Chapter 182: Fog

"We disappeared on the map." The spider pointed at the electronic navigation, with an expression as if he had seen a ghost. The lion looked at the screen with his fingers, and sure enough, their red dots were gone. The location shown on the map was a wilderness and there was no road at all, but they were clearly driving on the road.
The hairy monkey looked at the navigation and looked out the window, his face was a little blue.
"When did this happen?" The Lion asked calmly.
"Probably ..." The spider's face was not good-looking, and he tried to calm himself down, recalling: "It should be when the fog appears, yes, the moment the fog is entered, the navigation will not work. I thought it was a navigation error at first, But after a few restarts, the situation is the same. I also turned on the phone and tried it. As in the case of navigation, I found that it was not a navigation problem. "
"We--" The lion said two words, and suddenly closed his mouth. The woolly monkey and spider looked up at the same time as they reflexively. They just saw the trailer in front of the 'Father of the Bomb' disappearing in the fog, and they blinked. Blinking my eyes, confirming that the trailer has disappeared, leaving no traces, inexplicably, a chill rose from my heart.
Because of entering the fog and poor vision, the spider hair monkey deliberately increased the speed so that the two cars were no more than ten meters apart. Although the fog was thick, it was not enough to reach out to ignorance. A distance of 10 meters was still faint. Qingda trailer license plate, but in this environment, the trailer disappeared in front of the eyes, leaving only empty fog and straight road.
From the reflection on the road, we can be sure that there are absolutely no turns. In this case, where did the trailer go? The lion suddenly thought of something, grabbed the intercom and yelled: "Call the elephant, call the elephant, please answer when you hear, please answer when you hear!"
A harsh blind tone came from the intercom, and nothing happened. The lion tuned to the channel where the trailer disappeared, and yelled, "Call the flies, call the flies, hear the answer immediately, hear the answer immediately!" The same harsh blind tone came out. The person on the other side of the walkie-talkie seemed to disappear out of thin air.
The woolly monkey and the spider looked at each other, and the chill in their heart was even worse.
The lion seemed to suddenly look up, and he froze for a moment. The pupils dilated instantly. Above the sky, a bit of red light moved toward this place at a rapid speed. A long tail was dragged behind. The lion stumbling in the flames of war recognized it at a glance. There was something out there, rockets, and at this moment, endless chill burst into his heart, yelling at woolly monkeys and spiders.
At about the same time, the hairy monkey and the spider also saw the rockets. The two were all cold and their hands and feet were cold. At this time, there was no time to jump in the car?
The lion closed his eyes desperately, and his heart raised endless regrets, if it was not for his fear of Li Tingzhi, if it was not for his inability to resist, if it was not for his gratitude to Li Tingzhi, why let the hairy monkey and Spiders, and ten brothers in the car died. He should have thought, how could the exit of the underground court be found by outsiders? When the task is completed, it is when it is lost.
The rocket had reached the top of his head less than thirty meters, and the three seemed to be able to smell the burning scent with smoke and nitrate. When they died, the abnormality protruded.
A crisp gunshot rang into my ear, and then I saw the rocket exploded suddenly into the sky, turning into a huge flame, the shock wave swept in all directions, the trailer's glass shattered in an instant, and the despair on the lion's face became a surprise. With one hand covering his face, one hand clutching the body, because the hairy monkey stepped on the brake.
The trailer ’s inertia rushed out at a speed of five or six meters before it slowed down. It just hit the shock wave of a rocket explosion. The two forces collided, the trailer was almost overturned, and it swayed fiercely from side to side. The ten soldiers who were hit were dizzy and almost fainted.
The lion, the hairy monkey, and the spider all waited for the trailer to stop. At the same time, they jumped out of the cab, rolled several times on the ground, and rolled off after removing the strength. The flames of the sky have begun to weaken. Looking back at the trailer, the glass has almost no Intact, the front of the car was severely deformed, worse than the car accident.
The soldiers inside the carriage jumped down one after another, and originally wanted to ask what, but when they saw the flames in the air, they closed their mouths immediately, raised their guns, and started alerting.
"Who?" The Lion gave a loud scream, and the pistol aimed at the fog on the left with a sharp eye. The hairy monkey and the spider held their guns from left to right. If they were close to the enemy, all the other soldiers also aimed at this direction, and their fingers clasped the trigger tightly.
A figure came out of the fog. When the sight was clear, several soldiers exclaimed, hairy monkeys and spiders widened their eyes, and never dreamed that the person coming out of the fog would be Liu Wei'an.
"My son, why are you here?" The lion lost his voice.
Liu Wei'an carried a sniper rifle on his shoulder, his face was full of dust, and he glanced at everyone. Except for a few injured ones, they were basically intact, with a slight sigh of relief, and said, "I have no time to explain. Come with me." Then he turned and got into the mist.
