Chapter 1490: , fight again

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Yuan Xuejun's words gave Liu Wei'an a great shock. Yuan Xuejun's words are very common, but very realistic.
Lend money to a person 100 times. If you don’t lend it to this person for the 101st time, then this person will hate you. He will not remember the kindness that has been borrowed 100 times before, but will only remember that he did not borrow money for the last time.
In the same way, the treatment of the Ping An Army is very good now. If it is interrupted or reduced in the future, the Ping An Army will inevitably have grievances. This is human nature. Everyone wants to get better and better, not worse. .
"Why?" Liu Wei'an asked Yuan Xuejun.
"Find someone to sing blackface." Yuan Xuejun replied.
"Let's go and have a look elsewhere." Liu Wei'an took Yuan Xuejun to the area where ordinary people lived. Because of the militarized management, one side is the residential area, which is the living area, and the other side is the factory, which mainly produces clothes, parts and some things needed by the Ping An Army.
At present, the main task of the factory is to serve the security forces, followed by some necessities of production and life, such as pots and pans, toothpaste and toothbrushes, paper towels and mops, etc.
When Yuan Xuejun saw the smiles on the faces of ordinary people, he also smiled, especially the silver bell-like laughter of children, a heat surged in his heart, this is normal life.
"All of this today is hard-won, and it is even more difficult to maintain it." Liu Weian said.
"It must be maintained." Yuan Xuejun said firmly. After the apocalypse, the people he has seen are either numb in their eyes or full of despair, their clothes are ragged, their hair is covered with dust, and thick grease is condensed. Those who survived, All like beggars. Remember the URL m.luoqiuxzw. com
The person in front of him is different. His clothes are clean and tidy. Although his face cannot be said to be ruddy, he is also healthy and healthy. The most important thing is his eyes are full of hope, and he is full of hope in life, without the kind of fear and confusion about the future.
If he hadn't seen it, Yuan Xuejun might not have felt much, but if he had seen it, he would definitely not want such peace to be destroyed.
The so-called visit is actually a rough look. Liu Wei'an's identity should not be looked at too closely, otherwise it will disrupt the lives of civilians, and the two will come back.
Food is ready.
"Is this the fourth-level monster meat?" Yuan Xuejun was surprised and delighted.
"Good vision, the flesh of a gorgeous black tiger," Liu Weian said.
"Too extravagant." Yuan Xuejun was a little embarrassed.
"I can't find much food on Mars, and only the food from World of Warcraft can be supplied." Liu Weian said.
"Warcraft meat is better. In the black market, the price of Warcraft meat is in gold coins, and there is no market for it." Yuan Xuejun looked at the fragrant Warcraft meat and drooled. He couldn't blame him for not seeing the world. It's because the food at the end of the day is too rare. He is as powerful as him, and he often runs out of food. Starvation is a common occurrence.
The nutritional value of Warcraft meat is very high, and one or two pieces of meat are worth ten pounds or eight pounds of ordinary meat.
Eating is not the point. The point is that Liu Wei'an wants to ask Yuan Xuejun about the situation outside the Ping An Army's territory. How many forces are there? Who are the famous masters? Character is good or bad, the type and regional distribution of zombies and so on.
The Ping An Army also has intelligence personnel, but the intelligence is not too much. The more detailed the better, Yuan Xuejun's strength allows him to obtain more information. At the same time, people with high strength have different opinions from ordinary people.
"The world over there is really miserable!" Yuan Xuejun's tone darkened.
The Ping An Army cultivated for two days, and on the third day, without waiting for the zombies to attack, they took the initiative to attack the zombies. Masters such as Necromancer, Ice Goddess, Three-inch Nail, Bigfoot, and Yang Sect all rushed over. They realized that Liu Wei'an was not like a temptation this time. He might have made a big move, and they were very excited.
The Ping An Army has been cultivating for a long time, and everyone's bones are a little itchy after not fighting for a long time.
Offense is the best defense!
A piece of white swept out, and the temperature in the air quickly dropped to a terrifying level. When the angry zombies were about to pounce, a thick layer of hoarfrost covered the surface of their bodies, and their movements were stiff and unable to move.
In the next second, a crack appeared in the body of the zombie, and with a snap, the zombie was torn apart and shattered into pieces.
The Snow Goddess seemed to have eyes on the back, and a hoarfrost under her feet looked out. The zombies hidden in the sewers froze when they stretched out their claws, and then turned into ice sculptures with a crisp sound and shattered to the ground.
The speed of the Snow Goddess is not fast. Where she passed, the ground and walls turned white, and the scary place slowly dissipated for half an hour. It was still day, and if it was night, it would be ice all night.
In the other direction, the situation was the opposite. Zheng Li turned into a flame. Although she tried her best to restrain herself, many wooden structures still burned, and plastic and other things melted and deformed.
The zombies that Zheng Li killed all turned into scorched corpses.
Bigfoot and Sect Master Yang cooperate with each other. Sect Master Yang deals with zombies rushing over from the ground, Sect Master Yang deals with zombies attacking from above, Sect Master Yang has two palms, one yin and one yang. The seemingly slow movements are actually as fast as Lightning, zombies can't get close at all.
Sancun Nail goes underground. Where he is, the Ping An army does not have to worry about their feet. Sancun Nail has also made great progress. His nails are sharper than Li Badshui's sword. As long as the zombies he targets, There is no escape.
The snipers occupied the high ground and did their best to solve the worries of the Ping An army, as well as provide intelligence information. Li Badshui's speed is the fastest. His goal is not ordinary zombies, but all zombies that hate the above level. Even if he encounters a group of zombies, he is not afraid and rushes directly, because behind him, there is a person , Liu Wei'an.
When the deep voice was transmitted, the bullet had penetrated the wall and exploded the hunter hiding in the corner. Most of the hiding places of zombies are dark places, and the same is true for hunters. However, it is relatively high-level, not hiding in sewers, basements and other places, it is hiding on the third floor. If someone mistakenly thinks that the third floor is relatively clean, dry and free of zombies and enters it, they will basically be unable to avoid the attack of hunters.
Quite insidious!
A black hole appeared on the half-tattered billboard, and the predator hiding behind took a headshot, and black juice splashed all over the place.
A bronze-armored corpse had its head shot, and the headless corpse smashed into an abandoned car, making a loud noise.
In order to avoid disturbing too many zombies all at once, Liu Wei'an's Thor-3s was equipped with noise-cancelling equipment, and the sound was low. Liu Wei'an felt a little unsatisfactory, but for the safety of Li Badshui, he had to endure it.
A terrifying aura rose into the sky, and Li Badshui, who was advancing, paused, his face instantly dignified, it was the Vajra Demon.
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