Chapter 248: Zombie level

Liu Wei'an attacked very fast. The white clothes behind him could only hear the sound of bowstring vibrations, and then the zombies in front fell down into pieces. As for how many arrows Liu Weian shot, she could not see at all.
too fast!
Different from the fear and anxiety of ordinary people when they first saw zombies, Liu Wei'an did not feel that way. On the contrary, he felt very kind. In the game, he got rich by relying on zombies. In the game, zombies can sell money. The reality I do n’t know if zombies can sell money. I thought about this occasionally when he saw the first face of zombies, but he quickly dispelled the idea. The streets were full of zombies. Even if someone wanted, the price was also Not expensive.
For more than a minute, all the zombies in the corridor were cleaned up. The zombies were lying on the aisle horizontally and vertically. Blood and minced meat were scattered everywhere, making people nowhere. White clothes and Gu Yangyue were biting their teeth. Follow up step by step. Look at the expressions of the two as if they are close to the enemy. If there is a second option, they will definitely not choose to flow from the corpse.
The staircase was full of dense zombies. From the top to the bottom, they were trembling human heads, with a little bit of blood on their heads, their faces were stained, and their blood was stained. Only four sharp fangs were white and dazzling. Liu Weian In superficial cognition, tooth decay is the only characteristic of zombies, and ghosts know how zombies grow, and they do not adhere to principles at all.
There are six staircases on three levels, twelve staircases each. Based on three zombies per staircase, that is 216 zombies, plus 30 zombies on two platforms, the number is close to 250. Coupled with hearing the crowd moving outside, Liu Wei'an only gave a glance and resolutely gave up the plan to go down the stairs. Even if he could kill all the zombies, it would take too much time, and his arrow Invaluable, don't want to splurge at will.
The arrows exploded and turned into a flaming flame. The zombies scrambling to show a fearful expression, except for the seven or eight burning zombies who jumped into the break dance, the zombies behind did not dare to come forward, but the zombies behind them were unknown. The situation, squeezing hard, a little chaos occurred between the zombies.
There was an exclaiming sound from behind in white clothes. Liu Wei'an could understand the meaning of her exclaiming without looking at her expression. The way down was blocked. How to leave? Liu Wei'an didn't have time to explain and called out, "Follow me." He rushed up the stairs on the fourth floor. Bai Yi was a little hesitant, but Gu Yangyue didn't think about it, followed directly, Bai Yi glanced at it, and quickly followed.
"Hey, who are you, wait for us?" A room opened not far away, revealing a head to probe the brain, first glanced secretly, after seeing the zombies in the corridor completely resolved, his eyes were surprised. And surprise, then rushed out of the room and ran over.
As soon as Gu Yangyue and Baiyi went up to the fourth floor, three people caught up, wearing camouflage clothes and carrying an assault rifle. The identity of this kind of people was very recognizable. When they rushed to the fourth floor, they were blocked by a person. A sharp arrow aimed at the three men, the murderous force was compelling, and the three men's stature stagnated, and sweat broke out immediately. As soldiers, they are extremely sensitive to murder. From Liu Wei'an's eyes, they can't see any mercy, some are cold and cold. Their intuition tells them that if they dare to act rashly, Liu Wei'an will definitely shoot without hesitation. The arrow in the hand, and the more strange thing, obviously there is only one arrow, and all three feel that they are aiming at themselves, ridiculous and real.
"Don't get me wrong, we are from the Ninth Army." The leader raised his hands and signaled no hostility.
"What are you doing with me?" Liu Wei'an stared blankly at the three of them, his body was dirty, his pants were stained with blood, and some dark meat on his shoes were obviously zombies. It is a habitual perseverance, but the look is hesitant and nervous.
"I see you killing the zombies is terrific. Can you follow me? Don't worry, we promise not to drag you down." The soldier said, watching Liu Wei'an's expression eased a bit, and quickly said: "We came out of the hospital , Captain Su Feiyu sent us out to the city center for help— "
"Su Feiyu?" Liu Wei'an blinked.
"Yes, we are soldiers under Captain Su Lien. Do you know our commander?" The soldier's tone was eager.
Liu Weian stared at the soldiers: "Why ask for help, as far as I know, the hospital is very tightly armed. As long as you keep the stairs and give up the first floor, there is basically no problem. Also, is there a cell phone?"
"Originally there was no problem with our military and firepower, but I don't know why, the mortuary's corpse became a zombie, we were not prepared, the zombies attacked from behind, the hospital was chaotic, and our defense line was disrupted, so ..." There was still a trace of fear in his expression. Apparently that scene shocked him and paused. "We didn't dare to shoot, we were afraid of accidentally hurting others, we lost nearly half of our troops, we could only ask for help, but the cell phone signal was interrupted. Long sent us out. But we lived up to the trust of the company commander and chose the wrong direction. I didn't expect that there were so many zombies. Our bullets were low. We could only escape to this building to hide and see if we could think of more. Good way, I didn't expect to meet you— "
"As long as you don't disturb me, you follow as you want to follow." Liu Wei'an was not interested in listening to him continue to descend, and politely interrupted him, the warning glanced at the three of them, and turned and rushed forward.
