Chapter 230: Escape from the woods

ps: Congratulations to Zhengliu becoming the first helmmaster in this book, applause, applause! !! !! Thanks, thanks, thanks! !! !!
Liu Wei'an uttered a beast-like growl, his muscles bulging high, his green muscles exposed, holding the chimpanzee's legs about one minute to the left and right, a chirp, the chimpanzee's carcass divided into two halves, and the dark brown blood mixed with the heart drenched him All in one.
"Ha ha!"
He showed a nervous smile, licked his tongue deep in the blood, with an unpleasant stench, as if unconscious, he rushed towards the mutant beast, his hands were blurred due to the fierce collision for a long time, and some He could see the bones everywhere, but he didn't even notice, his eyes were crazy.
There were scars on the arms, thighs, chest, and face. The clothes were already worn and worn, and the shoes were worn at the bottom. Two bare feet stepped on the ground, leaving a footprint, half of which was the blood of the mutant beast. , Half is his own blood. Zhao Hanqing was carried on his back with a vine that he just pulled. He tried to block all the attacks on himself, but there was still no place to take care of it. He could not see how much Zhao Hanqing was hurt. Zhao Hanqing He kept silent, and he could only judge her condition through her breathing and heartbeat. So far, it is relatively normal.
Fleeing all the way, he has lost his way. Many times it is not that he is choosing a path, but the mutant beast has become he has to flee. Where there is a gap and where the mutant beast is weaker, he escapes from there. Now, look out. Looking around, there are trees everywhere, mutant beasts everywhere, as if you can meet mutant beasts no matter where you go.
I do n’t know how long it has been, the darkest moment has fallen between heaven and earth. He does n’t know how to look at the sky, but he also knows that it should be around four in the morning, and it is about to dawn. Like a cow, one leg seems to be infused with lead. It is extremely heavy, and the two arms have lost consciousness due to soreness, as if it were someone else's.
In order to escape the attack of a giant wild boar that is more than three meters long, he ran wild for 100 kilometers and climbed mountains and mountains. He finally ground the wild boar with the advantage of geographical location, his huge body fell to the ground, and his neck was twisted at a strange angle. Wrong, Liu Wei'an twisted his neck. Maybe the death of the wild boar killed some mutant beasts. The large mutant beasts were gone. The rest were mice, spiders, squirrels, and small foxes. Wild boars. They are dead, but the breath has not disappeared. The little mutant animals have a little more vigilance and their pace has slowed down a bit.
At this moment, Liu Wei'an suddenly felt a coldness coming from his back, and Zhao Hanqing's breathing suddenly became abrupt, and he felt uncomfortable.
"Passionate, what happened to you?"
As soon as he said it, he was startled, his voice was hoarse and vague.
"Um ... ah ..."
The ambiguous voice behind him was definitely not a hoarse voice, but an unconscious voice with consciousness falling into a coma.
Either sick or bleeding, or infection caused by gunshot wounds, the temperature at night is too low, where Zhao Hanqing's body is weak, and where she can stand, and she is frightened, Liu Wei'an is so anxious that she deliberately releases Zhao Hanqing. Check it down, but the mutant beasts around him don't give him such a chance.
"Go away!" He yelled, the black iron bow appeared on his hand, and he fled all the way. He had no chance to take the bow. Now it is time for the black iron bow to show its might.
Hey, hey, hey ... A stream of light hits all around, as fast as lightning, the rushing rat seems to hit the big truck head-on, fly backwards, with an arrow in his body, and makes a sharp cry, The cry was full of anxiety, anger, and violentness, but there was no pain, and these mutant beasts seemed to know no pain. The next moment, the sound of a bang and the arrows exploded, and the surging force was like a volcanic eruption. With a bang, the mouse smashed its bones, and its flesh shot in all directions.
Renju Archery!
Liu Wei'an's eyes were slightly red, and he shot seven arrows. Only five hit the target, and two shot short. One night's hard battle greatly reduced the inspiration of his arm. The best thing to do at this moment is to rest in place, but it is clear that this is not possible.
The "Dead Emperor Scripture" circulates throughout the body, moisturizing the body again and again, alleviating fatigue, but the effect has become insignificant, and the Dark Emperor's Sutra has not been called out several times, making him anxious to grab it.
The arrow burst into the air, and the flame rose spider jumped out of the leaves as soon as it was shot. The green liquid spattered everywhere, and several little foxes were underneath. The body immediately blew thick smoke and made a gurgling sound, Flesh began to melt.
The arrow turned into a bolt of lightning. The wolf was shot just after moving his body, and shot from his eyes. He lost his head and exploded, leaving half of his body missing.
The long bowstring vibrated, a series of arrows shot out, and the sound of explosions flew into pieces. The minced meat flew horizontally, and the rancid smell permeated the air, making people nauseous. In a few blinks of time, hundreds of mutant beasts were shot and killed, but Liu Wei'an's temper became increasingly violent. There were constantly mutant beasts approaching from all sides, and he killed more than a hundred, and at least more than two hundred came.
