Chapter 161: First get a gun

Puff puff……
The sound of bullets in the flesh, swiftly, with strength in the dullness, destroyed everything with indomitable force, blooming blood flowers, desperate screams, rows of people fell, they were not slow , But in front of the bullet, everything is futile.
Liu Wei'an and the lion clenched their fists hard, watching fewer and fewer pedestrians, more and more dead bodies on the ground, and the road was stained with blood, almost jumping out, but thinking of armored vehicles, they could only force this The idea is suppressed. It is not a problem to kill the machine gunner with two people, but it cannot deal with armored vehicles.
But just shooting a machine gunner couldn't solve the problem at all.
An unusually sharp cracking sound sounded. Almost when the cracking sound came, the machine gunner's head exploded suddenly, like a watermelon falling on the ground, and his brain sputtered on the roof of the armored vehicle, like a dye thrown away in a flash. The sudden sound stopped abruptly. Only a hint of white steam rose from the muzzle.
Almost conditioned reflex, Liu Wei'an turned back suddenly, on the top of the building in the northeast corner, just saw the reflection of a mirror flicker, his heart moved and he pulled the lion quietly back. For this long-range sniper king, Liu Weian has a natural fear in his heart. Who knows whether the sniper will eat more and reward them with a bullet. With the pervasiveness of today's social networks, if the identity of the two is exposed, this possibility is not impossible.
"You track the robber, I'll kill the sniper."
Liu Weian and the Lion split at a fork. He is also very interested in hundreds of millions of gold coins, as is the lion. Although the risks of the two have not been completely eliminated, it is totally worth taking a little risk for several hundred million gold coins.
Liu Wei'an was walking through the aisle at an amazing speed. Many people could only see the shadows, not even men or women. After running for more than three hundred meters, he stopped and discerned his direction a little, and entered a building. Instead of choosing an elevator, he rushed up the stairs.
At his speed, walking up stairs is much faster than elevators.
The thirty-six-story building rushed up in ten seconds. On the spacious roof, the sun was shining brightly. As soon as I got up, I felt a rush of fire. The fire seemed to be burning under the floor. Liu Wei Ann only glanced, her face didn't change at all, and she started sprinting faster and faster. By the edge of more than 80 meters, her body seemed to fly up, her left foot was slightly the floor, and her body emptied. As you crossed the fence, your legs flashed out.
In a dull bang, the guardrail's eyes sagged and deformed. Liu Wei'an shot out like a cannonball, drew a beautiful arc in the air, and landed in another building close to fifty meters across two Buildings, if someone looks up at this time, they will certainly not be able to close their mouths. Unfortunately, at this moment, everyone is attracted by the robbers below, and it is too late to escape, and there is no mood to pay attention to heaven.
The place where it fell was just a window of a room. Through the glass, when Liu Wei'an fell, his body shrank into a ball and rolled for seven or eight meters. He stopped until the back was close to the wall, and he felt only pain and bones. Almost broke the general, this kind of jumping things is really not done.
This building is a little short, only 28 floors. Liu Wei'an was not in a hurry. He carefully looked at the facilities in the room. The decoration is luxurious and should be quite rich. The big bed close to three meters in the middle is at least Thirty thousand copper plates, there is no one in the room, it should be out during the Dragon Boat Festival.
I took a bottle of unopened drink on the bedside table, twisted the lid and drank more than half of the bottle. Then I walked out the door and pushed open the door. I just saw a few neighbors come out to hear the loud noise and looked at it. Sorry expression.
"The exercise with my girlfriend was too intense just now. The bed collapsed and disturbed you. I'm so sorry. Now I'm going to find a carpenter to fix the bed.
Liu Wei'an was stunned by his neighbor, and walked out of the corridor. After a turn, his speed suddenly increased, and he hurried up the stairs like a whirlwind. When he reached the last floor, his body slowed down, and when he rested his hands on the iron gate leading to the rooftop, his breathing had calmed down.
As soon as the door was opened, I suddenly noticed an abnormality. A piece of hair was glued to the door industry and the door frame with chewing gum. The middle of the hair was also connected with a metal wire of the same color as aluminum alloy. Going through the slightly deformed door gap, I don't know where it extended. The aluminum alloy door was also locked outside.
Really cautious.
If you lock the door, don't worry, add a trap. Seeing this, Liu Weian let go of his heart instead, which at least proved that his judgment was correct, and the sniper must be on it. He didn't go through sniper training. All he could find the position of the sniper was completely personal. But this feeling is not 100% accurate. He was all ready. If he couldn't find it in this building, he would go to another building. Now it seems that he can take a few steps.