In these few words, the flame had gone out, and Liu Wei'an had heard the voice of the zombies climbing to the third floor again. He ignored it and ran directly to the staircase on the other side. As he had guessed, there were no zombies. Zombies have a low IQ and do not know the idea of ​​blocking other channels.
However, the passage was not blocked, but the door was full of zombies. Liu Weian rushed to the first floor at the fastest speed, opened the iron door, and cleared the nearby zombies. Compared with the previous scene, the number of zombies was actually A lot less, part of it was attracted by another staircase entrance, most of it was attracted by the hospital side.
Gu Yangyue followed Liu Wei'an closely, followed by white clothes, and finally three fighters. With the physical qualities of the three fighters, they must have surpassed two women even after some killing, but they did not dare And the dignity of the soldiers does not allow them to leave women behind. They are not recruits and have little experience with zombies, but they still have some grasp of the situation. Although the zombies chase behind the buttocks, as long as they are not close to the cordon. Within, never shoot at random.
Liu Wei'an gave them a commendable look. If someone couldn't help firing, no matter whether they killed the zombies or not, they would definitely attract other zombies. Although he could solve them, it would definitely be more troublesome. The psychological qualities of the three soldiers Very satisfying to him. The three fighters had a new understanding of Liu Wei'an's combat effectiveness. From the fourth floor to the first floor, the time for leaving downstairs was left to Liu Wei'an at most not more than thirty seconds. In such a short time, Destroy more than thirty zombies, one on average every second, and they ca n’t be done without them. Even a group of people ca n’t do it. Liu Wei'an not only did it, but his face was not flushed and asthmatic. Eating and drinking are generally simple, which makes them more respectful of Liu Wei'an.
Although Liu Weian shot and killed the zombies, although it was a cold weapon, after all, he still made a sound. Coupled with the anger of six people, he quickly attracted the zombies. There was movement in the zombies within 50 meters. Liu Wei An looked back at Gu Yangyue, and saw her carrying her mother on her back, her footwork was still steady, she was slightly relieved, and rushed in a certain direction.
"There are a lot of zombies in this direction." A soldier couldn't help but speak, with anxious expressions. They just chose to break out in that direction, but they were blocked back. Nine people were there when they went. Three people were left when they returned.
Before the three zombies approached, they fell on their backs with an arrow in their brows. After this slaughter, Liu Wei'an also had a judgment. Except for some relatively clean zombies, other zombies could not immediately see the arrows of his zombie nails. Zombies also have strengths and weaknesses. For example, zombies in checkered shirts that had been eliminated in hospitals before are obviously more powerful than ordinary zombies. To deal with it, you must use rune arrows, ordinary zombies do not need, ordinary arrows can be done.
If you rank the monster's strength according to the game, the average zombie is level 1 and the checkered shirt is 1.1. Why is it 1.1 and not 2 because the difference between the two is not too big, at least In his eyes, it is not up to level 2. If level 1 is a whiteboard level and level 2 is a black iron level, level 3 is a bronze level. The checkered shirt zombie was obviously not up to the level of black iron, giving him a 1.1 level, which is already worthy of it. As for whether he would encounter more powerful zombies in the future, Liu Wei'an didn't think about it, he had an idea, as long as he didn't stop his way, they would be irrelevant, otherwise, they would all be killed.
"That direction really doesn't work ~ ~ The soldier saw Liu Wei'an stubbornly, and his voice couldn't help raising it a bit. With the submachine gun, his eyes were staring at the zombies that were getting closer and closer.
"This road is the safest." Liu Weian shot and killed the two fastest zombies on the left, looked back at the three soldiers, and undoubtedly said: "If you want to follow me, you must do a little Unless the zombies are close to five meters, don't shoot. If you can do it, fighting is a good choice. "After speaking, whether the three people listen or not, the speed suddenly increases.
The long bowstring vibration propagated in the air, an arrow rain shot out, and the zombies in the distance fell down one by one, like a scarecrow. The three soldiers saw this scene and immediately suppressed the doubt in their hearts and twitched the dagger. And chase behind. A few minutes later, they were grateful for the choice. With so many zombies, none of them could be within ten meters of the surrounding area.
Liu Wei'an was responsible for the zombies in the front, left, and right directions. Due to the speed of the advance, the zombies in the back couldn't catch up. Strictly speaking, it was equal to Liu Wei'an all the zombies. The three fighters pitched at Liu Wu'an.
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