The hairy monkey and the spider were still a little confused, but the lion immediately reacted, his face changed, and chased Liu Wei'an into the fog. After the hairy monkey and the spider got into the fog, they immediately felt the scene changed and their vision became blurred. , Ten meters away is almost invisible.
"Everyone keep up," the spider shouted back. Ten soldiers followed carefully.
"I knew the boy was pretending." The hair monkey whispered.
"Nonsense, no one can see." The spider rolled his eyes.
"You're still so angry when you see it?" Mao Monkey despised.
"There is a saying called the death of the king, hasn't you heard of it?" The spider snorted.
"Don't bully me for reading?" The hairy monkey was unhappy.
"You two talk a little less." The lion turned back and snapped, and they closed their mouths immediately. Within a few minutes, suddenly found that Liu Wei'an in front stopped, and just wanted to ask what was going on, the lion asked in shock.
"My son, did you find anything?"
"The situation is a bit wrong." Liu Wei'an looked dignified, carefully observing every inch of space around, but when he entered the destination, the fog came out, or the fog, and nothing else was visible.
"What's wrong?" The lion is also a master, but since he entered the mist, he has become blind.
"Did you see the car marks on the ground? It's broken here." Liu Wei'an was worried, wondering why, in the depths of the fog and in the invisible place, he was extremely disturbed. He originally wanted to ambush Li Tingzhi, but he was unexpectedly beaten by Li Tingzhi first. He didn't even meet, and was caught off guard.
The lion heard the words, looked down on the ground, and saw a faint trace of the wheel, from the road to the foot, at the position under the foot, the wheel trace suddenly interrupted, very abrupt, and then nothing can be seen It is by no means the reason that the traces are shallow. The lion can see very clearly that there are no traces of cars passing by in the road ahead.
This is strange. Can the trailer disappear out of thin air?
Spiders and hairy monkeys also lie on the ground to look at, first look on the way, then look at the place where there are no traces, and finally lie on the position where the traces are interrupted, as if they were cut off with a knife so abruptly, without any sign From existence to nothing, bizarre.
While ten soldiers were on alert, they usually used their eyes to secretly pay attention to the movement here, and their expressions were a little stunned. For things that are incomprehensible, people are always used to thinking about ghosts and gods.
"I am faintly ringing. The entrance to the underground royal court seems to be shrouded in a large bag." Said the Lion.
"Big array?" Liu Weian moved in his mind, seemingly caught something in his mind, stared at the place where the tire tracks were broken, motionless, half a moment, two Shenmang shot from the eyes, the dazzling and dazzling. The spider and the hairy monkey have been as far as Liu Wei'an. When they saw this scene, their mouths widened and they were speechless. The Lion was shocked to see this scene, but after all, he had a wide range of knowledge and made a gesture to keep everyone from making sounds.
Liu Wei'an did not notice the small movements of the lion and others. After opening the Eye of the Demon, he immediately felt that the world was clear, and the mist suddenly spread out. The feeling was like cleaning a dusty glass with a rag. All of a sudden became clear.
The broken marks gradually appeared in the eyes. The original marks did not disappear, but were covered by a layer of intangible material. The traces of the wheels turned a corner and went to the right. Liu Wei'an glanced at the front of the broken mark at will. Seeing the scene, he suddenly startled with a cold sweat.
At a position less than five meters apart, the cliff suddenly appeared, and the bottom was not deep. He put away the "eye of the demon", the cliff disappeared immediately, and it became a straight road again. After opening the "eye of the demon" , The road disappeared, replaced by cliffs, cool breeze.
Liu Wei'an didn't dare to go down ~ ~ If he didn't notice the break and stopped it, he would definitely end up in a broken body.
Under the eyes of the "Devil's Eye", Liu Wei'an followed the tracks of the wheels quickly, getting faster and faster, and finally almost ran, because he was surprised to find that the tracks of the wheels did not know what force was corroded, and it was amazing The speed disappeared. In a few minutes, it became very vague. As if after decades, he could only speed up to catch up with the disappearance of the traces. Lions and others followed to force their milking efforts to keep up, while the ten soldiers fell far behind, one by one with tongues out, desperately running.
Suddenly, Liu Wei'an stopped, from high speed to stillness. There was no glitch. The first time he stopped, he squatted down on the ground. The sniper rifle pointed at somewhere in the void and there was nothing in the fog. Pro enemy. The lion immediately followed Liu Wei'an. Seeing his serious expression, he took out his gun without any hesitation. The spiders and hairy monkeys felt at the back also aimed the fog with the gun.
A slight vibration came from under his feet, as if something heavy hit the ground. Everyone's bodies tightened up instantly.
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