Chapter 340: ,monster

Four-legged, human, wolf head, two meters tall, hair like steel needles, shining cold metal, the four hoof slightly bent, and then straightened straight. Dust Fate
The hard ground exploded, the soil turned over, and a pit with a diameter of half a meter appeared. The monster had turned into a shadow and shot, and his eyes couldn't keep up.
The terrible breath was like the cold wind covering the earth. For a moment, everyone, including Liu Weian, felt a trembling heart, and there was a feeling of lying on the ground afraid of resisting.
Liu Wei'an ran the "Dead Emperor's Creed" frantically. The fiery air flow swept through the body, instantly dissolving the chill of the almost frozen body, opening the eyes of the demon, two gods shot, and the monster's figure suddenly slowed down, as if pressed. In slow motion movies, every trace can be seen clearly, thirty meters, which is already a very dangerous distance.
The gun rang and a bullet hole appeared on the ground. Liu Wei'an narrowed his eyes. He clearly aimed at the monster's heart. When the bullet was fired, he landed behind the monster.
Bang, bang!
The first shot shot directly into the air, and the second shot brushed over the monster's skin, carrying a dozen steel needle-like hairs. The monster suddenly looked up. A pair of ruthless, bloodthirsty, indifferent, cold and horrible eyes stared at Liu Wei'an. Liu Wei'an was stiff, the aiming action was slow for a moment, the danger of death came, and the monster had reached five meters. outer.
At the start of a thousand rounds, a figure around him rushed out, it was an elephant, and a fist smashed out. His attacking method was still the same as before, direct and rude, but with his divine power, he had incredible destructive power.
As soon as the elephant and the monster touched, they were separated by an electric shock. They were hit by a heavy car and flew out. They rolled over a dozen times in the air and landed on the ground more than twenty meters away. The clothes were broken, and a bloodstain almost penetrated his belly. It was the monster's tail. Before Skyfire hit the opponent, it suddenly struck his abdomen. Liu Wei'an didn't even notice that the tail, which had been soft, had such terrible power.
Although the elephant did not hurt the monster, it stopped the monster for a short time, and the time was negligible, but Liu Weian had been waiting for almost this, and the gun body vibrated three times instantly.
Bang Bang!
Almost as the tongue of fire shone, the monster's left eye exploded and blood splattered. The monster's body suddenly slammed, making a painful roar, with a sharp cry and rippling sounds. Xie Shiqiang, the repairman, and Xu Ying, who had just recovered, murmured in unison, bleeding from the mouth.
Bang Bang!
Three shots again, still in the same position, left eye, what shocked Liu Weian was that the six bullets before and after did not shoot through the monster's head. The six bullets squeezed into the monster's mind. It seems clear that there is still a distance of about half a centimeter from the core of the monster's brain. In other words, to shoot this monster, at least two shots are required, and they must be in the same position.
However, the monster did not give him a chance. His head was lowered, and his two claws waved over, causing terrible whistling sounds. The claws were thin and long, shining with a terrible cold light. It is conceivable that once hit by the claws, even steel would It will split instantly. Liu Weian had no choice but to dodge. Just at this moment, an inadvertent grass suddenly emerged and grew at an amazing speed. The leaves ran up the air and entangled the two hind feet of the monster, although it took less than half a second. It was torn off by the monster, but this half a second has determined its fate.
The monster's claw was only a fist away from Liu Wei'an's head, his body trembled, and the terrible gaze of the remaining eye bloomed quickly after the instant erupted. Snapped! The monster fell to the ground and was extremely heavy.
Liu Wei'an's legs were soft and his hips were sitting on the ground. From the appearance of the monster to the death of the monster, it took only a few seconds, but he seemed to have passed a century. Looking back, he saw that Wu Lili was also a prostration. In the distance, she struggled. The elephant that came up limped over and kicked it the monster's body.
"What the is this? Whoops, tough."
The elephant retracted his feet like an electric shock, but saw dozens of hairs stuck in his shoes, and he could see red blood faintly.
With an expression on his face, Liu Wei'an walked in front of the monster and found that in this moment, the monster had shrunk a lot and the surface color was also changing.
"It's still moving!" Wu Lili exclaimed. The others were startled and jumped up in place, but saw a stream of black water flowing out of the monster's eyes. As the black water flowed out, the monster's body quickly became smaller, and finally it was skinny and thick. The stench floats in the air.
"What's going on?" Xu Ying saw a lot of monsters resurrected, and her heart was slightly relieved.
The voice fell, and the monster's skin began to melt, and in the blink of an eye, it was rotten, and there was only one corpse left. The corpse was dry, as if it had been touched by the weather for thousands of years and would break.
Liu Wei'an shook his head. After a few minutes, the monster was not changing. There were only eight sharp claws shining and not rotten. The claws were 20 cm long and only one finger wide. Xie Shiqiang picked up one claw and dropped it on the ground. Once inserted, such as tofu, the paws poked in, leaving a little bit of heel.