"Damn, I don't believe you can't finish it." Liu Wei'an cursed and rushed out a different arrow.
Fire Rune!
Just before shooting, there was a sharp pain in the foot. A black cricket was like a hedgehog's mutant beast biting his calf, which was not much larger than a fist. Full of teeth and a strong pull, a large piece of meat was torn off and mutated. The eyes of the beast glowed, and the green eyes glowed with a ray of red. They swallowed the meat without chewing and chewed it again.
Liu Weian was sore and sweating coldly, but he did not evade it. Instead, he stepped on it with one foot. The whole body's strength was concentrated on one point, and the mutant beast was turned into a meatloaf. .
The painful stimulus made his brain clear a bit, his fingers were loose, the flame rune shot, and it exploded in the direction with the smallest number of mutant beasts. The flame spread, and it instantly enveloped the three-meter range, and the dead branches and rotten leaves were on fire. The fire quickly expanded. The mutant beast, who is not afraid of pain or death, instinctively feels a threat, and can't help but step back. Liu Wei'an saw clearly, a joy in his heart, and another arrow shot, the flame rune shot behind him, the flame spread instantly, he rushed out carrying Zhao Hanqing stepping on the flame.
The soles of the feet stepped on the flames, but did not receive much damage. On the one hand, his speed was fast. On the other hand, The Emperor's Emperor's Classic seemed to be very good at resisting fire, and his body was well protected. The third fire rune arrow was drawn out and instinctively continued to shoot forward, but hesitated a bit, turned, and shot to the densest place of the monster on the left.
He can withstand the power of the flame, but Zhao Hanqing on his back is an ordinary person, don't burn her to the end.
嗖, 嗖, 嗖 ...
A series of arrows fired from the beads, the flames stimulated the blood flow, the sore arms slowly became sensitive, and the archery also returned to normal levels.
A rat that had just emerged from the soil had not seen the world clearly. An arrow had penetrated its skull. The next moment, the entire body exploded.
The golden monkey that fluttered in the air suddenly exploded in the air, and the minced meat fell to the ground with a half of the tail.
The thunder sounded like a thunder, and only one creature dared to run wild in the woods. Wild boars, thick skins and thick brains, lions and tigers who are crazy when they start crazy must be afraid of three-pointers. The charge comes from a powerful force that can destroy everything. Momentum, unfortunately, it met Liu Weian with a weapon in his hand.
Arrows shot like wild stars on the head of the wild boar, and the power of the corpse curse erupted. The wild boar screamed loudly, and a bowl-sized pothole exploded above his head. At this time, a cold mang emerged out of nowhere and shot into the hole twice as fast as the previous arrow.
Serial arrows!
The wild boar couldn't carry it anymore, with a bang, half of the body exploded, and the minced meat shot in all directions. Liu Weian rushed out of the minced meat with a whirlwind, and in the blink of an eye he had thrown the carcass of the wild boar far away. behind.
An arrow shot out, like a raindrop, hit twelve mutant beasts, the sound of explosions, the flesh flying across the sky, and the scene was spectacular.
The arrows burst into the sky, and the bodies of more than a dozen birds whose names were unknown exploded, and blood and minced meat fell down, as if there was a shower of blood with a strong smell.
Liu Wei'an didn't remember how many consecutive arrows were shot, so he recovered a little bit of his arm and fell into sour again, and this time it was more intense. The two arms were heavy like iron. The strength of the whole body. His chest was hot, and his long-running rush made him feel that his respiratory tract was almost burning. He couldn't wait to lose the black iron bow and lie down on the ground, but he didn't dare. The mutant beasts everywhere didn't say, and Zhao Hanqing was still waiting for him. Save it.
"Emotionally, you wake up ~ ~ Don't sleep."
Every time, he had to shout once. Zhao Hanqing started to respond a few times. Later, he responded less and less. His breathing became weaker and weaker. He was so anxious that he finally rushed out when the sky was about to rise. In the woods, the gray sky still had a hint of coolness, but he felt so beautiful, the air was fresh, and finally he could not smell the smell.
"With affection, you have to hold on. I'll take you to the doctor, and you'll get better soon." Liu Wei'an gritted his teeth and ran his head, running wild in the wild with a gust of wind. Although he was exhausted, Zhao Hanqing's increasingly cold body made him dare not stay for a while. He had only one purpose in his heart, and took Zhao Hanqing back to the city to find a hospital to treat her.
He was overjoyed when he found the overturned car where the mercenary was ambushed and turned it over. When Zhao Hanqing was put down and he had time to look into the future, he heard Zhao Hanqing's faint voice.
"Don't go to Bai Ling."
After speaking, he fell into a coma. Liu Wei'an's eyes flashed with a strange feeling, and he immediately started the car and roared out of the road.
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