Desert scorpion is the sharp knife element in the sniper. You can see everything from this code. The Desert Scorpion is also famously poisonous in the Scorpion family.
However, the most proud of Desert Scorpion is not his ability to sniper, but his ability to survive. Among the people he trained with, he was not the most powerful, but the one who lived the longest. Among those who left the same class, he was the only one left.
Because of the caution of the Desert Scorpion, the headquarters sent him to Anyuan City. Some time ago, due to the slaughter in the slave area, all the snipers in the Anyuan garrison were killed by Liu Wei'an alone. Several snipers who were later added were also killed, resulting in the serious lack of snipers in the entire south. Mars Command was so furious that the Desert Scorpion came to Anyuan, a small remote town, to restore the sniper's confidence.
Desert Scorpion is a very cautious person. He never believed in others, so he did n’t even have an observer. Since the observer did n’t care about his safety when he performed a mission, he never found a partner. He doesn't think he needs a partner to perform tasks in such a remote place as Anyuan City, but even if he is proud of himself, his habitual caution is still unknowingly revealed in his actions.
This building, from the left, is not the most open, but the safest. The few small buildings on the roof are used to raise flowers and birds, but they have become his best hiding place. The only entrance was the door to the stairs. As long as the door was closed, everything was foolproof. Even so, he still set up a small trap that was easy to ignore, without lethality, but he could remind him immediately.
Therefore, after hearing a loud noise from the gate, he chose to move the position almost like a reflex. It was like a stretched spring that suddenly contracted, quickly and surprisingly, and instantly reached five meters away. The sniper gun aimed at the open door. There was a rush of astonishment in his eyes, and no one was there.
There is a gap of about ten meters from the aluminum alloy door to the surrounding buildings. He does not think that someone can pass this distance in such a short time. The severely deformed door has a chill in his heart, a huge A sense of crisis covered his whole body. The feeling of death made his muscles tense. He pulled out his pistol like lightning and fired two consecutive shots behind him. At the same time, his body rolled continuously and moved quickly towards another building. After rushing into the bunker, the bullets in the pistol had been burned out. This shooting speed was enough to make many fast gunners ashamed.
But the desert scorpion did not have the slightest pride, because all the bullets were empty. The crisis that enveloped the whole body not only did not abate, but was more intense. The feeling was like a cobra hovering around his neck. The cold touch made his skin rise up with small particles.
There was no time to change the magazine, he dropped his pistol, took out the dagger, and flashed coldly, hit the incoming object with accuracy, and the terrible force came, making his arm momentarily stiff, but, more To his astonishment, the objects hit were not bullets, but arrows.
Cold weapon!
I would never expect that in today's society, there are still people who use bows and arrows. The strength of this bow and arrow far surpasses the bullets. He has succeeded in blocking the bullets at least six times with more than 20 years of hard qigong, and has survived, but never before has his arm been so uncomfortable.
The sniper rifle, which never left his hand, was released, and a dagger was drawn out in his right hand. At the first shot, he flew the second arrow. When the power of the collision passed, the body rolled again, moving towards the back at an amazing speed. Swimming, although the attitude is ugly, but the speed is definitely faster than the snake on the water. I don't know how many times.
call out--
The sound is like the call of the devil. The desert scorpion exhausted its whole body to fly the arrow. ~ Just as the body turned in the other direction, an arrow suddenly appeared behind the flying arrow. Ya came out, repeated a flash of lightning in the night, flashed away.
The bulletproof vest is fragile like a thin piece of paper. A sharp arrow passes through it, shoots in from the chest, and penetrates out from behind. Instantly, the strength of the desert scorpion's body fades like a piercing balloon. He twisted his head and watched the man who killed him appeared. It was a young, overly youth, holding a dark iron bow with a calm face.
"It's you--"
When the desert scorpion's head was crooked, it died, his eyes widened and he could not die. He apparently recognized him from Liu Wei'an's killing techniques, and at last he should have wanted to say something, but had no chance.
"Yeah! Sniper rifle!"
Liu Wei'an rushed up to pick up the sniper rifle, held it in his arms, and said to his heart that the sniper was far less important in his heart than the sniper rifle. The biggest reason for his hard work was that his sniper bullet was gone. For some reason, he has an obsession with this long-range lethal weapon that surpasses ordinary people.
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