"It's sharp!" Xie Shiqiang froze.
Liu Wei'an picked up a claw and examined it carefully. It was found that the hardness of the claw was extremely high. It was natural to use a weapon without grinding. The disadvantage was that it did not have a handle, and it was easy to accidentally hurt itself. After Xie Shiqiang put away his eight claws, he said, "Just stay at the base and stay home, and I and the elephant to check it out."
"I'm going too." Wu Lili immediately protested.
"You have to stay to protect everyone." Liu Weian said in a deep voice, Wu Lili was speechless at once, Xie Shiqiang and the repairman showed a shameful expression, and they were reduced to the role of dragging oil bottles.
"The gun is still useful for zombies, but it is obviously not enough to deal with such monsters. You must wait with peace of mind. The elephant and I will see if we can find some powerful weapons." Liu Weian comforted. What else could Xie Shiqiang and the repairman say, they only nodded.
Times Square is full of ruins, garbage can be seen everywhere, and the air is filled with unpleasant smells, all of which are the bad effects left over from the last bombing. No interest, wandering in the dead Jedi.
Suddenly, Liu Weian stopped running quickly, and the elephant in the back quickly braked, followed by squatting, so as to hide his body as far as possible behind this piece of garbage, and looked up carefully.
Three identical wolf-type monsters killed before passed by. Their speed is sometimes fast, sometimes slow, their noses sway in the air, and sometimes they are tumbling in the garbage dump. It looks like they are looking for food, and when they find them, they will make excitement. If they are not found, they will destroy them. The tank was cut and fragmented in seconds.
Liu Wei'an noticed what kind of lightning turned back. A hedgehog-like monster crawled on the ground fast, and when he saw it, the monster had already entered the range of five meters, and the elephant was still stupid.
"Get down!" Liu Wei'an whispered, the elephant was unknown, but he followed it unconditionally. When he was lying down, the hedgehog monster shot thorns on his body. Although not as exaggerated as tens of thousands, there were also one or two hundred, densely packed, and shot like rain.
Just before the spikes were about to hit the elephant, Liu Wei'an appeared in front of the elephant. A large piece of iron sheet emerged out of thin air. This was picked by Liu Wei'an halfway, and he painted a double gold stone spell for the elephant. Yes, for fear of hurrying to affect his physique, temporarily put it in his ring.
Liu Wei'an felt a pain in his fingers, and the spikes pierced the iron sheet, at least a third of which was exposed. The place in the spikes was itchy, and the spikes were poisonous. Liu Wei'an did not care about the effect of toxicity on himself. The iron piece suddenly pushed forward, banged, and hit the hedgehog monster that came from the blast. After the hedgehog monster landed, he turned cleverly, kicked his feet, and his body was again. Rising into the air, turned into a lightning bolt and shot at Liu Wei'an.
Bang, bang!
The hedgehog monster's fist-sized head exploded, his blood splattered, his power was lost, and the body fell straight to the ground. Liu Wei'an didn't even have a look at it. He turned his gun and fired continuously at the wolf monster that was startled.
Bang, bang, bang, bang ...
The wolf-type monster bounced like a fly, its body was extremely sensitive, and a plume of smoke on the ground was a missed bullet. As the wolf-type monster approached, the elephant's breathing quickly increased. He grabbed the iron plate, his body was half-arched, his muscles were tight, and he rushed out as he was ready. In contrast, Liu Weian became calmer, breathing and, if not, firing more slowly.
The wolf-shaped monster rushing at the forefront was a tadpole, and at this time, the gunfire was loud.
Bang Bang Bang!
Four consecutive shots, because the interval is too short, it sounds as if there is only one shot. The head of the wolf monster suddenly explodes, blood splashes, half of the head is gone, the running four-hoof loses power, and the body It slammed into a mountain and stayed still.
The second wolf-type monster arrived at 30 meters ~ ~ The third one was one behind. For the death of the companion, the two wolf-type monsters not only did not get angry, but issued a roar of excitement. Sheng.
This distance is already within reach for wolf-type monsters, and their speed is too fast. The elephant's muscles were tight, breathing stopped, and it was almost impossible to escape. Liu Wei'an was still calm as usual. A special bullet was pressed like a magazine. The aiming sight aimed at the moment of the wolf monster and pulled the trigger.
The bullet flickered, and the running wolf-type monster suddenly exploded its head and flesh flew. The wolf-type monster behind was startled and couldn't help but pull away a little distance. At this time, a huge figure appeared , Hit him severely.
The terrible force was like a flash flood, which made it all bear. The wolf-shaped monster raised an angry roar, and his body flew out. At this time, he heard dense gunshots.
Bang Bang Bang Bang!
Five shots were fired, all in the left eye. It's a corpse after the wolf-type monster landed.
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