Chapter 301: Unexpected news

Identity cards, residence permits, health certificates, these three sufficient things to prove the identity of people, are essential to go anywhere, once missing, many places can not enter, but after registration, all information will also be retained . Dust ↑ Yuan ↓ Wen Xue Xue? Network Xie Shiqiang bought this house using someone else's certificate, but this is not insurance. Another thing is that the police searched from house to house and will soon search here, even if no friends sell it. They also hid soon.
Everyone looked at Liu Wei'an, and Liu Wei'an looked at their uneasy eyes. Suddenly, there was a feeling of returning to the slave area. They ran for their lives at any time. Everyone trusted him so much. How can he fail everyone?
I hadn't noticed, and suddenly felt confident about the future. His eyes stared at Xie Shiqiang and asked, "Where is the police station?"
"What do you want to do?" Xie Shiqiang was taken aback.
"The most dangerous place is the safest place." But Wu Lili's eyes brightened, her voice excited, and she said that she should be the least feared. On the one hand, because of Liu Wei'an, a man was What else should she worry about? On the other hand, she is optimistic by nature and still has a playful spirit.
"Do you have any other places now?" Liu Weian asked Xie Shiqiang instead.
Xie Shiqiang shook his head.
"Pack up and leave right away." Liu Wei'an was so strong that he could faintly hear the knocks, words and footsteps approaching.
The elephant ran first to collect the food. Xie Shiqiang thought about it, but now there is no better way. Follow up to clear the traces.
Xie Shiqiang's residence is some distance from the police station, but some of them are covered by houses. Only a section of the main road is the most dangerous and there is no obstruction. However, the so-called one-hundred road is the easiest, because There were no police guards. There were only a few cameras. After Liu Wei'an broke the cameras, several people swaggered and walked over.
"Where does Shi Hu live?" Liu Wei'an walked to the police station and found that it was basically impossible to mix in. Although there were only two people standing at the gate and people coming and going, the inspection was not strict, but The intensive monitoring has left everyone with nowhere to look. It may not be discovered for a while, but as long as it exceeds three hours, the police will inevitably pay attention.
"Come with me." Xie Shiqiang deserves to be a terrifying snake, and walks proficiently in complicated alleys, because Liu Weian was able to sense the person in front of him one step in advance, avoid it in time, and came to Shihu's residence in shock.
A 30% duplex building, although large, is very simple. The furniture and daily necessities are relatively old, but the hygiene is quite clean, not like a man.
"Brother Shihu is a very regular person who only forgets time when working." Wu Lili saw the surprise in Liu Wei'an's eyes and explained.
Liu Wei'an did not know that Shi Hu was arrested, but he learned from his previous conversation with Wu Lili that Shi Hu did not have time to return without catching them. He used to understand the case before returning. Home, otherwise they all slept in the Public Security Bureau. It is estimated that this is also the reason that prompted Shi Hu to solve the case in a short time.
"Captain Shi, Captain Shi, I think of new information about Liu Wei'an again—" A sudden knock sounded, and surprised Liu Wei's and his party, almost conditioned to the back door. , But immediately reacted, someone was looking for Shihu.
Liu Wei'an reacted first, moving towards the door with a look, Xie Shiqiang and the repairman looked at him uneasily, and Liu Wei'an pulled the door open.
"Captain Stone, I remembered—" Lairen didn't finish the sentence, he could see the situation inside, his face changed, and he ran away.
"Zhou Jie, saw an old friend, didn't drink tea, and was in a hurry to leave?" Liu Weian said coldly, he didn't expect to meet Zhou Jie here, let alone Zhou Jie would know Shi Hu, and Intentionally came to inform.
A ‘again’ let him know why he was arrested by the police. It ’s true to think about it, he ’s got a big change in form nowadays. Unless he is a familiar person, how can most people recognize him. Unexpectedly, when two people lived under one roof for so long, Zhou Jie betrayed him.
"Save--ah!" Zhou Jie's shout was screamed by Liu Weian's fist.
"If you don't want to die, be honest, otherwise, I don't mind letting one more dead here." Liu Weian said coldly.
"I didn't say anything, Liu Wei'an, you must believe me." Zhou Jie clutched her, looked at Liu Wei'an in horror, and wanted to run away, but thinking of Liu Wei'an's fighting power, his legs fought, but Take a step and you can't move.
Liu Wei'an ’s chick seemed to have brought Zhou Jie in, slammed, closed the door, looked at him blankly, and said,
Say, tell the story after 1510, if there is a little bit of deception— "Turning his head to the repairman," Go get the kitchen knife and take it out. He cut off one of his fingers with one lie, and killed him with ten lies. Since he is here, he is not far away from Zhang Yan, He didn't want to say that, naturally someone would say. "
"I said, I said, I said everything, don't kill me." Before the repairman went to get the knife, Zhou Jie was already scared to sit down.
