the head of a fast-paced hunter exploded. The brain and blood spattered on the ground. The headless corpse of the hunter flew more than three meters away, and it stopped when it hit an ogre. .
The barrel of the Thor-3s trembled slightly, and the predator next to the predator flew out backwards, and half of its head was gone.
A gunshot sounded, and three shots were actually fired. The three hated heads exploded. The heavy corpse changed from rushing forward to leaning back. It fell heavily, and pressed a small zombie behind it. It didn't get up for a long time. .
bang, bang, bang
Thor-3s has a muffler, but Liu Wei'an usually removes it. He likes to hear the sound of gunshots shaking his ears. At the same time, the sound of gunfire can also stimulate the zombies and make the zombies rush in his direction. , the pressure on others is less, and it is easier for him to target.
The muzzle of the Thor-3s spurted out fires one after another, and on the ground, the zombies flew out one after another, and the zombies landed. All the heads were missing, or only half of the heads were left.
The best way to deal with zombies is to snipe the head, the head is the key point of the zombie, and other parts can only hurt the zombie, not let the zombie die.
Compared with the Thor-2, the performance of the Thor-3s is much better. The most outstanding performance is the stability. The range is longer, the penetration is stronger, and the vibration is weakened. The improvement of the accuracy makes Liu Weian. Aiming just got easier.
The right index finger kept pulling the trigger, and the Thor-3s gave him the feeling of a submachine gun.
The shooting range of Thor-3s can cover half of the battlefield, so that for the first minute and a half, only Liu Wei'an was shooting alone, and the other snipers could only watch. UU reading is too far away. far, they can't aim. The sniper rifle can hit so far, but the accuracy cannot be guaranteed. Instead of shooting, it is better to save bullets.
In a minute and a half, Liu Wei'an shot and killed nearly a hundred zombies, and then he heard the sound of sniper rifles suddenly increasing, and other snipers started shooting. Cultivating excellent snipers is a tradition of the Ping An Army, but there are many excellent snipers, not many top snipers, and very few of them are ten shots out of ten. It can be called six to seven shots. Excellent.
The fierce sniping of the snipers did not make the zombies fear or slow down. On the contrary, the huge gunshots stimulated the zombies to become more restless, accelerate the sprint, and be fearless. This is what makes the zombies terrifying.
As the zombies approached, the sparseness became dense, and finally shoulder to shoulder, Liu Wei'an's shooting speed slowed down, instead of shooting indiscriminately, but consciously looking for the target.
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