Bullying and fearing hard, Liu Wei'an is quite familiar with the personality of this kind of person. Although he is aggressive, he did not think of hurting Zhou Jie. After all, he knew one, but as Zhou Jie exposed more and more information, The chill in his heart grew stronger.
Some time ago, Liu Weian's killing of Ma Xiaoyu was full of enthusiasm. Tianfeng Province was known to everyone. At that time, Zhou Jie's heart was pleasing, but there was no bad mind, but after the zombie riot broke out, When the society is out of order, the mind is confused, and the state is not secure, Zhou Jie ’s psychology has changed. Especially when he is not able to eat enough food under boarding others, Zhou Jie tries to do everything possible to get money and food. However, the factory was closed and he wanted to find a job. Where is it so easy? He started to work as an office at the end of his graduation. Basic skills are not available. No one wants it when he is a porter. In desperation, he even thinks of begging. When making a decision, he saw Liu Wei'an, a rich man who almost prompted him to ignore the weak friendship between the two.
As for why you find Shi Hu, there is another reason. Shi Hu's righteousness is the most undesired person for criminals, but the favorite person for ordinary people, at least not to worry about the reward being swallowed up. If you want other people to report the case, it's estimated that the bonus will be half of the amount, thank God.
When this was not what made Liu Wei'an the most angry, what made him intolerable was that Zhou Jie gave up Xu Ying in order to escape during the zombies. The three of them are not together now.
"Where is Xu Ying now?" Liu Weian stared at Zhou Jie coldly. "You better pray that you know, otherwise, you don't have to leave today."
"She's in the police station!" Zhou Jie fluttered, cautiously.
"Police station?" Liu Wei'an narrowed his eyes. "What do you mean?"
"It seemed that she was rescued by a son of Xiangjia, but later she didn't know why. She was arrested." Zhou Jie said.
"Xiangjia!" Liu Weian sank in his heart, how could he withdraw Xiangnian. However, he soon realized that things might not be that simple. With Xu Ying's character, it would not be possible to kill anyone, unless he was forced to the extreme, and the person he wanted to contact had three of them. None of them was a good thing.
"I want to know a little." Xie Shiqiang interjected. "The person killed was called Xiang Junzhen, very lascivious. She wanted to use strong against a girl, but the girl resisted too fiercely. One accidentally sent him back. On the balcony, he fell from the eighteenth floor and died on the spot. Xiang Jia originally wanted to kill the girl. Later, it seemed that someone from the Bai family came forward and was not allowed to abuse the lynching to the house. That girl was not killed on the spot. of."
"Why did the people of the Bai family come forward?" Liu Weian asked, holding back his murderous spirit.
"It's not clear. We can only hear a little bit about the affairs of these big families. A lot of news may not be accurate." Xie Shiqiang shook his head.
"I'm going to the police station." Liu Wei'an's eyes flashed firm and firm.
"Wan, this matter must be considered from a long-term perspective." Wu Lili was taken aback. She did not oppose Liu Wei'an to save people, but she opposed Liu Wei'an to take risks.
"If you want to take action, it's better at night." Xie Shiqiang also said.
"Do you know Xiang Junyi?" Liu Wei'an asked suddenly.
"Know, the famous flowers are big and small. Before Ma Xiaoyu didn't die, the two were often embarrassed and ruined many girls." Xie Shiqiang said.
"Her wife was caught by Xiang Jun's men. Do you know where?" Liu Wei'an pointed to the repairman.
The repairman immediately looked at Xie Shiqiang eagerly, his eyes anxious, lest Xie Shiqiang say a word "No".
"There are three places for Xiang Junyu's residence. UU reading is a bit far away." Xie Shiqiang Zou Mei said: "This is on the bright side, there should be in the dark, I am not sure.
"It doesn't matter, as long as I find one place, other places can't run away." Liu Weian comforted the repairman.
The repairman bit his lower lip tightly, again nervous and excited.
"There have been a lot of friends here for so long. Can you contact us to see if we can get us out?" Liu Weian asked, and Wu Lili and the repairman also looked at Xie Shiqiang together, their eyes were hopeful.
"If it is usual, there is still a possibility. This situation is basically impossible now, and I'll be fine without betraying." Xie Shiqiang smiled bitterly.
"It's up to you." Liu Wei'an was not disappointed, and the result was as expected. There is a strong self-channel in the eyes: "Now, we rest, we have dinner at 6 o'clock, and we act on time at 7 o'clock in the evening."
"What should he do?" Xie Shiqiang pointed at Zhou Jie.
"Don't kill me!" Zhou Jie's face changed dramatically.
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